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sie in be ADDISON-WESLEY SERIES IN MATHEMATICS omni Ebr: Le H LOOMS Introduction to Commutative Algebra MP, ATIVAH, rns 1.6, MACDONALD Contents otaton ad Termiogy Caper Rig at ea Rings an sing homomorphisms Tusa Quote nage Zerodvsor. Niptent cent Ui. Prime els and mai eae Nia! td acobson raed Operations one xcosion nd cetecion sereses (caper 2 Modes Modes and module homomorpiss Submodoles and quotient medles Operations on submodule Diet sm and poset intely great modes sat Suess ‘ets rodt of modes Restcton sod entenon of alae Etauner propre fhe eee rot ‘stra Tenor product of agers Evers Coo 1b Aon Nese iting Company tg (Chapter 3 Ring and Modes of ratone ‘ol proper. se ee ‘Etended and contre des igs tracons = btcion may be protien sre a te een ae maton ops Hench worst CME A Primary Decempoton am neces. ap $e Deb apr Nteri ies ap Ags apr Dirt Veen Rings an Dedekind Domains hap 16 Compson Tepes omc roe ins ed mcs. Pesci wae ng (Gane 1 Dims They Hite enon Pinson theory of Neca Pao Netetin io cn’ Tomer incon Indes iy bs i i Introduction Commutative algebra is essetly the study of commutative rings. Roughly king it has ‘eveoped from two sour: (seb sme and) algebraic number theory. In (1) the prototype ofthe ings aed he tng is, Xa) of polynomials sever! variable over a eld hin @ ts the of raional integers. Of thee two the algcbro-geomettie ae he mone Taeseaching and ints moders development by Grothendieck, i embraces much of algbric number theory. Cammutatie algebra sow one ofthe foundation forthe subject a much the same way 85 1 provides the complet loc tons ential analysis provides the too OF this new algebrat: geomet For dierent geometry This book grew out of a couse of lectures gen to thi ye under szauates at Oxford University and i bas the modes aim o providing arid ineoduction tothe subj Its designed to be read by students who ave had a frst elementary course in general algebra. On the ote hand, ci not tended Substtut forthe more voluminous tats on commutative algebra sich as Zarish- Same (6) or Hourbaki (1. We have consszsed on certain eetal ‘opis, and Tage areas, suc 38 Bed theory, are not touched cover rather more ground than Northoot 3} and ou estment i substantially lezen in tha, lowing the moder end, we put more empha on module on Toclizton ‘The central notion in commutative algebra is that of a prime ideal This ides common generalization of the primes of arithmetic andthe poits of metry. The geomec nation of concentrating attention “neat point” a algehrate analogue the important poet of local:ig a ing at pele ideal. Its a surprising, therefore, that els about localization can wef bethought orn gometc terns, This s done methodically in Grothendieck's ory of schemes sd, pal a a itrodtion to Grothendieck’ work and parly becuse of the geomet insight it provides, we have aed schematic \eesons of many results the form of exes and remats vi "The lsture-note origin ofthis book accounts forthe rather tere swith le general padding and forthe condense sexount of any roots. We hme sed the temptation to expand iti the hope tha the Brevity of oUF presen ‘ion wil make clearer the mathematical strate of what by now an gaa wii mvtmoovcrow “andatiractve theory, Our philosophy hs been to build up tthe main theorems 8 tne eps avo ont one erations a ea on commu alga fs emma in conection Bo Shh ple such an imports part in modern Te rere tier aime! of honsoplalra simple within peste ca bok on hoe han, ts tardy Sensible toes cre te Ronpromte weve adopted toe mena homalogkal ‘Seat re ia seb Hop soto ay el e seroma Ta ths ny we one o prop th ro re sticns counts on homolog slgsrs hich the ede should under theif wae opus igre ome in ay depth Weare pw sos mabe fis the a fh capt Son of hem tt yah soe of them ae Rr. Usa we have oss hist, ansnetines compte ssn, tthe Had ones Weare Biches to MWY, Sharp, who worked though he al and saved fo ror sore than once "We hae made no afenpt to deci te contbutins of the many sathnatcan no he hed to dvlp the theory a expounded nth Beak, We wou Rowers eto pon record our inched to. See J Tate fom whom we ert te sujet, and hon nfuene wah the Aegon or chk of mater and mode of presentation. 1. N-Bounaaa,digtve Comma, Hermann, Pai (1961-65) 2. Grommoucx and J. Dirvoown, Ements de Glometic Algtbique, Pabletons Mathimatiqes de PLES, Nos. 8,1, Pais (1960" 3: DG. Nonmcor, Ideal Theory, Cambridge Univesity Press (1953. 4.0, zat and PS, Conostatie dler Ih, Van Nostrand seston 198, 1960). a Notation and ‘Terminology ‘Rings and modules ar denoted by capital itale Iter, elements of them by small italic eters. Ail soften denoted by k. Meals ae denoted by smal German characters. 2, Q,R, C denote respectively tering of rational tees, the field of rational numbers, the eld of real numbers andthe fel of ample fumes. “Mappings are consistently written onthe lf ths the image of element = under a mapping fis written f(x) and not (x). "The composition of mappings PX Yogs Y-oZ i theeloe gf not fo. A mapping: X—> Yi netic ifs) fl) imple, = x sjetoe itg() = Y; diet if both injective and sapere “The end of «proof (r absence of proof) is marked thus Inclusion of esis denoted by the sign s. We reserve the sin € for srt incision. Ths 4 © means tht 4 i contained in Bandi not equal B. Rings and Ideals We sal bein by reviewing rp the definition and elenepary proper ring. Tis wl inate how much we ae ging to asue ote acs silao serve fox notation and conventions Ate is even ae pa ok toa dscuson of prime and mana hel. The rena ofthe cones ‘eoted to explaining the varios elementary operations wih canbe pated on ideals. “The Grotenick language of schemes ida wih ae tre fhe end RINGS AND RING HOMOMORPHISMS [A ring Aisa set with two binary operations (edition and multpiation) such that 1) ivan abelian group with respect adtion (otha a zr een, denoted by 0, and every x € A has an (additive) inverse, —x). 2) Malipication is associative (5) ~ 22) and ditrbutve ver aton Gotd= 940 sans a) We shal consider only rings which ae comma: 3) xy = ye forall nye A, and have in identity element (denoted by 1) 4) Bled such that a1 = Le = x forall x6 4. “The identity element is then unique. Throughout this book the word “rng” shall meat a commutative ring with an fdentty element, that i, ating satisfying axioms (1) to (8) above. Remark, We do not exclde the possibility in (4) that 1 might be equal 1 0, 130, then for any xe A we have yesl=x0=0 ‘ “and so 4 has only one element, 0. In this ease A is he zero ring (by abuse of notation). 1 2 nance ano oeALs ‘Ain homamorpi sa mapping ing Aa ing Bch hat pyle oe) #70) bat homonerpism of ln group, Le aad dS) 896) TONIC = FIO = 9 3 foo) = 10/0. inf) = Ines wos, rene addon, mization an the ety element (hate $f ing is brig of 45s lsd unde ation an St Sts the deny Sent of 4 The Hey mapping of Sins is thn sing homomorphism oe Care tagomomorpimshensoithei composioa aa IDEALS. QUOTIENT RINGS ‘An idea of ring Ai subset of A which san ative subgroup andi such fat de Se Gey ved and pea imply xy). The quotient group Ala inherits a uniguely defined multiplication from A whi makes tito rng fale the quote! ring (or residues ring) aa. The elements ofa are the tose of «in 4 and the mapping $24 —> A/a which maps each xe A to is fovet x + ais «surjective ring homomorphism, ‘We shal frequently use the following fat. Propeton 1.1. Thore is a onetoane order-presring_ correspondence between the dels bof A which contains, andthe ideale B of A, given by ; =#0. 8 Mf: A - Bis any ring homomorphism, the kernel of f(-=f-¥(0) isan ideal of 4, andthe nage of /(=f(4)) a subring C of B; and f induces «ring c ‘ZERO-DIVISORS. NILPOTENT ELEMENTS, UNITS ‘A zerondisor i ting Ai an element x which “divides”, ie, for which there ists» # 0 in A such that xy = 0. A ving with no 2r0-iy ‘which 1 4 0) is called an integral domain. For example, Z and kv...) (fet indtrminats) ae integral dons. ‘emeat x¢4 is potent it x ~ 0 for some m > 0. A nilpotent _lement isu zero-divisor (ules A = 0), but not conversely (in genera) ‘A nit io ian clement x which “vides 1", Le, an element x sch tat jm Mforsome y¢ A. The clement yi then uniquely determined by x, 408 6 2% The unis in A form a (multiplicative abelian group. ME DEAL AO MARINA DEALS — 3 ‘The mules ox ofan dames fom a prc ie dec by) orantnstat eG) o47 () Thesoeanoaeeas ‘Nelda ting 4 tm wich Ord ey nensre denen a a fl nan near domain ot sot cones Zw ae). ‘Proportion 12. Let A brig 0. ‘Then the ln ar ogo i) Aisa field; a & i the ony el Aare Dad i ery homononpi ofdnto ase ng B i ece. roof.) i). Lata 4 0 bean Hel in The cman Siren roles nis hence a 2 G) = Where» (0 i) = iy Let: A» B be 8 sing homomorphion, Then Ker) ian eal (iin As ence Ke) = Ohne ive i) Lets bean elemet of A wh nt want. Then 3 # hen = 3) ot he tro ing. Lat fe he th al Nome morphism ef 4 onto B, with Kernel (x). By hypotes sift, ence Ge Oohence x = PME IDEALS AND MAXIMAL 1DEALS A ea» in pin i» (0) a if ye » xe or 7 ‘Avia in fmaxinal 4) ai theo ea ch at vw cae tanec. Easley 9s prime» Ab san tg doin; viens dna eld LD an (2) eacea masa el i prime (toner, in gtr), The ae itpine od nan nega domain iiyia Bu ating bomomorphi and «a pine Kalin hen {f-)pne lin, ora") 8 wom oa sbi Ba 0 hens nome #0. Bifano Bit nt se sy ave tts) mina in al eee yor oe hat i pr Ginga 209 = Qn =0) Tie el Sr nds tte whole of commutative alg, The foonng trem sd coalesce atte lays 8 at stony fhe Trem 1 Bey A ha tne masala thang mee commutative ig wh 1) Pro. "Thiiea santé pain of Zara emna.* Lee est ofa BO inc Onde by con. temp, Ae Oe Toapay “Tat sbeu non-my pata orderedset (ey weare sven ations < 708 “Wich Wetec and anv and noch tay abd y= = Yost 4 anes AND EAs Zora's emma we must show tht every chain in © has an upper bound in; fetthen () bea cain of als in, 0 tat foreach pair of indies we have Cider m2 oy oro, & By: Let # = Use. Then ais an heal (verify this) and figabecayc' fo, forall, Hence 22, and ais an upper bound of the chain ence by Zomn's lima 2-has a maximal element. Corley 14. Ifa (1) 6a ea of A, here exists a maximal ideal of Proof. Apply (1.3) 10 proof of (3). = CCovlary 15. Every nonsaitof A is contained in maxima ideal Remarks. 1) I Ais Noetherian (Chapter 7) we can avoid the use of Zor's Jemma: the st ofall deals # (1) has a maximal element. 2) There ent rings with exactly one maximal ideal for example feds [A ring A with exactly one maximal ideal ri ealled aca rng. The Belo aim scale the residue field of 4 Proposition 1.6. i) Let A be a ring and vs # (1) am deal of A such’ that crerye A — misaunitin A. Then Als local ring an its maximal del ‘Let A bearing ond 0 maximal ideal of , sch tat every element of T+ m (bey every | + 5, where xen) Ga unlt in A. Then Ai local ing. Proof. i) Every etl 4 (I) consists of non-units, hence i contained in Hence mis the only maximal ideal of 4 i) Let x4 ~ m, Since w i maximal, the ideal generated by x and is (1) ence there exit ye and rem such that xy += 1; hence ay = 1 —t belongs to 1+ mand therefore isa unit. Now use i) a A rig with only a iite number of maximal ideas is called semilocal Examples. 1) A = Hri..-,%), ka field. Let fe A be an iereducible po nomial. By unique factorization, the ideal (/) is prime. 29 di Z Bey ein Ziv eho forse m > 0 Tee (oie = m'= Dara rome numer nes whee ps Pine mata 2) heb a men Tieaoebl Epo ators > 1 Theda mot ion sl hrc rm nae Say Apis Ta a anders < par (ey = Oforsomek >0= seo 2=0 w “The eal 8 called the mraz of 4. The ellowing proposition gives an alternative definition of Proposition 18, The nilradica of A isthe intersection ofl the prime els oA Proof. Let 3 denote the intersection of all the prime ideals of 4 Mf is nilpotent and if p isa prime ideal, then f* = Op for some m > 0, hence Fev (because ¥ is prime). Hence FW “Conversely, suppose that f isnot nilpotent. withthe property Let be the set of ideals «| n> 0ms¥e. “Then 3 is not empty beause O€E. As in (1.3) Zorn's lemma can be applied to the set 3, ordered by inclusion, and therefore © has a maxima element. Let bea maximal element of 3. We shall show that» isa prime ial. Let Zayep. Then the deals » + (3), p-+ () srl contain v and therefore do not belong to hence frevt ly, Mev+O) or some m,n, It follows that /™** ep + (xy) hence the ideal» + (9) snot ind and tectore xy 4p, Hence we havea prime ideal» such hat ¢ 40 that SO “The Jacobson radical of A is defined tobe the intersection of al the ax imal deals of 4. 1 can be characterized a follows Prepon 19, x61 ~ 29 eat in A forlly 6A me Supone = sys ota nit. By (1 it bongs to some maxinal RETA TSIER'S whee nye mand hrfore Tem, whch bud ne suppor for some axial Kea Then wand gee he unit ial Oho tat we have wt ay = | forsone we and some ye 4 Hamer = syemand ere oot uni ‘OPERATIONS ON IDEALS a,b are els in rng 4, tei su 0 + Bis he sto all x + y where x @ thd'ye8, Tis the smallt Hel contaiing and 8. More generally, we may ‘Se the sum Su f any fay (possibly infinite) of ideas, of its le SERS Se al'sans S's, where se forall [and almost all ofthe» (. {MT bet fate se) are tro. Its the smallest ideal of which contains al the ideals "The iesecton of any fai (3) of eas is am ideal. Thus the eal of form a complete latic with expect 1 iacuson, "The prose of two eae, 8 in As the ideal eb generated yall products, where re0and ye, Ii the tof al nite sums 3x where each 2. and fachye8, Simlaly we deine the product of any ft family of eas. Tn partclr the powers & (n> 0) ofan ieal @ are defined; conventionally, (Q). Thus o> 0) isthe ideal generated by all products xuna-on, fn which each factor x, belongs to Examples 1) I-A = Ze = (n),8 = (0) then a + ste ideal pe hehe of mand n; ab isthe eal generated by their Lesm.;and ab Thos (inthis cas) ad — a. 6 > m,n are coprime. DA = Hyon (iysooy 8) Heal generated by io. ‘Then os the set of al polynomials with no terms of degree < The three operations so far dened (sum, intersection, product ar al ommutativeandnsaciative, Also thee i the disribuite low ted by in. a +0 = a +o, nthe ring Z,- and + are distributive ovr each other. This snot he case in general, ad the best we have in this direction isthe modular lowe ene+9, and +ancifa2voras ‘Ags, in Z, we have (¢ + 8X2 08) ~ ab; but in general we bave oly FRAO S 0h ince (e+ KoA) ~ oferv) + HEN) = MeO) Sab Glace (0+ Hand) ~ wart) + Herd) = o) nb = eb provided « + 8 = (1), ‘Two ideals, aes te coprime or comatina) fa + $ = ima) fa +8 = (by, Ths foe copime Weais we bave eb = 0, Clery two isa as ‘nd only i'there est sea und ye baseh thate't ye Lee Let do Be tgs Tht de! por isthe set of all sequenes x = (4-15) with ae ACL 6 1 & 1) and com. Pontitwise addition and mltpiction. tra commatative rng with cay Sent a) WE bv protons A= ed yO) = Let A bearing and, 14, ideals of 4. Deine a homomorphism 4s [Jen by the rule 43) = (© + 6, Proposition 110.5) If 0 re copie wheneer ij then Tle, = 7) i fis surctce © 4, 8 ar coprine whenerer fj. lip te ioctee = Ma, = Proof ) by induction on m The case m = 2is del with above. Suppose fe Band the result foro.» 5 y-yandlet8 = [Ts! & = [sta Sn tbs (V2 fen i) wehave equations x +, = 1 Guess em) tnd therefore Is-Tlo-» 1 od oak Hence ay +6 = (D and so {iy =: Letusshow for example that 0, are coptime. There exists x€ A Tr 0); hence = 1 (00d a) and x = O(Iod ed) 50 Lad - ot reat oe “=: This enough to show, fr example that there tan clement x suc that a) 0.0) Sinoea, +a) = ()@> Dwebavecnuations n+ a= 1 Geeapnea). Take = Tltey 6 then x= 10 ~ 1) = 1 (sod a), and 4m Ofenod a> 1, Hence ds) = (1,0) a regi. fi Clear, since Mo i the kere off. The amin © 8 of ideale not general a idea sas ano meats Propoion fle §) Let Vgc 8a be pre ideas ond Ie © Bean ideas ontaed a Js 8 Thon 8% for mek ip etna, be ideal ad et» Be a prime ied! containing E. Thon ,forsome i If = M8 then» = 2 for some Proof) is proved by induction on min the form agndcsemoedg Uo, tis cetinly tee forn = 1. fn > and te result true for ~ 1s then for ‘ueb Tiere cats yea such tha 9, whenever) i. for some we have Sip pawe are throuph. Ino, then © forall Consider te element | yo Baw we hive yea and yy (0 < £m). Hence a $ Uta i) Suppose» $a forall. Then there exist x; 0m (L-€ 1 mand therefore Mle Tle © 7) 4 but Thx ¢» (Since bis prime). Hence ® 2 Ca, Finally if 7), thea b S a,and hence b= 0, for some fw 1 ® are ideals nang thee Mel quorient is G8) = (re A:xb © 9) ich is an idea. In parila, (04 is cll the amir of andi aso noted by Ann) these of alls sech hat v6 =O. In hs notation tho wtetal mrodivton in 48 D = Yann Ax prop de (9, we sal write (3) in pase of (3) same I= 2, «= (oh = 0, whee wy m= [lpn n= [ep ‘then (a:b) = (q) where g = [], p' and Po = Ay =o) = H9~ min oy). Hens q = mim whee (mm) she het. ofm and Evie 11) 05 (08) Dee ce 8 (@9)0) = (e:89 = (2058) us) = he) ¥) (@:3,6) = 1, (0:6). “Weeisany ideal of 4, he adil os 1) = (ve Asx 68 forsome n > 0, = Alaisthestandaré homomorphism, then r(@) = $-\St4,) and hence aie by (7, I ed PITH AND conTAACMON — 9 ere 143.) 