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Facet One
Facet One - The Power Level: To Experience the Seichim Energy
1. Introduction
2. History - Introduction to Seichim, Background on the many styles and practices and Lineages
3. Meditation - Infinity Meditation
4. Symbols - Cho Ku Rei, Infinity
5. Techniques - Hand Placement and Scanning, Chi Ball, Treatment
6. Suggested Activities/Healings - Heal one person using Seichim, Intuition based hand positions.
Introduction to Seichim
What is Seichim ?
Seichim refers loosely to a group of energy healing and transformational systems that were developed
from the original practices of Patrick Zeigler in 1980. Patrick reported having snuck in and stayed
overnight in the Great Pyramid in 1979 or 1980. The description of his experience was remarkably similar
to two other written accounts of people that obtained the permission of the Egyptian Government to spend
the night in the Pyramid. Patrick reported that he was struck with a powerful energy. In a very short
period of time, he was attuned by a Sufi Master in Khartoum. When he returned to the United States he
studied Reiki with Barbara Weber Ray. Seichim would then appear to be a combination of the Pyramid
experience energy, the Sufi empowerments, and Reiki.
The energy was called Seichim. This name was given it by a spirit named "Marat", channeled by a friend
of Patrick's. The energy was first passed on to several people including members of Patrick's family.
T'Om Seaman was the forth to receive these hybrid Reiki formated Seichim attunements. T'om in turn
attuned Ken Lowry and Phoenix Summerfield. T'om Seaman, Ken Lowry, and Phoenix Summerfield
working seperately and together developed the basics of this system. T'om and Ken's system was called
"Reiki Seichim, Seichim Reiki, Renengade Reiki, or 7 Facet Seichim".
Seichim is a healing system not unlike Reiki. It was an energy, drawn from the limitless source of the
universe. Seichim was thought to be a living light energy. It can be accessed in a variety of ways. Some
systems utilize attunements, other initiations. Some utilize symbols and others do not, or they are
optional. The system has changed with almost everyone that has come into contact with it for any length
of time. The energy is thought to be "transformational" in nature. It is used both to heal, as well as to help
accelerate your personal development and help achieve your true potential. There are a variety of names
used to describe this energy depending on which system that you learn. Seichim is the generic term, and
is used by almost all the systems "Seichim", (note the "im") can indicate the Seichim Reiki or 7 facet
system described in this manual or Phoenix Summerfield's system. "Seichem" (note the "em") refers to
Kathleen Milner's Tera Mai Seichem. Sekhem refers to Helen Belot's practices that include the goddess
Sekhmet. There is also Isis Seichim and Archangelic Seichim. SKHM refers to Patrick's most recent
development of the system. Seichim is theorized to have been around for a very long time. There is,
however, no evidence to support this. There is no historical evidence that Seichim, or any hands on
healing system ever existed in ancient Egypt. Although there are references to "SKHM" in the Egyptian
Book of the Dead, those are references to a place of power the spirit goes after death and not a healing or

transformational energy. The idea that Seichim is an ancient energy comes from the channeled spirit
"Marat" and from other channeled sources.
Where did Seichim come from?
Seichim is the name for an energy healing and self-transformational system. It was originally received by
Patrick Zeigler in 1980. This occurred while he was in the Peace Corps and travelling in Egypt. Finding
"Seichim" involved two seperate experiences seperated by one day. The first involved Patrick sneaking
into the Great Pyramid and spending the night. In very short order, he received Zikir from Sufi Master
Osman Brahani in Khartoom. He also learned Reiki from Barbara Weber Ray. Patrick describes his
experience in meeting the Sufi and his experience with them in the following quote: "That afternoon I
went to the Saidna Hussein Mosque, and a woman came to me and asked if I could help her find her Sufi
Teacher. Since I speak some Arabic we were able to locate his center in short time. We stayed there a
week, and they taught us Zikir. Then they gave us both Airfare to go to Khartoum Sudan where there
Master lived. While I was there he passed on to me the final attunement of his order. Afterwards I found
that if I became ill I could place my hands on my heart and belly my body would begin to vibrate and the
illness would pass. I was also having OBE's once a week. I had no idea what he had given to me, he
instructed me to stay in my heart and visualize the light." The Infinity symbol and the focus on
enlightenment through the heart is common to many Sufi traditions. Seichim has grown into many
systems world wide. This system is Seichim Reiki or 7 Facet Seichim. Phoenix Summerfield's system
was called "Seichim". Helen Bleot practices was she called "Sekhem", and Patrick himself practices what
he calls "SKHM (pronounced say-k'him). Some of the confusion regarding the history of Seichim is likely
due to no history being taught in the early days of Seichim and the focus on experiential methods. Patrick
describes this in the following quote:
"The intent of Seichim was to keep it simple and not include lots of conflicting information that
people tend to cling on to. This is why when I originally taught, no history was ever taught. The
original classes were not informational based at all. There was no lecture or explanation on how
things worked. The class was completely experiential. We usually started with a silent meditation
then some guided meditation, from there we did some toning and then exchanged attunement,
usually a group on one pattern was used, this way when someone received an attunement it was
not done by one individual, but rather the whole group gave it. T"om Seaman was one of the
early recipients to have received this style of attunement. He came into our community and
attended a few of our nightly classes. He was taught only the attunement process and then
continued his travels. This is where most of the confusion came in over the history, because he
had no other information except the attunement process. Phoenix later received these attunements
and eventually contacted me. I told her about how Seichim started in Egypt and how it eventually
went to India and Tibet and eventually reached Japan. This was some of what Marat had
confirmed for me. He even mention how it was used in Atlantis. I decided not to include this
beacuse of the confusion it may bring up."
How is Seven Facet Seichim Different?
Seichim Reiki is an art that was developed by T'Om Seaman and Ken Lowry. The energy was discovered
by Patrick Ziegler, and was some combination of energies form the pyramid experience and the sufi
empowerments, combined with reiki. The Seichim Reiki, 7 Facet Seichim, or "Renegade reiki", system
was developed by T'Om Seaman and Ken Lowry. The system itself added in an infinity meditation, and 5
new symbols. These symbols were to help you develop internally and to balance your energy. Seichim or
Seichim Reiki was one of the first formalized systems of Seichim, the other two being Patrick's practices
which were experiential and Phoenix Summerfield's (aka Kathleen MacMasters) Seichim system. The
Seichim Reiki system was developed by T'Om Seaman and Ken Lowry. The Seichim Reiki is a system
that used Reiki, Sufi Energy and Seichim as the foundation and added in 5 extra symbols. This system
had 7 Facets or levels. The system used meditative practices, and other techniques in addition to the
traditional reiki material.

