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336 starsat [R97.99. $2 89, aad QF egal aaRTATTHAT taaTSART- THe | If the lord of the 10th house possessed of strength be ina Kendra or 2 Kuna, the percon concerned will be in. strumental in getting a religious sacrifice performed, a well dug, and a rest-house or temple built. He will worship yods and show hospitality to guests, 86, al aM UST aT saaTETAT | Benefic planets when retrograde will bestuw kingdom, power and wealth, while malefics in the same condition will cause evil and loss 8%. ae aeneaatt Tet gat ga ora qaaiseet | All benefics when they are in the 3rd, the 6th and the 11h houses make the native happy in his early period, while malefics in the same position make him so in the Jast period. 0g Rete 9 Thus ends the discussion on ‘ Diverse matters.” Wah arama qatar wea UW END OF THE THIRD TATVA. SIV. Sharam Stri Jataka Tatva. R. aegaaaie teat eloriaty Whatever effects have bec described in the case of male horoscopes, they shonld he declared as applicable tu females also, 2. dhoraaead gig | S37 j IV. —efsrermary t 337 ‘Whatever that may be found (in female horoscopes) as unsuitable to females should be ascribed to their husbands. 3. STR ale TaMTAT: APPT | Matters relating to the body of a female should be determined from the Lagna and the sign occupied by the Moon. Wedded happiness and widowhood should be deduced from the 7th and 8th houses reckoned from the Lagna. a sted: aa at ahaa gaa aster gna and the Moon be in even signs, the woman born will be truly feminine in character; and if benefic planets should also aspect the Lagna and the Moon, she will possess excellent qualities, will be of stead- fast virtue and well-ornamented. 4 fivadarts gersftaiega wegaz2 wh aft queadit | If the La woman will be masculine in form and masculine in her na aml the Moon he in ond. signs, the bearing ; and if they be associated with or aspected by malefic planets, she will be devoirl of good qualities (will be profligate). &. aaa ast aa Arai Gea) Of the Lagna and the Muon whichever is stronger, the efiects described for the Trimsams1 occupied by that significator will come to ey ae ae Gait ala ger ga Herat qe: areal a8: gam waza gral WG = 43 -338 errata (S 8-10 When the Lagna or the Moon, whichever: of them is stronger, is in a sign belonging to Mars, the female born ina Trimsamsa of Mars will be ill-bchaved; deceitful, if born in that uf Mercury ; virluous, if in that of Jupiter ; of a wicked disposition, if in that of Venus; anda menial or slave, if born in that of Saturn. ¢. UR gee Hath gnea ga sete Ta qoarht aqua gad: gre get! ‘In a Rasi owned by Venus, a female born in a Trimsamsa of Venus will be famous for her good qualities skilled in the arts and music—vocal and instrumental—if born in a Trimsamsa of Mercury; she will be endowed with all good qualities if born in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter ; she will be remarried if born in a Trimsamsa of Saturn, If bora ina Trimsamsa of Mars, the female born will be wicked. & ware fais sata se ofr size aa Gea Wye Vea Besa | When the Lagna or the Moon’s Rasi is a sign owned by Mercury, the female born in a Triusainsa of Mars will be dishonest; if in a Trimsamsa of Mercury, she will have many good qualities; if ina Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will be chaste; if in that of Venus, she will be libidinous ; if born in a Trimsamsa of Saturn, she will be impotent. to, wh ama Fay Fe ga Rew size QU GRA Foe AeA aH | In Kataka, if the Trimsamsa of birth be owned by Mars, the female concerned will be a harlot; if the same belong to Mercury, she will be skilled in the arts; ‘if to 330 Jupiter, she will be endowed with many good qualities ; if to Venus, she will be unchaste; aud lastly if the Trim samsa be that of Saturn, she will kill her husband. 1. +s Ra eS Qt. fa gra ait aaavr wae Pata gel amt are yam age gaegaT | If Simba be the Lagna or the Vloon's Rasi, and the Trimsamsa of birth be that of Mars, the female born will be of a masculine disposition ; if the same belong to Mercury, she will be maszuline in her ways; if to Jupiter, she will be the beloved of a royal husband; if in a Trim: samsa of Venus, she will have intrigues with her own son; and lastly if born in that of Saturn, she will disgrace her family. ae, dad gre Bath aga ga far aie quan gaa adi ace anita | When the Lagna or the sign occupied by the Moon is owned by Jupiter, the female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will be endowed with many good qualities; if in that of Mercury, she will have proficiency in worldly knowledge ; if born ina Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will have many good qualities ; if in that of Venus, she will be chaste ; and if in that of Saturn, she will be an adulteress, QR, wat ares Fath gat aes ger TH: ate ART THT TAH | If the Lagna or the sign occupied by the Moon belong to Saturn, the female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will be a maid-servant ; if in that