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Personal Philosophy of Teaching

Jaimee Hadley
Regent University

In partial fulfillment of UED 495 Field Experience ePortfolio, Fall 2015

Personal Philosophy of Teaching
My many experiences at Regent University and my own life lessons, have given me the
ability to realize the type of teacher that I want to be. As I developed my own personal
philosophy of education, I realized that this belief statement is one that I will often refer back to,
reflect on, adjust as needed and use as a guideline to become the kind of teacher that I want to be.
My philosophy may be like others in a way, or it may differ considerably. Either way, it is my
framework that will guide me as I start my teaching careerhoping to be the very best teacher
that I can be.
There are several purposes of education, but I believe the most important are knowledge
and character. As I create a fun, positive, and safe environment for my students to learn, I am
providing the perfect place to promote critical thinking and my intention is to instill in each of
them a love for learning, I want them to be compassionate and dedicated students who are
excited about working hard and enjoying the benefits of their hard work. Education is the means
in which people can prosper in society and I hope to give my students the best education
possible. Secondly, and equally important, I want to help students reach their fullest potential
not just in academics, but in becoming individuals of character. As I emphasize character
education in my classroom, my students will learn valuable lessons such as following rules,
learning to work and get along with others, cooperating with others, and having a sense of
responsibility. These skills will help prepare them for life. I believe that a classroom with these
teachings will have students who are respectful, responsible, and hard-working. These students
are also the ones who can exercise self-control and patience. I truly believe that by educating

students with knowledge and life skills, I am preparing them to succeed in life. This
combination of knowledge and skills will help young students grow into responsible adults who
are productive citizens.
I have seen, through my student teaching experiences, that not all students are given
praise and encouragement at home. Sadly, sometimes the parents are not involved in the
education of their child and success at school is not a priority. I want to instill in my students
that they are capable of succeeding in school. I want to motivate them to be the very best that
they can be by using praise and positive reinforcement. I will be enthusiastic with my students
as I show them that the work they do in my classroom is recognized and valued. While the
students may not be encouraged at home, I, as the teacher, can be the motivator who empowers
them to become independent learners.
I will get creative in my lesson planning so that my students will not become bored. I
have become the person who is constantly looking for new and fun activities to do in my
classroom to keep the students engaged in learning. Whether I am showing a BrainPop video on
math, or introducing a science unit through a game rather than a lecture, my goal is to create a
stimulating environment where the students really want to learn and succeed in their classwork.
As far as classroom management, I have learned so much. I do know that managing my
classroom effectively is definitely one of the most important jobs that I will have and it is the
foundation of a successful classroom. I have seen different styles and techniques and I know
what I will be implementing in my classroom. The first weekmaybe longerwill be spent

going over classroom rules and we will repeat and practice them over and over. I will, from the
first day, tell my students what my expectations are. This way, there is no wondering what is
expected of them. Not only will I tell them my expectations, I will show them by having the
volunteer students act out bad behavior such as how to not line up with the student actually
running in class. I will follow this with an example of good behavior as the student walks calmly
across the room to line up at the door. I will acknowledge good behavior when I see it and when
I do not see good behavior, it is imperative that I address it quickly and appropriately. My goal is
to maintain a classroom where teaching and learning can flourish.
When I started the education program at Regent, I felt confident about my teaching
beliefs. Even though I still hold some of my beliefs, being in a classroom has changed some of
my views. For example, after student teaching, I know realize the importance of differentiated
teaching. I have worked in a classroom where approximately half of the students were special
education students, and differentiation was necessary in order to meet their individual needs. I
am certain that my philosophy will continue to grow as I learn more about teaching and as I
interact with students on a daily basis.
In conclusion, I want to emphasize the most important thing that I will bring to my
classroom: my faith. While I will not be able to verbally express my beliefs in a public school
setting, my faith certainly affects the way I treat others, including my students. I will treat them
with kindness and respect and be an encourager to each of them. My goal is to be the person that
God wants me to be so that my students will grow up and become the individuals that He

designed them to be. By being the best educator that I can be, I am rewarding myself and my
students and, ultimately, bringing glory and honor to God.

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