History and Contemporary Views

As described above, Seichim is an energy that was developed by Patrick Ziegler and passed with Reiki in
its original form. This energy was molded into the 7 Facet Seichim that you are presently learning by
T'OM Seaman and Ken Lowry. There are some that claim that Seichim has been around for a very long
time and that it existed in Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria. It should be pointed out that this relies on
"Channeled" information. (A humorous side note: Swami Beyondananda, in his "GUIDELINES FOR
ENLIGHTENMENT" pointed out, "...(with channeling), if you don't like it, it's not my fault. And
remember, enlightenment is not a bureaucracy. So, we don't have to go through channels.") As proof of
the contention that Seichim is ancient, it is often discussed that "Sekhem" is mentioned in the gyptian
Book of the Dead and other sacred Egyptian texts. After discussing this on the phone with an
Egyptologist, I was told that the references to Seichim/Sekhem in the Eqyptian Book of the Dead refer to
this place of power (that one goes after death) and not to a hands on healing method or energy connection
method. Atlantis and Lemuria, if they existed, took their secrets with them and although it makes
interesting uncheckable speculation, it is not verifiable by even the most liberal review of historical
evidence. Asked as to who the Lineage Bearer of Seichim/SKHM is Patrick emphasizes that it is very
much a group oriented energy and that he is in agreement with both TOm and Phoenix that it should not
in any way be separated. He considers all the branches to be part of what SKHM is today and refers to
himself as the Founder of SKHM as he is the one who originally rediscovered it, but rejects the term
Lineage Bearer, as the nature of the energy to him is more holographic than linear..
Infinity Meditation
See the living light energy above and see it come around you. Allow it to flow around your body and
begin to cleanse and energize the fields of energy around you and cleanse and energize the aura. Breath in
the light into the lungs. From there see the light energy move into the heart, and then spread throughout
the whole body. See and know that the living light energy removes all that is not in your highest good and
transmutes it into light. See the infinity sign above the crown and let the infinity flow into the crown and
then breath it down into the heart. Let the light fill and energize you completely. Place you hands in the
namaste position before the heart. Breath in the balance of the light, breathing in balance and harmony.
Focus on the energy flowing in and bringing balance to all parts of your body and mind. Continue this for
a time. When you are ready, give thanks and gratitude for the gift shared you, and slowly bring yourself
back up to normal consciousness.
Initially, the only symbols used in the Seichim Reiki attunements were the infinity and the cho ku ret (an
infinity cho ku rei mix). It is unclear at this point exactly who developed the symbols for the 7 facet
system. I was told that T'Om developed/channelled them while Phoenix organized them into the cohesive
7 facet system. Others reported that they co-jointly developed them. Facet One, Two and Three use the
traditional Usui Reiki symbols. If a student is learning Seichim Reiki independently from Reiki, then
more time should be spent learning the Reiki symbols and use and meanings of each in more depth than
this manual allows. When using these symbols with Seichim, focus on the infinity, say Seichim several
times and then draw the infinity symbol before drawing the Usui Reiki symbols.
Cho Ku Rei (traditional Usui Style)
The Cho Ku Rei is the same used as in the Usui System as are the other Usui Symbols
used for the First Three Seichim Facets. Although the Reiki Symbols are used for facet
1, 2, and 3, these are NOT Reiki attunements. Within the context of the Seichim
attunement there are several subtle differences.First, the infinity symbol is used prior to