of Mercury, she will be wicked ; if in that of Jupiter, she will be a faithful wife; if in that of Venus, she will be barren; and lastly if inva Tiiinsamesa. of Saturn, she will be an adulteress, 340 wae [S 14-20 82. mete aT ERASE wad gomiatate: each aaa | If at a woman’s birth a sign of Venus be tising, and the rising Navamsa be owned by Kumbha, and if Venus and Saturn ave vvcupying each other's Navamsas or are either in exact opposition (mutually aspceting), she will be afflicted with too much lust, and will allay her (fire of) passion with the help of other females acting the part of a male. twa merase areas pagar | When the 7th house is unoccupied and without strength, and without benefic aspect, the female born will have a contemptible wretch for her husband. 2§: ahaa wal gta: | If Mercury and Saturn be in the 7th house, the husband of the woman concerned will be impotent, 20, Tse vat ware | When the Lagna is a wioveable sign, the husband will always be away from home. Re, a2 at wal eead | If the 7th house be occupied by the Sun, the woman concerned will be abandoned by the husband. 8. eat ae Tee aTaRaaT | If Mars aspacted by a malefic occupy the 7th honse, the woman concerned becomes a widow while young, Re, at aS TED aia: | If Saturn should occupy the 7th house and be S 21—26 } IV.—eltnaeaary 341 aspected by malefic planets, the woman concerned will remain unmarried, Rt, fran aaa gg If the planets in the 7th hose he of a mixed sort (both benefic and malefic), the female concerned will remarry. RR, TIMI Qued wat AST | If there be in the 7th housc a weak malefic planet aspected by a benefic one, the female born will be pat away by her husband. 3. TERETE | If Mars and Venus occupy each other's Navamsa, the woman concerned will be addicted to other men. > 22. FRET AAT Ta Tae TaAT | If the Moon, Mars and Venus or the lwo luminaries ocenpy the 7th hanse, the waman concerned will associate with other men at the instance of her own husband, 4. ae Re weereatl Teed aaeat AeA ta | When a sign of Saturn or Mars is rising and Venus or the Moon (according as the birth is by clay or night) aspected by « malefic planet occupies it, the female born in the yoga will be addicted to another alonz with the mother. aa. gaalise aeqet ata | When the setting sign or Navamsa belongs to Mars and is aspected by Saturn, the woman concerned will have a diseased womb. 342 are [S 27-34 “89, agaist eae sehr | If the setting sigu ur Navarnsa belongs to a henefic pla- net, the pudendum muliebye of the woman concerned will be lovely an{* symmetrical and be much liked by her hushand. Re, eat ae afadeai: If the setting sign or Navamsa belongs to the Sun, the husband of the woman concerned will be indifferent to coition, 28, aegatttsd agi art af If the setting sign or Navamsa belongs to the Moon, the husband of the female concerned will be lovesick and gentle. Ro. Hg amet Bea: ate ofa | If the 7th house or uhe setting Navamsa he that of Mars, the hushand will be loving but of an irascible temper. a. malaise ofatiar | If the 7th house or the setting Navamsa belong ta Mercury. the husband will be learned. 38, stnaiash gut afer af | If the setting sign or Navamsa belony to Jupiter, the husband of the female concerned will be endowed with all good qualities and will have his senses under control. 83. RATS Beat aeTATT | If the setting Rasi or Navamsa be owned by Venus, the husband of the woman concerned will be very good. looking and fortunate. Ra, aequtase gel aaa aft: | S 35-40] IV. —eftarerearas 1 343 If the 7th house or the setting Navamsa belong to Saturn, the husband of the female concerned will be a fool and an old man. 4, at Day Teale afta | When the rising sign at the birth of a female is occupied by Venus and the Moon, the woman will be jealous and spiteful ; and she will be fond of ease and comfort. 8a. Fe ot TTT TIGaTAT | If Mereury and the Moon be in the Lagna, the woman concerned will be skilled in all the arts, will be endowed with good qualities and he happy. 2, qRRAR Tata aa Bsa | If Mercury and Venus occupy the Lagna, the female born will be beautiful, loved by her hushand and will be skilled in the arts. Rc, TAT BIT THRTATAUTA | [f the three benefics occupy the Lugna, the female born will be endowed with all kinds of happiness and good qualities. as, Taseasehataazarat Aaa | When the 8th house is occupied by a muletic planet, the woman concerned bacomes a widow and the widow- hood will occur during the Dasa of the plinet owning the pied by the lord of the 8th. Navamsa ocz go, aaraetetRreqeTga1 | When the Moon is in Vrishabha, Kanya, Veischika and Simba, the woman concerned will have few children. 344 stam [S 4146 Bt. we aevad Gay addy By ISG dems ger | When Saturn has but medium strength, when the male planets are possessed of strength and the remaining Planets are weak, the female that is born in an odd (fa male) Lagna will feel delighted as males, 88. ARES aie aieaar waa alte | When Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are strong and the Lagna is an even one, the woman born will become eelebruted fur her knowledge even to expound scriptures, 8. Rise was | When a malefic planet isin the 7th house, the woman concerned will devote herself to the asceticism answer. able to the planet in the 9th house. 