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Appendix A: Repair Procedure when a License Management Error Occurs
Appendix B: Memory Check Function in Service Mode
Appendix C: Firmware Release Notes
Appendix D: Firmware Release Notes
Appendix E: Production Print NVRAM Procedures

NVRAM Troubleshooting
Certain models now have NVRAM resetting firmware available.
When replacing the NVRAM in a Konica Minolta engine, the electronic counters will be reset to zero.
This causes problems for proper billing and the VCare reporting system. NVRAM replacement MUST only
be done when the NVRAM data becomes corrupt.
If swapping a NVRAM between engines for troubleshooting purposes resolves the problem, it DOES NOT
necessarily mean the NVRAM data is corrupt. Proper troubleshooting should continue to identify the
setting in the NVRAM that needs to be changed to resolve the problem. This can include, but not limited
to DipSW / Parameter List settings and machine adjustments.
If proper troubleshooting has been identified that the NVRAM data is corrupt, the following steps MUST
be completed before NVRAM replacement will be authorized.
The NVRAM is memory storage with battery backup to hold changeable machine setting data. The
NVRAM does NOT perform any processing of data.
Issues when the NVRAM is incorrectly replaced
1. Replacing the NVRAM will NOT correct the following:
a. C-DCxx codes - This is a security related error.
i. The CSC must be contacted.
b. C-3C00 C-3C40 this is a security related error.
i. The CSC must be contacted.
c. C-3C50 C-3C90 this is a failed Scanner Board or Scanner Cable.
i. Contact the CSC if support is needed.
d. C-D3xx codes this can be recovered by using NVRAM Data Restore.
i. Reset the code by pressing stop-0-7-1-3-9. This will display a "*" on the LCD.
Press this button. This may have to be done up to 30 times.
e. License Management Error Occurred use repair operation (see Appendix A).
Known unrecoverable NVRAM symptoms

Stuck on Hourglass screen Check DIMMs first (see Appendix B).

Grossly incorrect meters or garbled data.
When performing NVRAM data restore the same codes keep appearing.
Settings do not hold when powering the machine off/on.

Before using the NVRAM Reset Tool be sure to print out management lists and record
any special settings the machine may have including network settings.
It may take some time to re-setup the machine if the NVRAM Reset Tool is used. Be sure
to thoroughly troubleshoot the problem before using the NVRAM Reset Tool


Install latest firmware.

NVRAM replacement on these models must be authorized from KMBT (Japan).
NVRAM replacement on these models is extremely rare.
The only known NVRAM issue is when the information on the Management Lists is garbled or
the meter counts are grossly wrong.
5. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different. (Dip
Switch List).


Install latest firmware.

NVRAM replacement on these models must be authorized from KMBT (Japan).
The NVRAM replacement on these models is extremely rare.
The only known NVRAM issue is when the information on the Management Lists is garbled or
the meter counts are grossly wrong.
5. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different (Dip
Switch List).

NOTE: The SSD board that is attached to the MFP Board must NEVER be swapped with another
machine, nor should the MFP board be swapped into another machine. This will corrupt the
data on both boards.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization = > Clear All Data.
3. If the MFP freezes at power on perform the following:
a. Restore the backup data if prompted to.
b. Reinstall the firmware.
c. Replace MFP board.
d. Contact CSC.
4. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).

NOTE: GQ7-D1 firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix D.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
3. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
4. These models perform a NVRAM data backup every hour. If the data in the backup does not
match the data in the NVRAM a C-D3xx will be shown and the restore procedure will have to be
a. Reset the code by pressing stop-0-7-1-3-9. This will display a "*" on the LCD. Press this
button. This may have to be done up to 30 times.
5. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If this happens, please
wait five minutes to see if the issue clears. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the NVRAM.
Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
6. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
NOTE: GCQ-J8 firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix C.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If the machine gets stuck
on the hour glass please let it sit for 5 minutes. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the
NVRAM. Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
4. Perform Initialization (Data Clear).
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
NOTE: GCN-G4 firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix C.
Note that the Recovery Software cannot be used on the P models. Install the NVRAM on a non-"P"
version machine and install the recovery firmware. When complete, return the NVRAM to the original
"P" machine.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If the machine gets stuck
on the hour glass please let it sit for 5 minutes. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the
NVRAM. Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).