0) 2 ib (a0) = Ho i Ae HOY = AAR) n= Osa~ 0 Smee) = eK ©) 0 pine) = Vlora a > 0 Props 114, The radia of on ideal 85 he erection of teeth cman “ nd Prof opty (910 A. More ely ne nay dee hel 6 of any aie of Ain same way tis not an ideal in general. We have "Ul, B) = On) fran family of subsets E, of 4 aa Propastion 11. D = se of serotrs of A = Usea {Aan 2) Proof. D = AD) = Unen Ann (2) = Uneor(Ann @)). ample, IFA = 2, 0 = (mle p(L <1 7) be the disinetprime visors fm Then 2) = (PsP) = Mes (WD Proposition 1.16, Let 0, be ides in 0 rng A such that ro r6) are coprime. Then 2,8 are coprine Proof fa + 8) = r((@) + 10) = rt) = (Dy hence a + 0 = D by (13. EXTENSION AND CONTRACTION Letfi A = B bea ring homomorphism, His an eal in, these isnot necesarily an ideal n B (eg, let fbe the embedding of Z in Q the Held of tations, and take to be any non-zero ideal in Z.) We define the extension ofa 10 be the ideal By) generated by (a) in Bs explicit, athe st of all sums yx) where £0, 9.6 16 is an ideal oF B, then (is always a ideal of 4, called the contrac: ‘ion of . I spine, then is prime. IF is prime need not be prime (for example, f: > Q, a # 0; then & = Q, which snot a prime ideal). We can factorze fas fllows: ABs) B where p is surjective and jis injective. For p the situation i very simple (I there i a one-to-one corespondence between ideals of f(4) and iene of A which contain Ker (7), and prime ieae correspond to prime ideals. Fo on the other hand, the general station is very complicated, ‘The cassia example Is from algebraic number theory. cumple, Cones 2» Zi), where = V=T. A prime deal (9) ofZ mayor Bewme aap mime when extended 10 {i} In fact 2) a principal ideal cera eat fara Eacean algorithm) andthe sittin i 8 follows Dy = (+ HF) the square ofa prime Hea in 2) ip itp m1 (4 then (9) the product of to distinct prime ideas (oreumpe, OF = @ +92 ~ 9): ii) Ip = 3 mod) thea (9 i prime in ZU Or these, snot a tevin result, 1 electively equivalent toa theorem of Part wich sys that a rane p = 1 (nod 4) can be expres, extenially Uefa aca am of to mtoger squares (hus 8 = 2+ 1,97 ~ 9 + eh in fact the behavior of prime ideals unde extensions ofthis sort ison ofthe ceil problems of algebraic umber thor: Lat fA B, 2nd 8 be as before, Then Propetion 117. i) 05 0,0 2 greece, iy 1. Cis the st of contracted eal in A and Eis the seo extended ideale iB then C= (ola = 0), E ~ (8 = 0}, anda o isa bijective mop FC ono B, whose ere i > 8: ‘Proof. i) val, andi) follows from ii) 2.66, then a = = b= a; conversely if ¢ = 6% then isthe ootration of. Similarly for Ea Exrcive 148, If x0, are deal of A andi, are deals of B, then sor ft GH Orem, indy = Hass iby 2 H85 (era (69D, shy = FMD, roy = re), 10) = 109. The st of deals Eis closed under sum and product, and C is closed under theater the operation. xencases 4, Lets beanipetentclement faring 4. Show that + sisauitof 4, Dede ‘atthe sum o «potent clement and unt is ui 2. Let A be sng ao let Abel be the sng of poyoomil in an indeterminate, With concent In A. Lat f= ay 4 aye boost acre Aly) Prove that 1 (08 unit ACs 4 in A an a, Be ee ee ae ote on Heim ie iad a wy fsmipten = auenaae span a An Fi serene esa ¢ Om A sc a f= 0. (Chow Coymominie = by bye 4:15 been lent epee ach ety Hons ce ta nis an TDi) Now show by induc tat ag'= OD < a} wy fstidioteprintleifan eg vad) = 0), Prove aie Aa, ten fespinie = andy ae pine gee! Inthe fing ADs Se Jacobson radia eal he lai pmo ig Abs s) sve et eign Al BB igo poner as f= Eva “pipiens os wit 4 iy yi pen, then potent fr alr > 0. 1 te onsen te? (see Chapter Exerene 2) iy | Songs tothe acobeon radial of AL) = a belong othe Jestion faa of tn) Thecontacion of maximal eal of ss 4 maxima el off and Iiegeerted by Mean «Every pe alo the contacton of prime elo te cing is ch that every ie nt contain the adil cots a no ‘Zero tempoent ata leet auch tate = e @ 0). Prove ta the ‘Mada tnd Jacobean radeal of 4a eu etd be a ring in which every element x sates x= x fr some m > 1 (depending on 8 Shom that evey rie tls 4 maximal. Let tte ving 2 0. Show tha th sto prime eas of 4 at mini Tet bean ieal ¢ (1) aring A, Show that = r() = 9 an ntersesion tet 4 bea ring, its ald, Show thatthe following ae equa 1) Abas exc ove prime ie 1 every clement of ether uit Flot, 1) apt a a [Ating Ais Boolean f.22 = xfrallxe A In Boolean sng 4 show that D3 = Oforall ee 4 1 every rime ea animal and A i ld with ew eet; is) every Bey geterated sea 4s prin ‘local ing contains no Mempotent #1 Contraction of on algerie sire af fel, Asti Let be dan et be the et fal irebcibe mon Po B n. Where Js some nite abet of J. Then the Xi, edaurminie with cues in K. Let 4 bee polyno ing oer A ‘her ns oe fo ch Feat he of 4 SIENCLoy te papramals sp fora Fe. Show date # sd el of coving andl, = Am. Then Kis anc fetal Xn wich coh fe has ot Repent te con Senses f i obuning tld Ky andsoo. Let = Us My Then TAYE Bathe ye pts compiel itinerant ete Liat oft whch esgic ove K Then hs a lgbrae Sawer Tot beh st of ales in hich very cet i ero. Bovis hs onal conn nd thay nial cement oi Pineal Hence est fev 4s anon of pine el he prime seca of ine Le Abe eg and let Xb the ob let HCE) dnote the eto ‘oat if eth deal enerated by , then YE) = Vio) = (ea) ® YO = x, 70) 18) ari any family of subsets of 4, then ¥ (KB) = QM. in) Mans) = Vie) = V0) VO) for any idea 8, 8 0 A ‘Those reste show tht the set FE) sty the sions for closed sets {a topolopcal space The resulting topology i called the Zarshttoptoy. ‘The opolona space scaled the prime specu of 4, ands wrten Spe 4). Draw pictures of Spec (2), Spee (R), Spee (Cl, Spe (R(x), Spee For each /€ 4, et X; denote the complement of M(/)n X= Spec). The se Z ae open. Show that they form a bass of ope sets forthe Zaki topology, and that fal prime ens of 4. For each subset Prime deals of 4 which contain. Prove Dah Kei i) Ay = © = fin mipotet, i) X= x =7isa unt, in 4 = XD) = He) 9) 2% guis-compact hai, every open covering of X has a fit su ‘covering. is eta : 3 Soc tom Te ct ar ced Ba pe st of X = Spee Repent ay Pah reroll Pome op henner fre ors edycover nretcss 13 aw eT ee puna 1 ein Fass mean eat 7 ae iin pois of 2 en ahve 4 telaborboo o¢ = wich oes so otany, oa e h Michtuhood oy wich doc et cont 3) 19, A topologies! space i sald 10 be reducible if X # @ and iC every pi of onemoty open ses in X intersect, of equivalently I evry nonempty open set Fedeme in Stow that Spe (4) ivedueible if and ony he nial of This pre eal a0, Let be a topoogial space. it isan ieredcibie (Exercise 19) subspace of ¥, tht the owe Pot Y In Xi reduce 1) Every reducible subspace of X is contained in a maximal ined ssbspace iy The animal lreduciblesobpaces of X are led and cover X. They ae {hl the redcibl component of. What ae the ede components ff a Haustoo space? is) WA isa ring and. = Spec (4, ten the inedible component of are ‘hecloned sets Vp), where bs 8 lama prime eal of 4 (Exerc 8. Let g: A+ Be a ring homomorphism. Let X = Spee (A) and ¥ = Spee (B). fq. Y, then g="@) isa prime ideal of 4, ie, 8 poat of X, Hence ¢indoces & mapping ¢*: ¥—> X. Show that VIL feed then #*~1(%)) = Yur and henee that 4 is continuous. 1) Ihais an ideal of 4 then §*"*(V1@)) = VCO. ‘i IE is an ideal of #, then $*(7O) = VO. |v) It is surieetive, then 4° 5 homeomorphism of ¥ ont the closed subst {ker ()) of X. (In pariclar, Spec (4) and Spec (APR (where 3 isthe tileadical of 4) are naturally homeomorphic) ‘) If gis injective, then 6°) is dense in X, More precisely, CY) is dense in Xm Ker(d) © 8. vi) Let: BC be another ring homomorphism. Then (+ 4)* = 4° =H": vii) Let A bean integral domain with just one non-zero prime ideal yaad let ‘be the field of fractions of 4. Let B = (Alp) x K. Defoe 4:4 8 by $2) = (2,2), where # is the image of x in 7p. Show that ¢* i Bete ‘but nota homeomorphism. 22 Let = Tes Abe the ret product frags ds. Show that Spee) the loin union of open (ae closed) subspaces Xi, whee Xi it homeomorphic with Spe. 14 nisos xo ENS Convery lt A be any Hing, Show tat the folowing statements ar any vi ws BY Speci is donne Boe et his da the 0 ii) A coniae an empotent # 0 | con ape oem of + 1c ng alway connected (Eerie 1 turds Dsan ng (sind = $0, * 1) For each fe A, the set X; (Exercise 17) is both open and closed in X- Fee rrr tes terome ek Bele A Se or awe bh ont oe Be oe calcd ce Yop tein tt ae Ee re ed ant x gman (ese) 8 Se enon ef tne open tm we Si wp Bvt amps Haar ee pa tt tonite heap nd inf 09 denen arty Se nnn Boe er ate we Sn eto 1 reese. Lpaerereeceter es Pec cal eien “oon” ech Qala V = and ane -0, (for camp, the et ofall subi of «st, ordered by inclusion, i 8 Boolean late) TELL be a Boolean ltce. Define aon and mulation in Z by the BE bm ABV GAD, aman ‘Verity that in this way L beomes a Boolean rng say AC). ‘Conersy, trting fom 2 Boolean ing 4, deine an ordering on A as fotons a Beans hata = a5. Show that, with respect to this ordering. A lea Boolean Ince (The sup and inf are given by av b =o + 6 + ab and hb = ab and the complement by = 1 ~ a) In this way we obtain foedo-one corespondtos betwen (isomorphism cists of) Boolean ngs and (Gomorpism cases of Boolean latices. | 25, From the las two exerciser deduce Stones theorem, that every Boolean late is omorpic to the ate of openandcloed subsets of some compact Hau dot potest pce. A be ring, The subspace of Spec (4) consisting ofthe maximal ideals of 4, th indeed topolny is caled the maximal iperum of Aad denoted by (GA), For abirary commutative rings does not have these fancors! of Spec (4 (ne Execs 21), beause the fvere age of «maxi ing homomorphism need not be maximal LA be compact Hausdorff space and lt CCX) denote the ring ofall continuous fanetons on X (add and multiply functions by adding scare bas nce meat cay {najectiv) Homomorphism CU ae ii the Kero Sine een ek ants (oe Fea Pi tonereer rea ae V = We XY = fora fem), Suppose tha Vs empty. Then fr ech © thee ef Jie) 4 0 Since ts cons, thre ian open nepheehond {non wich f; des not vanish By compact ste mee oa neihborhoods sy Uys Ung cone Lt ae Pa ftoe fh “Then / doesnt vais at any eit of XAeee isa ule LA, Ba ie ontraies fem, hence Ft mo ent. ue Tet be a point of 7. Then © My nce m= m Bete wi rasa Hence i suet 4) By Uryson's lemma (iss the ony noes fc requ in the are tment) the continuous functions separate the pont ef Hence x 0 > Ty 2 My and theelore is net tip Lee fect U,= (ees #0) and te 0, = me yen) Show that (Uj) = Oy. The open ses U esp.) form basis ofthe or ‘logy of esp. 8) and therfore» is «homeomorphism “Thus 2 can be reconsrcted fom the ig of furtons CCX), Afi lgbrac crits 2, Let k beam algebraically closed flan let ers) + of polynomial equations in arias wih cots ink. The se ie ke which satiny thee equations 88 ane letra artery ‘Consider the set of all polynomials Ai. wit he propery that 403) Ofor alle X. Thi ets an eal 1X) ne polonomil ig and i led the deat ofthe srry X. ‘The quoi ns PR) = Hao OD Inthe ring of polynomial futons same polynomial faneion on Xifa ats and only itp ~ he 1) of all points x = Gi, ecase wo paloma dete Wipife eanihesatevety pont of a 16 nunas an eats tt he age of in PAD, The Gl 1&1) ae the cord ot LO, fe tthe coordinate ox PD eer Mer cen ns cord uns snd cle he cor nt Ane slgten 0 ae foceach.xe em, bethe el ofall/c PX) ch hat fe) eres casi el of PCD. Hence P= Max (PG), (oe dees mpi forse cy and ene fem ine BL tI M30 hat Pi Wane bros Cnt lu) i tat eect. Tis om ‘erm ofits Nllenats ne Chapter BR Let fa fade mets fA. , They dternine appeal mapping iBCirae the coordinates 8 (2) a 0» 0 La, be afnesgerae vats in, repens. A mapping Piss to be rear fe he rescion wo A ofa plynomial map: Ping rom Koto “iis plyeomil function on then y= git polynomial anetion oa eae ince alsa homomorphism PUY) > POX, mately 9" 94 Show that inthis way ne obain 2 one-to-one coresponsence between the Teune mappings X-~ Y andthe Lalgtea bomamorpisns PCY) > P(X), Modules ne ft things wich tings he moder Aig the greer emp on mode me ee xen "ibowon' hat hip make or er dey ey, Te ‘nace, an eal ad is quent sng deste babe seo ssoscetainenen, canbe used on seu fosag Tec at the dentin and elementary popes of mode’ Wee ge ees me fe ed i nn fo Se ppc to Commutatine MODULES AND MODULE HOMOMORPHISMS Let ea ing Comma, ay). An dono san abelian (rien adie) on whch 4a eal ere prec tsa e y ite wan abelian group sd va apping oA Bao Maes Semi a fora hee 4, Mt) te loving oe saa x +3) = ar +a, Oe ee rat he ‘eos =, pa (abed; myeM). (Cauivaleatly, 1M is an abelian group together with ating homomorphism 4» EU), where E(M) is the ig of endomorpisns ofthe abelian group 30) The notion of 4 module is a common generalization of several fiir concepts, a the following examples show: Examples, 1) An ideal a of 4 is an A-module, In partclar 4 iif isan Amodule, 2) IFA isa eld, then A-module = hector space. 3) A = 2, then Zmodule = abelian group (efne mx to be x---+ x) sandy A x fel where ina flan Amalia vector sac with ter 3) G = finite group, A = k{G) = group-algbra of Gover the eld & (us 4 snot commutative, unless Gis). Then A-module = krepresentaton of G, ” Let M,N be demodules. A mapping :M—> Nis an A-module hmm, erin (or ine) Me £9) =f) +f0) Heh oh oe al 2c 4nd all sy ¢M. Thus fx homamorshis of asian sou foes tat A anion of ah en Ita Rl an med Reh cont eng una tamfrmaton of sece Tee eracmebie honors i an th mode ie "These ofall A-module homomorphisms from Bt Nan be turned ito an Asmodule 8 fellows: we define f+ and af bythe rules + 91) = £09) + 20. (ke) = es) forall M, Iisa trv matter to check thatthe axioms fran A-module ae Tidta This semodulet denoted by Hom, (M,N) (just Hom (M,N) it there no ambiguity aboot the rng 4) "Homomorpisns 4c Mr Af and e: V-> N* jduce mappings 2: Hom (8) + Hom (M,N) and 0: Hom (0, N) > Hom (Af, N°) eed as flows BY) = fom, CD = 0 “These mappings ae A-module homomorphisms. For ary modile M there ia natural ixomorphisie Hom (4, 8f) = M: any Awodsle homomorphism f:4—> Mis uniquely determined by f(1), wiih fan be any clement of 'SUBMODULES AND QUOTIENT MODULES Acmbmodie M’ of Mi subgroup of M whichis closed under muliplicationby| ‘ements of 4. The abelian group MM" then inherits an é-meodule strotore from M, defied by a(x + M)'— ax + M. ‘The A-module M/A isthe (tien of M by M The natural map of M onto MM" isan d-module hom- Torphism. There isa one-one orderpreserving correspondence between fubmodules of M which contain M1’, and submodules of A" (jst a for seas; {he satement for eal special case), “Nisan A-module homomorphism, the kernel of fisthe set Ker() = (ee Ma) = 0} isa submodule of M, The image offi the st Im = 00) ands a submodule of N The coker of Fis Coker(/) = Nims) nih is 2 Guoint mode o rAV iva submodule of AF Such ha A © Kerf, omomorpiam ° M/A" > N, Stn as flows i Ses emi then FS) = fd). The kernal of Fis Ker Sail to be ided by fn partcviareaking Somorpism of modules sat ene i ohne M’ = Ker(f), we have an MiKer(n imp ‘OPERATIONS ON SUBMODULES Mos ofthe operations on ideals considered in Chapter 1 have thi counter puns for modus. Let M be an A-module and let (Mu brs fea ot see, Idle of Thee sum 5A the st fal ints) sims whee nae, forall fe4, and almost all the x, (ati all bat afte number) area $a. the smallest subpiodule of M which conan al the ‘he ntrsetion 7) Mis gai subeodl of Mf. Thus he subdues of AM forma complete late with respect o incon, Proposition 2. i) I'L 2 M 2 Nave mode, then uinnid i) My, Meare submodales of hen (84, + MQM, = AIC My, Prof. i) Define 8: LIN LAM by 6x + N) = x4 Me Then #8 wal dined A-module homomorphism of LIN onto LM, and its kernel MN; hence 1) The composite homamorphis My —> My + Ma» (Ms + MAM it suretv, and is Herel i Mf, Ma ence i). ny = Lim We cant in gnc dan he re of 0 sbmedl, at wit eset produ shes an ean A anode tesa Sneath ese Mand abode Tn codes fw de (Po ett of le ah that ah @ Nitivan ado Input, Mth ofall 4k ht a=; he se oma a 5 ak el ‘hm (H)" Ana (i) we may sed Ma an Anode i zealand oy ec den imtoo Ht ieee <1 ofthe chou of te repeater al = 20 woouss ‘an A-modsle i fil if Ann (M1) =0. 