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Reduced time clauses

Time clauses show a chronological relationship between two actions in a

sentence, answering the question when?
Complete each sentence with information that is true for you.
After I finish my
homework,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After finishing my
homework,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------While I take my lunch break at
work,--------------------------------------------------------------------------While taking my lunch break at
work,-------------------------------------------------------------------------Im not very approachable right
after-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ever since I was a
kid,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As soon as I got up in the
morning,----------------------------------------------------------------------------Until I've had my
coffee,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whenever you have to work with
numbers,-----------------------------------------------------------------I've been a night person from the moment
----------------------------------------------------------------- Open your student book to page 29 at the grammar focus.
When can the time clauses be reduced?
Which time expressions cannot usually be reduced?
Some adverb clauses can be changed to modify phrases, but only when the
subject of the adverb clause and main clause are the same.
When the verb is a be form of the verb, omit the be and the subject of the
independent clause.
While I was walking in the park, I saw a classmate
While walking in the park, I saw a classmate.
When there is no be form of the verb, omit the subject and change the
verb to the present participle.
After I finished the book, I returned it to the factory.
After finishing the book, I returned it to the library.

Look at Exercises one and two on page 28. Can you find more time
clauses? Which ones can be reduced?
Do exercise B page 29

Individual work:

Go to page 112 Grammar plus. Find out more examples of reduced and non
reduced time clauses. Do exercises 1 and 2. Then discuss the answers with your

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