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Pay 1 Fury for upkeep spell (only 1).

Leach fury from Warbeasts in range.
THR check for Warbeast with Fury on it. (2d6+Fury on War-

Remove expiring effects.

Resolve continuous effects on models.

1. Maintenance Phase
2. Control Phase
3. Activation Phase

(d6, 1-2 expires, 3-6 apply effect)

Rally fleeing models with CMD check.

beast > THR = Fail). Failed THR results Warbeast Frenzying,

attacking nearest model, friendly or enemy.


Unit models Move then Actions.
Spells can be cast anytime.
Only one Order per Unit can be given & can be at
start of Units Activation.

ACTIONS Choose either a.

Run is 2x SPD, forces Warbeast for 1 Fury,

and ends Activation.

Charge is SPD +3 & must have moved > 3
& hasnt any penalties to its SPD. Unit must
be Ordered. Warbeasts cant use Power
Attacks. Fails if target is out of Melee range,
or contacts terrain other than Rough Terrain &
ends Activation.

Rough Terrain/Forest/Shallow Water is 1/2

Linear Obstacle <1 tall & <1 thick only stops
Obstacle <1 tall & >1 thick costs 2 to climb.
Obstruction >1 impossible (including Deep

Combat Attack
Melee Attack: 2d6+MAT>DEF.
Ranged Attack: 2d6+RAT>DEF.
Magic Attack: 2d6+FURY>DEF.
Special Attacks, 1 per Activation.
Spray Attack rolls vs each model


Special Attack
Cant be done after a Charge.
Skill Check: 2d6 < Skill Value.

under the template.

AOE Attacks deviate if miss.


A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all

1s is a miss.
1/2 range, or 2 range for reach weapons.
Charge: Boosted DAM roll, Calvary also
gain +2 to MAT.
Back Strike: +2 to MAT if attacker Activated
behind target.



Free Strike: +2 to MAT, Boosted DAM.
Fighting across Linear Obstacle/Obstructions:
+2 DEF.

Knocked Down/Stationary: Auto hit.

Critical Hit: If 2 dice show the same number.
Combined Melee Attack: +1/model.


Cannot be made on a Charge.

Have 1/2 Melee Range.
Can be Boosted.

Forces 1 Fury to Power Attack.

All Warbeasts can Head-butt, Push & Slam
Heavy Warbeasts can Trample.
Open Fist Warbeasts can Headlock/


Auto hits, both roll d6+STR, if attacker is

higher then target is pushed 1 away, does
no DAM. Attacker can follow up. No Free

Headlock/Weapon lock

Cant be done on Knocked Down models,

does no DAM, target cant perform Special
Attacks, Weapon locked targets cant use
weapons. Neither can advance or be pushed.
Broken if models have an effect that makes
them move/placed, Knocked Down, become
Incorporeal, destroyed, or if attacker becomes
Stationary, or weapon becomes crippled.


Cant be done on > models. Roll d6+STR

or 2d6 if Two Handed Throw. Thrown
1/2STR (1 if larger model) in a chosen
direction & then deviates d3. Two hand
throws can target another model & if in
range make a Melee attack. Deviates if fail
to hit. If thrown model hits < model, they
are Knocked Down and suffer Collateral
Dmg. Thrown model is Knocked Down,
suffers 2d6+STR (+d6 if contacting > based
model, obstacle/obstruction.

Collateral DAM

Weapon lock or Throw.


Cant head-butt larger model. Target

Knocked Down if hit. DAM=2d6+STR.


Cant be done on Knocked Down models.

Same rules as Charge. 2 hit vs larger
model. Slammed model is moved d6 (d3
for smaller based models) directly away and
Knocked Down. If slammed contacts <
based models then they are Knocked Down
and suffer Collateral Dmg. DAM = 2d6+STR
(+d6 if contacting > based model, obstacle/


Same rules as Charge but advance SPD+3.