4. Perform Initialization (Data Clear).

a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
NOTE: Firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix C.
C353 GCQ-J8 C253 GDQ-J8 C203 - GEQ-J8
Note that the Recovery Software cannot be used on the P models. Install the NVRAM on a non-"P"
version machine and install the recovery firmware. When complete, return the NVRAM to the original
"P" machine.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If the machine gets stuck
on the hour glass please let it sit for 5 minutes. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the
NVRAM. Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
4. Perform NVRAM Recovery using (see Appendix C):
5. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
6. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization
NOTE: GQ7-D1 firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix D.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If the machine gets stuck
on the hour glass please let it sit for 5 minutes. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the
NVRAM. Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware.

3. Perform Memory Clear.

a. Service => System Input => Memory Clear.
1. This model does not have a NVRAM.
2. Install latest firmware.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(Engine Adjustment Information).
4. Perform SSD Low Level Format.
a. Administrator => Security Settings => SSD Low Level Format.
BH Pro 1200/1200P/1050/1050P/1050e
1. Install latest firmware.
2. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different (Dip
Switch List).
3. NVRAM replacement on these models is extremely rare.
BH Pro 950/920
1. Install latest firmware.
2. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different (Dip
Switch List).
3. NVRAM replacement on these models is extremely rare.
1. Install latest firmware.
2. These models perform a NVRAM data backup every hour. If the data in the backup does not
match the data in the NVRAM a C-D3xx will be shown and the restore procedure will have to be
3. The only confirmed issue is when the screen freezes on the hourglass. If this happens, please
wait five minutes to see if the issue clears. If it is still stuck after 5 minutes replace the NVRAM.
Check the memory DIMMs before NVRAM replacement (see Appendix B).
4. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
5. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
6. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware / Install base firmware on CF card.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(Machine Management List).

4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware / Install base firmware on CF card.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(Service Parameter).
4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware / Install base firmware on CF card.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different (Dip
Switch List).
4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware / Install base firmware on CF card.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different (Dip
Switch List).
4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.
1. These models do not have a NVRAM.
2. Install latest firmware.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(Engine Adjustment Information).
4. Perform SSD Low Level Format.
a. Administrator => Security Settings => SSD Low Level Format.

NOTE: GQ7-D1 firmware can be used to reset the NVRAM without losing counter data. See Appendix D.
1. No NVRAM problem trends reported.
2. Install latest firmware.
3. Check management lists from another working machine to see what settings are different
(parameter sheets).
4. Perform Initialization.
a. Service => System 1 => Initialization.
5. Initialize the Fax (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Service => Fax => Initialization.

No NVRAM problem trends reported.

Install latest firmware.
Compare Soft Switch Setting with a working machine.
Perform Image Data Clear.
a. Press the Service Mode Switch located next to the CF card slot.
b. Press 3
c. Enter the 8 digit CE passcode then End.
d. Select Image Data Clear (if this does not work, select Total Clear).
5. Clear the Fax Setting (if a fax issue is occurring).
a. Press the Service Mode Switch located next to the CF card slot.
b. Press 3
c. Enter the 8 digit CE passcode then End.
d. Select Clear Fax Data.

Appendix A
Repair Procedure When a
License Management Error

Repair Procedure when License Management Error occurs

Necessary Hardware



License Management Service (LMS) (BT manages this Server.)

Necessary Information

Serial Number (13 digits)

Request Code (30 digits)

Repair Request Code (Repair Demand Code) (35 digits)

Repair Code (35 digits)

Relation of Hardware, Requirement/ Condition, and Information

Necessary Hardware

Requirement/ Condition
FW ver .88 or higher


installed on the MFP.

[Serial Number]
[Request Code]
[Repair Request Code]


Web browser


Internet Access environment

License Management Server


BT manages this Server.

[Repair Code]

After the NVRAM or the EEPROM board are replaced, the message
License Management Error occurred may be displayed on the control panel.
This message may also occur after the FW is upgraded

When this message appears, it is necessary to perform the Repair operation.