the attunement. The Intent of the attunements is to perform Seichim attunements, the connection to the
energy is not Reiki. All the Seichim Symbols are placed in the crown for any level attunement. The Cho
Ku Rei is the Power symbol in the Reiki System. This symbol represents a spiral manifestation of energy
and a connection to the source. It opens us up to the source energy. Remember that all energy, whether
Reiki or Seichim come from the one source. The Cho Ku Rei, and the Infinity symbol (below) are both
quick convenient methods of connecting to the Seichim Source, but also useful in clearing spaces (rooms,
etc.) and in healing.
To cleanse a room, Draw it in the corners of a room intending it be cleansed. Draw it on objects in your
environment intending they be cleansed and operate for your highest good. Draw it on objects and send
Seichim into them to empower them with Seichim.
This sign, the number 8 positioned horizontally... denotes the idea of infinitely great
or infinity, referring to distances or numbers. Sometimes the concept of infinity in
mathematical systems is expressed by the infinity sign. It represents a double
endlessness or eternity. The infinity is the representation of how the Seichim energy
operates. It is a sense of completeness. When connecting to Seichim focus on
universal love from the One Source. You will feel this especially in the Heart Chakra.
Hand Placements and Scanning
There are no specific hand placements used in Seichim. A more intuitive approach is used for treatment.
Reiki hand positions can be used, from the standard Takata hand positions, the TJR placements or any
other set you might know. In an addition to any hand positions you might use, the technique of Scanning
is taught here to assist in finding any trouble areas a person might be experiencing. Always remember that
despite any sensations you experience you must not diagnose as that is practicing medicine without a
license and illegal. Focused healing/Scanning was a technique used by Mikao Usui in Reiki Ryoho and
was called Byosen. Byosen is a process of "scanning" (as is commonly taught in Rand's "Usui/Tibetan"
Reiki) and then treating those areas most in need. The technique is simple to do and difficult to master.
Connect to the Seichim energy. When you feel the connection, start above the person's head with the
palms facing the person and separated by a few inches. Begin moving the hands down the body over all
areas of the body. Hold the hands about 6 inches (14cm) above the persons body . Notice how much
Seichim energy is flowing. As you pass over certain areas, you will notice they tend to take more energy.
Stay in these places. In doing so you are allowing the scanning or intuitive sense you have to dictate
where the energy will be sent. You are "focusing" the energy in these spots hence the term "focused
healing". While you do this, you may also notice hot spots, cold spots, tingling sensations or other things.
Focus energy in these places as well. Some people are uncomfortable in using these techniques and can
use the regular Reiki hand positions that they are comfortable with if that is the case..
Chi Ball
The Chi Ball one way to use Seichim and a technique to help you develop sensitivity and awareness of
this energy. A Chi ball is a ball of pure energy that you construct with intent for healing. It is used for
distance healing as well as to help develop sensitivity to the energy and working with it. A novel way to
send self attunements or distant attunements is to make the ball, perform the attunement and then send it
using the distant symbol or simple intent.

Making a Chi Ball

1. Draw the infinity symbol in the air, and then hold the hands up high, palms up and visualize the
Seichim source come down and surround you. Breathe in the Seichim energy and left it come into
the palms and fill you.
2. Bring the hands down in front of your chest, palms facing toward each other and about one inch
3. While continuing to focus on the Seichim Source slowly move the hands apart. Visualize, intend
and will that a ball of energy form. Continue to move the hands further apart until they are about
the size of a basketball.
4. Stay focused on it as long as it takes to form the ball. You can focus on placing certain colors,
symbols or other energies (such as Reiki) inside the ball.
5. Send the ball to yourself. Now state, will, and intend that the ball be sent to yourself or another.
Set the intent for this before sending it (healing, love, peace, etc.) If you need to, draw a Hon Sha
Ze Sho Nen on the ball from top to bottom.
6. This technique is very useful in sending energy to yourself. It is also a nice way to do distant
healings for others. The Chi Ball technique, when done consistently, allows the Seichim
practitioner to develop a strong sensitivity to the energy.
Learning the technique of grounding is essential to avoid becoming spacey or dizzy from using too much
energy. There are many techniques for grounding and if you have a favorite my suggestion is that you
continue to use that. Grounding simply means "connected to the earth". Grounding before and after using
Seichim is useful to help you use the energy more effectively. A simple method is to draw the power
symbol on the feet, hands and hara in that order. Then place the palms on the hara and hold them there for
a few minutes. This directs the energy from the upper energy centers to the lower and helps ground.
Another method is to rub the hands vigorously (the Taoists feel this should be done 9 times) and shake
them out and then shake out the feet. This can be done before and after healings. A third method is to
place the hands on the earth for a few moments. A fourth method is to visualize roots going from your
feet into the earth and allowing the excess to run off into the earth.
Draw the infinity on your palms saying the word "Seichim" three times. Feel your connection to earth and
allow the Seichim energy to flow through you. Place your hands on the person either using reiki hand
positions or intuit where they should go using scanning or another such method.
Suggested Activities/Healings
Activities for Facet One are:
1. Practice using and connecting to Seichim. Keep a brief log of your experience, how the energy
feels, visual sensations and other feelings. Try using Reiki, then intending "Reiki Off", and then
turning on Seichim and note the difference.
2. Do a healing session on one other person. Experiment with hands on using the Seichim.
3. Practice Focused Healing/Scanning. Send Seichim into areas that appear to need it. Notice how
the energy flows as you do this.

Facet Two
Facet Two - Body and Emotional Integration of the Seichim Energy and experiencing the
dimensional aspects of the Seichim.
1. Information - Pronunciation of Seichim
2. Symbols - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei Hei Ki, Infinity
3. Meditations - Meditate using the HSZSN, SHK, and Infinity symbols. Use the Infinity Meditation
as the basis of this.
4. Suggested Activities/Healings - One distant, One in person using Emotional Healing, Infinity
Pronunciation of Seichim
Seichim has many different pronunciations. This tends to be related mostly to the system of Seichim you
are studying. Marat originally told Patrick the energy was called "Seichim", and according to T'Om
Seaman, this was pronounced "Say-Sheem". I was told that Patrick had pronounced it "Say-Keem" for
many years and then was using the more Arabic pronunciation of "Se Kem". The practitioners of Sekhem
pronounce it "Sek-hem". SKHM, Patrick's current practice is harder to pronounce since it uses the
Egyptian letter equivalents. Since Egyptian, like Hebrew, uses no vowels and there are no vowel markers
indicating how this is to be pronounced, it is more properly pronounced "Say-k'him". Seichim (SaySheem) is also the name of a group that does healings in India. It is also thought to be the Sanskrit word
for compassion. Some of the early users of Seichim thought the energy was associated with Kuan Yin, the
Buddhist Goddess of Compassion. This would seem to fit since Seichim (Say-Sheem) is the Sanskrit
word for compassion. It is interesting that in some of the writings of Helen Belot and Marsha Burack the
Kuan Yin connection was labelled the "eastern" or softer Seichim to distinguish it from the incorporated
Egyptian material and goddess Sekhmet.
Facet Two Symbols
Sei He Kei - (traditional Usui Style)
The second symbol is called Sei Hei Ki. It is pronounced "say hay key". This
symbol is known as the mental/emotional symbol, but also as the harmony
symbol. It is used to heal old mental and emotional energetic patterns or habits. It
is also used to bring up the emotional issues underneath physical problems. It
helps reinforce positive behavior changes. This symbol focuses Reiki energy on
the emotional body. This symbol is used for healing the emotions, and releasing
and changing negative feelings that are held onto into positive ones. It is also the
symbol for harmony. It is also used to help release negative conditioning from
past experiences by changing reacting to responding. Buddhists believe that ego is
conditioning. The Zen sages knew that to be free of suffering was to end desire. It
was only be removing the conditionings of life (ego), that one could be free and experience harmony and
oneness. This symbol is for healing and releasing those feelings, desires and conditionings. Healing with
the Sei Hei Ki can be as simple as using the symbol while doing a healing using the regular hand
positions. It can also be used as part of an emotional meditation to help release and heal these
conditionings and patterns that underlie problems.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - (traditional Usui Style)