6 Aaa (M) = 0, then AF ig faint ar an lomodue arcie 2.2, i) Ann (M + N) = Ann(A0) Ann () ip OF) = Ann (W + PY). Irs an clement of M, th sto all multiples aac A) i submodule of LM, denoted by dor (3), HEA = Sy Ay te are sald Yo be a sof gen Trt FM; tis means that every element of canbe expressed (ot nees. ‘Sty viguel) as» fine linear combioation ofthe x with coefficients in ‘Kn doodle rs silt be finely generated thas 9 inte set of genera, binect SUM AND PRODUCT IM, Ware d-modles, thei lirct sm ME Wis the sto al pais (9) with HeM,yeN. Thisisan Aodule I we define additon and scalar mutipi tion nthe obvious way 1) + (98) = Cor + a +I) abi) = (aha) More general, if (Mi any family of A-module, we ea define their det om Qh Mi lements ate aes (1 such that x6 MG foreach (© Zand limos all x are. Ife drop the restriction onthe numberof non-ero 3 we fave the dct prodet [ls M, Divet sum and direct product are therefore te see i the index sts ite, bat not others, in general Seppose that the rng Ais diet product [fy (Chapter 1). Then the set ofall elements of A ofthe form (0,51 0,460,.01.0) with ©, is an idea of A (is nota subring of excep in tii cases— esau it doesnt conan the ett element of 4). The ring A, considered 3 fan Aemodule isthe direct sum of the ideals c,.., 0. Conversely, given * ode decomposition ts A= O04 ‘Aas direst um of ideas, we have +z f]um Each deal oi rng Gsomorphie to A/8). Te identity ‘Wempotent in 4, and a = (6). = @, LY GIMERATIO NepLLES 24 ce Amol i 098 Which it iomorphic to 6. On Niny severed eee A-module theron gi wr rans) whch denoted by 4 (Come epee A BG A Senate y 0) mo nal ce eee eee pene tints gay Then'p ian A-module homomerpnion a he, fore M = A*/Ker (9). mi Mi and there. ‘generate A*, hence the Me.) generate M. : we a ” ropes 24, Let ba fly erated Ao ene ‘adler beonAmote hone f shh ude, fies on quan of he fr Phage ao Prof Leto Abe et of eestor M, Tene fx) 0M at weeny sa) = Biase = mayeahiey S04 aay -0 where ys the Kronecker delta. By mulipyig o the ty the adjoint ofthe matric (8,6 ~ a) it follows that det (8,4 ~ a) anise ech hence isthe zero endomorphism of M- Expanding out the determinant, we have an eqtion ofthe requted form. Corotary 2.5. Let M be a finitly generated A-mode ant ob an el fA sch hat aM = Mo Then there exis x = Wood 8) hha = 0 Praf. Take $ = identity, x= 1+ 0, #24 iad) Proposton 26. (Nakayome's lemma). Let M be « fly generated Aor and «amide of contin in th Jacobson aia af. Then SM = M implies M = 0, Fit Proof. By (2.5) we have xM = Oforsome x = 1 (08%) By(1.9)si88 Sit in dhence AP eM = Ow 22 sous Second Proof. Sappote MC 0, apd et tye BE minimal set ofp ‘Roworir, Then nec oif, eae we have am equtlon a he form ae = ae withthe gj e8 Hence (= ay = a + since £9 tfllos fom (19) hat I~ ay isa unit A. HeDee 4 belong, the submodole of A generated by yoy! contadiction. Corlry 27, Let M bea finely generated motile, Na sods y SCM ania, Ther M = olf +N = A= N. Proof, Apply 6) to MIN, observing that aM/N) = (0M + XIN Tet A bea oa ing, its maximal del, k = Ait reside eld Ley bea ily goerated A-module M/teM iannilted by om hence is natura an dfmemadhle, je, 8 kvetor spac, and as such i niteinensional, Proposition 28. Let (1 < 1 n) Be elements of M whote images Mim form asi of this secon pace. Then the generate. Proof Let Ne he submodule of M generate bythe. Then the compose imap > M—> MimeAf maps W onto Am, Bence N+ Af = Af, hong Ne Mey QD. e [EXACT SEQUENCES A sequence of d-modles and Achomomorphisms Moa MB Bigg 6 is ui tobe exact at 4 i Tm (f) = Ket (fn.)- The sequence ie exact iis fact at each Mf. In parla: 0M Mis exact = fis injective; 0 MM” Ois exact = gis susective; @ OMS Me M0 is exact = fs inctv, gis surjective and indoes an isomorphism of Coker (f) = MI/(M'} onto M a Am of) ele sh nat nec An ng es semen eb i op nent a cee A Riek weit oatmuens 0 Stns No ar Porto 29.1 a ™ bens of Aimee od oman. Te te ce (3 | exact = for all A-modules N, the sequence oi Ss sexs, Meo w 0 Hom (WW) Hom (M,N) +> Hom (M', yy)! ecrsteunces 35 ue cows ow a sea sgn of re ad honomarphins. The eeu eer forall Amadaler M, the segue > Hom (> Hom 8) Hom 2) gy ‘hour ptf thi propsiion a sy xe, or xml shostl) next forall. Fi fal sice vs nec san We, eine, Nex. we hae too ~ Oatinereey bee ar SNE Wt be Wand /to ete Wenthy mpage eo ree Ne Ker). New ule N= ue ey eno Neat, Hhenpe Ker, ee es ong > Nata ge Eeeerurty Imo ~ Ker) = Ker. 8 ‘poston 210, et Oe ae ae ON gee Noo se commie dram of Amedeo ham ios, hh ret tha Thon tre exo et once 0 Ker) > Ker (f) Se Ker (p Coker (7) "> Coker ()%> Coker (f-+0 (6) which 8 are restrictions of 8 and 8 ae induced by ‘The boundary homomorphism di ened a follows" ¢ Ker "yw ave =H) forsome x A, and (/()) = £0) ~ Odense (2) Kee (6) = Im (2, so that f(x) = u(y’ for some yA. Then de) sine tobe the image of» ia Coker (J). The verifestio that dis welded, and that he euro xc a lh exer i damn Wk we eo the reader Remark. (210) is a special cat ofthe exact homology sequence of homolog algebra, et Cheat of mada and et Ne etn Gh (or, more generally, with values in an abelian roup ton it ‘dice if, foreach short exact sequence (3) in which all he ems boa G we hae XM) — MM) + MME) = 0. Example. Let 4 be field, and let C be the cas ofall inite-dinenson! ‘esto aces "Then Vr dim Vs a ate fenton oC a 26 woos Propsion 21. Let 0 Myr Myo» Mu 0 be an exter rence of modes which ail he modes 8 ade Ket fo fe Komomoritims belong 0 C. Then fr any ive faction hon Ce Sevan =o ‘Proof Split up the sequence into short exact sequences 0 Nr > (ie = Mavs = 0). Then we have AM) = AON) + AN ltenating sum ofthe AM), and eveything cancels out. Now take th TENSOR PRODUCT OF MODULES Let MNP be three A-modules. A mapping fi M % N-» P is sid tobe Ablicarifforeachx M the mapping fy) oF N into Pisdtnea ane Foreach yN the mapping <-> f(x 9) of Ante Ps Ainese ‘We shal construct an A-module 7, eld the tenor product Of MF and wid the property tat the bilinear mappings AY = Pate ina atu ‘oneorone cartespondence with the “dinesr mappings 7» P, Tr al. modules P. More preily Propestion 212. Let M,N be modes Then thre ext pir) Contting of om Amol Tandon dice mapping fA NT the flog proper ten any rode P ond any Abilincor mapping f:M x N-> , thre ext inige dear mapping fs Pech th f= fog ther wor every bier faction om MN fcr though P) ‘Moreoter, 4) and (Tae tops with hs property, the ere xs aie emorpbionj. FT meh that jor Pro. i) Uninenes, Replace (Pf) by se) we ge + nique J: PT tuchthat =o, Intrchanging the oes of und Ps we elp 7 > Path that g = +4 Each ofthe compostions je," most be the deat, and therefore ian omorphiom. 4) Exner, Let Cdenoe the fee Amodule A", The cements of C are formal ier combinations of element of M 1 wth cect A ie. they ar expressions ofthe form St aC y)aie nie ne M) Let De the sibmodule of C generated by al elements of Cof the fallow. ing pes: G+¥n-Gy- ey (y+) = Gy) — Gy) (ei) - Gy) (a) — a-Ge 9, TR S01 roouer oF woot as Let 7 =D. For eth bis deme (9a tx @ yet inten Then Ti ented by he cena aon at (e+ Oya 20x40 Oy, £20 + y)=x0ye5 wy ey=xe oe W) = as 9) uit, the SPH MN» T deed by 04.3) = xy ‘einer vhny map fof MN into an A-module P extend by loa to an rmoulebomeamorphism 7: C—> . Suppose in parte tat Fe dette Ton, rom the definitions, vanishes on al the fener of hee es, sthok of D. and therfore induces n welldetoad homamcmne oe T2CD ini P sich tat {6 Oy) ~ J. The map fea dined by this condition, ad therfore the pir (75) saat he cain ‘te proposition. omarks. i) The module T construct above ial the ter rode of and and is denoted by Af GN, or jus M © Ni here so sabi ‘out the ring A. Iti generated pan A-module by the “produc tien Gdns ae Families of generators of Bf respectively thn the ents Oy penrate Me N- In particular, Mand Nae fey peered, sos WON 4) The notation x © y's inherently ambiguous unlest we specif th tar product to which it belongs. Let’, N" be submodule of rept, tnd let eM" and ye N Then it can happen tht x @ yas an ement of M@N is ze whilst ¥ © y at av clon of M’ @ Ni noms, For sample take A = Z,M = Z,N~ Z/2Z,andlet M’ be the sbodale2Z 02, hist "= Let be the aonaero element of WV and comider2 @ =. Aran slement of Af @ Ay itis ero because @ x= 1 @ 2x = 10~0. Bats tclement of AY” @ Nits nonzero, Se the example ater 2.18), Mowers, ther i the following result: Cortry 213. Lets © My EN be ch hat 3% 0 7 = OW M 8 N. Thon ere eis fntely ented submades M, of and Ne of We hat INOn OHM O Ne ‘Prof 1S, ©. = On M & N, hen inthe mtn of the poo of 12 shave ¥ (i) By and therefore 3 3) 8am of eens of D- Lets be te nobmedule of Mf generated 6 thea al the lens of which cer att cordinates in thee eeeratr of D, and dee sin lay. Then 3s; @ y= Oat an clement of My © Me i) We shal never agin nest to we the construction of the eso pont Senin (2.12) 00 th reader may safely foret ibe peers, What see "esp in mind the dining property Ofte tensor Pode fn) Instead of starting with bilinear napings we could have started wig multincar mappings My x=" M, oP defoed in the same way Ge Hea ineac arable) Following trough the prot of @.12) we should ogy wk a "mltnsoe product" P= AM, ©“ My geerted by all produce, won. @ a lueMel cf <1), The dels may sfly beet tothe rendee the rent coreponding 1 (212) 8 Propoton 2.12", Let May My be Aemodules. Then there eta poe Gr Pycontuing of on domo Tandon cemalicar mappings: Mt, Se Mor Pmt the lowing proper ‘Gen ny Aomadale Pend ony Aline mapring fo My > Meco, thre site anique ‘homomorphism "TP such thy Sones. ‘oroer, (Fg) and (Tg) ar wo pr with this property thn there extn mips tori Js» Tuck that Jog = Bw “There are various soiled “canonical iomorphisms, sme of which we Propostion 214. Let M,N,P be Aomodiles ltomorpions dMON-NOM MOM OP+MAWEM+MONOP i) (MOM OP+(MONEWO?) i) A@M>M ach tht, respecte, Ddr@yyOx HEONEmxOVeirrerer INO On ye) da@xva ‘Proof Ineach as the point sto sow thatthe mapping so described are well ied. The technique wo construct suitable bilinear or mullinear mappings 0d we the dfning property (2.12) or 2.12) to infer the existence of home ‘morphisms of tensor products. We sal prove hula ) a an example of the ‘thd, and lave terest othe rade. ‘We shall construct homemorphisme WON ors MoNers (ener sucha /(0 9) @2)~ x0 © randsle 9 y 02) = 09) 02h maine 97 02)-x070:is 0702-6008 Mo conse fi he semen xP. The mapping (,))r> ©Y ye) tina andy sd cre nds & honors Then there sit sige um on-- MON OFMHEML = 10y Os Neon tse (a) 2M @ XY * Pt M3 8 @ FM, SMM OM OPMONOF pcrtats(e 0 @2)= 20722 nut comer We Mi 3.2) (8 @3) @ xo AC cect aM @ P. Tsai cb ahaa eee eMONGP-MOMor such hat ge 8 2) = ONO. Seay fagand = /aredenly map, hence fan are uomorphiams, brie 218, Let A be rings let M bean d-modae, Pa ese ed Nan (lcDbimedle hati, Nesialtncouy an medal anda Baa ca {AC oo stature are compatible in he ete hata) ~ (a for alae bebe) Thon MQ, is rauraly a Bode, Wy Pan fonodl tnd we hve (1 O18) On? M Ou(W OP) Let Mr AP, ec» be homomorphism of A-module ete eM Noo M’ GN’ by M9) ~ J(0) © £0). Wiseasly eked ats “cling and therfore induees an 4-edule homomorphise SOuMON+M ON sch that Fe ske By) =f) O40) eM, yEN. Let's» Mand g°:N'—+ N* be homomorphisms of Andale. Then carly the homomorphisms (=f) @ (F ve) 38d U" @£)-U 88) age on all elements of the form x @y in M@N. Since thar ements Poet MT @ 1, follows that UD OW =F O2)-VOR. [RESTRICTION AND EXTENSION OF SCALARS Letft4-> B be a homomorpiam af rng and et W be a Bole, Tea Stan Amos structure doen lows fae 4 aad. te ain de ‘nd to be fl). Thi A-module id to be obtained fom by eon Fes nara, tes nhs wy an ods te 8B woes Propostion 2.16, Suppose N fel generated as 2 rmodule ad tag, veneratedasnfomodae, Then Nisfinielygeereted aa Ame Proof. Let yy... severe V ove B, alt yu BEReate Bay og Aamo Thea the om products 9, generate N over Aw [Now let A bean mode, Since, as we have jus sen, B ca be regan sen dnd as can form the A-medle My ~ B'@, M. Infact Nata E produle sroctre such that 6" © +) = 08" @ x forall 88° B and ay {TEAC The BoduleM, isa tobe obtained fom M by extension of sean Proposition 217. If M i fitely generated a5 an A-modale, then My Sintey generated a @ Bote Proof. Msgs Sn geerate Mover dy then the | @ x generate My over Bg EXACTNESS PROPERTIES OF THE TENSOR PRODUCT Let fiM x N-> Pe an Acbilineae mapping. For each x MF the mapping Yrrfls,9) FW ito P is Aiea, hence f gives rise to a mapping M+ Hom (¥, 2) which is linea because fis near in the variable Converse, any Arhomomorphiim $: M -» Hom. (N,P) defines a bilinear map, naeey Gea) eX). Hence the set Sof Atilinear mappings M20 "> Pin ral oneto-one cocrespondence with Hom (3, Hom (N, ?))- On the otter hand is in onedo-one correspondence with Hom (M @ NP), by the de fining property ofthe tensor product, Hence we have &canonkal somorphiss Hom (M © ,P) = Hom (i, Hom (, P). 0 Proposition 218. Let MM M20 ° bean exter sequence of A-modules and homomorphisms, and let N be ony Amosle. Then the quence MONEY MEN MNO o (hee des he ienty mapping on N) exc Pro. Lat dente he sequence), and et EN denote and lt note the seuence Haden Amat, Si) sachs om (om GP) si, 03 by (ees Hom 8 9, P) eat. B) G9) Bonar i) et TW) = 8 © N and ket UCP) = Hom (W, and tet U(P) = Hom (WP). Thea (0) {alse fom Hom (7), P) = Hom (7, UCP) fora tones a agit of aba nosen te uncon the adeno Ua U Kat of 7. The prot of 2.18) shows that any fencer which ‘ei eet Liewise any functor which 2 gt son in general ve tat FM Me Ma is 77M ian exact equenc of nd homomorphisms, the sequence AN hr 9 See casing with an arbitrary A-module Wis each. 7 MON ean Gowren=tor-0y-sc0e ever Te fn 9 ania a aT Osan 0 tae om ce Piped ar erry si Syptauiwan infor eh Shera a eee cuegonenae costae maf he beybingg ahaa ps a eat i) =i) by 18). fi) = 9) cea, iv) = il). Lets: M+ A beinjestiveandletw = 3% ® ne Ker(FO Dy so that 3 fox) © Jy = On M @ N. Let Mz be the submodule of M” generated by the x and let ws denote Xx; @ yasan element of Ms @ N. By C1) there {xis a itly generated submodule My of M containing (Mi) and such that 2 Jl) @ y= Oasan element of Me @ N. If: Ms Mais the retin tf this means that (fg @ Iu) = 0. Since Mg and are tly peated, 4.@ Vis netive and therefore uy = O, hence w= 0. Exercise 2.20, If: A > Bisa ring homomorphion and M is aft mode, then My = B Gy M isa flat module. (Use the canonical isomorphisms 219,215.) ALcenRAs \AFiA > Boe a ring homomorphism, Ifa A and be B, define» prodist ab = fos. = rome Seon: a TENSOR PRODUCT OF ALGEBRAS et B,C be to Ales, fe A> B A> C the comespondng howe ‘rps. Size Band ae Anodes we may for thet enor pode: B= 36,6, wich wan mnie We val ow die 4 mulation Conse te mapping BC x Bx C+ D dete by eked bo ee ‘hiss Aiea in ach Actor and therefore, by (2.12), induces an A-module BOCebeC+D, Py 216) an A-module homomorphism Ded+p amos 3p {21 coresponds to an Acilinear mapping oa Dx D+D “ HO 6b Ge) = Oe oun, we cold have witen down this formula dey, bu witout some ofr ras we have gen thee woul! Beno guarantee tat oes aa so eu ea nel sage therefore dened a mitiplication on th tator produ D = on: for cements of te form @ citisghen by me 6008 Ge) = W ee anda gnelby (BOSON ZC C6) =F 0H oa. ‘tpermaer should check that with tis multpittionD is commute tag, sith enty sleneat 1 @ 1. Furtbermore, Dis an Algebra: the mapping lo) © #6) 8 rng homomorphism A > D. infact ee is «commutative diagram of ing homomorphims in which for example is defied by a8) = 8 @ 1 ‘exercises 1. Stow that Zin) ©yn2) = Om, wae coprine 2 Let bearing. a-an ideal, Man dod. Show hte Mane Tensor he exact sequence 0+ a+ Aor Alt-» with AC) St Abe a local rng, M and Gritty senerted A-module. Prove ta i Me N'= 0,then M~ Oot N= 0 {Let be te maximal deal, k= 4) the resdue eld. Let Ma = kM ‘MiiA( by Exercise 2 By Nakayana’s lemma, Mi = 0 = M = 0. But M@iN= 0» (Mf @, Nb = Om My On, = 0 Mi = O0rM =O ; ae vecoe spaces ove a fl) ad Ke. MiG 1) be any amily of A-module, set M be hi ret sm. eit Mat each fe (Al) ©, Misisomer. 32 neous 4 Let ats] ete rig of pyri in oe indetermit ve ig ‘haa eae tales [Us xece 4) roe Fey Aol kt Mi ese he at a promi ins wh Detning be rate ofan enant dlandaelemento Usa hob ipfuoow iat as} analogue ‘Show hat MI] as} © 4 ety be pine idea in A Show that fe. prime ean Ah. Ui ‘slate, mala nial eal a A? A Ue8tand Ware at Amada, then 0 M 0. Bett igre and Wise Dnt ten it a8 Amol, Mase ort then 508 “ Tiny generated Aapodule and let: MN be & home. 1M, Let Ate a ing # 0. Show hat «>= AP = m= {tet bos mica ie of ao et 4° "> bean somorphiem, The b-taie) © 42m) © iam somorpism between tor sae tf dincoontm snd noe the Bld = Ae Hence m= n (CE Cape Brae 15) ig: A* > A csv, then m > fe ijt, aay the ease that m < #? 