The Repair operation can be performed by accessing the LMS. When the NVRAM or the
EEPROM board are replaced, the message License Management Error may be displayed.

When replacing the NVRAM or the EEPROM board, please replace them with new parts.
When the parts are replaced with used parts, the License Management error condition
cannot be resolved by performing the Repair operation.
In this scenario [Initialization] would then be necessary and support must
be contacted. Additionally if both the NVRAM and the EEPROM board are
replaced [Initialization] will be necessary.

If i-option functionality was already activated and Licensed


While the error message is indicated on the control panel, the i-option License
Activation Base Function will not be disabled.

When the error message is indicated after replacement of the NVRAM,

License Activation is required after the completion of the Repair operation
to use the i-option function again.

If i-option functionality was never activated or Licensed

and the error occurred after a FW update

Even the i-option functionality was never activated or licensed, the message may be
indicated if the NVRAM or the EEPROM board are replaced.


This may also occur after a FW upgrade of ver. 88 or higher

The MFP can be used without the Repair operation, but to clear the error.
the Repair operation is required.

Overview of Repair Operation

With accessing LMS with the web browser, it is necessary to enter the
Serial number, Request Code, and Repair Request Code.

Then LMS issues the Repair code. By using the Repair code issued from LMS, the
Repair operation can be performed. To perform Repair operation, the code has to input
in the MFP through the control panel.

Who performs the Repair operation

Service Technician
To access the LMS for repair operation, login to is required.

Flow chart for Repair

There are 3 steps to perform Repair.


Gather information from MFP


Access to LMS


MFP Repair

Light blue

The following is the flow chart for the Repair.

Prepare MFP

[Serial Number]
[Request Code]
[Repair Request Code]
from MFP.

Prepare PC

Confirm that access to LMS using

Web browser is possible.

Access the LMS through MKM using Web


Enter the following information on LMS.

[Serial Number]
[Request Code]
[Repair Request Code]

Receive [Repair Code] from LMS.

Input the [Repair Code] in MFP

through the control panel.

Complete Repair Operation

If license management error displayed after the replacement
of NVRAM, the activated functions before the replacement will
be displayed. To use the function, please reactivate the
function by performing activation operation.

License Management Error occurred displays on the control panel.

Enter Service Mode, then press Stop,9. The Billing Setting screen will appear.
Press [License Management], then select the [Repair] button on the left.

Next, select the [Repair Request Code] button.

[Serial Number], [Repair Request Code], and [Request Code]** will then be displayed on the LCD.
Print or write down this information. Press the Start button to print
(Letter-R paper must be loaded in the top tray to print)
** The [Request Code] is not printed therefore, it is necessary to write down the [Request Code]
Please pay attention to U and V, 0 (number) and O (alphabet).
0 (number) is not used in [Request Code]

Then log into and go to the Service Tab.

Select the License Management Server hyperlink

You will then be connected to the License Management Server (LMS) site
Select [Repair License Code].
Enter [Serial Number], [Request Code], and [Repair Demand Code]
Enter the (Repair Request Code) that was obtained from the MFP for the [Repair Demand Code]
After that, click [Registration].

[Repair Code (Restoration Permission Code)] and [License Code]* are displayed.
Print or write down this information.

* The License code will only be displayed if i-option features had previously been purchased.
The License code will be necessary to re-activate the i-option function after the Repair operation.

* With some conditions, the license code may not be displayed.

(Ex. When the EEPROM board is replaced.)

* It is not necessary to have a license code when performing the Repair procedure if the License
Management Error occurs after upgrading to ver.88 FW (or higher) and i-option features were never

At the MFP enter Service Mode, and then press Stop,9. The Billing Setting screen will appear.
Press [License Management].

Select the [Repair] button, then the [Repair Code] button.

The [Repair Code] is the (Restoration Permission Code) obtained from the LMS.

Enter the [Repair Code] then Press [OK].

Select [Apply] and make sure the [Repair Code] is accepted.