The Distance Healing symbol is called the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This symbol enables
us to send healing energies to others at a distance. This can be used to send Reiki
across the street or to other parts of the world. It can be used when doing hands on
Reiki healing would be inappropriate (with a burn patient or someone with sexual
abuse issues). In these cases Reiki can be sent distantly from across the room. Such
line of sight uses of the distant symbol are called "Beaming". The Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen is made up of five distinct elements. It means "no past, no present, no future". In
distance healing, Reiki energy can be sent thousands of miles away, or across a room.
With distance healing there is "no past, no present, no future." All time is now! Some
people believe that this symbol enables them to send to the Past or Future. I believe
this is a mistaken understanding of the meaning of this symbol. Its meaning is "all
time is now". The past does not exist. It has happened. It cannot be undone. It only
exists as we remember it and recreate for ourselves that past. To recreate the past
means that we, through our current understanding and beliefs look at what has
happened and with our energy bring it alive for ourselves. When we feel anger at past
events we are recreating this anger. Not reliving the anger, but recreating it for
ourselves. This is one way people do not heal. It might be that they are not ready to
release that pain or anger. When we send reiki to the "past" we are healing ourselves
in the now, by healing that part of us that continually recreates that past. Likewise,
there is no future. We can create the future, indeed a multitude of them with imagination and longing and
desire. We can invest energy into that future and even feel emotional responses to that future. In doing so
we condition ourselves and our reactions and limit our ability to be in this "now" and be spontaneous and
The simplest method is to first do the infinity meditation for a few moments. Next draw the infinity
symbol and then the HSZSN. Now simply raise one arm and focus on the person who will be receiving.
Allow the energy to flow through that hand to the person.
Meditations - Meditate using the HSZSN, SHK, and Infinity symbols. Use the Infinity Meditation as the
basis of this. Begin by doing the Seichim Infinity Meditation. See the living light energy above and see it
come around you. Allow it to flow around your body and begin to cleanse and energize the fields of
energy around you and cleanse and energize the aura. Breath in the light into the lungs. From there see the
light energy move into the heart, and then spread throughout the whole body. See and know that the
living light energy removes all that is not in your highest good and transmutes it into light. See the
infinity sign above the crown and let the infinity flow into the crown and then breath it down into the
heart. Let the light fill and energize you completely. Place you hands in the namaste position before the
heart. Now focus on one of symbols. See the symetry of its shape, and let it enter the crown and float into
the heart. See the infinity and how it goes together with it. Breath in the balance of the light, breathing in
balance and harmony. Focus on the energy flowing in and bringing balance to all parts of your body and
mind. Continue this for a time. You may wish to bring in the other symbols as well. When you are ready,
give thanks and gratitude for the gift shared you, and slowly bring yourself back up to normal
Do some in person or distant healing connecting using Seichim, and sending either directly to the person
or using HSZSN. Focus on emotional healing using the Sei Hei Ki. Connect to Seichim using the Infinity

Facet Three
Facet Three - Using Seichim to Empower Inanimate Objects
1. The Zara Symbol - Introduction
2. Symbols - Cho Ku Ret (Zara)
3. Meditations - Meditate on the Zara Symbol using the Infinity meditation
4. Technique - Cosmic Healing Bank
5. Activities/Healing - Using Zara on objects in your environment
THE ZARA SYMBOL - Introduction
Zara or Cho Ku Ret was the first Seichim Symbol. It is unclear if it was developed by Patrick, or T'OM
Seaman. The symbol was an attempt to fuse together the Reiki and Seichim energies. It embodies the Cho
Ku Rei of Reiki and the Infinity of Seichim. This symbol was thought to empower the world around
you. This was a way to increase the consciousness and energy level of everything around you. In the
Einstein universe, matter and energy are intricately related. We are not so different from the matter
around use, everything is also energy and vibrates at certain frequencies. We are the same as the other
"stuff" that the universe contains. This symbol can be used to empower objects in your environment.
Although this may seem "silly" or nonsensical, it actually has many creative uses. The ultimate purpose of
this symbol is to awaken everything around you so that you are more connected to the universe. Seichim
is very much about awakening, and awakening to the universe. This system and energy are designed to
more fully connect you with the universe and experiencing the oneness with it. The attunements in
Seichim are like an introduction to the universe, like saying "Joe, this is the universe, Universe this is
Joe". It opens us up to the oneness and greater whole. Each Facet is designed to open us more to the
different aspects we can experience and to integrate these energies into us.
Cho Ku Ret (also called Zara)
Zara is used to awaken the consciousness or initiate inanimate objects. This
brings the objects innate characteristics to the foreground, and enables one to
empower and work with it as if it were animate. For example you can use Zara to
awaken your car so it is always a reliable and safe conveyance. You can awaken
your bed so your sleep is perfect and connected. You can do this with your food,
with clothing. My friend used the symbol over his suit before a big interview and
got a great job that he, on paper, was not qualified for. Draw it on your house, in
your office and other places that you frequent so that they are filled with this
wonderful energy. To use the symbol you have many choices. You can simply draw it and let energy
beam from your palms into the object to empower them. You can also use any symbol techniques from
Reiki or other styles that you know that you are comfortable with. You can also attune objects using the
Seichim empowerment and placing the symbol on them. This will be discussed when we cover the
attunement process.
Zara Meditation
I am a big believer in meditation with the symbols. The symbols are designed to give intent to the energy
and to help you develop a certain use and connection with the energy. Meditating on the symbols helps us
to deepen that connection and use and to be able to more quickly connect to the energy. Also, by
meditating on the symbol, we can more clearly see the meaning of the symbol and what the developers of
them saw and knew about them. Connect to the energy using the Infinity meditation. Draw the Zara
symbol before you or visualize it in your mind. Feel the energy that it connects you will and comtemplate

