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College/Career Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Rebecca Stevens

Date: 10/6/2015

Activity: Would you rather icebreaker, college and career readiness, skyward,
wrap up, post-group questionnaire
Grade(s): 9th through 12th grades
ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):
C:B2 Identify career goals
C:B1 Acquire career information
C:A1 Develop career awareness
A:B2.7 Identify post-secondary options consistent with interests, achievement,
aptitude, and abilities.
Learning Objective(s):
1. Students will know what they should be doing in regards to planning for life
after high school.
2. Students will be able to summarize their experience in group.
Materials: attendance/sign in sheet, pencils, would you rather game list, tape,
questionnaire, snack/treat
1. Students sign in.
2. Icebreaker Activity: Would you rather? Place a line of tape down the center
of the room. Ask the group to straddle the tape. When asked 'Would you
rather? they have to jump to the left or right as indicated by the leader.
Would you rather..?

Visit the doctor or the

Eat broccoli or
Watch TV or listen to
Own a lizard or a
Have a beach holiday
or a mountain
Be an apple or a

Be invisible or be able
to read minds?
Be hairy all over or
completely bald?
Be the most popular
or the smartest
person you know?
Make headlines for
saving somebody's life
or winning a Nobel
Go without television
or fast food for the
rest of your life?




Be stranded on a
deserted island alone
and dumb or be ugly
or with someone you
and really smart?
don't like?
Always be cold or
See the future or
always be hot?
change the past?
Not hear or not see?
Be three inches taller
or three inches
Eliminate hunger and
disease or be able to
Wrestle a lion or fight
bring lasting world
a shark?
College and Career Readiness
a. 9th Grade: Discuss what students are thinking about doing after
high school. What are students favorite classes?
b. 10th and 11th Grade: Discuss PSATs, what students are thinking
about doing after high school, what colleges they are thinking
about attending. Discuss college timeline.
c. 12th Grade: Discuss SATs, applying to colleges, teachers
recommendations, deadlines.
Student questions, concerns, etc. - address any issues the students may
have with the termination of group, give them a chance to talk about how
they are feeling
Group discussion: each group member shares what they are taking away
from group and how they are going to apply it in their lives.
Goodbye snack/treat

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Perception Data (what do students or adults think that students know, believe,
or can do): I will lead a discussion with the group members about what they
know about college and preparing for life after high school.
Outcome Data (student achievement or student choice/behavior): I will expect
my students to be participating in the ice breaker and to ask any questions or
voice any concern they may still have at the end of our counseling program. I
can gauge how the students are feeling about the group ending during the time I
allow them to discuss their feelings. I am also allowing time for the students to
discuss anything that is on their minds pertaining to the group.
Follow Up: I can meet with the seniors individually to ensure that their
transcripts are accurate, their college application process is on course, and they
are on track to graduate.

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