Moves through small base models, must end
with room for its base. Attack each contacted small model. DAM=2d6+STR. Resolve
Free Strikes from all non-contacted models.


Model falling >1 is Knocked Down & suffers

2d6+10 (+d6 for each 3 after the first).
Models hit by falling model suffer Collateral

Gaining Fury

attacks (except vs Spray attacks).

under a Spray template.

Target in Melee: -4 to Ranged/Magic attack roll

(except Spray attacks), roll for new target.

Cover: Within 1, +4 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks Trenches: +4 DEF, dont suffer Blast DAM
(except vs Spray attacks).

unless point of origin is in Trenches.

Elevated Target: +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks. Combined Ranged Attack: +1/model.

Elevated Attacker: Ignore Intervening models > 1
from target.

Melee DAM: 2d6 + (P+S) - ARM
Ranged DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Blast DAM: 2d6 + 1/2 POW - ARM

Magic DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Apply Damage from left to right.
For Warbeasts, roll 1d6 for the branch number on which to start marking damage.
Start from outside & mark all the way into the center until full, then move on to the next branch Clockwise.
A Warlock may transfer any damage done to them to a Warbeast in their Control Area.
Spend 1 Fury to transfer the damage to a random aspect on any Warbeast that has less
than its Fury limit in Fury on it.

When one of the three aspects on a Warbeast is completely full, that aspect is lost.
Mind Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Mind rolls 1 less die on all attack rolls.
Body Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Body rolls 1 less die on all damage rolls.
Spirit Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Spirit cannot be riled.
A Warbeast is destroyed when all of its damage circles have been filled.
A Warlock may Reave the Fury from a Warbeast when it is destroyed (up to their Fury limit) or let it go.


To cast, pay Fury Cost, and use RNG to determine range. POW is same as weapon stat.
AOE refers to area of effect, just like weapons. If CTRL the spell affects every model in control area.
Animus: Warlock can cast Warbeasts Animus by paying Fury cost. Warbeasts can use Animus during
their own activation by being riled for the Fury cost, not considered a spell.

A model can only have 1 friendly Animus at a time, older animus expires if new one is cast.

Model is Knocked Down & suffers 2d6 STR

which cannot be Boosted.


blocks LOS.

Concealment: Within 1, +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic

Are Special Attacks available to Warbeasts and noted models.

All Models

A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all 1s is a Forest: +2 DEF, LOS <3.
miss regardless of targets DEF.
Intervening Model: A model intersecting LOS to
Aim: +2 to RAT.
another model (Spray attacks ignore Intervening models).
Back Strike: +2 to Ranged/Magic attack roll if
attacker Activated behind target.
Knocked Down/Stationary: DEF 5.
Cloud Effect: Inside cloud +2 DEF, behind cloud
Stealth: Auto miss unless within 5 of target or

Warlocks leach Fury off Warbeasts, they do not generate Fury. Warlocks can then spend or discard Fury.

Spending Fury

Force Warbeasts (Run, Charge, Shake Effect, Additional Attack, Boost, Shake Effect - 1 Fury to stand if Knocked Down or drop Stationary (Control Phase).
Animus, Power Attack) or Rile Warbeasts during Warbeasts Activation Healing - 1 Fury to heal Warlock or Warbeast.
Additional Attack - costs 1 Fury, can be used multiple times.
Leaching - During Control Phase, Warlock leaches up to FURY stat,
Boost1 Fury to stack another die on any attack/damage roll, only once.
any left after leaching leades to THR check.
Cast Animus/Spells - Spend Fury as called for by spell, cant cast after Run/Charge.
Reaving - Warbeast dies, Warlock can take Fury or discard it.
Damage Transference - 1 Fury to transfer damage to Warbeast, multiple times, can not exceed
Cut - Warlock can take 1 DMG for 1 Fury.
max FURY on Warbeast.
PDF Compiled by Jeremie Wade
All rules and Hordes logo is owned by Privateer Press.




Pay 1 Fury for upkeep spell (only 1).