12 Let M bea Sly eeerated A-module ang: M+ A suetve home ‘morph. Show tat Ker () Sly eee {lat tuervey be bass of 4" and choose 46M such tat gu) = 6 <9) “Show tat Me the det um of Ker(p) andthe sabe ert yay nt] 13 Lap. — stenting homomorphism nd et tea module. Repring 9 fan Asal by riction of sclry, form the Bedale Ny = BO. Show tat tbe bomomorphiom £:37-- Ne which mae yo 1 @'y ince fod that gN) i det sud of Ma [Date pny Ny (8 © 9) = by, and show that Np = tm) © Ker] Direct Hine 14 A paral rece set 1s to be a drt st ior och pain ihre use Foch that |< and) ks Tet eas, tba dtd set ot (be a family of m0 Indeed by 1 For exch pie nT wc that 2 Bet ry Mv 88 , “Atomomerpbisn, and Suppo that te flowing axioms are satis nce cep et leo Romaine hes aneuy tao ee a recor he a st Mad eyo Ter ealed We dc nt of tte soe soe fon hat x) = 0 then there exists j > V such that wha) = 0 sta thl be family of sbodles of an Asodule, uh ha foreach pit tte Se Tone eats hel wich that M+ M © Me. Deloe fj eer hat ie y= > be the embedding of Min Mt Sows lig Ms = 3.M = UM tn pale, any Amol is the et limi fis Bit seated ste 1 LUM» (Ma pul N = (yo) be diet syste of Asolo the ame |ointed homomorphisms “\homanerpiom dM» iby deinition a family of Asma home- opis go Nuch tat $y = whenever < J Show ta 1 sens ugue homomorphism # = hin == sch tal $= ei forall ef 1 Asequence of drt systems and homomorphisns eae the corresponding sequence of models and module honoris inexact foreach fe Show thatthe sequence M_N-> Po die ins Sen act (Use Exerc 15] Teor proce commate with rec nits 2 Keg the ne nation a In Bree 14 fe ean male, Te (00% 9 oa et yet P= im, 099 et 3 sooutts porsche Fea ves bomomerpian 4 @ 12M N— M © Mere Borchert Foe M2 M. Show $8 am omer ayia © 8) Ci MO © ecm 29. tty Me ay Fran obain« mapyne #°M * NP. Show tan Feige i ge hesomorpism #2 © N= Po Very fat Joins 604 are ben apes sa tectaart fay of ings indexed by a rested a8 6h pi es Cine ae ot rng omomorpls, satis conditions Dane I ang ea att Zope we eat the frm the de Bee a Stow tat tines an sce rom the As te reine Ae daring homomorphisms. Th rng 48 the drs io srt oy tat 4, = Ofor soe 1, (Remember tha al sng he ety eee Let du) Be act yt of igs and et, be the miadizl of A. Sow Atari the ail of i tach sian ner domo, thn ig 4 an itera domain. BB Let (aa Ba fail of Agere, For each Bie subst of et 2 dene {Se eo product (over othe By for Xe. EJ" isanoter Hite sub e snd J'2 F,there 4 canonical 4algera homomorphiy By —> By Let mote the det init tthe ring B38 J rus though all inte subsets of 8, ‘Fibting bas natural algebra for which the homomorpise, Byes Bere Asli hancmorphins. "The algebra isthe eso ros fe faly Bia ‘anes od Tor Tes Exerc wil be ered tha the reader if tnd bse propertes ofthe Tor functor. 24 16s an A-module te following are equivalent Mgt Tock (M,N) = Ofor all» > 0 and all Anodes i) Tor (M,N) = Ofer all Anodes N. [To show ta) (tke are resltion of W and tensor it with M. Sis ‘Ms ft, the renting segence i exact and therefore ts Bomoly B08 hich ar the Tar (MN), ae zeo form > 0. To show that Ci) = ( Dor NaN" 0 be an exact sequence. Then, fom the Tor E% segues, it he eon Toe (M,N)-+ M0 N= MON--M ONO Isexact. Since Tor, (M, N°) = 03 fllows that Misa) Let 0— N= N-- N"--O bean exact segues, with Nf, Then ‘at Wis (Um Exec td the Tor erat eaves] rms 35 seve fie Te HM = TOLAN = ty tt er = afta fet sea pment Seyfert, fe froy sea 2 eects gel ya eae meee 2, a0 ee nts abd ng Exerc 35, Seduce at Na eS aoe ivaic Armosules Mees al nea ism mateo etl armen yet Tar dmest otal Mya vere ts ble fl every Amol at roe ipl ea is impotent 1B el atnrted Wea a Cec umand of 4 ae ga Ton As) 80 at Amol, ence abe gram ne mapping is icine. Hence Im () = 0, hence a) = (8). =, at ete ts for some a4, bene ¢ = are empotent and we ave a5 ca Now ites Fare empoent then.) = (e-+ fd). Hess evety ‘Rac peated et pina, and peered by an idempotent bce sa ‘et umand because “= (@) @ (Ue). il), Use the een of rece 26] 2A Boolean rings boul at. The ing of Chapter 1, Eri 7 abcately ‘uc Every homemorpicitage ofan absolut ing inaboly Bt 1 lean aol Ba, chen tis el i As absolutely fat every nowt nA sa eo-ivr. Rings and Modules of Fractions the formation of rings of factions and the assoited proces of lose Fee mat cot imporant echnical fo i commuae algebra. Tay aa ne algenr-peomtic pcre to concentatig tention on Sart aca a pit, andthe importance of thee notions shoud be wi arene Phischapter gives the definitions and simple properties ofthe form, ot ations. “The peooedure by wich one constructs the rational ld Q from the ag bingo 2 and embeds Zn Q) extends easily to any integral domain ang Peer th fl of fracions ofA. The construction consists in taking re pat (a2) where arse A and + 0, and Setting up an equa ‘aston Between sok pis Gea) = Nar bs =O. “This works only if isan integral domaia, because the verifeation tat he ‘elation strane involves cancsing. Le. the fact that has 0 zero 120, However, it can be neal 3s follows eta beany ting. A malplatiey closed subse of Aisa subst So 4 such that te Sand Ss closed under multiplication: in otber words Sia i feign he mtienvesenigoup of. Deven on = ond =$ a) (Glaty tis elation is rfesve and symmetric, To show that i i ast Suppose (5) = (1) and (yt) = (a). Then there exist w in ath 83 (@t= bse = 0 and (bu ~ ety = 0.” Eliminate b from these two easton tnd wehave av ~ c)ew = 0, Since Siscloied under mutation, w tow S hence (ys) = (4). Thus we have an equivalence relation. Lest denote the equivalence clas of, sand let $~*A denote the set of eau slates, Weputa ring truclure on S"!4 by defining addition and mutisict (ofthese "actions" os inthe sate way a in elementary algebra hat (als) + (on) = or + bt (also) = ab. (0,0) = (@t ~ boys = O for some we S huNos AND NOOULAS OF ACTIONS — 37 ves ing with Hen a ni aon i4ican we domain al $= 4 ~ (hen A se a Manoa ofA ering $14 isc ig of fraction ofA with peta. ha ni OE ion 3. Let ¢2A-» B be a ring homonorphi sch tht) pert pf al v8. Thon thee ext une rig homamepiin BSS ach a = of, Unguenes. Ik sts he coniion, hen Kal) = Nl) = fetae ds Bence iS 1s) = H(t) = Halt* = a0) ae) (a)e)"', 20 that A usigaly ad therefore Mats) = Me ermine y i) Existence, Let Mot) = a(g()~ Then wil cel bes rag home- orpisns provided tha it's wellkdeaed, Suppose hen hat alt = then ther exits eS euch that (as"~ a5) = 0, hee (aloe) ~ Hterato)e0 ow (isa nit ia B, Bence e(@a(3) = ata) “Te ing $~#4 and the homomorphism f: A» S“*4 have the following proper: 1) 505 = fs) isa unin S-*4 2) f(@) = 0.» as = O for some 365; 3) Every element of $"¥4 is ofthe form /a)/4)" for some #4 and some wes. Convery, thee tree conditions determine the ring S“M4 wp fo o> orpisa. Preily: Conotary 3.2, If: A» Baring homomorphism sh that i) 20 > gl) sa ii ‘i ee) = 0 = as = Ofor some #05: | ronos 110 NODULES OF FRACTIONS of Boffo HOH" en er 9 Boah hat B= Bf ‘craw tat hs 5A > Bnd by Man) = eee" tn conv) some BY, MS SURI. (ican ware Me) ~ 0 en fo) ~ 9 bencey ht ini, okt ence) Dues = Ola Sng aeeee y tavtes pimeidalef 4 Then S~ A ~ bimini Beal Leavy cnet = vs ping). We wc Se nt ej rh ney form an el mint Troe Siantaeae, Dedede psatiin fy folowsbat eee Ahh ht ce conn tl nd herr ew el ae ator words Aral. ny i om oy Welle alton 2 2S ide ong = OCS. ered celic 2 ace, Wo win A, fer $"M in ince Be eae in and S t's = tof ll + whee see) Goaty in mlapoatey co 5 Spr eas 1) an) Caer Oh parte aber; dy = mt fol ca ning lc theenis ine ife sad 9 en yet fal eons TEES vt dennitorapower Dts Migs oh whew a ld and tear inepedet ine sapped aA Tan yt ing al aol nto here Go Vs wty dad bye that ty he eo 1 syed ch tai To) 0 winaret Fe, then rovid inal) 4 canbe Med weg tall a tons on © he treed tamotal pl of Ys oa igo loge ‘iste pty losing ich ai sgt rome) Te concen of $4 canbe aed hough with an Aol Mi pleco thering A. Define aration = on M x Sas follows: (os) = 1) = Ste Seach hata! — ¢m) = 0 ‘Aadays ivan eulece to. Let ms dence the xe fs) tH tnt af eh ony an eM into an $-*4-module with the obvious definitions of addition and sl ‘ili. At tap) an) above we wie yee tS =A (opine aod My when S = re Pe A Wirt dn map" tg 18 (nodule homomerpion S"a:'$"1M $8, namely Sma ‘od. WebaveS4ors) = (S°¥) (67) i Bey eet om ‘rh 5 ~ Proof. By (1) we be war unos AND MODULES OF ACTIONS 99 sion 13. The epertin S16 ett es CMM ME i Soa l= SOM SNE xa a on ene Sig» $°¥f = $C) = 0, bene im 5") rf tebe! i eet indo et eer a MN ic honor, mer) 1 ee = fo cre Her SM =) = Sees lates) Hoke cm fon am 0) hatin modal oe map ‘ann eb se M5, Wh comes 2 As Formation of factions connate wth formation of fie Cr Lot nents Pry ON. oe ce Female Me hen fs A) = SA) + SAP) swan) = SANSA) 1 eS amedes SIN) and(S*MN(S"!N) tomer pot etows ray from the defntons ands) i ey te ese ya fe) ten iy ~ 2) = fr some we, tenes rato Nap anbthectory/e = wane S40 AP), Comegunty SONS TEES Py and te rove insion i obvi. Sh Apt So the exact quence Oo N+ Moe Mrs ‘Proposition 25, Let M bean A-module. Then the S“*A modes S-°M ond Se Ou Mave bemorphic; more precisely, there exis amie oe nrplim 25-84 @y Mr S~*M for which HMGals) @ m) = amis for alla Ame M.s6S. ® Pref. The mapping S24 x M-» $A defined by (als, m)-> amis 's bina, and therfore by the universal property (212 ofthe eso produ ‘nds an dchomomorpism {8-4 @,M> SM ‘whing (1), Clearly fi surjective, and is uniquely deine by (0 te Sta) im te any cement of SAGA = Thaes. ‘Thess we ave Rieon- TM em-Zloam= poze 40 vos 10 moss oF ACTOS so tat every element of $"24 © M ofthe form (2) m. Seppo Ftd Oop) 0 Then mis ~ 0, hence on = Ofer some 5, le ene fis injctv and therfore an omorphism. Conary 3:6. 5°14 lat Ao Proof 03.09. Propsion $7. If M,N ore modes, there 4 wniue tomar Maemo 8°61 y S-1N > SMM Ba N) sch ha _lon) © ()) = @ ms. In priar pny prime ie, theo My Gay No = (MO. Ayo. Prof. Use (5) a the canonical somorphisns of Chapter 2. a ‘Apropery Po tng A (or ofan A-module M) i sd tobe a Tea prop {tte folowing sve “Aor M) hs Ps Ay (ot Ms) bas P foreach prime eal v of A. The folowing proposition ie examples of local proper Proposition 38. Let M bean A-module, Ton the fllowing re eu A) My ~ 0 fora rine deals» of ii) Ma = Ofer all masina iss of Proof. Clay i) = i) > i). Suppose i) sted and Mt ¥ 0 owzero element of M,and le a= An (x); «iam ideal # (), Doe toniied ina maximal el m by (18). Consider 2 © fm Since Mn = fave /t 0, hove skied by some clement ofA — mt; but this impos since Ana) =m Proprio 3.9. Let $: MN beam A-module homomorphism. The Soloving are equiaent: 1 pisinete: 1 fy My > Np inet for each pre idea v: Hi) fu Ma —> Ma nective foreach maine! Hel Siar with “injecive™ replaced by “sete” thousho aeE———™ et) tae A= Ker) then the sequence Om» > Mn Wi papeton 210 For any Aiole M, the fll semen ae deal ii) =, IP 8 Nomomorpism of Armodues, and m is any tin eo 4 es Wr Pintve = Ne» Pa insti, by (89) x Pa Oa Ma injective, by (219) (8 Oc a> Os Mm ese, by 8.) NOM 1 injective by G9). Hens i at by 2.19). cA bea rng $ a mutipcately clos subset ofA and fA —> SA the ‘trl bomomoepisn,detied by (2) = al. Let Cte the et of contracted Wels 4s and et be the set of extended alsin S14 (. (LI) san ‘alin its extension ain Sha SP (or any y 4" ofthe fem 3 te Shr ae ands. bring thi action toa common denon) Propotion 3.1.3) ery ial in S84 san extended I 0 ia thn = us Hee = (0 Fda ii) ©6C- mo element of S a serodor i Ae i) The rine dal of $“14 ae i one-one coresondec (09S "th the rine el of A which det mee a - 42 nos avo woot or mAcTIONS Whe erton “coma With formation of ft sam, pate Ble and ae : 1a ame i "4 a i hes Beet = (5-107 @ fl = ls or 0m 60,565 = Gr gy focsome te = 8102 5 Una(@:9) Gee sna (aaa fer ann 58S e200) 00 109 in) Hf isa prime teal a “14 then 8 prime eli 4 (is mh tru for any ring homomorphism). Convery. iy ia pine esl nce Moisan sega Gomain, Sethe inage of Sin Aly, mehane Sq; (dip wich either 0 ore contained is the Bel fraction is therfore an tpl domain and thereore Sp selher prin or the Heal by 0 the later porbiey occurs IF and ealy ib meet 1) For sums and products, this follows fom (18); fr intersect, from (34). At to radia we ave 57a) = 78-0) from (18) {oot of the revere incon is 2 souin vrifeation which we eadee = Remarks, 1) I S-Hast) = ($-*0:5-4) Inte prod the desl is nity severed: (3.18) 2) The proof in (18) that i fe Ais not alpotent there isa prime ie fA which doe nt contain f can be expeessed more ene isthe apse ff igs of fractions. Since the st S = ovo does not conti 0, he me S-24'= 4 isnt the zero rng and therefore by (13) as a axial We hose contacton ia 4 isa prime ideal p wick docs not meet 5 by (3) hence f Corot 312. 178s the niael of 4, he nadia ef Ais S-"% Corot 318.1» prime isl of 4, the prime idea of he clr Ayarelnoneionecorepondnce nth the pre dao A coined Proof Take S= 4 ~ vin!) Gv). Remark. Thos he passage from A 0 A ets ou al pie dest excepto ‘ontaied inp. Inthe oe diston, the passage fom 4 t 4)» cus 023 ime eas except tore containing Hence iy, are rie eas sch 2 4, then by localizing wth spect to and taking the quotient mol (Gace over: thse we operations comsmate, by (34), we rest ow at tion to thwe pine Seale which li between band. In particular, >= s-i(hon iF + 89) = S7*( (A) 9 Ana) by (23) “ S-MAmn Ann Sara) by 04) TAnntS-tar + SN) = hn eae ey gece tis enough to prove G0) Hearted), whee @ Ansty tet on Ra PN) by ‘Prpsin 3.16, Let A> Bb arg hom ime ideal of Badly hen 9 = p by (1.17). Convery, st = tS be the 'B. Then dos not meet , thereon by (11 extension In" proper eal and enc x contained ina maximal ew of S-" Ife he contraction of in, then ee pring, «2 Hand a8 ~ 2 ‘hs rou and layoff (2 wih oe ws depend on dcteinane UM = a, hen 37M = (SKS AD, Nee by Nalayama we hve 32M 0, Now ow Exe 3 eng, and Tbe two mney cowed abst af an let edema of Fn S="4 Show ta tenes (ST) *A an 01S eres ic Fao Fn Socio Le = nip it ES ts ie i any moi dnl set a 4 i» hin Fie ne araionet rr Foren reTauakin si {a} Tis eovained ia the sluration of 5 (Exercise 7 ") Be pine hel whch nets Tao meets 8. 9. The et ofall onze i Ai 2 strated ma ‘Chap oxen 10), Shom ht every minal fe. (Users 6} “Te ting Sd led he tain of rion of 4 Prove ht 1 Sri the largest sulipenvely lve subset of 4 Tor which the Ai Every element in Sei ether 8 zro-ivisor oF uit A Ever rng in wich every sont nerds sequal 6 ot linc ie, > Spd ect). D Aan Bt (Chapter 2, Exercise 27) ani any i ivabobty St > dia dor nc nia eal i) ABs ait fat Ot ig the elf 4. 1 Every rie elo 4 mail unl ieaoe 2 2. ove that A= sk Paso the Alomale Mat oe ‘eno of Fina basis of F. [Let x,y Dea St of generators and ys e6 fatal tas of Define $F" Fy fle) ay Then face \sisalring. Lat bethe Kral ot Sandie k= Amb tereae eof 4 ita imetlonal vector space over hs 1 9 gi rete hence Bec, ‘ugyam's em Hence ian omorpi t Iw ata isany nonseo dod ten My 0 5) Bot ocy Armdule Mr te maplog "1 O° of Mito a floc ='th we O10. 1) = A oa. i Fert eer toa mons cement of Mand tM ~ As. si Hn Oi sch to lhow tat #0. Netave MT yee ty See er Nor 5 mine vee manele fe poh Hee A #0 me {Sy tA betbe kere of M> Ma. Sine Bie a ovr 4 Ooh : te iappine Ma Ole Dente i = Aad “asi tobe fi fla ove A 1, tet 44 Bs Che sng homomorphisms. +s at andes ayy ten i at. is Fa est cs trem st at penta ee ee as teecalemicae Cartyater ae Reet cae etiam. moot eee Seo tots tate 1” 9, Let A bearing, Man A-odule, The suport of M i defines tobe ese Sopp (hf of pine cals of such that My #0, Prove the following exis Date Ow Supp) # ©. A) Vl) = Sepp (a. fi) 100 Meee A> M0 in an exact sequence, then Supp (M) « Supp (M1) © Supp (M0. Io) HAE = 3 Af then Sopp (8) = U Supp (80 1) HAs nly generated, then Supp (M) = (Ann (80) (a ithe 1 lowed subs of Spee). sw IPAGN ave faiely peverted, then Supp(M ©. ¥) ~ Sopp(Q% Supp (¥). (Use Chapter 2, Exercise 3 vi) Mi ely generated and ei an ideal of 4, then Sopp (Mis) = (a+ Anni), vip fs A = B i 8 ring homomorphism and M is afi ‘module, then Sp (B 6 M) = 7°- (Supp (MD). yarn 20, Lt Bho a rng homomorphism, /*: Spec (B) + Spee (4 the aso! mapping. Show tha 1) very prime el of Ai a contacted ideal = * is sete i) Every prime del of san extended ideal = /* is nective 1 the convene of) rue? 21, Lat A bea ving, Sa mulipicatvely closed subset of A, and 4 St ™ ‘he canonical homomorphism. Show that g*: Spee (S"!4) —» Soe (4)4, homeomorpti of Spc (SA) onto is image in X = Spee(4) 1 Image be denoted by Sx 7; Tnparcle, fe 4, te image of Spec (A) n Xs the tsi o (Chapter I, Execs 17, exencists 47 ing homomoepiam. Ut X= Spec (A) and Y= oP "Pc me mapping ssoited wh. Tentying ier canonical image Si in, and Spee(S™ et caoaial age SY ie Y, Show tat S p's tbe eatrtion of 7" U0 5°", aod hat santa bn aren fla ale aro pe econ ff © VO). Bee of as Take S = A — p ini) and thn rede Tepe Shc he ic no) oY ay cee fro nt vaya prin ideal ofA. Then the canonical image of Spee) lea bearing ng The inesecion ofall he open neghborboode of io Speco i Sent. rtmrtwasog tx = Spec(Aandlet Useabascopenstin Oe, UX) Meee exaner 1 Bere 17) nesome = Sow that be sing A(U) = Ay depends only on U and nat on f deere Sette antber base open set such tbat U" U Show that here te nino heform a” = aor some integer m > O and some, ‘san siisto define a hortomorpism p:4(U) =» 4(U9 Ge Ar 4 BY Solan a= to ates Show tat» depends only on U and This Shomeephism i clled the renrction homomorphism. iy ro = Ue then p he Senty map BIT 2 O° 2 U" are tale ope sts in show tat the giagram AU) —> AU Sov aus in which the arrows are rettion homomorphisms) s commutative, wate (= 9) bea pint of. Show that lim ACW) ‘The asgnment ofthe ring A(U) to each basic ope set U of Xan te ‘ation homomorphisms r satsying the conditions ji) and W) above ‘esate preteaof ngs onthe Bai of open set (Xx) 98 te Slo this preset at we 21s the corresponding lal ng Ae 2. Stow tat the preheat of Exerc 23 asthe following property. Let (Uda ‘ovetig of X by bale open sete, For each (cZet 1. ACU) be such if ‘ach pai of inde fj te mages of and in ACU) are egal, Then he ew unique re (= a1) whose mage in (Uf 1 Hs satis that he preset i she) eda tcc sn toma al ah Le tig Sober artes See leratbine tare Hebei eis or6) ort z 0 ooh one 5, ae oO) ey ou(C oud) # 0 Buk ZO and Cock fee Tiana Es S921) = Spe). tet pe Spe (4) Then /*-H0) sth spectrum of 04K) = ki (Be 84 KO)) doce sor products comme wth diet limits: Chapter 2, Exeise 3 By Buecee Hof Chapter? it follows that /0-%Q) = © and ony Bont) = Olorsome nie, and ony if/2""0) = 2.) 