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The tell-Tale heart

The narrator explains that he is and was extremely nervous, but is not and was not
insane. In fact, the narrator has a "disease" which makes all his senses, especially his
hearing, very sensitive. To prove that he isn't insane, the narrator shares an event from
his past.
The narratoris taking care of an old man. He loves him and has nothing against him.
Except for his horrible eye. The narrator hates the eye and decides to kill the old man to
be free from it.
To that end, the narrator goes to the old man's room every night at 12am, for seven days.
Each night the narrator opens the man's door and puts in a lantern .After the lantern, the
narrator puts his head through the doorway, extremely slowly, and then opens the
lantern so a tiny beam of light shines on the old man's eye. Each night the old man
doesn't open his eye, so the narrator feels that he can't kill him.
On the eighth night, the old man hears the narrator at the door and wakes up. The
narrator waits in the dark for a long time until he finally decides to enter the dark room.
The narrator drags the old man, who has only screamed once, off the bed, and then pulls
the bed on top of the man. When the narrator hears the man's heart stop beating, he
removes the bed and checks to make sure the old man is really dead. So the narrator
cuts him into pieces and hides the body under the floor.
Then three policemen come. A neighbour had heard a scream and called them. The
narrator says he screamed while sleeping, and claims that the old man is out of town.
After convincing the cops nothing bad is happening, the narrator brings them into the
old man's bedroom, and they all sit down to talk. After a time,the narrator starts hearing
a terrible ticking noise, which gets louder and louder until the narrator freaks out,
confesses, and points the police to the old man's body, saying that the sound is coming
from the old man's heart.

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