88, TN queesesqTET | If the 7th house be owned as well as aspected by malefics in a wouu's uativity, she will be childless, « ah, waRaa galfag dey aqh fitter gad asi | According as the 7th house is occupied by one, two or three benefics will the woman bora be (1) loved by her husband, (2) exalted and distinguished and (3) a queen (favourite of a king). 8%, Fa val gaat Taal | If Rahu occupies the 7th house, the female concerned will bring some il-fame to the family and engender misery, S 47—53 ] 1V.—ettarasaera, 1 345 RO, BEET TT TATE TT raat | __ If malefics occupy the 7th or 8th places reckoned either from the Lagna or from the Moon, the female con- cerned will become a widow, Be, Het Tat aatsdh oat Raat t If Rabu occupy a sigu of Mars identical with the 7th, the 8th or the 12th house, the woman concerned will become a widow. 28. weg gaaat Ateaeat geeAat | If both the Lagna and the Moon be hemmed in betwixt malefics and be unaspected by any benefic, the woman concerned will be a ruiner of both the families, sas &o, mae Ararat qarerent oft lf sign Kataka he setting and Mars and the Sun ocenpy the same, the woman concerned will be addicted to others and she will be an adulteress. A ~ . Qk, STaMeMaMeTaa ATT TeTATeTI- wat | If Mars along with another mulefic occupy any one of the houses, viz. Ist 4th, 8th, 12th and 7th, the woman concerned having been abanloned by her husband will be addicted to another. 4. qaAsy a Aaratat wgarse wer | If the 7th house and the Lagne be occupied by malefic planets, the woman conserned will become widowed in the 7th yeat after marriage. 43, IBSEN FRSEAET WET | tea 44 346 reer (S 54-6 If the Moon should be posited in the 6th or the Sth house, the woman concerned will bevome a widow in the 8th year (after marriage). UR. GAH AT Ce TAN aTEw aa rar war | If the lords of the 7th and 8th houses interchange places and be subject to malefie aspect, the woman con- cerned will become a widow very soon after the marriage Ge, ABET AB A TT TTT aAaiaT wat | If the lords of the 6th and the 8th houses occupy the 6th or the 12th and he conjoined with a malefic planet, the woman concerned will become a widow very soon after the marriage, 4. oH TT AT Ba TEMA a TaTeET | If Jupiter or Venus occupy the 8th house, the woman concemed will have miscarriages, or have children born dead. ho, HaSsee geet | If Mars be in the 8th house, the female concerned will he nnchaste. ae, weaset oat Tat | If Saturn occupy the 8th house, the husbaud of the woman concerned will be sickly. 48, ised arama | If the Sun be positedin the 8th house, the woman concemed will suffer mental anguish. Go, wl ual gotta | If Rahu be in the 8th house, the woman concerned S 61—67] IV.—eftarrarer 1 347 will do away with all the family customs that are usually being observed in a family. §&. wearSatictaat aa Prasat | Any girl born in the combination; Saturday, Aslesha and Dwitiya is termed a frssear-Visha Kanya. §2. alarenarerat stat FATT | Any girl born in the combination : Sunday, Satabhi- shak and Dwadasi is called a frweat-Visha Kanya. 83, gatararageat stat AST | A girl born in the combination: Tuesday, Visakha and Saptami is termed a fawerar-Visha Kanya, QR. TTS aQe qarakat stat AgTeETt | If a benefic as well asa malefic planet occupy the Lagna, and two maletics be posited in the 6th house, the girl born is termed a frewen-Visha Kanya. RY. GUSH weasy HAS Mawar | Ita girl be born when the Sunis in the 5th house, Saturn is in the Lagna and Mars occupies the 9th, she is styled a faera-Visha Kanya. 48. ar gaan aargen sara aaa | Such a female (Visha Kanya) will be ill-tempered and disliked by her husband; any children she bears will be born dead, and she will be penniless and troubled by distress. qe, qatar gas wea a | If the 7th house be occupied by its lord or by a benefic planet, she is not a frverat-Visha Kanya, 348 saat [S 68:70. T 1-3 Re, Sset araaesq | Tf Mercury be in the 8th house, the female born will bear only one child, RQ, ararelaee acca | If Saturn and the Sun be in the 8th louse, the woman concerned will be barren, So. get Rates rearat @ rary | Thus should consideration be made at the time of the mariage of a git] or when a query is made regarding her, aft cree efteresaet aqdau END OF THE FOURTH TATVA, T. Vz GAUATA Dasa Tatva. %. a8 auRiectastiemigas aeueatarat | A planet produces the effects due to its Position in a wre-Bhava, ufit-Rasi, aspect, conjunction, means of living ascribed to it, etc, during its Dasa and Antardasa 2. afareer TaleTeT at can against gata. ' The Dasa of a planet which 1s very strong, or has occupied its highest exaltation is termed a#gaf-Sampurna and produces increase of wealth and health, 3 Rage a atone fen aretha |

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