Turn the main switch OFF and ON to complete the Repair procedure

If the Repair procedure is unsuccessful,

[Initialization] would then be necessary which requires contacting support.

Appendix B
Memory Check Function in Service Mode

SSD Technical Support Knowledge Base (KB)

Page 1 of 3

Technical Advice Document (TAD)

Konica Minolta Confidential
Last Used in the Contact Center: 7/26/2011
Times Used in the Contact Center: 18
Views: 594
Related to Escalated Issue: No

Created: 10/11/2010
Modified: 10/11/2010
Priority: None Specified

bizhub C650
bizhub C550
bizhub C451
bizhub C353
bizhub C253
bizhub C203
Fiery X3eTY 50_45C-KM
bizhub C360
bizhub C280
bizhub C220
bizhub C652
bizhub C552
bizhub C452

None Specified

What is Memory Check and how is it used?
Memory Check function in Service Mode.
To check correspondence of data written to and read from memory through write/read
Rough Check - A check is made to see if the image data reading and writing are
correctly made in a very limited area. The progress of the check sequence is displayed
in percentage.
Detail Check - A check is made to see if the image data reading and writing are
correctly made at the addresses and busses in all areas. The progress of the check
sequence is displayed in percentage. 4/2/2012

SSD Technical Support Knowledge Base (KB)

Page 2 of 3

When Used
If the copy image is faulty.
Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Service Mode to the screen.
2. Touch these keys:
[State Confirmation] [Memory / HDD Adj.] [Memory Check]
3. Select the desired type of check, either [Rough Check] or [Detail Check].
4. Press the Start key to start the check procedure. You can press the Stop key to interrupt
the check sequence.
5. When the check procedure is completed, the results are shown on the screen.
Note: If the check results are NG, check the memory for proper connection or replace the
memory with a new one.
The Memory Check screen in the Service Mode indicates the condition of the memory.
bizhub C203/C253/C353
WORK0: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM0 slot on MFPB
WORK1: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM1 slot on MFPB
WORK2: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM2 slot on MFPB
FILE0/1: Solder-mounted SDRAM on MFPB
FILE2/3: Solder-mounted SDRAM on PWB-GIF - I/F board for Fiery (excludes bizhub
bizhub C451/C550/C650
WORK0/1: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM0 slot on PWB-MFP
WORK2: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM1 slot on PWB-MFP for i-Option
FILE0/1: Solder-mounted SDRAM on PWB-MFP
FILE2/3: Solder-mounted SDRAM on PWB-GIF - I/F board for Fiery
bizhub C452/C552/C652
WORK0: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM0 slot on PWB-MFP
WORK1: Expanded DDR SDRAM equipped at DIMM1 slot on PWB-MFP for i-Option
FILE0/1: Solder-mounted SDRAM on PWB-MFP
FILE2/3: Solder-mounted SDRAM on PWB-GIF - I/F board for Fiery
FILE4/5: For future machine (Solder-mounted SDRM on PWB-DS that is for double scan
bizhub C220/C280/C360
WORK0: Standard memory (DIMM0)
WORK1: Standard memory (DIMM1) 4/2/2012

SSD Technical Support Knowledge Base (KB)

Page 3 of 3

FILE0/1: Memory of ASIC200 installed in the MFPB board

FILE2/3: Memory of ASIC200 installed in the EIF board for the Fiery IC-412
FILE4/5: Not used
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Jim DiSarro/Stephen
Schmelcke, Workgroup/SSD
Applies To
Problem Code 1: Other
Problem Code 2: Z01:Other symptom
Information Type 1: Other
Information Type 2: None Specified
Document Classification: None Specified
None Specified
Printer Emulation:
None Specified
None Specified
None Specified
None Specified
None Specified
None Specified 4/2/2012

Appendix C
Firmware Release Notes
bizhub C650
bizhub C550
bizhub C451
bizhub C353
bizhub C253
bizhub C203

Program Release Information

Model:bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203
MFP Firmware Ver. GCQ-J8, GDQ-J8, GEQ-J8
Subject: [bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203] NVRAM clear firmware (Jig Firmware )
These are jig firmwares that clear NVRAM for bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353 / C253 / C203.
You may be able to repair a defective NVRAM by using this firmware.
1. Release version and download file name
The newly released program version and download file name are as follows.
[Release version]
< C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203 jig firmware>
Program Name