Leach fury from Warbeasts in range.
THR check for Warbeast with Fury on it. (2d6+Fury on War-

Remove expiring effects.

Resolve continuous effects on models.

1. Maintenance Phase
2. Control Phase
3. Activation Phase

(d6, 1-2 expires, 3-6 apply effect)

Rally fleeing models with CMD check.

beast > THR = Fail). Failed THR results Warbeast Frenzying,

attacking nearest model, friendly or enemy.


Unit models Move then Actions.
Spells can be cast anytime.
Only one Order per Unit can be given & can be at
start of Units Activation.

ACTIONS Choose either a.

Run is 2x SPD, forces Warbeast for 1 Fury,

and ends Activation.

Charge is SPD +3 & must have moved > 3
& hasnt any penalties to its SPD. Unit must
be Ordered. Warbeasts cant use Power
Attacks. Fails if target is out of Melee range,
or contacts terrain other than Rough Terrain &
ends Activation.

Rough Terrain/Forest/Shallow Water is 1/2

Linear Obstacle <1 tall & <1 thick only stops
Obstacle <1 tall & >1 thick costs 2 to climb.
Obstruction >1 impossible (including Deep

Combat Attack
Melee Attack: 2d6+MAT>DEF.
Ranged Attack: 2d6+RAT>DEF.
Magic Attack: 2d6+FURY>DEF.
Special Attacks, 1 per Activation.
Spray Attack rolls vs each model


Special Attack
Cant be done after a Charge.
Skill Check: 2d6 < Skill Value.

under the template.

AOE Attacks deviate if miss.


A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all

1s is a miss.
1/2 range, or 2 range for reach weapons.
Charge: Boosted DAM roll, Calvary also
gain +2 to MAT.
Back Strike: +2 to MAT if attacker Activated
behind target.



Free Strike: +2 to MAT, Boosted DAM.
Fighting across Linear Obstacle/Obstructions:
+2 DEF.

Knocked Down/Stationary: Auto hit.

Critical Hit: If 2 dice show the same number.
Combined Melee Attack: +1/model.


Cannot be made on a Charge.

Have 1/2 Melee Range.
Can be Boosted.

Forces 1 Fury to Power Attack.

All Warbeasts can Head-butt, Push & Slam
Heavy Warbeasts can Trample.
Open Fist Warbeasts can Headlock/


Auto hits, both roll d6+STR, if attacker is

higher then target is pushed 1 away, does
no DAM. Attacker can follow up. No Free

Headlock/Weapon lock

Cant be done on Knocked Down models,

does no DAM, target cant perform Special
Attacks, Weapon locked targets cant use
weapons. Neither can advance or be pushed.
Broken if models have an effect that makes
them move/placed, Knocked Down, become
Incorporeal, destroyed, or if attacker becomes
Stationary, or weapon becomes crippled.


Cant be done on > models. Roll d6+STR

or 2d6 if Two Handed Throw. Thrown
1/2STR (1 if larger model) in a chosen
direction & then deviates d3. Two hand
throws can target another model & if in
range make a Melee attack. Deviates if fail
to hit. If thrown model hits < model, they
are Knocked Down and suffer Collateral
Dmg. Thrown model is Knocked Down,
suffers 2d6+STR (+d6 if contacting > based
model, obstacle/obstruction.

Collateral DAM

Weapon lock or Throw.


Cant head-butt larger model. Target

Knocked Down if hit. DAM=2d6+STR.


Cant be done on Knocked Down models.

Same rules as Charge. 2 hit vs larger
model. Slammed model is moved d6 (d3
for smaller based models) directly away and
Knocked Down. If slammed contacts <
based models then they are Knocked Down
and suffer Collateral Dmg. DAM = 2d6+STR
(+d6 if contacting > based model, obstacle/


Same rules as Charge but advance SPD+3.

Moves through small base models, must end
with room for its base. Attack each contacted small model. DAM=2d6+STR. Resolve
Free Strikes from all non-contacted models.