2, Lek fd Bb ay family of Aagceas and ek 2A Hb ti femorpodit ovr (Chapter 2 Bere 2). Then s(Soe() = (S086 (0). [Ue Examples 25 and 26) Let asdce be ny Site fay of A-algebra and let 2 = Delf» By Ja) = (Su). Then (Spec (8) » Unset) iy Bene te sates of = Spe (4) oft fem (Spec (where > ‘Sting tonomorphisn, ait the some for led set in opaone Space, The sociated opaloy the contrac topology on. Tis than the Zar topology Ge, thee are mre open set, rua 0 ued we, 1) Eat X denote the set x endowed with the contuttetopoloy. Stow th ois qusecompact 2%. (Coninaaton of Exrcie 27) 1) For each 4 the set (Chapter I, Eerie 17) x both open and lst poly ates Lat Cet the set oplogy on Tor which test are oth om pd closed, ot No denote the St endowed with this tpoley. S=" fats Hauer. i) Dede hat te identity mapping Xe > Xe ies homeomorphism, Hest subset of Xs ofthe form (Spec) for sone fa Bian on Isclosed in the opto C- 48) The tpologialspce Ke compct, Havidort and totaly ssconnet x Sn ef aa oi if 4 va tomnmortion, Sb th: S90) ee ssp dB tld ce rts race 7 poogy an the construc toplogy on Spec) are rhe Zr ne lyf uber the aaa i ae Primary Decomposition Iter pe tae eet ps ‘suggest. From another point of view pra m alve Se0MetrY wouie eraliation ofthe factorization ofan negra nde {the modern treatment, wth its emphasis on localization, prog {inno longer sucha central tool nthe theory. Ig self and inthis chapter ne estab the las unigunes teas The prototypes of commutative ings are andthe rng of yon Abi.» a) where k isa fild; both these are unique factoring wn ‘This isnot eof arbitary commutative rings even heya oan (the classical example isthe rng Z[V=3) in which the lene 6 essentially distin fctrzatins, 23 and (l'+-V=5X1 ~ V3), Hosen there is a genealned form of “anigue Factorization” of des (nto one Ina wide clas of rings (te Noethesan ting ‘Aprime idea ina rng isin some sense a generalization of pi un ter. The corresponding genetaliation of & power af pine mune 4 primary ideal, An ideal qin ring is primary ify Aandi In other words, 1s primary = Aja # O and every zeo-divisor in Al is ots, ‘Gerly every prime idea is primary. Also the contrston of a pian dea is primary, fori f2~» Band iti primary ideal in, ten Ai IBomorphi oa subring of Proposition 61. Let be primary idea arin A. Then ste sma prime Ideal containing Proof. By (8 its enough o show that » = (spine, Let xyes (29) 4 for some m > 0, and therefore ether sve or ve fr n> Ole, ether xcr() oryen(s). ete a PTY yo) Then Ala = ALyy") in which he zero Ded = A Thence ate alipotet Hose «a pray, and al eave Pec 4 © 0 Gt inclusions so data primary Forme lt = Hs je clGy =) an et 2h A Hate 5 oe te tel domain we Bave 37 = fe ba RE and reer et mage of te i ofA, nce. TT ety sen ee et ieee aS rtard doe Lens 42. If (<4 sare primary, thea = 0 “ine for some raf) = MPa 8) = PG) = 8. Leaves 768 Lena 44, Let eb pride, an lamen of 4, Then Dix then 9:8) = (Os 1 44 thn (4:8) ir primary, and therefore 0:8) = ¥ ree hee) ros.) andi follow immediatly from the dtions. ‘Bi ye(4) then ay ea, hence (a x0) we have ye, Hence ¢ = (a) © pi taking radials we pet (3) = B. Let (3) with 7495 then oreebence x26 bance F(A) A primary decompostion of Weal ain Ais an exeston of afte ‘tesettin of pinay el 50 © (tener sucha primary decomposition need not exit this chapter we shal "it cur atertion to ies which haves primary decorposion ) I mor ee sa ramany vac inc an weve 8 Ve. og Oe 0 i em ret oy Fa) BY) Ha can oe ey sora (tu any rina decomposition an be ru eo We shally ta 15 on Primary decom Tare grat a) an ft Sam ae ay ep hae Es ae tal he we pet oh pos oo ore) = O02) 9, ns tn Pe Fe ia Henne te ih onyx ini Fents. ) Te above prot, coll with he ast part of 4, shows hr Hema senna 4 sch ht (0:3) primary 5) Conerng Ao aan Aol, (1) equivalent to saying tht they ae eatin es whch oro sade of anata of seen ale ual, Lets = (4) ind = Muy. Tene = v, vb wees = Se The ilo primary ty (42) 50 the prime els te Fotis ctmmle y © ime have) = 995 = Po Bates Ota pena ie The pre deas 0(4. ars 1 elo t a, ro be asocited wt “eid o pny fan only ibs only one aited prime sel Tie minimal ents fhe tb ba) ace led te mini o oaed ie Tas ioging to The ots ae cle embeded prime teal ns sample sow 5 = (6) embedded Prpoin 4S, Let ob a decomposable del. Then any prin 9.2 cata o mina prime! Blagg 1 and thas the ir ‘rime leas of are precy hemi laments nth se ofl 8 at omar Proof. Mey 2 = (ert then y =r) > x(a) = Ave _ Hest idmhawey 2 wsrehentsFcntasns saline # Revers, 1) Te names ted wd embeded come rom geometry. TH 4 = Hi] wher ia Bel, the eal «gies ise oa vases X= (ee Caper i Eerce 25. The nial primes correspond toe Aue components of andthe embeded primes correspon fo sae ‘ro obese ne sae ey sarong 0,0) yim tt lth ay cmon nee : 29) = (NGF = IAGO oe compe nary desmpostions. hese to Ub = bre Astarx) # a, in of he prime els olong 0 * i “rus he zo Hel beng decomposable) Dota pre cals tonging to = 1) of al nina primes belonging 10 Newt we ivetigte the beavior of pinay ideas undr alain Prepon 48. Let be a mulated sbaet of A, and let § Seapine et aysoye 2 “a 3) Seve =o, then S74 is S~Yrimary and its contraction A Tece primar els correspon o primary als the corespodece (810 beeen ideas nS and couracted eas Prot IF SeSy, then 38 > 0; bene $4 coats “whichis «wit $4 i) SAy = athens eS and are qimply acc, bene ~ aby GAD Anton Qi) we hee nS 1) een) Se Theyre ‘hy rary is tigiorvar, Fal te conan of Bey felis primary, S18 for some m Forany eal a and any mtpiaiey closed subst Sin 4, the contaton atthe eal $"¥0 denoted by Se). 54 panuny oecourostion ae oping a, hese r di i fart semen but nt Bees Boe ThE ett, = 0. sun Ass so Aa andthe are mini primary ecm root Sia = en 5-7 OAD) Ofer $4 By (894 a8 5 Fr Sen form Ls evi. Sine the bre dint, 50 are the Sip Perna ewe hae minimal pony decompostionConai Sot ic we S(@) = (Sy Aww yan) “Aset of pre ideas belonging to is said to be ioated if it sts the fouled condition: ipsa prime Heal belonging to © and y" © p for sone ped, then ye. Let be an ioated st of prime ieas belonging too, and let S = 4 = Untb, Then Sis multipliativel closed and, for any prime idea!» Yeloagng toa we have veroyns= ai wade EY poy = vOSE & Hence, from (49), we dedce Theorem 4.10, (2nd uniqueness theorem). Let abe a decomposable ia Gm [Mes bea minimal primary decomposition of and It (ye) es elated at of prime teal of Ren °F is independ the decompesition In prior: Corollary 411, The isolated primary components (ie the Briar) co ‘ponents 2 corresponding to minal prime els) are uniquely determi bye. Proof of (10), We have oy O°°°0 Si = SKo) where S = A — vy YOR Thence depends only ona (Sac the y depend only ons). = a es “Remark, On the other hand, the embedded primary components ar in Ste, fot unigualy determined by a, If 4 is a Noetherian ring, there ae "finitely many choles for each embedded component (ee Chapter Exe = soos paneer red ate vi econo eet ee ip ecinann Ye Wet sere penn ee cam a meet hckvoetas 8 os ee mar ie taxa ete a eC of a. ‘eine hing? a al a Le an Alen tn me pet en ee re ee ‘wit coefficients in a. - Tee tbsp mt {Use Chapter 1, Exereise 2) ms eC fe: G+] is a minimal primary decomposition in tx). wi acta ly fey any deen oft tena mbna inet Lik be Bl Show ta ine plone H le at He Sig tem ae pie tu ae sonny. fi ace Inning U4 dete he tf ene ies hihi he lig ‘fon het set ch ha mii net ie Sanh osha nat seaiea seo aor = repesoeye DO. Tat G's malign ove soto 4 ty Bre 5 sign psa Chapters 2 Sw at DtS-'4) = Death. erode has a rina decomposition sow tt (0 he to sod pine eo "Frans ie se fe toe yey na ing tS) ee Im ay ove at D840) « y. {id #(S40)) = p= w is « minimal prime ideal of 4 Dy 2 yds SO 2 Sn. i, SA = Be Us ee in Bai 9 aT 6 mnany peconrosion sh tty a minal pie ea f+ Hie 4 Show hs $0) see 1), sn yi isan of te Heals SH) 28» runs OUR he fscontined inthe mre of ie Scomponble Prove that very ie ony a, Lecoe uring 1 aunty closed sublet of A. Foray idea Lett a hom of 8a A. The eal SG) elle the srr attest to 8 rove ha Dsase) = S08) Sire) = 5) ip se) = memes S {hough ll mulpeatvl closed subsets of 4 i fie, 13, Le ate ing andy a pime ie of 4. The mth symbole power of bis dey to be he el Gn he notation of Exes 12) ym = S40") here 5) = 4 ~ ¥. Show that ‘hy tea pprinary Weal; 1D irprhasa primary deompostin, then» isis primary component ) spe hana primary dcomponiin, then pis Ks -Pemary comp. in) Pm 9 i ima 14, Let bea decomposable den rng Aandi » be a maximal element oie setotideas(ersy where and x#'e- Show that isa prime ideal son, 15, Leta bea decomposable iden rng 4, et bean isolated st of prime ites tatongog fo as and let gr be te interaction ofthe corresponding finan omponcis, Leben ment of Asi that foreach prime ea telone foray nebave fe =p, and let S be the set of all powers off. Show ht Re = 5(@) = (af) foal agen 16 U Ale sngin whichever ideal hata primary decomposition, sow tate ‘ng of fractions 5°14 has the same propery 17, Let 4 beng with he elowing propery (LI) For ery deal # (1) in an every prime idea, there ests 429% that Sy) = (0:2, where Sy = A'~ "Then every ideal n 4 tan iteresion of (posible mans) em Sse. {Leta beanideal # (1) in 4 and ety, bea minimal element ofthe st fe Heals containing a. Then = Sp(0)'s Ypeimary (by Exerc 1), a8 ~ for some ¢y. Show ‘Ate +O) iy TNow leto; be a maximal element ofthe set of ideals 2 2 sich 4 08 =, and choose, 40 that x, and therefore os € Br» Rene ro snes 5 veers Sytsckanttinge ta the following conn 08 ing 4 Sra wei hn S.2 Saas cit et er oh 5 ei ara pny epoch iL 4 bea rng and pa prime il of Show that every Pinay et ‘hats 50) the Kernel of the canonical homomoepen mn Seppone hat 4 satsies the following condi: fr every pea, he imesetton ofa primary Hels of is equa fo S00, Gea ‘sa ths ondion see Chapter 10) ‘Let bm te dnt poe ane ow of which 2 misinal prime eal of Then there ene anel ay ‘Sve nceited pre Wea are vb Trct by induction on m.Te cise» = stv (ake @ FS Tad lt be maximal nthe st Pen wher each «is Brvinary. H'6 e S20, ery be mal poe Stel of 4 contained in b Then 50) © S10, bene 8 = S40). Tang ‘Ric od wing Exerc 10, we have py" cn 9 se Some 3.5, Bence b= Pace pis minimal Th contdtion ses ny [iin “Hence 5) and therefore thee exis 8 Beri ed Sth that 6 ay, Show that @'= 9, =" 4, has te requed perce 20, Suppose By endive opts inary dcompesiion b=, Priary decomposition of modules Fractal the whole of this chapter canbe tansposed tothe cnet of odes over a rng A. The lowing exercesiate how tis doe MM bea fed A-module, Na submodule of M. The aa f Nin Mis ree Na wbmodsle ra) = (x6 A:xtM & for some 4 > 9: Show that rN) = (ann (MIN)). To parla, rN) is a8 ‘Soy tat ray = reviat ~ o(Ann (IND). Im partes, aN) ‘Sate and prove the formulas for ry anslogous 0 (119, An eee i ¥€- defines an endomorphism fx of M. namely mm 2m TH Xi uid to ben zero (rap. potent) in Md i 0 ene Es 58 many poconrosiios repo), A oboe QO M6 primary in MEO San, erordivorn Mi@ loten. Es 5 oe MO ary iM ten (Q:M) i primary i a det We a) tat Os primary MD). Oi ee aulopcs of (43) and (40. 4a. Apne deampasion of Nin Mi repression f a8 eng, N= Qn 0 Integral Dependence and Valuations stray sha Mit mil ray angsty ina, nt an rane oh one an Wo BAe. a ont nO, ous Ql =f mt est a tht the prime Has zen og nea et he prin ies ei Sho Pa ior rather Between th rings of nye and te comms ‘att atures tbe notion of tegal pendence. ehcp we rove atk fren about itegralSependene. Ta pare we prov the te. mart Coben Seienberg (ie "yoing-up” and “oing-donn” thoes) re fog pie al ins ileal exesion. In the exer a teed we Se agebro-seometricstetion and in parte the Normalization "We ao give a brief treatment of valuations INTEGRAL DEPENDENCE Let Bea ring, Aa subring of B (Go that 164). An element x of Bis ido teimeral over A if isa root of mone polyoma wih coun i that isi sisson equation ofthe form Patt poten 0 0 rth are elements of 4. Clery every element of 4s inter ve 4 Frample $0, 4 = Z, 8 ~ Q. Ha rational mber« ‘Yee, rhave no common factr, we have from (0) siege Pe atin goo baat a0 {he bing rational integers. Hence «divides ose = 41, bea 16 Z- Proposition $.1. The following oe equi xe Bs imegral over: 4) Ale is a fintely generated A-module: 1) Ale concn raring of chat Cs fa mee Amode — (@ _seeonas pereevcr ax Vs poodle M bch fitly Sener oy ny There ent 2 fe AUS Amol “proof ) =i. From (1) 8 cet = y enc, by inution al osve power of in th Aomodyy by nda en) Reverted (08 29. Anode) oe +a) y1=0. yi oon tom 24: ae 4 0 be lion ys an eek se ta As) ee Ne SAREE TS Cresta we ds & ont £2, Let (1S 1 1) be eement of B, cher! 4 Seo eae. vl ira finteygenrted Anode. pao Thecasen = 18 prt of 1), Assume n> ik Pra dae eye indocte pote de iy ese Ae di ete) ely generated yoda (y the ce we ing oer dyna). Hens bY 216) Aue iy greet Min ioae 0 Cooly 53. The se C of elements of B wich are nero oer Ais 0 ‘sng of B conan 4 ‘rf sy etn dhe aly gzaerted Amol by (2), Hes 22 and ae integer 4, yt) oF. hing Cin(S3) incl the negra clare of Ain B. °C = Athen d ‘ssid tobe all aed In BI = B, tering Bis said wo be srs or Remar Ut f.A-» Be sng horamorphis, 1 hat Bis an As ‘hen iss to eter, and Did to be a egrel A-algebra, 88 nepal oer ring (Tah erminoogy, te sboe els show fe ype + iter = fit. ovary 84. A & BE Covering and Bis itegrl oer Ay ond Inga oer B th is gra oer Aran of negrel epense Proof. Let x6 C, thee we have an equation FH be tt ED) ting B’ = lbs... bslis finitely generated A-module by (52), and Bt! Afi und ode nessa ver B). Hence DUI"? ° UF Tone gp erated A-module By (216) and therfore sol : 2 interes 4 fen i) Let A B be rings and te © Caption Cs meray eel the ieee case of 4 ese te om ©. By eh tag Ms tex Oe A een 526 Met proposition shows that integra de Se ae Laide B serio 5 eget ri eel Besa Shah Cie ae mliplete cond be! of tom 8 eee 3 _ pent eB we he, tu euston a. te eS "Bre BS). Then hecuntn soe Gn + Caoxsyet + tat =0 hh hows that af is integral over "4, ‘we GOING-UP THEOREM 52. Let A B be itera domains, Berl oer A. Then B Gofeld fond ony if Ais afield Dro, Suppose A sald let ye B,y #0. Let yay + fea beanesuation f integral dependence for yof smallest possible degre. Sine B Suniprl domain we have a, # 0, eacey-!'