its uses. What does it mean to "empower inanimate objects", and what is your perception of inanimate
objects being energy?
Cosmic Healing Bank
This technique is also from the Isis Seichim School. A cosmic Healing Bank is for Healing across time
and space. The Cosmic Healing Bank is a "place" where healings and blessings can be stored. If someone
requests energy in the form of a healing to be sent to them some times in the future, this healing may be
deposited in the Cosmic Healing Bank and called upon at any time. To make the bank, visualize this place
where energy and blessings are stored. See the place and allow it to form in your mind. Intend and know
that it will always be there, as a blessing and store of blessing for when you need. You can send energy
there to be used later, blessings to be stored, or treatments for others that can be sent at a particular time.
Once you see the bank in your mind, then you can place into the bank what you want. You can place the
healing in the Bank stating the precise time and day that it is to be activated. You can then simply tell the
the recipient simply to request it from the Bank by just "asking" for the energy, healing or whatever. You
can use Distant or absentee healing techniques to send to the bank. You can then request that some or all
of the healing is placed in the Bank for and in the name of the recipient with the time and date to be
received. Another option is to program the Bank to send the healing energy at the time the recipient is
falling asleep at night.
Suggested Activities/Healings
1. Do the Zara Meditation
2. Use the Zara Symbol to empower objects in your environment.
3. Make a Cosmic healing bank to send healing to a client or to yourself.

Facet Four
Facet Four - Experience AngelWings, opening blockages and sealing in energy
Symbols - Angel Wings
Meditations - Meditate on the AngelWings Symbol
Techniques - Using Angel Wings, Writing Release
Activities/Healings - One healing (in person or distant) using Seichim and the AngelWings symbol.
Angel Wings Symbol
Angel Wings is the Realization of Potential. It can be used on
everything. Meditating with it helps unblock potential, freeing us to
make changes and grow. The goal of Seichim is to connect fully to
the universe. Angel Wings helps us see our spiritual nature in
relation to all things. The symbol has two spirals moving to each
side. The symbol represents balance, but also moving energy in the pattern that the spirals suggest. Angel
Wings is used in attunements and treatments to "seal in" the energy. The feel of this symbol is
remarkable, and has both a light and loving feel and a heavy spiral all at once. When using Angel Wings
in treatments first begin the treatment. Then use whatever symbols are appropriate and then the
AngelWings to work on blockages and to help others (or yourself realize potential). It is a good symbol to
use after scanning to help break up problem areas and the seal in the healing energy. Use AngelWings at
the end of the treatment to seal in healing.
Meditating with energy is one of the best and surest ways to begin to understand energy. The symbols are
a key to understanding its use, and meditation with the symbols strengthens the connection. The best way
to work with symbol meditation is to use the basic Infinity meditation that we use to start attunements and
then bring in the symbols you will use. Start by clearing the mind. If any thoughts pop up, let them slip
away and pay them no mind. Visualize or see the living light energy above the head. See it come down
and surround your body. Let it cover around you completely and cleanse and wash away all the negativity
in your energy field, transmuting the dark into light and grounding it into the earth. Now see the light
enter the crown and move through the head and into the heart. Breath in the energy and let it fill you,
again cleansing and transmuting all that is not light and all that is not in your highest good into light. Now
see the infinity in the light above the crown. See it and the let it move into the head and into the heart.
Stay with this and begin to breath in the light and exhale out that which is not in your highest good. The
light transmutes that which is not in your highest good into light. Now see the angel wings symbol above
you. See it enter the crown and into the heart. Feel the way the energy moves in the symbol. Do not have
any expectations about the symbol, simply allow it to be with you. Consistent practice will clarify the
symbols intent and suggest ever more uses for it.
Using Angel Wings
Use angel wings in healing any time you feel or sense a blockage and let the spiral dissolve it. For those
who have emotional issues that are "stuck", drawing the Sei Hei Ki, and then the angel wings, and then
the Sei Hei Ki can help release and heal it.
Another use is called the "Writing Release". It is like journaling, and you write down an area that you are
stuck on. This could be a difficult relationship, problem with a friend, or something related to work, or
other thing). Draw the angel wings symbol over it. Draw the infinity over it, and place your hands on the
paper and send Seichim to the issue. This helps to unblock the issue as well as to help you realize your
hidden innate potential and solve the issue.
Suggested Activities/Healings
Use the AngelWings Symbol in Healing and do the meditation.