Program File Name




bizhub C650

Jig firmware


bizhub C550

Jig firmware




bizhub C451

Jig firmware




bizhub C353

Jig firmware




bizhub C253

Jig firmware




bizhub C203

Jig firmware





[Download file name]

PRI_ DLBT0802274EN00.doc
1) NVRAM Initialize.
This operation clears all data except the information on counter list on the first page.
2) Reset NIC settings.
Only the settings related to the network are cleared.
The setting related to the network is the following items.
-Administrator Settings >> Network Setting
-Administrator Settings >> Fax Settings >> Network Fax Settings >> Internet Fax Advanced Settings
-Administrator Settings >> System Connection >> OpenAPI Settings
-Administrator Settings >> Printer Settings >> Network Timeout settings
-Administrator Settings >> Administrator/Machine Settings >> Input Machine Address >> E-mail settings
-Service Mode >> CS Remote Care >> Server Set >> Send settings
3. Procedure
1) Install the CF card with the correct firmware installed into the into the MFP with the defective NVRAM, and turn on the MFP.
2) The following screen is displayed.
NVRAM Initialize.
[YES] [NO]
NIC setting erase.
[YES] [NO]
3) Select [YES] for the function that needs to to be initialized and press [START] after [YES] has been selected.
NOTE:([START] is not displayed if both [YES], or [NO]. is selected. Only one choice can be made at any time.
4) If Completed is displayed, NVRAM or NIC rest is completed.
5) Turn on the MFP.
Perform the following when you do a NVRAM Initialize:
After clearing NVRAM and turning on MFP for the first time, NVRAM is initialized according to the model/FW version of the
MFP where the NVRAM is installed. While initializing, hour glass screen is displayed for about 90 seconds. Do not turn off
the MFP while the hour glass screen is being displayed.
6) Make following setting in service mode.
System1>Marketing Area
System2>Option Board Status
System2>Image Controller Setting
System2>Software Switch Setting (required for bizhub product only)
Switch No.
Konica Minolta Confidential


Program Release Information

Model:bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203
MFP Firmware Ver. GCQ-J8, GDQ-J8, GEQ-J8
Subject: [bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203] NVRAM clear firmware (Jig Firmware )
Hex Assignment:
7) Turn off/on the MFP again.
8) Follow the setup procedure outlined in the installation manual for the model which this procedure was performed.

* Company names and product names in this document are the registered trademarks for respective companies.

Konica Minolta Confidential


DL(Download Library)
[ID-No.] ID-No.DLBT0700982EN00

[Company] BT
[Group] BT_Service_OP2

[Original Doc. No.] DLBT0700982JP00
[Open Date] 2007/04/02
[Doc. Language] English
[Doc. Priority] Normal
[Program Category] Special Program

[Product Name] Color




bizhub C450P
ineo+ 450P
bizhub C450
ineo+ 450
Linium C351
ineo+ 350
d-Color MF45
Linium C450
Linium C450P
bizhub C351

[Subject] [Ver.Gcn-G4] NVRAM Recovery Card
1. Release version and download file name
The newly released program version and download file name are as follows.
[Release version]
<C450 NVRAM Recovery Card>
Program Name
Current Ver.
New Ver.
Program File Name
Recovery Card
[Download file name]


2. Where changed
Following two functions are available on NVRAM recovery card to correct NVRAM failures in the field.
1. NVRAM initialize: All data except sales counter data will be initialized.
2. NIC setting erase: Network setting will initialized to restart network function.
3. Restrictions
Follow the instruction on TNBT0700091ENxx when using the NVRAM Recovery Card.
4. Programs to be applied at the same time
This card can be applied to the Color MFP products which is installed Phase2.01 system or later
[Attached Files] 4037-F000-Gcn-G4-000.EXE

[Rev. Memo]

[Version] Gcn-G4
[App/Drv Language]
[Information Type] Program
[Subinformation Type] Firmware
Training Material Type]
[Related Info.]

