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Carley Braunstein
Ms. Wallach
AP Language and Composition
9 September 2015
A Dozen Red Roses
The most simplistic way to define the term alive is something that is not dead. While this
definition is clear and concise, the interpretation is ambiguous. The point at which something is
considered alive or dead is undefinable. Is a rose bush considered living when the seed is
planted, when the first root latches itself into the soil, when greenery pokes through dirt, or is it
when the first rose bud begins to bloom? It is beyond the bounds of possibility to determine the
exact moment in which there is a change between the state of being alive and dead. As a matter
of fact, prior to the 1600s, the idea of spontaneous generation was widely accepted. Essentially,
this meant that nonliving things could produce living things. For example, it was believed that
rotting meat would produce maggots, as opposed to what was actually happening, flies laid eggs
in the meat. Since this time, science has been able to define something as living using a list of
characteristics. In order to be considered living, an organism must have cells, obtain and use
energy, grow and develop, reproduce, respond to the environment, and adapt to the environment.
This criteria is the most simplistic formula for life in science. Many religions believe in a
spiritual being as well, that will exist for eternity.
Knowledge from science can be used in an attempt to further define the boundaries of
life. However there is still a great deal of controversy on both spectrums of life, in regard to
abortions and life support. As for abortions, there are people who are pro-choice and people who
believe in a right to life; these people debate over the point at which a fetus may be considered

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alive. For those whom support the right to life, a fetus is alive at the time of conception. As for
those that are pro-choice, there has not been an agreement in medicine, theology, or philosophy
on the point a fetus has become alive. This is due in great part to the fact the idea of a fetus
gaining the right to live at a specific moment that it was denied only moments earlier seems
almost irrational. As a result, people with the belief in pro-choice grant each individual the
opportunity to decide, with medical advice, when they wish to proceed with an abortion. While
people who believe in a right to life, do not support the idea of an individual terminating the
pregnancy at any point.
Alive is formally defined as existing. However, in a figurative sense, simply existing is
not truly living. Every living thing evolves throughout the duration of its existence and it is
common belief that to be alive involves achieving a greater purpose. In the case of a rose, this
would be when the first rose begins to bloom. The concept of living according to action as
opposed to merely sustaining life is supported by an alternate definition to the word alive: having
the quality of life. The key word of this definition is quality; quality implies a standard leveling
of living consisting of more than returning carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. In addition to
this, the root of the word alive, live, implies something is full of energy and spirit. For some,
they have not lived until they have achieved greatness. This further complicates the definition
and meaning of life, for it is not with ease that some accomplishments can be defined as greater
than others and essentially define one life ad greater than another. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a
paragraph detailing various aspects of life including laughter and appreciation that define
success. Every interpretation of what is considered to breathe life into the soul will vary

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The only thing certain in life is death. The end of life is just as obscure as the beginning.
A dozen red roses in vase will continue to bloom, despite being cut at the stem. So at what point
did the flowers die? In several religions, there is belief of eternal life: in Christianity, an infinite
number of days in either heaven or hell and in Hinduism, the belief of reincarnation. Alive,
without actually physically breathing and existing on Earth. A both complex and obscure idea.
Science contradicts this with stating that 20 to 30 seconds after the heart stops beating, the brain
will typically shut down and that is the end. After loss of blood flow and brain activity, there is
no after life; there is only the living and the dead. There is also some debate over pulling the
plug for people on life support. If a human being has a beating heart under any circumstance,
are they not technically alive? A heartbeat even if that heart beat is artificial, will keep blood
circulating and sustain life. These contradicting views on the afterlife further portray the diverse
interpretations of what it means to be alive.
The complex interpretations of the word alive are what make it so meaningful and
important. Contrasting views not only strengthen the value of the word, they enhance the impact.
To be alive has various definitions that cater to people from all walks of life. So in regard to the
question: What does it mean to be alive? there is no universal answer. Various individuals have
strong opinions as to what they believe to be the most accurate interpretation but there is no true
definition; every person must determine its meaning on their own.

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