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Lesson Plan

Shakespeares Othello
Teacher: Sarah Amodeo
Date: Wednesday October 14, 2015
Class: Sec 5 Group: 03- Period 2
1) Greetings, Overview of class schedule (3-5mins).
2) Attendance (3-5 mins).
3) Todays Class (40-45mins)
To begin class students will work in small groups on Lesson 10 & 11 of Language Power:
{10}Cliches, Jargon, and Redundant Language & {11}Commonly Confused Words. The class will be
given ten minutes to complete this, at which point the rest will be due for homework and collected next
class. This is meant to reinforce writing habits based on common issues in the short story submissions.
Following which, students will be given two words to take note of while we read the remainder of
Othello; they will be responsible for informing the class of their meaning and relevance. Read as a class
Iagos Soliloquy Act. 1. 3. 296-395, and Act 2. Scene 1. 1-179. Brief discussion of what was read during
class time & the students will be given the remainder of the period to work in small groups on their
A- Language Power Lesson 10 & 11 {10 mins}
B- Word Search {2-3 mins}
C- Iagos Soliloquy Act 1.3. 296-395 {10-15 mins}
D- Act 2. Scene 1. 1-179 {15-20 mins}
E- Group work on Handouts 5 & 6 {10-15mins}
4. Mention a homework check will take place at the beginning of next class, and that Handout 5 & 7 will
be completed.

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