TNI(Technical Notice & Information)

[ID-No.] ID-No.TNBT0700091EN00

[Company] BT
[Group] BT_Service_OP2

[Original Doc. No.] TNBT0700091JP00
[Open Date] 2007/04/03
[Doc. Language] English
[Doc. Priority] Normal
[Classification] Problem Solution
[Information for]

[Product Name] Color






Color MFP : bizhub C351

Color MFP : bizhub C352
Color MFP : bizhub C300
[Subject] NVRAM recovery card
Following two functions are available on NVRAM recovery card to correct NVRAM failures in the
- NVRAM initialize: All data except sales counter data will be initialized.
- NIC setting erase: Network setting will initialized to restart network function.
This card can be applied to the Color MFP products (C450/C351/C250/C252/C352/C300) which is
installed Phase2.01 system or later. Please follow below instruction when using NVRAM recovery
Note: please use this card always after necessary processes are done as mentioned below.
- In case of Network problem
1.Do NIC setting erase with NVRAM recovery card for following problem.
- Network setting key will not appear in administrator mode.
- IP address setting will disappear after turning off/on the MFP.
2.If NIC setting erase does not help, Do NVRAM Initialize with NVRAM recovery card.
- In case of C-D3xx trouble
1.Attempt STOP,0,7,1,3,9, sequence to clear the trouble code
2.Update FW to Phase3.0 or later and do gradation adjustment if C-D36F is displayed.
3.Update FW to Phase3.01 or later and if C-D36E is displayed.
4.If above measurement does not help, Do NVRAM Initialize with NVRAM recovery card.
- In case of abnormal counter issue
1.Do NVRAM Initialize with NVRAM recovery card.
2.Replace NVRAM.
- In case of the other troubles than mentioning above.
1.Do Data Clear in system1>Initialization of service mode
2.Do NVRAM Initialize with NVRAM recovery card.
When problem is not solved although above measurements have been applied, NVRAM will need to
be replaced. Please follow your own regulation to procure NVRAM.
How to use NVRAM recovery card
1.Make the card of following program as same manner as making normal FW card.
For C450/C351: 20070301_4037-F000-Gcn-G4-000(00)_CHECKSUM-29F9.EXE
For C250/C252: 20070301_4038-F000-Gcn-G4-000(00)_CHECKSUM-16E6.EXE
For C352/C300: 20070301_9J06-F000-Gcn-G4-000(00)_CHECKSUM-66AA.EXE
2.Insert the card in the slot
3.Turn on MFP while pressing Clear key until below screen appears.
4.Select either NVRAM initialize or NIC setting erase.
5.Press Start.
6.Turn off/on the MFP.
On the first turning on the MFP after having done NVRAM initialize, the MFP panel may get dark
after sandglass screen for about 30 seconds. Do not turn off MFP until operation screen appears.
In case having done NVRAM initialize, be sure to carry out following operations.
7.Make following setting correctly in service mode.
- System1>Marketing Area
- System2>HDD>
- System2>Option Board Status
- System2>Image Controller Setting
- System2>Software Switch Setting (required for bizhub product only)
Switch No. :10
Hex Assignment: :00 (be sure to press 0, , 0 ,

8.Turn off/on the MFP again.

9.Do the setup procedure instructed in installation manual.
[Attached Files] NVRAM_card.pdf

[Rev. Memo]

[Problem Code1] R:Main body control failure

[Problem Code2] Other control failure (main body)
[Information Type] Other
[Subinformation Type]
Training Material Type]
[Related Info.]

