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‘SAP Navigation Post Assessment > Introduction tothe SAP Enterprise Core Component > Question 1 Choose the soa nan. hich ofthe fling iene wl you cick te change your password ring subsequent logins? © crete row secon Oca (© Hew passwort © Personal ssting ] u EIQ 4? Nevonon Post-Assessment > Introduction tothe SAP Enterprise Core Component > Question 2 conse te eect anew) “ich ete flonng ters te compan ofthe SAP EneyAoe Tie Bar en ear Session Bar 1 Appin Toba o SI” 7 neater Post Assessment > Invoduction to the SAP Enterprise Cove Component > Question 3 (Chose th enact ans (© Tho SAP Stare dclys te man bar a he sand ol bax (0 The SAP Stand Tee sclays te name eine funtion that you re curentyusng (© The SAP Standard Tee slays & each ofthe menus alate > youin the SAP system © The SAP Stands Tes lye aun coe fr tho applet tat you ar ctr ing a G7 SAP Navtaton u PPost-Assessment > Introduction to the SAP Enterprise Core Component > Question 4 Wich ofthe long is to fan ings l? © input fats are usa to atersex Cp fl ar sed wah sing slat Sls (© inp fala ate ud wh muti sac fet (© ipa fats are uss to organize seer screen eas to ere caty and epancaion of data SAPARD “y Post-Assasament > Introduction to the SAP Enterprise Core Component > Question 5 Choose the avec enor) hich ofthe oon statements are te about mui cesins? 1, You con copy cata beeen sessions, 1, Yu can soe upto sic seston ta tine 1, Yeu can ue ano seston creat data whl sing ara session 1 pay dla You con change 2 pac dt lament inmate than ne tansaton simansousy Sy sv Neato “y Post Assossmont > Help Functions and Personalizing SAP > Question 1 Coooee the cane answer. hich ofthe flenng best deibss the puzose othe FI Hel incon? (© FY halpi eed nunc the SAP Apteaton Lia (© Ft help i used eam abut the aus alowed fr afd (© Fr ali used nigh te valu you wart ous in fel © Ft alps ussdto S68 desig tot and tahncalnbrmain about 3 eld ‘SAP Navigation + Post-Aasesament > Holp Functions and Personalizing SAP > Quostion 2 Choos the conact ananet ich ofthe folowing st decries the supe ofthe SAP Apsiaton Liar? [© The SAP Appin Ltrs = bling tha hovtes SAP appeatin coher (© The SAP Appin Libary is 2 hel ncion usd custaize your SAP syst © The SAP Apatite an eine sence fer orteng books iting a your SP syst © The SAP Apoestin Lary isan online calecton oF al SA dacumettion alate or you SA? syst z= SIG SAP Navzaton oy Post Accossmaent > Help Functions and Personalizing SAP > Question 3 crease me caret ens) ie othe aon ate wus arte Feats eaten SAP? LY, Fevoites oan ony beaded using ne path Freee > Ae Feros can hop you complete your work ere ec Feces canbe v4 by hesng on he Dsate Frat on 1, Fewites alow youte access atansacionsteen non step instesd af nating tei thaugh 2 menu path SIEy 9 Nematon Post Assessment > Help Functions and Personalizing SAP > Question 4 (Chose the sonst ana From which recon you launch web inks? © command ia © Favertes lt SIG 2 Nevin Post Assessment > Holp Functions and Personalizing SAP > Question 5 Chose th cost ens) i ofthe flowing ae toms of tts apes? roe message WY Warring message Naigation message resent message ou u Py 0° Nevoaton Post-Assessment > Advanced Navigation > Question 1 Detain whee statment ita rfl Using Traneacon Codes is oe opin fr naigaing int SAP eytem @ Tee CAPA Post-Assexement > Advanced Navigation > Question 2 Deterine whether this statements tue or fle ‘Transaction codes ar arte inthe Commans fa owe © Fase u oy Sy sensation ou Post-Assessment > Advanced Navigation > Question 3 hich ofthe fonng commands wl iss the curent transaction and open the Easy Access screen? mez © rez (SAP Aaa oy Post Assessment > Advanced Features > Question 1 Choose th conetenevert) "Wich ete felling ab rages enable you to customize def setings onthe Marin Use Profle sceen? tress & detuts Pears SI” 8° Notation oy Pont Ameximent > Advanced Features > Question 2 Choose th cont answer). ‘hich tte flowing statements ra tue about pararteiceifi (ec)? (© The dels data you aasgnie ator your use role at [The dete data you assign or you values wil atamaially change o anew value each yet | Tho dtu ata you assign lta ofet ely afer eggng of om SAP and logging en again (© The dtu ata you assign ilar popu that les whenever appears na transectin, Sy sx? Nevoaton oy Ccheas he comet anew Which oth folowing statements ae wus abou List Display repos? 1 Exocutng the rpor depays alt of ebcuris 1 Dauleclcng on aie tem ante apart dips inhi acument (1 Launcning 2 écumant fom the ego allows autorzed users to make changes rectly inthe document Enring specie dae rage va values tom #cacunat ange of ewes (ater than he documents ‘ensaies)

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