= —a iy"! ayy? Fas) OB, Hence Bis a fel Gomenely, suppose Bis a fil; Net xe 4,3 # 0. Then x ‘nepal ver, 40 that we ave an equation Bene i tao ied) age) ed hence Aisa ids Iw tat x°* = a + abe + Catan 53. Let A&B be rings, Biacegral ocr A; et 3 be arin e Bandy = gf = «0A. Thon 1s maximal ond onl if mana Pos By (6), Bais integral over, and both tee rings ate ner Now use (57), Ciraary $3. Ler A cB be rings, B neal over Ai It 1B such that & a and = = vay. Then = 8 be prime lll 2 pracpat eres@INce Axo VALUATION 1 ver dy Leto beth exe0808 On Ay he M ONSpesively in Be Then Ws the mail ne, ree (i fallow that", ue man ayo, & i Bethe Grays wad = < Fowl nm shoes by HN) ¢ = Teron $40, Lat A's Be rigs B egraler Aa 9 bearing Frere ten here ext pri eal of Bk tha 84 = roo, By (26), Bynes over Aa and he diagram ao Be Gwbich be aint rows a injetion) commutative, Let ema Coie oe ihen m= md aia by (58), ence the unig a telat oe ing Ae HC = #8, then prime and we ave naa eta)= be Theorem 5.11, (*Goingp theorem”), Let ASB be rings, it seem gcse bebe a chal of prine els of A and 9505 CO Li cata of prin teas of B such tha 7 A = vl Frente chain So 8a con be extended fa cate = that 0A = 9 for £& te Proof Bb induction we reduce immediately tothe case m = 1, = 2 Let Fee ee B= Bla; hen X = Band Bisintgral over A by (50). Heves Gitte ext prime eal of Buch that fA = a: the image of Oa2 Lin back & fo B and we havea prio ideal ag with the required pe pers INTEGRALLY CLOSED INTEGRAL. DOMAINS. {THE GOING-DOWN THEOREM Proposition (5.4) canbe sharpened Propostion 5.12 Let A < Bering, C the itegrlclosare of Ai BLS bearable closed ase of A. Then S-*C ts the negra ose of SiS. Proof, By ($6), $°%C is integral over $14. Comers, if biseS-°8 6 {integral over $"!4, then we have an equation ofthe form 127 + GalsXbNE bet alt= 0 Where 4, eS < LW) Let = 5,255 and multiply this easton (Gap throughout. Then i becomes an equation of integral dependence fo" lover A. Hence bre Cand therefore bs = bist S"C. ‘A integral domain is sid to be integrally closed (without gual) ti itepraly slowed in its i of fractions, For example, Zs neal® a tee (50). Te SME SIBIMED shows hat * Sones ol prope: pepsin S13: Let ADE ON INE domain. The he a Manca lee a csmuerey cbse, fo eh rine led Ae mga clad for cck mesma a tibet ld of factonst ae eteinuptel Peal fed C be the ienily mapping of 4 ito © The 4 ek tS A ari, a bY S19) dep. 1) ay ee ao fete. Now use 9) & oh Tad = Boerne, Aneel eth attic sae an equation of nepal eens ef te ee ce catstelne. The migra canvesle ln Ba tensolanire, ‘punch a itegal ove emus 514, Let C be the integral caste of Ain Band et dete the xeon of iC. Then the negra clare of ae Bis the radial of (ents therefore closed under adion and malipictin. If. Hore Bis integral ove , we have an equation ofthe frm Fb ae potent vit orine, Hence xe Cand wea tare Cone Tenia Sestorsonen > Ove ear cnet ett ‘came of CS ah tg ve 4 of 3) at 1 ape sada finn genet enna ete Ms by) (hing tee be mignon by) wee Ot igor ene ing vers Popo $18. Let AB be rl oma, 4 way ea Ieee egal vero ie aff. Thn lia or el Aci Kf an ina pai RUE #8 + ain ey te nr) ‘rf, Claly x is algebraic over K. Let L be an extension Slt of K which Sis a he conju onc wi ee in ‘stot dependence ax das ence ech eon & PSS Serie ima ppomalets on ueronomann Usloteiacea ners Se wisely ct OO ati: 64 rwruorat DereoeNcE AND VALUATIONS ere 516 (Goin tore) Let AS B be Iepra don a ~ eae le aN" inn tech es Mined Sean 22 teh eh wa Wt CS * in ora bees (15) ie imal eatin oer Khe iy Faction of, the fort with i ee . Bo eaygs nd Tens = 90 hse tay Se it oniath aden oy atin a Bigg t pte <0 0 where =f, Consequently y= mer (ster. 8 ut sis integral over A, hence by (5.15) (with a= (1) ech oi in Suppowe 44, Then (2) shows tht each 8 € Ps ence (2) shows thats cy, ep: et td therefore se ey, which sa contradiction, Hence xe, and therfore Baba A= Baas required. ‘The prot ofthe next proposition assumes some standard acts fom fe theory. “Prpostion 517. Let bean integral clsed domain, Kise of acts, finite separable algebras extension of K,B the integra cloure of Ain Thon thee exists bas. %0fL over K such that B= 33-1 A Proof. eis any element of L, then es alebrae over Kand therefore sisi: sn equation ofthe form Gy? + a"? 4+ a = OC A) Multiplying this equation by a, we see that a= wi intearal over A 28 Ineoce in B. Thus, given any basis of Lover we may multiply the basse mons by stable clements of A to get a basis iy... soc that each 6B LT denote trie (rom L to K)- Since LK is separable, the biinet fem (x y)e> Tl) on L (considered as 9 vector space over K) is nonenenets And heace We havea dual basis... % of over K, defined by Tut) = Bs Let eB, sy x = 5, 250(a,€ A). We have xy € ince w « Band thet Tsu) © A by (5.15) (forthe trace of an element is a multiple of one oft fens inthe minal polynomial). But Tu) = 3, TCs) = Dine = Syx/hy = x, hence eA. Consequently BS 3, Aey. # IN Ans 6g ua0n INOS ese eae Ca ta 8 nc a aay cet mB 1 ser Nel Se toome dena sees en, artnet oh 2 Oe etapa or B Ten ey, hon io nite WEB We D thee i Nothing to pro. Te tte t bee, LX be a fll, an alba closed St. Lt be he wtf tp eS ton: Ait Wea UN EUS OAS Hand fla ef ‘pe conions of Zoe’ emma ae cetly sated sn there thet [ton minal element. ae Leg) bea maxi lemen of We wt to rove tat sgt Ta ep ne poss amma 512. Bis lel rig ond = Kec (4) minal ed rf, Sac (0) sbrng of eld and hereforean egal domi he a TTikegjaprne. Weems etn gos homomorphism Ba ty pang Wos)= 20) for all be Bandall se B ~ msn) wot eo. Sa thm) maxi flows tat B = Bo bene Bisa oe ig and iis so 8 anna 520. Let xb moe omen of Ket he ie of K ented by ot yond es) beeen of Te air id # Bis or tei) @ Bl) Pro Shope hat is) = Hs and mc") = Ab) Te wa dete tote Gem o ‘hn ay sme tess nase nie Sme "3 sand utp) tough 9 = (ae sea ete wem @ o aa 66 rvrnoRa DEENDENCE AD VALUATIONS tm ime Donia . See osname at ae Fre civtetat scene ai Fo gece mec heen ete fedding Foti x ois Snee the pa (8) anna Wt, oes Cre eerie cl Pen oe cet ile rely ihren ee yee eaten atin pie Bea La Be me! sere, # fly srt Pree A 2 er is 0 Asahi Cae tae sal df tet ee na ine te snc ceaansoee pee tein nwschet stg e Bore hws mn ee ate Tas eres eee Ta ttcc satis cect eee ate p Rint ee Spe a eas el Giana 9= ht! ee a ret a a et etc 0. Sees tons erin estos Oe neo aca, +an0 +a=0 ve tney tak be fe i ler bah ot THE Soros a neo of see teal of S10)) 2 mec he tame ia Mopper tpaeriin ante et matin Weslet Band lt = 87.4 be the orespondig oul ae 1B recliner over dn? : (Gomer the bring HG" Vol Ae whee Aa fel adit = = Ge lect 1) + 1) be itera) Mfxe Aisa unit in B then itis a unit in 1) Te Joon ral of is the coma othe Bobs rae ot BB Be egal Aes Show at 1a bea string ofa ring such tat he st B ~ A co or mai leon, Show that is inter clove in B 1) ea string ofan integra domain 2 an et Ce te ea cle fie. Let f= be moni polyponialsin Mt) ack bate Us Tt Sie srein Cl, Cake'a fed containing Bn wach be prsoni ‘oi imo nar factor: ey f~ 11 Ge ~ fy = Te ah Bah a {Sch ys soot of fe hen ity eC. Hens he cota Ad ar integral one C1) "9 Prov the ye eat without ssuing that (or 4 8 98 ican intel 4 ro dons aa 65 evsonat purewoincr AND VALUATIONS 9% Let de suing aang and tC hen donreo i eer sierra BD jpnminzee, Te sen ne a4, ae ‘Miaty gagmeetsantl en nt ay Peat tte 0 reat, Cia ood ae) Leer nee at On he a vege, | i Aetna STE Bl a ay Peat iti. | tt eS i ee Geert tert ttn ne ne frat eho ms 1 ra ot te a a Pabronian hand 6 yet So he 8m | ee eet hn fe thes oberon 10 Aring homomorphism f° A> Be ai to have the gonna Se 0) ste tno cae) L sepa ver Kan Lucy repr on yg | EAE hembra a se febvn opr) Kb ontaton he pinrap eee 9 oe embed inf ae toingdown theorem (5.16) hols for Band is sibring fu Bers Band, ce 42 rine ida of Buch at a Let f=: Spe (2) — Spec (4) be the mapping asocated with ‘tom mia of K and hens that Sper (a) ~ Spee cys Spee eee 9 Conder lowing the statment Sette of Sree (tein cca G@) fsa closed mapping (0) fins the gine up propery (6) Leta be any prime ial of Band ic» Spee (4b) suretive ates normalisation lemma ee red tf 3 chit wom nde: nang tion ot Then f=:Speciney | ee ‘Prove tat (a) = (8) =). (See aso Chapter 6 Exercise 1.) Westal asure tht Fis ine. (The ea i ei i ae 1) Consider te following thee statements asonst poo needed) Let ny yy get 4 wht kage Wee (@) J an open maping erm he 50 Tat. te lhl independent ve Ean (@) Fras the soing-down property ese -ran is algsbrale ove Ki... 2.) Now prose! yd (©) Focany prime deal gf 8,9 = of thenf*:Spec(B)-»Soeclans | ala"r ares nothing todo. so. pose > rand thew orn fevers ‘The generator. is algebraic over fy hee ae Prove that (a) = (b) = (e) (See also Chaper 7, Exeese 28) at a poiyoomia f'# Oi n vate such hat fs pnciad)= 8 Ua {To prove tht (a) = (@), observe that ie the diet limit of te sin: & | Pbetheomoseneous art of highest Sexe a Sac sie et Where re B-— 9; hence, by Chapter 3, Exercise 26, we have /*(Spe (2) Ayeordeer eh such that Fenton l) #0 Pam Ae DuP*Gpes BD) = M472). Since Y;isan open neighborhood of¢ io Yat | 'e fe'm =D. 'Show that xy lateral ve the ing A= Ese since "5 open, i fllows tht f*(Y) ian open eighboriond of 9 i tnd ence tat Ai itegel over 4 Then apply he nde hype sonective there conan Sper) Seaman Laid bes hat hommorphim of sings. Then fas the engine | Hum hot flows ht mayb cao na Popes. (Cheer Euan in) aaa Sonora Tasha in oe re Altay closed and Xan afi algebra arty inf ih core 12, La G be afte soup of automorphinns of og 4. and kt 4° dees | ig then extant subpace LfSmeion na bing of Gnvarant tat ofall xe-4 auch that ox) = xfer A166 | ong onto which mape ton. (Ob Exerc 2] rove that 4 integral over 4, Cre A observe that x oot fe om Tae (= a3).) ‘co | pitta wea frm, Tat Sos multeaivaly cloned rt of 4 much va 45) 50S | Lacrhemsmerptasety in, whens al tet 26, and let 5 = 87.40. Show that the acon of @ on 4 exes © tele 14) be te fel of inthe pepo i A.) Cae fection on S14 and that (5)""40 = (SA? Brea 2) 114) #0 ten Js nok emp het A= Hb ID 13: the stuaon of Exercise 12, tp bea prime Menlo andi F eS | She coring of Ten 4 0, we y Bx 6 te ht ‘Of pine eal of 4 whose contraction sb. Show tat G acts tase Ine wbpac of inenson > 01m #* and apie X ‘In partial, Pi te a sopra erst ATI re ty mina i in Hs esac es ny pit lp 90 Sie abd ee ro web sess = Pe reread ta sone Po a he rade assets yb mii bt fai tea i cc tn on ae oil ase pod ote Ssominaos of the nn, seb acin Hee eed te Hens Band ene Rag) ammo The Ashe es we Ta ume inna pe ih oat sen nginin Sa oe ac wt oh peti a canon so hata ee 7 tom Bers A crttee mbrng of mineral domain Boch thet Bis Hie red 1a A mr in 4a element Yon Yo Baa ee eg tach tat 2, is neg over, where B= ede eg ad = (jana et K = Sua, the fel ofan 4 Aw corr Uy generated Kasi ad esr by the norman ae eae tae cit fgets 0 5, algebra Innes a ea ca at SB i nepal over KUSy on tab LE ere cpasan falgera, Then each (regarded a5 an cement of 52) Fae ae ria sesck By wilting an equation of fot! depetens Fae iat ets serach that x= << foe et seh tha cah ss intgral over B”. Deuce that this sass onions sted} 2 Lat AB be sin Eerste 20, Show tht there exists #0 8 4 su ivan duce coved fd and fs. 4 > is homomorphis rwih Fore owen f can be extended 10.4 homomorphinm B> (8 Teak ot Excrse 20, canbe extended fst of all to Bf ese tmuping each po 0; them to 9; (Dcase 0) 0 and aly 10 hac bean Bs itera over] 22 LALA, Bheasin Exerc 2, Ifthe acobson rae is ro, then 2 Sobion ral of flee 7 Obean chant of 2, We have to show that thre isa asin =) (f whick oes ot contain By applying Exe 2110 te NEB Stocog ds we otsn an cement +B net be 2 maxima el sett f andi =m Ten aon mari kewet {onbomamorphisn of Binto an algerie closure of. Show ste) * fed that Ker (g) 8 «tial el of 2) 1 Fy tat Ape ea 4 an intrection of mare ‘tae mtee mao aa eo Be er heh conta tye eg aga nce efi dante cs heer estan Tosa canst Pesbsrer pont. Lament Cire Ser ie x ae se uA bea ing Show that the elongate equaen WF dia acon 2B die Mey peered Algebra 9 wich afl fat #9 Be? Rede tothe cise where Ais sing ade Eni 3, ig asn Execs 2, thn hte est mana of nto. Hed wis omocorphiom A> A ~ Feeds tem tate alta clone ok, Sine Biss 808i, 0) Stipe over ke ene Holter ove HI Ue cen) of Exerc 3. Let bbe a prime del ow Rommel, eod et Bap tba soto deme of B Ten Ba Weep mocated alcbea ites a fe eH oer 3 hese el fr Bad tere Br ald Wy (31). Hence Bt el ad ete Far sonzero pine ideal, whe contraction in Bis oanao al ch nye 2 Lat Xb 8 topologialspace,_A subst of al coed te ‘ton af an open stand a los seo egal ik open som, “The fllowing contigs on a subset eof Yar equ (Every ooacerpty oclly closed sabe of wee 25 () Forever cloned st Bin X we have EM Ja = 8 1) The mapping Us U7 ofthe callecton of open ts of Xena hk lesion of pen sets of Xe ie. ‘Nautet Xp anatying these conditions sito be ey dene Wasa ring, show tht theflowiw ae ease 9 ia aca rn 19 Testo anal ideals fA is very densi (4 a ip Evry iely ns of comin) 8 i fibacd ne seo the mal ett ea hel and et eet flo oy en = No rin ni f Sono, no ha a copies a mee | se Latent tein nin, Sor ae Ghd aeons en itr 2 £ Bor | Gita we ary sw eas msn a8 Renee ra cin eeany ins meen | appre vin nf (Soule A rs oa ng of 4 ses te tte avlonion igo dK The woup WoC wns fa gag oft mainte Eo care represented by x17 6K, dfs € > » mean Shane ues > 9 = fo > ys toral€F), Inothr var Pevensie, Wis eo ow mints 9) fora ‘1 Convene ie bea totaly ordered abelian group (Wt iti) andi Se atone Koh oes na mappings: K — ch at Geto) = 4) W G) cer +> nO.) eee Sut te et of clmets x6 sch hats) > 08 fers ng of K. Ts tin ical the vlarion ng 1 ants SE? Tk) oF ste wale rong Pek tne conc et tation ing an valuton are eset a 32 Lar bea uly ordered abelian group. A subgroup 8 of Ts inaedaTi Viena Opec cand ved, we hive fe. Let 4 be a valuation set Tia with vate group FCEserce 31). Ir ia pine eal of 4. som wea pith set cents > Dinan islated aber & of sod Bt ee ping ded of pec (A) it te set of lated subgroups of i % Tip iva prime deal of A, what ae the value groups ofthe vas AeA LeAP bea totaly ordered abelian grup. We hs Rand vation» of Keith Tas value $700, 4 ad ssn asian ed ante reese At ets Ua Seanad pana ale how fo ae al ioe a HP sqrt, suppose that fA B has this propery and a 8 Cos RE Th ee apes eran (aking of = 1, we have what we want) a Chain Conditions a Lat be a sot partly ordered by a relation < (Le, < is reexie and trast and is soc that < y and yx together imply x = y. Proposition 6.1. The ellwingcondons on ® are eqivalen 1) Beery increasing sequence x, < x5 <+-+ in is statonary (thee exits nch that ¥5 = None =) 4) Bury momempsy suse of has a marina element Proe,i) i), Ci) false thee ia non-empty subset 7 of with no axial ‘kent, nd we can construct inductively a nonterminaing rity erase Sequeses in T. 4) =i). The st rua has a maximal element, sy se isthe set of submodule ofa module M, ordered bythe relation tht ‘Div called the ancenng chain conon (acc. Tor short) and i) the maxims fondion. A module Mf stsfVing ether of these equivalent conditions & sid {o be Noetherian (fer Emmy Nocthe). If is ondeed by 2, ten the descending chain condition (8. fr short) and i) the minimal codon. A ‘module M sting these ssid tbe Atinin (ater El Ati), Examples 1) A finite abelian group (as Z-module) stises both acs, a dee, 2) The ing Z (as Z-module)satsies ce. but not dec. For fae Zand 4 # Owe have (@) > (#) 3+++> (a) 2+» (triet inclusions). 3) Let Gb the subgroup of Q/2 consisting of al cements whose ort 8 ofp, wher pis a fixed pine. Then G has exactly one subgroup Gs aug {At aending a AN common — 3g panera mG Concg Siete te a one Ca cop al ea me tate Nip 11 doce’ saily dice be Mate do Sin hol oper a) secant 6, dovar, nod oe os ecu, es 4. om ideal m ssf aceon ideals (This isnt tue in general for eg a satyace els se Era (8G) D> Qyo y Proposton 62. M is @ Noetherian A-module finely gmerated. rf! Let be a submodule of M, ey eee of Mg Inveaconradction. Hence N= Ng and therefore Nis fly nied si Let My © My <--> be an atcending chin of submodule of Then N= Uses fyi «submodule off hence ely pretty by yt SOY X16 My and let m= maki then each me Me, hee = Mand therefore the chain & stationary, Because of (62), Noetherian modules are more importa tha Aisi ‘Pats the Noetherian condition sus the rg tae condon make ‘tof theorems work. However, many of th elementary formal ropes "env eqaly to Noetherian and Artinian modules, Prpesion 63. Let OM’ Ss M Ae M*-+0 bean exact que of Amodler, Then 9 Mis Noetherian = M’ and M* are Noetherian: 1) Mis Artnian AM and M" are Artin Westall prove i; the proof of ii simi. in ofsubmodules of Mor Mest ca is bece is stationary. ee. “=: Let(aaos be an acending chai of submodule of te ina chainin Mand (Xl) inn chin nM For large ease ‘haine are ator, So flows that the chin (2) sata (o-44y Goraary 64, MAL <1 0 Necthrian 7A, Aa, Proof Apply inditon and (63) tthe ext sequence ‘A ting is sid 0b Noetherian (esp. Atl 1 38 89 dnp se, Wit ane nc (esp. dc) oF lal i zap 1) Ay ld bot Ain a Not; eg 2 (a7 Te ting Ua Nostra but thr (Ecce? ba 1) atypical dria Nowra (y (2) ee sel seit) 3) The ings not Nothin Eercie 6840. Bae ning doin hia fof racton Tes snboe Nene Team aoe Noster 1) Let be a comput infiite Haus space, CX) he sn anol coninvusfnctons on Takes tily deeming ea fs Hiss. of dowd sain 8 ad bt ae = Uecosr) 0. Tes, form aay fresingteuece fl im CCH. 30 CD hat Reet ce Proposition 65. Let be a Nocherian (sp. Artisan) rng, Ma fic generated Amada. Then M i Noetherian (rip. Atinan. Proof Misa quotient of 4* for some m: apply (68) and (63). = Propastion 6. Let A be Noetherian (esp. Artnian, © an tao & Then las a Noetherian esp, Artinn) rg. Proof, By (63) Alas Noetberan (resp. Adina) as an A-module, bene ao sin Alsmodue, ‘A chain of submodles of module M is vquence (4) (0.