Facet Five
1. Facet Five - Achieving Balance, Wholeness and Emotional Integration
2. Symbol - Male-Female Balance
3. Meditations - Meditate with Male/Female balance symbol
4. Activities
Male-Female Balance (Everlasting Flower of Enlightenment - Golden Sun)
Everything in creation seeks balance. In Chinese mythology is was said that from the
Tao came the Yin and the Yang, and from the Yin and Yang came the 10,000 things
(i.e., all creation). Yin and Yang represent balance, but something more. Everything
contains within it the essence of its opposite. This symbol represents balance. The
symbol is like a flower, with two hearts on each side. All is duality. The symbol
expresses a unification of the parts of ourselves that are dual in nature. This symbol
represents and is used to balance the Masculine and Feminine energies in a person.
Carl Gustov Jung, the eminent psychologist discussed at length the "anima" and "animus", the male and
female aspects of all beings. By bringing them into balance the person feels a sense of wholeness, unity
and completion. The Yin and Yang express both this duality and the idea that even a polar opposite
contains some of the essence of its opposite. Some of us are too yin and others too yang, too masculine or
too feminine. Although the symbol is called "male-female balance", it refers to all the dualities that we
are and experience. With balance comes emotional integration. This is an acceptance of the diverse parts
of who we are. What also comes is freedom. We free ourselves from the patterned conditionings and
ways of acting that are out of balance. In this way we respond out of love in situations, not react out of
preprogrammed conditioning that is out of balance. The Meditation with the symbol helps increase the
awareness and action. Using the symbol in healing is just like using any other symbol. Good areas to treat
are the heart, and brain or any area that you intuitively feel will help. Using this aspect of the energy helps
to bring balance to them.
Meditation using Male-Female balance Symbol and Infinity to experience balance and union of our
nature and infinity. Begin by doing the Seichim Infinity Meditation. See the living light energy above and
see it come around you. Allow it to flow around your body and begin to cleanse and energize the fields of
energy around you and cleanse and energize the aura. Breath in the light into the lungs. From there see the
light energy move into the heart, and then spread throughout the whole body. See and know that the
living light energy removes all that is not in your highest good and transmutes it into light. See the
infinity sign above the crown and let the infinity flow into the crown and then breath it down into the
heart. Let the light fill and energize you completely. Place you hands in the namaste position before the
heart. Now focus on the male-female balance symbol. See the symetry of its shape, the hearts of love on
its sides. Breath in the balance of the light, knowing that these parts of you are being brought into balance
and harmony. Focus on the energy flowing in and bringing balance to all parts of your body and mind.
Continue this for a time. You may wish to bring in the other symbols as well. When you are ready, give
thanks and gratitude for the gift shared you, and slowly bring yourself back up to normal consciousness.
Activities/Healings - One healing in person or distant.
Use the Male-Female Balance and infinity symbols
1. Perform self healing using the Male/Female balance symbol. Notice the effect on yourself. Also
perform healing on others using the symbol.
2. Do the Meditation connecting to the source and the symbol. Record any thoughts and feelings
about the experience.
3. Work with your friends/other energy workers in using this symbol in healing.


Facet Six
Facet Six - Align Higher and lower selves
1. Symbols - High/Low/God
2. Meditations - Infinity Meditation using - High/Low God and other symbols
3. Techniques - Using the High/Low/God Symbol in self healing. Begin learning the Attunement
4. Activities/Healings - Spiritual Healing Using the High/Low God Symbol.
This symbol is used to Align the higher, lower and God selves of an individual
so that they all work together for the highest good of the individual. Notice that
the alignment reflects a trinity, or tripartite structure that is so common in most
spiritual systems. The Alignment is verticle. It flows from the Infinite, through
us and into the earth. We become the infinity as the different aspects of our
nature are brought into alignment. The symbol is called the "High/Low/God"
Symbol. It represents this flow of energy from the divine, through our "selves".
The "High" self, or "Higher Self" is often thought of as the soul. It is our highest
level of being and closest to the divine. The "Low" self is the ego. It is under our
conscious control and is responsible for making the choices that we do in life. The ego is an amalgam of
all our experiences, beliefs, conditionings and as such often has moved away from the divine order and
soul order. We become trapped in our beliefs and conditionings that prevent us from seeing reality as it
truly *is* and move farther and farther from the divine order. This order is what the Taoists call the Tao
or "the way". We have different aspects of ourselves. We have physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
This symbol helps us cleanse and let go of the things that prevent us from seeing things are they are, not
as we want them to be. When we are in alignment with the divine order we experience harmony in our
lives. This Facet is thought to be a very important cleanse and can bring about big changes in one's life.
Letting go of conditionings is never easy and the cleanse can be difficult for some. It is not an
overwhelming process, but it will bring to the fore ideas and conditionings you have that you may need to
address as you come more into focus with your life's plan and mission.
Meditations - Meditation using High/Low/God Symbol and Infinity to experience an alignment of
ourselves and union of our nature. Begin by doing the Seichim Infinity Meditation. See the living light
energy above and see it come around you. Allow it to flow around your body and begin to cleanse and
energize the fields of energy around you and cleanse and energize the aura. Breath in the light into the
lungs. From there see the light energy move into the heart, and then spread throughout the whole body.
See and know that the living light energy removes all that is not in your highest good and transmutes it
into light. See the infinity sign above the crown and let the infinity flow into the crown and then breath it
down into the heart. Let the light fill and energize you completely. Place you hands in the namaste
position before the heart. Now focus on the high/low/God. See it's shape and see the infinity. Breath in the
light and love. Feel the alignment, from the infinite, the divine through us to earth. We are healed in
oneness in our physical, emotional and spiritual sleves. Breath in the balance of the light, knowing that
these parts of you are being brought into balance and harmony. Focus on the energy flowing in and
bringing balance to all parts of your body and mind. Continue this for a time. You may wish to bring in
the other symbols as well. Receive perfect love, joy and peace to fill you.When you are ready, give thanks
and gratitude for the gift shared you, and slowly bring yourself back up to normal consciousness.