Appendix D
Firmware Release Notes
bizhub C652/C552
bizhub C652DS/C552DS
bizhub C360/C280/C220
bizhub 602/502
bizhub 423/363/283/223

Program Release Information

Model: bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C552DS/C452/C360/C280/C220/602/502/423/363/283/223
MFP firmware Ver.GQ7-D1/GQD-F9
Subject: bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C552DS/C452/C360/C280/C220/602/502/423/363/283/223
NVRAM Reset tool for NVRAM (Jig firmware)
1. Release version and download file name
The newly released program version and download file name is as follows.
[Release version]
<C652/C652DS/C552/C552DS/C452/C360/C280/C220/602/502/423/363/283/223 Jig firmware>
Program Name
Program File Name
bizhub C652/C552
Jig firmware
bizhub C652DS/C552DS

Jig firmware


bizhub C360/C280/220

Jig firmware



bizhub 602/502

Jig firmware



bizhub 423/363/283/223

Jig firmware





[Download file name]

PRI_ DLBT1202214EN00.doc
2. Intended purpose
This firmware is for resetting NVRAM data.
The problem related to NVRAM might be able to be fixed by this firmware.
All data of the NVRAM except for the following data is reset by using this firmware.
- Data of the first page on counter list (Counters)
- Licence information for i-Option
[Note] Software switch settings and network settings will be returned to default settings. If those settings were changed, note
the current settings before resetting.
3. Using procedure
1) Extract the attached exe file and save xxxxxx.tar file to root directory of USB memory.
[Note] Prepare USB memory for only NVRAM reset tool. If other firmware is stored in the USB memory, you cannot
use them.
2) Set software switch setting.
[System2] -> [Software Switch Setting]
Switch No.: 10
Hex Assignment: 00
[Note] Never forget to perform this step. If you perform subsequent steps without performing this step, license
management error occurs and you cannot repair it with repair code.
3) Check software switch setting.
Switch No.: 25
[Note] After reset NVRAM data, this software switch setting needs to be the same. Note the current Hex assignment.
4) Turn the main power switch OFF.
5) Insert USB memory device stored this firmware to USB port for service.
6) Turn the main power switch ON.
7) The control panel display Clear Select, touch [YES].
8) [START] is displayed, touch [START].
9) The control panel display Completed., turn the main power switch OFF.
10) Remove USB memory and turn the main power switch ON.
11) Input serial number in the service mode.
[System1] -> [Serial Number]

Konica Minolta


Program Release Information

Model: bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C552DS/C452/C360/C280/C220/602/502/423/363/283/223
MFP firmware Ver.GQ7-D1/GQD-F9
Subject: bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C552DS/C452/C360/C280/C220/602/502/423/363/283/223
NVRAM Reset tool for NVRAM (Jig firmware)
12) Set software switch setting.
Switch No.: 10
Hex Assignment: 02
Switch No.: 25
Hex Assignment: Set the same value noted on step 3.
13) Set the following settings on the service mode.
[System1] -> [Marketing Area]
[System2] -> [HDD] -> [Installed]
14) Turn the main power switch OFF and then ON.
15) Setup MFP in order as explained in installation manual.

* Company names and product names in this document are the registered trademarks for respective companies.

Konica Minolta


Appendix E
NVRAM Setting Procedures
bizhub 950/951/1050/1051
bizhub 1200/1200P/1250/1250P
bizhub C6000/C7000/C8000

Setting Data Usage

Applies to the following models: bh1050/950/951/1051/1052/1200/1200P/1250/1250P C6000/C7000/C8000

Store different types of settings information stored in NVRAM board (NRB) from the machine to the USB memory and can write it from the
USB memory to the machine. However, the setting data cannot be edited since it is encrypted.
Machine NVRAM (NRB) data import/export (Complete NRB collection for each serial number) can be performed from the import/export screen
of the service administrator web utilities Reference the appropriate model service manual for the procedure

Note: Backup & Setting Data collection should be performed at setup or at a current point when the machine is working
Setting information which is allowed to store/write
Paper setting data (Media settings, Tray settings, Media Registered/Deleted, Custom size Registered/Deleted)
Setting menu data (Utility menu settings, Machine manager settings)
Software DIPSW setting data (Mainbody/Controller software DIPSW settings)
CSRC Setting Data (CSRC Settings)

When setting data should be used

To transfer paper settings (catalog) to multiple machines so they are the same paper types/settings
If tandem option is supported for the model, you can duplicate settings between the two machines (clone)
To return machine settings/dipsw states to a like default condition (if setting data was collected on a new machine at setup without any changes)
To provide the machine settings and condition to support for diagnostic and troubleshooting (field and lab machines will be set the same)
To repair a range of unusual conditions* by returning to a previous or like default condition when the machine was working properly
*Unknown changes in hidden dipsw or data used by the machine for proper operation