« F< 9) submoduls of such that Mm My? Ms > ‘The fnth the chain itm ihe number of links). compan srs fs maximal chain, that sone in whch no exteasubmodules canbe insert this is equivalent to saying that each quotient f/M, (1 # <1) (that i; hs no submoduls excep and ise. 3 Mg = 0 (are inctsions. that Masa compositon erie of leat. Then pein iat tw a ne weit S ee aS Cs campus win ota a ee anaemia wen Se ee ee cage een i ih CHa IGS Mh ee Se eee en Nate say = 8 Ce hat lngth < IM). Let Mm My > My > wea ttsan’ et Then by 1 we have 1) > Ha) > ence (A) 2 i002 composition wet ths tah < 14) Cm te ota o (a), Hee see a eyo ny aly iniagn eee ae ee wari makin < (aj kueateomeouee ee ean ter ar Se Wiaeas ae iis wavs EM fs « cpio aria af es mr fine 2 bea > Han) =o, i ‘ro, 2 Allin in Mar of bounded length, hence both ace and de wt “= Coast a composition series of Ma follows, Sine M = My sti be maaimur condition by (1), asa maximal submodule My © Ae Sry has 2 maximal submodole My © Afy and so.on, Thus webs sh desctding cain My > My >-- which by dee. must be Gn nd tcc ia compost eis of fw ‘nal stishng both ace and cc. therfore cal made of ‘ile By (6:7) al composition series of M have the same og CM), Glee leg of "The Jordan- Holder theorem appli to mode of Sie Sth (Wecicn ard (Mecsas Te any to composition ses of M, te ‘osetoone corespondence betwee the set of quaint (Mi / Mice ta of uta (Ms Mvcte sch that corresponding guOtE te ‘mui: The prot isthe same a for ite groupe ‘Mrpaion 63. The length (M) is an adc fncton on theca of a Ao of fe length Ca Meteo sow tc iro mo "4025 AM? > Onan ct 1) = 10M) + 1(M°), Take the image under « of any composition = eres of M’ and the inverse image under of any composi these together o gies composition sees ofl, hence the aot Hr Come te partir cs of moles oe El sie, ney Proportion 610. Fr keer iaces Vth flowing coon & i 1 inte denn i fn ee ‘dee orvrer i ho conons are safe, logth = dimension, Prof, 3) = ix lemectry i) ~ i), i)» 9) fom (88). Remi a png fi) = ana 9) = 9 Suppose isa, ten tere exe ae et Gide of liners idependent clement of 7. Let Ges.) ben Space spanned BY yo 85 (8P Sens avn.) Then he cain (Gs Pans) intite and sey scnding esp. sry Sending Croll 61. Let Abe ring inwhich he oe produ (werner sinc) masina el. Then 4 Necheran fondo drain Proof, Coie te chan of ideals A >, 2 thy 200-2 mm, Etch factor mmm tis vector space vee eBid Hane dee o dee foreach Inn. Butace (sp. dee) foreach for = a2 Ge, de) or 4 rere spenton of (63). Hee ae. = rd . 1) Let M'be a Noetherian A-module and w: M+ Ma module homer is sujece, ten wis an somorphism Ui) ACs Arian and wis jective, the agin wis an itomocphise [or (), comider the sobmodoles Ker) for (i), the quote! otal (Cotee ns) 2, Let Mean A-module. every nonempty st of fitely generated shots (Of M basa maximal element, then Mi Nostra 4 Let M be an Aso ad eM, Me be submodule of M. I MIN th ‘MiNgre Nostra, MN, Sry win Arie othr 4. Let tea Nosterian Anode nd tebe the anno of. that jes Noetherian ng. 1 ve replace “"Noeteran” by “Artinan” i his resol, it ilo? ia A. Pe sl space X is said 10 be Nocthe apes: a av es San it te Tene Ses at lo (Cie se ies ef rac ce ola Nowhere aainaNein te SRA 4 Neen pg 4. bl tom Exc th hee of ain pin en Net ag uu ata Noten dal ore aha et ap at Nidan sips o Spee S. i taf A> Bbe rng homomorphism and supp tha Spe (ss Nota spe arse 5). ove that f°" Spee (B) = Spe) a sd sappag ely the goine-up Property (Chapt 8 Ears Mt) 1 Le Abe ig such tat Spec (4) sa Noetean space. Show ha th to rie el f sais the asceaing cai condo. Ise covet? | Noetherian Rings We real that a ing Ais sd tobe Noetherian iit sts equivalent conditions: 1) Every non-empty set of deals in 4 has a maximal element, 2) very asending chin of ideale in Ais stationary 3) very ideal in is initly generates the Flowing thee (ie equivalence of hese conditions was proved in (6.1) and (62),) "Nosterian ings are by fr te mot important lst of ng in orimaang algebra: we ave seen some examples already in Chapter 6 In this cage shall frst show that Noetberian rings reproduce themes under ing {amiliaroperations—in particular we prove the famous bass theorem Inn We then proceed to make a number of inporiant deddctins hen ne Noetherian condition, including the existence of primary decompositions Proposition 7.1. If is Noetherian and is homomorphin of 4 ono 4 ting B, then B is Noeteran Proof. Ths fllows (rom (6), sace B = Ale, where & = Ker(@). Proposition 7.2. Let A bea subrng of B; suppose that A is Nocthera ant ‘hat Bis finely generated as an A-module, Then Bs Nothin (ari) Proof. By 6.5) Bis Noetherian as an A-module, hence also asa Banodule& Example, B = Z{i}, the ring of Gausian integers. By (7.2) B is Noche. More generally the ing of integers in any algsbric number fields Nother Proposition 73. If A is Noetherian and S is any multicaelyssed subset of 4, then 5-iA is Notherian. Proof. By @.11—i) and (1.17) the ideals of $°'A ace in one-to-one od Dreservingcorrespondence with the contracied ideals of , hence sail th mi ‘imal condition. (Alternative proof ifs any ideal of 4, then as aie foe yy. and itis ear that $a generate yo xl) Goroltary 74. If A is Noetherian and isa prime ideal of Athen At Noetherian. " 75, libers Bais There). If 4 ag mee als Noetherian hero, then the oma a ean AUS). The ing coin oy “t. Sioce Ais Neen the Polynomial wantin Sie 4 None iy tai see foram) 7 hee minonalea ana ot cit PETRA couctm tsny emesis: vetever, twa whe eA then Supe gees se I > raging a, ng at CE alpen ieee Siete mimic Sy tee Cah wa fy Tete Aedes by 12.9 then what we have ita = (6°80) a Now W's Say pga ee ae s cr ah ee Ni aed sd els Rea a Bee ce naan i tat 4 Noche © ah Noch nf rma over sets in th cxtee ay eae een tt (3) cap nc i hg Pa ‘imlry 7 If As Nothran so Ana pjiayubiion aetna a Cary 72 Lt Bb ftparurae ee, ag I peer, cry Segented rhe, nde fly rend algebra over a field, is Noetherian, x tu Bi shomonorpis imag poo igs, Nea ye) a Poplin 78, Let A&B & Cb ing. Sup hat A Nr, Ct fy grated een tees tC ce fret ara Dna Goal re Ther 5 eh al Satanae Ir aos to.) an (52) hae codon i ‘nn tation 8 my comes shih is [atu sXe generate Casan 4-algcbra, and ety... Jeneate Casa ul, Then there exist expressions of the form x= Sho byes) o Ws = Zurn wae B ® [aa Fee ie tas att stn Gpasd mating spend te of (2) shove ser se “Seb Tipear combination of they, with cofcients in By and hance @ yc tations (by (63) and (62)) ha Bis finitely generated st» Remote oS ‘Beis finely generated aban algebra, i follows that i ney gene ileus s Corotary 7.10. Let ke afield, a fintely generated kalgebra. Ler bes ‘main dal of Then the field Ai i a finite algebra extension of k In parear ifs algebraically closed then Ale = & Proof. Take E = Ajwin (79). = (740) is the so-called “weak” version of Hilber’s Nulltellenste (= theorem ofthe zeros). The proof given here is due to Artin and Tate. Foe its geometrical meaning, and the “strong” form ofthe theorem, se the Execs atthe end ofthis chapter. PRIMARY DECOMPOSITION IN NOETHERIAN RINGS ‘The next two lemmas show that every ideal + (1) in a Noetherian sing hs * primary decomposition. ‘An ideal os sd to be irreducible = bre (e= bore = 0) ied Heo en the set oF deals in Af aa CS pe i an etre wie coining po Oye Cs primary. Lets) ~ Owihy Grol cet ety acre aecamrome ia ee) = ne i ieee tee el Ooe iver nat hence but = 0: thats. a 0: Sine ie ie the 0 cosh hin she mie ce imams resto rip. a Retro Ley hs fem he eit of Cn apt Nesta sag ib 726 nc Hoos ng 4 ey ta oneal oe Te taste Se MO: my RTE Le me ee haa cor » pes te soe a tachi cen omarion > Lic og Eire montis ea hewn a 268 Carley 7.15. In Nocti rng he ral mle rol Take e = Qin (0.19. Carly 7.6, Let A bea Noetherian ring, 0 maxi eof 48 alo A. Then the folowing are equ: i) as primary: i) =m; wr Sa = mfor some n > 0. Pr) ii ele; i) from (42; i) ~ i fom (1:10 8) =H by Sgr m w rar) © r@) = ra) = me si Proposition 7.17. Let a 4 (1) be an ie in a Nocteron rig, Then ‘ine deals which belong toa areprecsly the pre eal which rin he $81 of els (2:2) (&€ A). ef By passing 1o Aja we may assume that a= 0. Let (Vai = 0 6 ‘Spay Secomostion ote meen nd bee ele Ne er 4 soernauns nines Mee oo led ke s bes voncrre dermal ran exercises 4 Lt dt a no Nocteran ing ane beth st fel A which ee auc seeatea, Show that © hat rasa etments and thatthe ras Bees ev chedans eee ite nt rn te sce Be Let A be a Nottean sng and let f= Sines" € Ale. Prove at fs poten i apd ont seach arent U5 page 2 Leta bean ied Mein ing 4, Then the following are equal 1 ais pinay 19 foc every muhipleaively cowl subut Sof 4 we have (Sa = 0:8) sip esau) The rigof atonal function f= having 9 pole on he ci |= = 4) Thesing of power sere withspoitive rai of converte ii) The ring of port sis in wth anit rai of convene. 1) The tng of polyoma fs whowe fst &deivatves vanish ae in (being ied neg, +») The ring of poinomil in, wal of whose partial devatines with fowvatah for = 0. Tal css the coeticets are complex umber S Let Abe a Nowterian rng, Getty generated Alacra, Ga rite soun ot ‘automorphisns of Band th et ofall eleent of f which are et St Ayevery element of 6. Show tat BP is finely generated ales 6 Ita itty gener ring Kis eli i tet. IMP K ins characteristic 0, we have Z= Q'c K_ Since Ki ntly geet ‘ver Zits ily generates ovr Q, hens by (7.9 sw Bel porated ow apply (78)10 0x onaGcto, Hey x sate TENS nt ips SS A ae on mn pease et hy to gy ote ners yt eae ie te Cc a a i Nan Bee Cer ke mee Pe daa ask ee orenieaietn ae eae a have the tame eetlea in As otee ese sre sane) Wa LeAftea Nowberian moda, Show that Mts] (Caper 2, Eee isa Netiian ae} nodule Nestea? 12 Lea te a ing and B a altflly at Aiea (Copter 3,1. 8 [Nowra sow tht x Noetherian, [Use he auening cn don) 1h LatfiA»B bea ing homomorpis of Sie tp an et 7:89 (8)— Spee) be the mapping aeoated with Show hatte hes of” oe Noctis sbapacer of acti, sre form NC fe an algal coed el, et A devote he pif Alenia et bea ea A Ltt evar eae ia otha Vise sto al x= on ean aL) = Oa ‘eaie() beth et of ¥, ete fal pone Mi) = Diora sey. Than 10) =r, wf Beet) 17. Comet af tenant Sting such ate, Let Foe inna of/ = AME ere en 22 ach ea ane av Cm 2, by 73). The nage iC oe Ahn ete pin 4 ea eat Handa) e0) 86 oer miss Af: Lat Ate Nothin sin i in el a re agg ae fe Mis ta, Bo eee ag otm © Mino 4 © Mis inthe ip Torte a= 6 Ae eS ety ve elements of M whose naesia Mina Froster eteni vst space By GA hes reat M. LCF bem ae a naan yevand deine Fn> A by He) = a Lat B= Kee mnt ct stucco Er Ft Mt-~ Dives Wan eat Sean rk eB —k 0, FI AO, M+ Since f 9 F and b 6 M are vector spces ofthe sane dinenson over 4 BE ELIS 4 i on somorpm, Beowe FO EO, hence B= dy we Le (nly prea beau tsa ubodule of Fand Noctis) 16 Let A ben Nowra ing a tly genes D Mien fat A-module, 1 pn ie dp mode, fr al prime das ee Ao for all animal eas jel free, (Use Exes 15) 1, Let Abe ring and Ma Noetherian A-modsl Show (by initating the pot Tic sod 1) tat every subrule N of M haa priory decompose (Chaper 4 Eeres 20-3) 1M, Let A bea Noethvan ring,» «pine ideal of 4, and Ma Stelygeoeaed ‘Aaste. Show hatte following re ellen 1) vtloas fo 0in Ms 1 teense re suc that Ann) = i) there eit a submodule of M isomorphic to Al. Dedoce tat here eis a cain of ubmoduls On MEM ee m= sch that ech quent MM, fe form Ay where bs 8 rine ie ota 18, Leta bean ideal na Nowra sng 4. Let “An-Ae ‘two misinaldecompostions of 48 intersections of reduce deals. Pre hat =r and that (pubis ale reindeing the) 7) = 16) for #8! sree exch tha [Show tat foreach = 1, Bec gy enue tt nn ta Late ere open abel of and cand ween a ht 2 fi oe ctions and complements, TSP 10 te oration Neto reas aes eae Be as rondaiomtoumeratce F sad teeore asa minal element A. Show that tania ok inet Soncng > ave ald the couucte base fT eines moore fate Zatch ha en Fe a a ees onan i att: na lA bea Nowbeia rng f- A — Ba rog homomorphism of fie pe Went Northern). Let = Spee (4), ¥~ Specta)and fos Yon tet Dringsseocnted with f. Then the iage ude" canara het Pot ira constevtible subst of fayEacce 2itisenoush to fake FU Chere Uisopenand Cidet [nthe replacing B bya homomorphic image, we eee oe ese wee E open in 1 Since Ys Noetheran, i quascompac nl therfore» Se tin of ope sets the form Spee (B). Hee reduce to thee = ¥. To So hat (7) ss consteucble, use the eiteron of Eerie 2, Let Xe a ined eosed subset of X such that 27). Ne sd in XW ones Se elt % 1 Ye are the ireducble components of Y,tiseabep stow ha tae (1) cotans «non-empty open set in X. Sonal wae bah dom fede stanton in which at negra danas ud siete an tine type, now use Cher 5, Exeree 210 complete poo] i te sotton and ypotes of Eere2,/* n pe maid = ‘he ing Sown property (Crap 3 xe 10. Sera te ‘eedovn property. Asn Esece 3, rede prov ta E =P) Spe X. "Te glapdown propery avr that pe Ean VC? 2D etn eer words hati Kwan treo cae wt os athens dense oS By Eseces 2a 2, Eisepen ie Bet Abe bis tntasan Coeteran, f: > of fie type and fat Ci fi Io), Then; Spec (2) Spec (4) ian open pig (Eves 21 Ree ease iannom $8 Noernena Nes th a ae ig and i FO dente eet 3 ome Lad ea Net tc te saan se pa fey neo eat meee O-= MM Mg! Fa) Wi te ace the ment (A) — CM «ya oct att en df Move Lt Db the shee ei er a ea sen The a Eyyams ne sg of actnd weenie oy KO Cit a a ene te oN fen, AA ya XU) hse falling wer ron Och ang Sh at icy ae Ao i ala anton ot Sige a un hononariom NU) maria = Go) frat ane ey he sonets (AD) wher» ii Sei times to) we eed emery I 88 inca i! domi, a) 1 OEE be a fie sng homomorphism. Show that restictons HE crew momorphism f AUB) —- KO sh that 7) sen eS Panola Ne It gr ll-~ ie nother finite ng hone morph, show that (xP); = fi 2 Let Aba Noctberia sing and et Fb the set fal omophism asso fiicy pened for doles. Repeating the constuction of Exe 36ye mina group Ka). Let (M) denote the image of (8 KA. on iat tivor protic of modules over 4 induces a commutative sig Srcure om A, sch that pM) = AME © ND Thee ‘ment of thin is. sp Show that enor produc Induces a K,(4).modkle structare onthe goer (a sue hat 80) 8) = 9 © 1 tip Wis Nocteria) oral reg. then KA) = 2 Hi) Lec fi ao bea fing homomorphism, B being Noetherian, Show tt tntesion of clas pve rie tos ving homomorphism f'= KA)» KA) Sec that GA) = 902 Ou M.-C A is lat and oie neh ‘ver ds then B24 Mis Bat and finely generated over 2) eg: C* notes ng homomoepham (with C Noetherian) hen (f+2) = 1's fia Bisa inte ring homomorphism then HU) = F0) forse Ki, y = K(B), In otber words regarding K(a) 382 Kiama ty rettion of salar, the homeomorphism J" 18 Ki(A)-modue NO moths ame Be 0 sb ot PU) we re 2 et el 4:4) — Ka given by o(M0) = x0). the ig Ateneo Sod rear ats oa ing ya regular (Chapter 11) ica be sho" ae 9 Ay ae regular (Chapter 11) 1 Rings Ar ocx wth ses he dee ret we oye in ney wth Noctis cn i 1 hover nig ta es hm ft ng cy a at er ees an union cane ice sel or eer bbs oan Oe A nan drt ig Aes tals mn er osc tind off, Tha b= ay st Anak le toh en rae 0 ty Hedcn ve ne) teh we fe ye B.Sc Den pel doin PO evita hice = 1, Heelan na Rd ‘dest eat 8 mole “ey 2:2. tna Artin lg the miacalcin aval option 3. An Art ing has nly fe mer of main as oat Cone he self al int erection my whem eet ate Tis et ha minimal een, 9-0 cE Sakina cam we have mm est me = we Secu m omy ree By (Li) we 2 mfr ene, bee m= iemennial © Prpmtion 8.4. In an Arh ring the iad 3 pte Inf. By dee we have = ark mee aay, forsomek > 0 Sep {ant denote the st fall ens such a cb #0, Ten Ha Sse Late a minimal seen fen tee at 30 ¥ 0; we have (x) & c, hence (x) = ¢ by the minimality Ct "i (ahem tt = ra 0, and wa © (3), Hence 28 ~ (2a bY mien Mn parsme yom andthe yea = Wt hence) potent and theta = 27 = ‘iste coi of therefore = 0. # pean fie icy nai By chan of prime ideals of «ring A We Soe Poe ence ey te leg ore chin Bm WE 90 anni nes Fa bets gre fa oa hai of ine erin acy orsctesuming 4 0, Ai farce mann derson i Pe Gyn waneno tama cient aa, ile at ie ie Ee ade Bian kermees en ee et is» iy Sconpcion 71), 4 hs ony finite aumber of minimal prime ideas and these are all axial since dig. Rawe ih mavme men's Oty tuck math or een iti pou: Howe byte anew kn e Ossie 1 Asan Artin focal ing with maximal ideal, then is the ony pring ideal of and therefore m isthe niladical of A. Hence every element of nilpotent and wise nilpotent. Every clement of 4 either s uniter filpoten “An example of such rng i Z/(p), where pis prime and n 2 Proposition 8.6. Let A bea Noetherian local ring, wits main ide, eg ‘excl on ofthe following to saterents tr Dm em" forall fi) m* = Ofor some n,n which case A isan Artin local ring. Proof. Suppose m" =m’ fo some m. By Nakayama’s lemma (26) we hie tm* = 0, Let p be any prime ideal of A. Then mi" & b, hence (aking aly m= p. Hence mis the only prime ideal of 4 and therefore Ais Artinan. Theorem 87. (structure theorem foe Ain figs) An Artin ring A nig op omaha) eft des pod of Artin ea Prof Let < i < mb he distin mail ies of 4 From te post of (5) we have [Tf mf = O for some k > 0. By (1.16 the sels ae ry ands there are inily many tecorporidons of © which afer ony in the Yrsomponcnt wD aie Arian: lowing ate equiva A) Speco dcret and fie Si) Spec (4) dere ee ates Terni ital of are Reveeortubspaces and therefore say doc) 4. Let fA B be ating homomorphism of fie type Consier the flivng 9) fis ite; Ai) the ies of /* are diserete subspaces of Spee) Ai) foreach prime Heal of 4, the ing BD, KS) i & Ae Kala (Gee theres eld of 4s), in) the ler of /* ate it. Prove that) =i) =i) = i) (Use Exercises 2 and 4) is integral andthe Ses of f* are finite, ff nese tite? 4 In Chapter 5, Exercise 16, show that Xe ite covering of L (th sumb ‘Ot pons of ying over a given pola of Lis finite snd bound). 