Original Information Regarding the Attunements

We are going to begin learning about the Seichim Attunement and the attunement process. There are a
variety of methods under the umbrella of Seichim Reiki. The Original attunements were passed by Patrick
Ziegler using the infinity during a Reiki Attunement. The information given to Patrick from Marat was:
Level 1 uses the Reiki power symbol drawn on the person while incorporating the Infinity symbol
as well. This is what is known as the Cho Ku Ret (also called Zara).
Level 2 incorporates more integration into the body and adding dimension.
Level 3 or Master Level would be where you visualize the person as actually being the Infinity
T'Om Seaman was the fourth to receive a Seichim attunement. Patrick had started a small healing group
while a Teacher after learning Barbara Weber Ray's Real Reiki (TM) - now called "The Radiance
Technique". This is where he met T'om. Patrick shared about Seichim with T'om who asked for the
Master attunements in both. Patrick agreed, and gave them explaining that the results might be
unpredictable as he had never attempted to pass the Seichim energy before. The information Patrick
passed to T'om at this point was what he had received from Marat. At this point, the only symbols were
the infinity, the Cho Ku Ret and the Reiki Symbols. The system here developed two seperate streams.
One was the T'om Seaman / Ken Lowry school and the other as the Phoenix Summer field school. There
is some disagreement over who actually developed the 7 Facet symbols that are used in system. Both
T'om and Ken, as well as Phoenix were adding symbols and using them. Some accounts say that they
were up to 30 at one point. The three of them were corresponding regularly as well as working together
and they developed from their work the system that you are learning. The systems took on different
names T'om's was called Seichim Reiki or 7 Facet Seichim, Ken maintained the "Renegade Reiki" name
and Phoenix called hers "Seichim". Phoenix's began channelling material and soon was claiming that the
system came from Atlantis or Lemuria, through Tibet to Egypt.
The 7 Facet Seichim Attunement
Seichim Initiation Ceremony Preparing for the Initiation - Explain the initiation ceremony to the initiate.
Tell him what you will be doing and what they need to do, as well as what to expect. Cleanse participants
and area where initiation is to be done using smudging or any other cleansing technique. Have initiate sit
either in a chair which allows access to his upper back or in a meditation position on the floor. The initiate
should place his hands on his knees with palms facing upward. Initiate should have eyes closed, unless
this causes him extreme discomfort. Tell initiate to say any prayer and/or call in any guides they wish to
be present for initiation. The Master should also say any prayer and/or call in any guides they wish to be
present. The Initiation Ceremony - The structure of the attunement is relatively simple. For ease in
instruction, the main action for each step is listed next to the number or step, and then a narrative
explanation follows.
1. Call down the Great Shining Light
Stand behind the initiate and draw the Dai Ko Myo in the air with both hands simultaneously
above the initiate's head. Bring the Great Shining Light energy down to the initiate by lowering
your hands to rest on the top of his head.
2. Place ALL Seichim symbols into the initiate's crown. (This is done for any level of Seichim.)
Draw the infinity symbol in the air with the left hand three times while saying "Seichim" to set
the intent of initiating him into Seichim. For each symbol: With left hand, draw the symbol in the
air above the initiate and say the symbol's name 3 times. Allow the energy of the symbol to flow
through your right hand on the initiate's head and gently push the symbol into the crown with the
left hand. After all other symbols drawn, draw the infinity symbol in the air with the left hand
three times while saying "Seichim".


3. Place appropriate symbols for the level of initiation into the initiate's back. Draw the symbols for
the level of the initiation directly on the initiate's upper back with both hands simultaneously as
you say the name of each symbol 3 times. Level/Symbol {for each level, add the symbol(s) noted
as well as repeating the ones for the previous level(s)}

cho ku rei
sei he ki, hon sha ze sho nen
cho ku ret (also known as zara)
angel wings
male/female balance
eeef tchay and Dai Ko Mio

After all other symbols drawn, draw the infinity symbol on the back with both hands
simultaneously three times while saying "Seichim. Blow from the crown chakra down to the base
of spine to get the energy moving. Then seal in the symbols by drawing a two-handed angel
wings symbol on the back.
Place the appropriate symbols for the level of initiation into each hand. Move clockwise around
to the front of the initiate. Follow this procedure for one hand, then the other. Blow from palm up
each arm once or more to clear energy if needed. (Use your intuition on this, or you may do it for
each initiation.) Draw the symbols for the level of the initiation directly on the palm as you say
the name of each symbol 3 times. Then gently push each symbol upward into the initiate's 3rd
eye. After all other symbols drawn, draw the infinity symbol on the palm three times while saying
"Seichim" and gently push the infinity symbol into the 3rd eye also. Then draw the angel wings
symbol on the palm to seal in the symbols.
4. Blow white/violet energy into each chakra.
Place the initiate's hands together in a prayer position. As you do this, draw the cho ku rei inside
your mouth with your tongue and inhale through this symbol. Move the initiate's hands over each
of his chakras and blow out the white/violet energy through his hands and into each chakra.
Return the initiate's hands to his knees with palms facing upward.
5. Place the appropriate symbols for the level of initiation into the feet. Kneel in front of the initiate.
Follow this procedure for both feet simultaneously. Draw the symbols for the level of the
initiation directly on the top of each foot as you say the name of each symbol 3 times. Then
gently pull each symbol upward toward his knee. After all other symbols drawn, draw the infinity
symbol on the feet three times while saying "Seichim" and gently pull the infinity upwards also.
Then draw the angel wings symbol on the feet to seal in the symbols. Move clockwise to stand
behind the initiate again.
6. Seal the initiate in the Great Shining Light and the energy of the Earth. Making a circle with your
hands, pull in the Great Shining Light and creating a large disk in your arms of the Great Shining
Light energy (use visualization of the dai ko myo to assist in creating this disk). Pull the disk
down over the initiate all the way to the ground. Then pull the Earth energy up into a similar disk
and pull it up over the initiate.
7. Thank the Great Shining Light and any guides present for their assistance.
8. Clap hands 3 times over initiates head to end ceremony.


