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Braunstein 1

Carley Braunstein
Ms. Johnston
English Language Arts Pre-AP
22 May 2015
Compare and Contrast
Various similarities exist between Shakespeares original play Taming of the Shrew, the
movie 10 Things I Hate About You, and the 1967 drama film Taming of the Shrew. The most
apparent similarities revolve around one of the main characters, Bianca. In each version of
Taming of The Shrew, Bianca is surrounded by men just waiting to marry her; they line the block.
She is also envied by her older sister. Bianca is always portrayed as the ideal woman, especially
in comparison to Kate (Kat). Bianca also always faces the problem of her father allowing her to
be in a relationship. In order for one of the many boys chasing after her to have a chance, her
sister must be in a relationship first. The most important aspect of her character in each media is
the fact that she a polar opposite to her sister. This contrast is in crucial in developing Kates
(Kats) character.
Despite the fact that both the movies and the play share the same central idea, they are
different in numerous ways. The most impactful difference on the plot is the relationship
between Kate or Kat and Petruchio or Patrick. One of the main ways they differ is in how they
argue. In the play, there are a lot of verbal arguments and digs at one another. In the 1967 film,
the verbal arguments become much more physical; Kate throws things at Petruchio while yelling
at him. In 10 Things I Hate About You, there is very little arguing. Kat and Patrick merely argue
in a flirtatious way. The circumstances and intent of the arguments in 10 Things I Hate About
You are very different from both the play and 1967 film.

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