Model falling >1 is Knocked Down & suffers

2d6+10 (+d6 for each 3 after the first).
Models hit by falling model suffer Collateral

Gaining Fury

attacks (except vs Spray attacks).

under a Spray template.

Target in Melee: -4 to Ranged/Magic attack roll

(except Spray attacks), roll for new target.

Cover: Within 1, +4 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks Trenches: +4 DEF, dont suffer Blast DAM
(except vs Spray attacks).

unless point of origin is in Trenches.

Elevated Target: +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks. Combined Ranged Attack: +1/model.

Elevated Attacker: Ignore Intervening models > 1
from target.

Melee DAM: 2d6 + (P+S) - ARM
Ranged DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Blast DAM: 2d6 + 1/2 POW - ARM

Magic DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Apply Damage from left to right.
For Warbeasts, roll 1d6 for the branch number on which to start marking damage.
Start from outside & mark all the way into the center until full, then move on to the next branch Clockwise.
A Warlock may transfer any damage done to them to a Warbeast in their Control Area.
Spend 1 Fury to transfer the damage to a random aspect on any Warbeast that has less
than its Fury limit in Fury on it.

When one of the three aspects on a Warbeast is completely full, that aspect is lost.
Mind Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Mind rolls 1 less die on all attack rolls.
Body Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Body rolls 1 less die on all damage rolls.
Spirit Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Spirit cannot be riled.
A Warbeast is destroyed when all of its damage circles have been filled.
A Warlock may Reave the Fury from a Warbeast when it is destroyed (up to their Fury limit) or let it go.


To cast, pay Fury Cost, and use RNG to determine range. POW is same as weapon stat.
AOE refers to area of effect, just like weapons. If CTRL the spell affects every model in control area.
Animus: Warlock can cast Warbeasts Animus by paying Fury cost. Warbeasts can use Animus during
their own activation by being riled for the Fury cost, not considered a spell.

A model can only have 1 friendly Animus at a time, older animus expires if new one is cast.

Model is Knocked Down & suffers 2d6 STR

which cannot be Boosted.


blocks LOS.

Concealment: Within 1, +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic

Are Special Attacks available to Warbeasts and noted models.

All Models

A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all 1s is a Forest: +2 DEF, LOS <3.
miss regardless of targets DEF.
Intervening Model: A model intersecting LOS to
Aim: +2 to RAT.
another model (Spray attacks ignore Intervening models).
Back Strike: +2 to Ranged/Magic attack roll if
attacker Activated behind target.
Knocked Down/Stationary: DEF 5.
Cloud Effect: Inside cloud +2 DEF, behind cloud
Stealth: Auto miss unless within 5 of target or

Warlocks leach Fury off Warbeasts, they do not generate Fury. Warlocks can then spend or discard Fury.

Spending Fury

Force Warbeasts (Run, Charge, Shake Effect, Additional Attack, Boost, Shake Effect - 1 Fury to stand if Knocked Down or drop Stationary (Control Phase).
Animus, Power Attack) or Rile Warbeasts during Warbeasts Activation Healing - 1 Fury to heal Warlock or Warbeast.
Additional Attack - costs 1 Fury, can be used multiple times.
Leaching - During Control Phase, Warlock leaches up to FURY stat,
Boost1 Fury to stack another die on any attack/damage roll, only once.
any left after leaching leades to THR check.
Cast Animus/Spells - Spend Fury as called for by spell, cant cast after Run/Charge.
Reaving - Warbeast dies, Warlock can take Fury or discard it.
Damage Transference - 1 Fury to transfer damage to Warbeast, multiple times, can not exceed
Cut - Warlock can take 1 DMG for 1 Fury.
max FURY on Warbeast.
PDF Compiled by Jeremie Wade
All rules and Hordes logo is owned by Privateer Press.




Pay 1 Fury for upkeep spell (only 1).

