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Advanced Features

About This Module

Duration: 30 Minutes
Module Knowledge

Using User Settings

Navigating SAP Reports

Target Audience

Application Consultant

Support Consultant

Technology Consultant

Project Manager

Project Stakeholder

Business User

End User

Super / Key / Power User

About This Topic

SAP provides a way for you to assign a default value to any specific SAP field where
you enter data using its parameter identifier (PID). This feature is useful when you
use the same transactions regularly and fill out one or more of the transaction fields
with standard data. The default data you assign is set for your user profile only. In this
lesson, we will examine how to assign a PID to your user profile.
Estimated time to complete this topic: 15 Minutes

Change the default user settings

Assign a PID to a user profile in the Parameter settings

Advanced Features - Business Example

Hi, good to see you again! In case you don't remember: I'm Vera and I work in
Purchasing at IDES.

Hi, good to see you again! In case you don't remember: I'm Vera and I work in
Purchasing at IDES.
I regularly use the same transactions and I often find myself typing the current year
into all of them. I also need to generate reports with various criteria to retrieve and
analyze data. It would be nice to find a way that I don't need to do this over and over

Maintain User Profile

To maintain a customized user profile in the system, choose System User
Profile Own Data.
On the Maintain User Profile page, you can change the desired settings such as the
default logon language, date and time format, and address details.

Now that Vera has basic knowledge of using SAP, she wants to make use of certain
advanced features that will help her save time.
To maintain her user profile in the system, she chooses System User ProfileOwn
She can make the desired settings in the Address, Defaults, andParameters tab
pages. Once she saves her data, these settings will remain valid until she changes
them again.

Exercise: Maintain User Profile and Set Up Default Values

Parameter Identifier (PID)
A field can be filled with proposed values from SAP memory using a parameter ID.

In F1 field-specific help, there is an icon for Technical Info . This window contains the
parameter identifier of a field (or PID), along with other technical information. A field
can be filled with proposed values from SAP memory using a parameter ID.
Once you know the PID of a field, you can assign a default value to automatically
populate that field whenever it appears in a transaction. This change is made for your
user profile only (it does not change the value of the field for other users.)
In this example, Vera wants the default value 99 to appear in the Country Grouping
field, whenever it is displayed. She pressed F1 and chose the Technical info icon in
the F1 help window. As you can see, the PID for the Country Grouping field is MOL.

To Assign to Your User Profile

To assign a default data to a PID for a user profile


Follows the menu path System User profile Own data to access the
Maintain User Profile screen.


Choose the Parameters tab.


Enter the PID for the field in a blank Parameters field.


Enter the specific default value in the corresponding Value field.


Save the changes.

Vera now can assign specific default data to that PID for her user profile.

She follows the menu path System User profile Own data to access the
Maintain User Profile screen and chooses the Parameters tab.

She enters the PID for the field in a blank Parameters field and then enters the
value "99 in the corresponding Valuefield.

Vera saves the changes. The new default value will take effect only after she
logs off and logs on again to SAP.

Result: Once the PID is assigned to her user profile, whenever Vera uses a
transaction that includes the Country Grouping field, it will be filled in with the data

Impact of Assigning PID

The data entered as the default value will remain assigned until it is changed. This is
true for all PIDs assigned in a user profile.
For example, if Vera does not return to update the value for the GJR PID when the
year changes to 2007, her Fiscal year field will still populate automatically in all
transactions but with the incorrect year!

The data Vera entered as a default value for the Country Grouping PID will remain
assigned until she goes back to change it. This is true for all PIDs you assign to your
user profile. For example, if Vera does not want to set 99 as the country grouping,
she should manually change the PID for MOL. If she leaves the field blank, the
system will automatically take 00 (or blank) for the country grouping. Hence, she
must either specify country grouping or remove the entire row from the user
parameter tab.

You should now be able to:

Change the default user settings

Assign a PID to a user profile in the Parameter settings

About This Topic

When you are working in the SAP system, you may want to access information from
the database. To do this, you use reports. Some reports display information while
others allow you to perform analyses. In this lesson we will examine using List
Display reports.
Estimated time to complete this topic: 15 Minutes

Execute a standard SAP report

SAP Reports
A List Display report is based on document type. This type of report is used to see a
list of documents. From this list, you can double-click on a line item to display an
individual document.
To generate an analytical report:

Navigate to the desired reporting transaction selection criteria


Enter the desired selection criteria and click Execute

Values of document will be displayed based on criteria entered.

To display or analyze information from the SAP database, you execute a report. In
many cases, the SAP system automatically executes a report. Sometimes, however,
you may need to execute a report yourself.
Some reports are simply the lists of documents, while other reports are linked directly
to tasks in the SAP system.

List Report


Analysis Report

Reports that are directly linked to a task sometimes use the data already entered on
your screen as selection criteria. This means you do not have to enter selection
criteria when the report is executed.

Selection Criteria for Reports

You can use selection criteria to generate specific reports, so that only the data
matching theses criteria will appear.

Reports are generated using selection criteria. These are the fields that are used to
define the type and amount of information you want a report to process.
For example, Vera wants to generate a Birthday List of a particular group of
employees. For this she specifies the year, Personnel area and Employee group.
Only the data matching these criteria will appear in her report.
If Vera does not enter any selection criteria, the system displays the Birthday List of
all the employees in the organization. In this case, the amount of data may be very
large and the system may not be able to process all of it. She would probably receive
a message indicating processing limitations in her status bar.

Exercise: Execute a Standard Report

You should now be able to:

Execute a standard SAP report

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