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Liam McGeath


Invaders in our Gardens: Invasive Plant Species Study


Digital Portfolio

3 -Great

2 - okay

1 -needs work

-2 specimens were

-2 specimens were

-Less than 2 specimens

were researched.

-Research for each

native plant will be on
its-appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in, and
facts about it. For each
nonnative plant it will be
researched on its
appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in,
how/why it's dangerous to
native plants and our

-Research on 1 or 2 of the
following is not completedFor each native plant will be
on its appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in and
facts about it. For each
nonnative plant it will be
researched on its
appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in,
how/why it's dangerous to
native plants and our

-More than 1 or 2 of the

following was not
covered- For each native
plant will be on its
appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in, and
facts about it. For each
nonnative plant it will be
researched on its
appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in,
how/why it's dangerous to
native plants and our

-DP has the following

pages- Introduction,
experiment write up,
grading rubric, weekly
updates, research
Introduction-has a 3 to 5
sentence description of the

-DP has the following

pages but is missing 1 or
2- Introduction, experiment
write up, grading rubric,
weekly updates, research,

-DP has the following

pages but is missing
more than 1 or 2Introduction, experiment
write up, grading rubric,
weekly updates, research,

-Experiment write up has

the following-Research
Question, Hypothesis,
Experimental Design,
Method, Materials,
Independent Variable,
Dependent Variable,
Constant, Experimental
Group: Control Group
Data Collection & Analysis,
and Conclusion(s)

Introduction-has a 3 to 5
sentence description of the

-Weekly updates-must be
updated every week
-Research-must cover all
requirements specified in

-DP does not meet 1 or 2 of

the pages requirements...

Experiment write up has

the following-Research
Question, Hypothesis,
Experimental Design,
Method, Materials,
Independent Variable,
Dependent Variable,
Constant, Experimental
Group: Control Group Data
Collection & Analysis, and
Weekly updates-must be

-DP does not meet more

than 1 or 2 of the pages
Introduction-has a 3 to 5
sentence description of the
Experiment write up has
the following-Research
Question, Hypothesis,
Experimental Design,
Method, Materials,
Independent Variable,
Dependent Variable,
Constant, Experimental
Group: Control Group
Data Collection & Analysis,

the research section.


updated every week

and Conclusion(s)

Research-must cover all

requirements specified in the
research section.

Weekly updates-must be
updated every week

-4 plants are displayed-2

native and 2 non native

-4 plants are displayed-2

native and 2 non native

-Not all 4 plants are

displayed-2 native and 2
non native

-All information specified

in the information
section is included

-1 or 2 sections of
information specified in
the information section is

-At least 1 picture is

included of the plant

-At least 1 picture is

included of the plant

Research-must cover all

requirements specified in
the research section..

-More than 1 or 2
sections of information
specified in the
information section is
-No picture of the plant is

Project Description: For this project I will be conducting an experiment on invasive and native
species of plants in San Diego California. I will be testing with 4 different plants 2 will be native
to San Diego and 2 will be invasive nonnative plants. During the experiment I will be conducting
research on each of the 4 plants. For each native plant I will be researching on its
appearance/specs, the environment it lives in, what role it plays in the ecosystem, and how it
has been affected. For each nonnative plant I will be researching its appearance/specs, the
environment it lives in, how/why it's dangerous to native plants and our environment, how it got
here, and how we can help. To go along with the research and experiment I will also be creating
an small exhibit highlighting the research I have gathered. As my experiment and research
progresses I will add what I gather to this site. In addition I will be keeping weekly progress
report on what I do each week for research and experiment.

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