Alternate Seichim Attunement

This Seichim Attunement was developed by Lyn Nickel to pass the Seichim Energy. This attunement
uses the Infinity, the ANKH, and the Sun. Try using this attunement to empower and attune things in the
environment, or to attune others that you wish to share Seichim with.

Connect with the source

Next, bring in the infinity sign
Next, bring in the sun
Then bring in the ankh
Finally bring in the infinity again
N.B. The Symbols and Energy are brought in the crown, then in the heart, palms, feet, and
then in the totally aura and energy field.

Symbols for the short Seichim attunement

This sign, the number 8 positioned horizontally denotes the idea of infinitely great or
infinity, referring to distances or numbers. Sometimes the concept of infinity in
mathematical systems is expressed by the sign. As far as time is concerned the most
common similar medieval symbol is the snake biting its own tail, or the empty circle, . It
represents a double endlessness or eternity.
ANKH : Symbol of Eternal Life
Symbol of Eternal Life. The gods are often seen holding an Ankh to someone's lips
and this is considered to be an offering of "The Breath of Life."

SUN: Symbol of God/Universe Life and Creation Energy

Also represents Regeneration, Revitalization, Growth and Abundance

Suggested Activities/Healings
Healing Using the High/Low God Symbol.
Learn the Seichim Attunement. Begin practicing it.


Facet Seven
Facet Seven - Becoming the Infinity, Vision and Insight, elinghtenment and mastery

Symbols - Eeef Tchay, Dai Ko Mio

Meditations - Seichim Infinity Meditation - Eeef Tchay and Dai Ko Mio Meditations
Techniques - Practice the Attunement Process
Activities/Healings - Insight toward problem areas using the Eeef Tchay. Performing
Eeef Tchay (Endless Inner Sight)
The Eeef Tchay Symbol is used to open the third Eye, and give one Endless Inner Sight.
It allows you to see through the veils of illusion and see things as they really are. It is
also used to enhance psychic sight. This symbol represents the Eye of Horus. It is the
awakening and opening of the third eye and the awareness of the third eye. Some
schools teach that the third eye (or pituatary) actually swells and bursts any calcification
or covering when it is fully open and working. With the Eeef Tchay, we are able to see
what needs healed. This is not necessarily with the eyes but with the third eye. In Reiki
Ryoho this skill is called "Reiji. We also find our discernment, the ability to know
spiritually increases.
Dai Ko Mio
N.B. If you already know a version of Dai Ko Mio, use that one. Dai Ko Mio - Seichim
and Reiki share the Dai Ko Mio as the mastery symbol. In Seichim, there are 7 Facets.
It is a slow process where one begins to open all the levels of body and mind to the
energy and experience "At-one-ment" with the universe. This is enlightenment. It starts
the process and we begin to transcend. The Seichim Dai Ko Mio represents the Great
Shining Light that Seichim is. It is where we have opened to the power of Seichim
(Facet One), Opened emotionally and spiritually (Facet 2), Awakened and perceived
oneness with all things around us (Facet 3), Begun to realize our potential (Facet 4),
brought our male and female (yin and yang) into harmony (Facet 5), Brought our selves
into alignment with the great light of the divine (Facet 6), and finally, opened our
insight and inner vision to the great shining light and oneness (Facet 7). We have
travelled the journey of Mastery.

Meditation using High/Low/God Symbol and Infinity to experience an alignment of ourselves and union
of our nature. Begin by doing the Seichim Infinity Meditation. See the living light energy above and see it
come around you. Allow it to flow around your body and begin to cleanse and energize the fields of
energy around you and cleanse and energize the aura. Breath in the light into the lungs. From there see the
light energy move into the heart, and then spread throughout the whole body. See and know that the
living light energy removes all that is not in your highest good and transmutes it into light. See the
infinity sign above the crown and let the infinity flow into the crown and then breath it down into the
heart. Let the light fill and energize you completely. Place you hands in the namaste position before the
heart. Now focus on the Eeef Tchay. Let the energy move into the third eye and see the symbol form
there. Let the energy open us to the insight we have. Allow yourself to fully see the light and stay with
this for a few moments. Next bring in the Dai Ko Mio. Let the great shining light that is Seichim flow into
the crown and expand. Breathe in the light and let it spread through all of you. Let this light illumine your
mind and being. You live in the light. Continue this for a time. You may wish to bring in the other


symbols as well. Receive perfect love, joy and peace to fill you. When you are ready, give thanks and
gratitude for the gift shared you, and slowly bring yourself back up to normal consciousness.
Begin a healing. Focus on Eeef Tchay and then scan the person using a normal scanning technique. See in
your mind's eye areas that need treatment. Practice Attunements. Perform an attunement using the Zara
symbol to empower an inanimate object. Try using an attunement on a Reiki friend of other person.


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