Leach fury from Warbeasts in range.
THR check for Warbeast with Fury on it. (2d6+Fury on War-

Remove expiring effects.

Resolve continuous effects on models.

1. Maintenance Phase
2. Control Phase
3. Activation Phase

(d6, 1-2 expires, 3-6 apply effect)

Rally fleeing models with CMD check.

beast > THR = Fail). Failed THR results Warbeast Frenzying,

attacking nearest model, friendly or enemy.


Unit models Move then Actions.
Spells can be cast anytime.
Only one Order per Unit can be given & can be at
start of Units Activation.

ACTIONS Choose either a.

Run is 2x SPD, forces Warbeast for 1 Fury,

and ends Activation.

Charge is SPD +3 & must have moved > 3
& hasnt any penalties to its SPD. Unit must
be Ordered. Warbeasts cant use Power
Attacks. Fails if target is out of Melee range,
or contacts terrain other than Rough Terrain &
ends Activation.

Rough Terrain/Forest/Shallow Water is 1/2

Linear Obstacle <1 tall & <1 thick only stops
Obstacle <1 tall & >1 thick costs 2 to climb.
Obstruction >1 impossible (including Deep

Combat Attack
Melee Attack: 2d6+MAT>DEF.
Ranged Attack: 2d6+RAT>DEF.
Magic Attack: 2d6+FURY>DEF.
Special Attacks, 1 per Activation.
Spray Attack rolls vs each model


Special Attack
Cant be done after a Charge.
Skill Check: 2d6 < Skill Value.

under the template.

AOE Attacks deviate if miss.


A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all

1s is a miss.
1/2 range, or 2 range for reach weapons.
Charge: Boosted DAM roll, Calvary also
gain +2 to MAT.
Back Strike: +2 to MAT if attacker Activated
behind target.



Free Strike: +2 to MAT, Boosted DAM.
Fighting across Linear Obstacle/Obstructions:
+2 DEF.

Knocked Down/Stationary: Auto hit.

Critical Hit: If 2 dice show the same number.
Combined Melee Attack: +1/model.


Cannot be made on a Charge.

Have 1/2 Melee Range.
Can be Boosted.

Forces 1 Fury to Power Attack.

All Warbeasts can Head-butt, Push & Slam
Heavy Warbeasts can Trample.
Open Fist Warbeasts can Headlock/


Auto hits, both roll d6+STR, if attacker is

higher then target is pushed 1 away, does
no DAM. Attacker can follow up. No Free

Headlock/Weapon lock

Cant be done on Knocked Down models,

does no DAM, target cant perform Special
Attacks, Weapon locked targets cant use
weapons. Neither can advance or be pushed.
Broken if models have an effect that makes
them move/placed, Knocked Down, become
Incorporeal, destroyed, or if attacker becomes
Stationary, or weapon becomes crippled.


Cant be done on > models. Roll d6+STR or

2d6 if Two Handed Throw. Thrown
1/2STR (1 if larger model) in a chosen
direction & then deviates d3. Two hand
throws can target another model & if in
range make a Melee attack. Deviates if fail
to hit. If thrown model hits < model, they are
Knocked Down and suffer Collateral Dmg.
Thrown model is Knocked Down, suffers
2d6+STR (+d6 if contacting > based model,

Collateral DAM

Weapon lock or Throw.


Cant head-butt larger model. Target

Knocked Down if hit. DAM=2d6+STR.


Cant be done on Knocked Down models.

Same rules as Charge. 2 hit vs larger
model. Slammed model is moved d6 (d3
for smaller based models) directly away and
Knocked Down. If slammed contacts <
based models then they are Knocked Down
and suffer Collateral Dmg. DAM = 2d6+STR
(+d6 if contacting > based model, obstacle/


Same rules as Charge but advance SPD+3.

Moves through small base models, must end
with room for its base. Attack each contacted small model. DAM=2d6+STR. Resolve
Free Strikes from all non-contacted models.