When/What data can be transferred between machines

Setting data (USB) - applies to bh950/951/1051/1052/1200/1200P/1250/1250P C6000/C7000/C8000
Note: Setting data can be shared between model/serial numbers with the exception of dipsw or Operation Board/Utility (settings menu)
settings which should be same (like for like) models.
Dipsw data [1200>1200 OK] [1501>1051 OK] [1200>1200P NG] [1200>1051 NG] [1051>1200P NG] [[1051>1200 NG][C6000>C7000 OK]
Setting Menu data [1200>1200 OK] [1051>1051 OK] [1200P>1200P OK] [1200>1200P NG] [1051>1200P NG] [C6000>C7000 OK]
Paper catalog Shared all models
CSRC data Shared all models

Store to external memory

(1) Functions
Store the setting data from NRB to the USB memory.

(2) Preparation:
Connect the USB memory to the main body connection port.
Connect the USB memory to the main body connection port.
<In case of 1250/1250P/1051/C6000/C7000>
<In case of 951>

<In case of C8000>

(3) Procedure
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052/PRO 951 C6000/C7000/C8000
1. "Service Mode Menu screen"
Press [Setting Data].
2. "Service Mode Menu screen"
Press [Store to External Memory].
3. "Setting Data <Store to External Memory screen>"
Press [Start Storing].
Note: Be sure not to turn OFF the main power switch (SW1) until the storing file completes.
Sample File Name Example:
bh1250 Serial Number-Year-Month-Day(Time).Txt
4. Press [OK] to return to "Setting Data <Store to External Memory screen>".

Read from external memory

(2) Preparation:
Connect the USB memory to the main body connection port.

(3) Procedure
1. "Service Mode Menu screen"
Press [Setting Data].
2. "Service Mode Menu screen"
Press [Read from external memory].
Note: If the USB memory is not connected to the connection port, the error message appears not to go on to the file
selection screen.
3. "Setting Data<Read from External Memory> screen"
Press [Next] or [Back] to select the file to be read and press [OK].
Note: By pressing [Limit], only the file corresponded to the serial number of the machine appears.
4. "Setting Data<Read from External Memory> screen"
Select the data to be read from [Paper Setting Data]/[Utility data]/[Software DIPSW Setting Data]/[CSRC Setting Data] and press [Start
5. "Pop-up screen"
Press [Yes] to start reading the setting data.

Note: Be sure not to turn OFF the main power switch (SW1) until the reading file completes.
6. "Setting Data <Read from external memory> screen"
To read another setting data, press [Yes]. To finish the procedure, press [No].
Note: By pressing [No], the machine restarts automatically, if not the file did not load properly.

(4) Folder structure of USB memory

When storing data to the USB memory and the folder is not created, it creates the next folder automatically.
Four models 1250/1250P/1052/951 share this folder.

Drive letter:\NOVRAM\PRESS_M1250
Three models 1200/1200P/1051 share this folder.

Drive letter:\NOVRAM\PRO_M1200
Two models C6000/C7000 Share this folder.

Drive letter:\C7000\NOVRAM
One model C8000

Drive letter:\C8000\NOVRAM
(5) Error list
If the error occurs for reading from the external memory or for storing to the external memory, the error message appears.
Confirm that " is displayed in the message display area.
Message Cause of occurrence
Connection of an external memory device cannot be recognized.
1) The initialization of the USB device is not completed.
2) The USB memory is not connected to the connection port.
Could not be stored to external memory
3) Prohibited to write to the USB memory (drive locked)
4) Capacity shortage of the USB memory
5) Unable to execute the compression from the binary data to the ZLIB compressed data.
6) Unable to encrypt AES.
Could not be read from external memory
7) Data error on the header (2nd line)
8) Checksum abnormality
9) Unable to execute the replacement from the BASE64 data to the AES encrypt data.
10) Unable to execute the compounding of AES.
11) Unable to execute the extension from the ZLIB compressed data to the binary data.

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