Model falling >1 is Knocked Down & suffers

2d6+10 (+d6 for each 3 after the first).
Models hit by falling model suffer Collateral

Gaining Fury

attacks (except vs Spray attacks).

under a Spray template.

Target in Melee: -4 to Ranged/Magic attack roll

(except Spray attacks), roll for new target.

Cover: Within 1, +4 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks Trenches: +4 DEF, dont suffer Blast DAM
(except vs Spray attacks).

unless point of origin is in Trenches.

Elevated Target: +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic attacks. Combined Ranged Attack: +1/model.

Elevated Attacker: Ignore Intervening models > 1
from target.

Melee DAM: 2d6 + (P+S) - ARM
Ranged DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Blast DAM: 2d6 + 1/2 POW - ARM

Magic DAM: 2d6 + POW - ARM

Apply Damage from left to right.
For Warbeasts, roll 1d6 for the branch number on which to start marking damage.
Start from outside & mark all the way into the center until full, then move on to the next branch Clockwise.
A Warlock may transfer any damage done to them to a Warbeast in their Control Area.
Spend 1 Fury to transfer the damage to a random aspect on any Warbeast that has less
than its Fury limit in Fury on it.

When one of the three aspects on a Warbeast is completely full, that aspect is lost.
Mind Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Mind rolls 1 less die on all attack rolls.
Body Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Body rolls 1 less die on all damage rolls.
Spirit Lost: A Warbeast that has lost its Spirit cannot be riled.
A Warbeast is destroyed when all of its damage circles have been filled.
A Warlock may Reave the Fury from a Warbeast when it is destroyed (up to their Fury limit) or let it go.


To cast, pay Fury Cost, and use RNG to determine range. POW is same as weapon stat.
AOE refers to area of effect, just like weapons. If CTRL the spell affects every model in control area.
Animus: Warlock can cast Warbeasts Animus by paying Fury cost. Warbeasts can use Animus during
their own activation by being riled for the Fury cost, not considered a spell.

A model can only have 1 friendly Animus at a time, older animus expires if new one is cast.

Model is Knocked Down & suffers 2d6 STR

which cannot be Boosted.


blocks LOS.

Concealment: Within 1, +2 DEF vs Ranged/Magic

Are Special Attacks available to Warbeasts and noted models.

All Models

A roll of all 6s to hit always hits, a roll of all 1s is a Forest: +2 DEF, LOS <3.
miss regardless of targets DEF.
Intervening Model: A model intersecting LOS to
Aim: +2 to RAT.
another model (Spray attacks ignore Intervening models).
Back Strike: +2 to Ranged/Magic attack roll if
attacker Activated behind target.
Knocked Down/Stationary: DEF 5.
Cloud Effect: Inside cloud +2 DEF, behind cloud
Stealth: Auto miss unless within 5 of target or

Warlocks leach Fury off Warbeasts, they do not generate Fury. Warlocks can then spend or discard Fury.

Spending Fury

Force Warbeasts (Run, Charge, Shake Effect, Additional Attack, Boost, Shake Effect - 1 Fury to stand if Knocked Down or drop Stationary (Control Phase).
Animus, Power Attack) or Rile Warbeasts during Warbeasts Activation Healing - 1 Fury to heal Warlock or Warbeast.
Additional Attack - costs 1 Fury, can be used multiple times.
Leaching - During Control Phase, Warlock leaches up to FURY stat,
Boost1 Fury to stack another die on any attack/damage roll, only once.
any left after leaching leades to THR check.
Cast Animus/Spells - Spend Fury as called for by spell, cant cast after Run/Charge.
Reaving - Warbeast dies, Warlock can take Fury or discard it.
Damage Transference - 1 Fury to transfer damage to Warbeast, multiple times, can not exceed
Cut - Warlock can take 1 DMG for 1 Fury.
max FURY on Warbeast.
PDF Compiled by Jeremie Wade
All rules and Hordes logo is owned by Privateer Press.

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