46 Let A te 4 Nocberian sing and @ 0 yprieary ideal in A. Consider ci ‘ary iat from a to p. Show tha all sch chains are of fit Bossi FRogth, ad that al masimal chains have the sae lenath Discrete Valuation Rings and Dedekind Domains ocmeae ae rae rcs Gh Bt ren store i ee oe cron eee 3 pe Dedekind cotion i nonsinglt f neon oe. i aes Proposition 9.1. Let A bea Noetherian domain of dimension. Then ey rosea iden canbe uniquely expressed sprout of rina ies ‘oe radials areal distinct. ‘rf. Since A is Noetherian, « has a minimal primary decompoition = Afes by (13), where each qisay veprimary. Sine di d= Land isan integral domain each non-zero prize Weal of Ais maximal Bec: he ‘ite maximal ideals since p, 2 2 © # 0), and are therefore pyle ‘apne. Hence by (16) the a, are pairwise coprime and terse by (140) eT Alay Hence @ = T14, CConerely, i’ = [1 ay, the sme argument shows that « = (1458 69 ‘nial primary decomposition ofa, in which cach 6 ian lated pind ‘omponest, and is therefore unique by (4.1). 1st d be a Noetherian domain of dimension one in whih w= PS sarin power, By (1) in such rng we shall have wate tao idan produc of prime ea. we leat 4 ihe, ‘tnanano prime zal ye gta fe ing 4y shine he me! i il 94 carr VALUATION RING AND DEDERIND DOMAINS 1 Asand therefore in Ay every Dom 210 idea i power of them ‘ech gel rings can be harcteried in otet ways Pima DISCRETE VALUATION RINGS. Let Kea Bd. A dicrete bation on Kix mapping eof Kon Feet his the mutipne pou of §) sch that 1) 9) = a) + 9) Le 0 homamorpi 2) os +3) > tin (9,90) “Te et contig of 0 and all x6 K* wich that 4) > 0 itn, dahon ring ft ss ato ing fe Bld. I issonetine cones TARE sn wot of Xby puting 0) = +. - amples The two standard eames ae: DD k= Q, Take a fae pine p then any non 2206 cas be wit niga a ie frmgry, eres e Zand both numerator and denon sae Deb fo bea. The valuation ig of he ee Zon J 1) = Me, whore Kiso eld and an indeterminate. Tae ft seodhicplpamil es} and defo ust asin 1 The vation ig deen cling As nh respect fo the pie el) An nega domain A isa tree calation ing tere sta sion batts fell ot raction Koch that ithe vation rng of. By G1. see alos ts msina eal ms the stole Keach hate) > 0 rte dents 9 ofA have the same ve, that si) ~ he 6792 Dad therdore = ay-* aut in A. Hence (2) = () Ar ranean there sa eat ines Ks hate) = Ee toms're. It falow that «contains ever with o) > and tele tio ay Waals ¢ Ola ae the ideal my = (9 €4:e() 2 Ths orm Mie Cain > my 2 mp Doo and therefore Ai Noten Ptarane, sooo: Ke—> Z i maj, there exis x2 sch th sta) = Is tnd then = (3), and my =) > 1. Hens. i he $e rtp det of fd i thon Noetherian local domain of erin Seria whlch every nonaro ia a power ofthe axial el. ost 7 ribo properitare carci of dete valuation ie 92, Let A bes Noetherian local doa of dmeson 6 matali, k = Aj reside fel. Thr the flowing oe 3) A fsa dcrete valuation ring: Ae itegrlly close: Si) is a principal ideals al Se cA ach tt ame en ed om aire we srt Bin hE TUNES, we me tno remas: srt Wrasvan el 4 O(n ss marina nda so uly = muse he Ol Ron nee nw we ie 10 me fora n> 0. Tisalows tom aay Powe! sin tem 28 an selnsm £0) 1 Gane bem il Seo aie? Be Ay et wchare dy le) < Ld peat oye a See eee neo i eld to Ale) Aone tn ne poeta Be es octane) otek Has ieee cer ct ten sm et DEDEKIND DOMAINS. Theaem 93. Let A be @ Noetherian domain of dimension oe Te he loi re equitlen A tsntgrally closed: i Bary primary dealin A i prime poner 1) Brey focal rng Ay (9 # 0) a dscrete clin rig. roi) i) by (9.2) and (5.19), 1)» i). Use (22) andthe fact that primary ides anépowess fl ‘ehave well under localization: (48), G10) ‘Afingsatisying the conditions of (3) ical Deskin do Corotry 9.4. mn @ Dedekind domain eerynowsere Hea as 6 ih Sacoriation asa product of prime el. oof @.1) and 3). Sa Examples 1) Any principal ideal domsin A. For A Now deal stl generated) snd of dimension ove (Cuample hah try lea ing any 0) a pina ea donee ae then A = Zh the rng of Gaussian integers) Then ox Deke Theorem 95. The rng of ingot in on ale a Dehind dona, Proof. K is 4 separable extension of Q (bette the charts hence By (517) there fe abot ty. feof K over Q sh tat Hence is finitely generated at Z-modsle at thesfore Nestea isintegnaly closed by (55). Tocomplet the prof we must show that zero prime ideal » of A is maximal, and this follows I os (59) shows that p97 #0, hence» Zi sina is mainal in A by (8). Remark. The unique factorization theorem 24) was orally pox fing of integers in algebraic number elds The uriqunes thors 2 may be eeparded as generalizations ofthis results prime powers have te replaced by primary teal, and product by intersctons FRACTIONAL IDEALS, Let be an integral domain, Kits ld of factions. An submodule ina ftatonl ideal of Ait XM © A Tor some x 7 0 in A. 10 partic, te "ordinary ideal (now called itera ideals) are factional el ke = ‘Any cement we K generates a fractional seal, denoted by (o) oa il prindpal IFA rational dsl the set of alle Kuch that» AS si noted by (4:8). very ntl penerated A-submodule IY of Kisa fractional isl Fo in gerne by Hus cssu 0K, we can write x= yaz™t (I< <0) whee fd zarein ,and ten 2M © 4, Conversely i 4s Noetherian, ven Tn eal sntely generated forts of the frm x" fr some ital "An d-sobmnodule Mf of Kiso lnertbe idea f tere exists 2 Not K such that MN = A. “The module then unique ad equal 04:4) for we have N= (Aza) = (A:M)MN AN ~N. It follows tha MS finitely generated, and therfore a factional ideal for since M-(4: 4) © 1 there exis Mand y.¢(AzM) (1 <<) such that 5 x9) ~ 120 Pe for any ewe have x ~ 3 (yt) each yx € A, s0 that Ai steed “Gay every non-zero principal being (v=?) The invertible ideals frm a 2roup wit whose identity clement is = (1). tional ea (is invent ith eect to mol yl propery “on swe ion 9.6. Fora frail a i 3, he foto 2 isnt evr ad ach rn el gy 9 a finely BOTH ond. for ech maa a inh Ay = (MALMO) = My (Ay) by oh cc test verte 7 OM) a8 85) fog wai ip = i as so or: Lata = MOCA:AD, which ea nega, Fred main seit ve tae 6 = Mo-(le:Ma) (by G1) and G19) Si ial ees Hence « § mComegsnly of and ete a ie serie ts Popsiian 9.7. Let A be a lea! doin, Then As ct rin Peter) nn-ro factoal ea of 4 sine oj >. Let x bea generator ofthe masini w of 4 ae M 40 Wrefiacional Weal, Then there exists yc such that yf <4: thy Moan aati ay(e), and therfore M = (e") whee =o) wr, very nonzero inter ideals inverinle an thee ity en eds that ts Noetherian, Ii therfore nou rove th en Sovncrl Weal isa power of Suppose hiss ae et beth tna eels whch are not powers of my andl bes axial deen of Tove zm Bence a © mn; hence ha © em = Aba rope (tg) Sh and meee. Mrrte =a then = me and tee a O by Natya’ mma (26); hence m-'a > and Bence mia pote of (ye mauinality of) Henge a power of condition, ‘The *pobl” counterpart of Gis Thwem 93. Let Abe on inte domain, Ten Ais Did dma tery noer fractional elf ssrB Pos Let M of 0 be a rational deal Since Ais Now, M fy greeted For each rime Sea» 7 0M ona al? Cte dare valuation rng dence veil yO Hews M8 rr, by 6. “5 Ehery nono integral eal iver Be il EOS leis Nocberin, We sal sv oS ig, For this is enought show tat ck eal ¢ ie, and hens G1) Le #0 be 2 ne He *2H 2 bina. Then oiiaveibl ence 8 = ae Corotary 99. If Aisa Dedekind domain, te nonzero, Jorma prong with respect io multiplication, wel ies Tis group cle he prop of eso we Soe tel Gear ie Gta) rape og 8 mime stot 1 hen Each we K° define fractional ideal (a), nd the mapping urs tage ye srorphn :Ke-> 1. The ing Pf the woop of prc Keel Uof isthe st of llc K* such that () = (so that itis tesa tints of A. We have an exact sequence 9 LeU Kt lo ‘Remark, Fo te Dedekind domins tht art in number theory, te ‘asscal theorems rating to he groups Hand U. Let K bean sgtricnante Said and ie Abe rng of integers, wich is Dedekind domatn by 9) 6 this ae: 1) His fine group: Its onder his the lass mambo of he ld. Te lowing are equivalent: () = 1; 0) 1 = Ps (i). Aa prinpal ie domal {@) dis unique factoration domain 2) Usa fnel-generted abelian group. More presisly, we can ssi the number of generators of U. Fist, the elements ofiite order in Uae jat the rots of unity which hein K,and they form fst cyclic group UW's torsion-free. The mumber of generators of U/W is given a follows: 1(K:Q) = «| there are w distinct embeddings K-> ((he Seld of compler numer). 0 these, sy map Kinto R, and the rest pai of (ifs one, then w «aot, wher w isthe automorphisn of € defined by (2) = 2) nto sy 75 ps: ss Trt 2h mm. The numberof generators of U/W is then rr “The proofs of thee results belong to algebraic number theory and ot © commutative algebra: they require techniques ofa diferent nature from om ‘ed in this book. Bamps 1) K= QV=D);m = 2,75 = 0315 = Tm ny nisin Z|) = 4a the four rot of unity = DK=QV3;n=2n=Bnewnte—Lab wale ‘and U/W is nite eyelic. Infact the units in A = Z{V3) are 21 + where is any rational integer. readies esting so meet da ew ee Sac Myo wet ae tt fo me 3 ito M torsion-free. dematy where are non-rero prime eal of A. [For each» # 0 Myon een torerneen ines kena = 1 eat vey Melo can be generated by a mot? es an@+o-anv+rand tylengsaraners Tue] ‘(Cine Reminds Theor). Let lent ina Dedekind domain Then ie sie Sod op 9) hast soon xin A= 8 5 oer es This equivalent o saying ta the eqvene of Anodes AQ dint Bate +9) Ineac, where and are define fl Hom Get on tops Wet 8 2 Eom Sect 46 Toow tat his ngienss east ‘incre when locale at ty 0: note wo hr valuaton ring, an hen 6 89:1 bees ad “congas = frog 9 oe +a) bs Woman teat ee 10 Completions es ESagrcncs modulo pt for higher and hpi values of nT (iesien to larodoce the race numbers, these beng the initia Siar Zipasn->2, In onerespct,bowere. the padi number me ‘Siopcata than formal power seis in, 52, one variable =) Wh Seenmins of depeemaenatrlly embeded inthe power Sr. he Tip cannot be ened in Z. Although a padi Integr cin bei Hera power ses Sage (0 <0. 0) this representation doesnt wel der the ring operation Intischpter we sll describe the general process of “ae” comp the prep bee replaced by a general Hea. cis most conveniently in toplopea ern bu the reader should beware of using the topion fell mmbers aban nut guid. Tstead e should think ofthe pons topology in which a powe eis x "amal” IF has only terms of ih ‘Akereatively he ean think ofthe padi topology on Zn which a int sal” if dvi by a high power of ‘Completion ike Ioealiation, is 8 method of simpiiying ties entrain tention near 4 point (or prime). Ts, however 2 mor Sa implication than localization, For example, in algebraic aromety fing of notsingslar pint on & variety of dimension » always Mt ompeion he ing of formal power src an variables (his Wile proved in Chaper 11). On the oter band the local rings of to SP Fone be isomorphic unless the varie om which they leave Hew tudor: thar Gi bath topologies aca an shia op ad Heo G6, defined by (xyy)r> ¥ + y and xr ~ respect, af ones, toned in, then toe agonal scl in » G (ing te iene ing of (0 under te mapping (&))->4-7) and 0 Oi Har. ait ‘aed ement of G the transaton 7, ned by x)= =+ 882 tae mori of 0 onto © (or Tz continous and wae # Td {Ura veiiboriood of 01a then U + aa megan ts €Givunguly determine by the neghbotons ofa 6 Lemma 10.1, Let Hb the erection of a mgr 9H. TH a sero = a: xeH=Oex we han: ait oe nena eect tamency tat * “wo Cauchy sequences ate eget 5, ~ y.-00 in. The so a auivance sss of Cay sequences is dented by GW Cs), (jag Gthy sequen 0s Gu + 9), abd cls in © depends oly te ces {ad ad (7), Hence wha an sion In @ wih rapt to wih an BEG Bown. For each xe, the cs ofthe cota sequen) a Slonent 4a) of, and $:G-> Gira homomorphism of ablan groupe Ne trot in gene injectve. Tat we have Keg = 00 wer U uns trouh al ighboricods of ia G nds by (104 isis ifand only if Gs Hasdort TI 1 another abelan topological group and J: 1 coninoon homomorphism, then the image under ffs Cauchy seguence in Gi Cu fSqucnee Mather ides a Nomomorphism jG ih continuous. If we hve G's > , thea fy ~ tf ‘So far ne have bon quite general and could for isace tae tee adciive pup of atonal with te usa topology so that @ wl ee umber, Nov, hovever eres ures to the speci Kin of sO curing in commutative gsr, namely we asume hat 06. @ ba 3 Stet sytem of nitbornoods coming of byron. Thus we sequence of subgroups 0-20.22 0.2 and U & Gisa neighborhood of Oi and only iit conti some Ge SS {amples the padi topolory 08 Zn which G, ~ #2 Note a 2 topologies the sobproupe Gof Gare both open and closed. 18 at 8S fay ie ase no So le ca fee om + Tonio cushy sven (5) G dle a cater es Cosy sevens) eae (6 a ee fests = be forall {STR nahn theo we ah mt ay tt wh he obvious soup sree xe oar any eguenee of FOUR (4, 3nd homomorphism, = ec an fre atom, sod the group of al oboe exec Mean aod eareg = inca he oe tn of rns BO sa enn du the homomorphams Sig enon Wi ha | 6 = im ole ‘The ere init defiton of G has many advan. smn ak intat i presupposes a fied choze ofthe subgroups Gy Now nec ae iigeatquenes of Gy defining the sue topology and ese the a a Pca. Of eure we could define notions of “equtlet” nese aes bt Senet ofthe oplpesanguge pel at sh in ae ‘he exces properties of completions are best ste by ines it Fetus observe that the inverse sytem (6G) has he spi op ha fou tanaye ate, Any ave en it i ee es ‘kt sytem. Suppose now that (dq, (2 (C) mre vere Hem ‘état we have commutative diagrams of eae stestt 0 dues + Bae > Gos F9 4 kaa | 104 conenons - usm We sal ten sy that we have an exact gene oti y 002) 10 te 66 ounces vs diagram eal ines homomorps any |p 0 «6 coo or mat. oe, 0 lin 4, im 2, Boon Dut this sequence ino always exact. However, we have se rcalie we cm aly (102) with = 6 that 6” = G*. Henc im then G° = GG, ta mi tam anew ore “s Prin 13, 70-04) (R=) ~0 at ney | eae Ee of Ges « 0 im A, in B, tic, tniwin (0a) enaenn te ine isn 004 te FF mew, (4) re mrstegome peaaercls ean > Pe ac iecnbln tata Sx dumps So Proof, Let A = (2a, Anand define d*: A» Aby da) = a, ~ 8, plete inelodes Hausdor (by (101). enkerds Syd Dee Cond aay. Ta, | me ime Eat le aa se aonseing are given by taking @ = 4,G,= ehahe secrete oFiavere systems then defines commutative diagram ofexactequences | ag, The topology 50 defined on is cal the wee peor ja omy in gy Sine theo ae ies, isn hardto ick ta wih nee, ae “iertopolgiea ring, Le thatthe ing operations re coatinaos By (IN Ord Bs eso apology Hawsdort = (3° = (0) The completion dof 4 apna ope Meeting: #24» 4 isa continoous rng howmorphism, who end and henee by 210) an exact sequence ne On» Kerd+-+ Kerd*—> Kerd®—» Coker d+» Coker d* Coker de-+4, | bikie foram stmodule Bt aks 6 © ff Ga = SM Ts fet the suupobp) 00, andthe completion Mf of Mis topalogial dnote Ge “To complete the proof we have only to prove th Tee Wis continous If: A> Ni any Anode honsnorin, I. erste then 7M) = s/f) © WN, and therfore fs cominuus ih ago Merce = ot eben, ‘eeropologis on M and N) and so defines / M8. but ths i clear because show dsurjsive we have ony tsa inductive | aemyes ty a a}, whee sa fed and x a ner EES ‘Then d = All the ring of formal powers. i, Fea FoasGued) = a 2) d= Z, «= (p), p prime. Then isthe rng of pose igo s or 5 Ay given Gy Aye ents ae infinite series J ap", 0.< a,

G2+G" +0 be an exact sequence of cing the subsoodules &°M lt hv ep dy cage oat | rug fea onde M un ae ene ie 6 he ced lopli, by the eee (0.63 9 | gn aga) i ae Ma N= Ma es bmodales of M, is called a filtration of Mand dented by (80D (1 fea doe ‘Bleonog © Maa or ain ans so pon meee ty pen Ti Nn ale em a Lemma 106, If(My, (Mo) ar sabe firations of Tne erence ss, there ests tegen ae Terie for all > 0. Hoe al stable fratns done Sve toplogy on M, mae he otpology: rie Proof Enough to take Mi = ML Sis a8, & Maes fo so akle = Maex for all n > me say, hence Mf," yi ‘GRADED RINGS AND MODULES ‘a rae ing ing A topetbe with aly Aden of subgroups ‘ane group of 4, such hat A = ie Ayan day eo Faas sea subeing o A and each, is an demodule Example. 4 = As, deere ava fFal man eh Aa = set of all homozencous polyoma o I Aisa graded rng a graded A-module isan A-module ftps funy (Me patsubyroups Mauch hat M = @ino Myand An Fam tes oe Ty cach Mis an A-module. An clement x of Mh sere tce Ma for some m (a= depee of 8) Any elnent ye Mase see Hiya te sum 3 where Yu Me forall > Oana ba rien uniguly enya are O. "ie nonsero components ya cal Be Iomageneous components 0 Tree ae mach A-module, a homomorphism of graded A>mois's2 “dome uomemorphiam i M ~> N such that M4) © Ne forall > 0 Aiba pred ing, let A, = Qrve Aw dy ianidea of 4 Propoion 10.7. The following ae quis, fora eae ne 4 i) Ate a Noetherian ns: Fi) Ante Noetherian and A ts fiiely generated as an Aan. Proof Diy do % Ady, hence is Nowberian, isan eal in Nee Hei benratad ey By yaw we ay take 1 be HORHEESA aay ret depoe eg... fs ay (all > 0), Lt 4 be he stat So ere pt Aa We sal show tat Ay = 4 ON?! aa STs cerny tee form =O. Let > O06. inka oF line combination ofthe 8 7 ~ Beat ie Sine 76 eto da = Oi <0), Sz each > OMe Ce ae aca vaplyoml in the #4 wih oe Ae Hapa re ncn ye Hone a = A eA i) = i): by Hilbert’ basis theorem (7.0). ing (nt ade, 0 eof 4, The "Say, a nan Amador nas El at = Dees ais a eae ‘ae ete ese Sal at St ual we Noctis, iy eer ye 8 Nests Noetherian by C7. as, Let A bea Noto ring, M a ey se ion oH nn erie Me yond 4° 2 ie lation (8 tb r,t eeu, ach 0 = Qin Mi i a tan te 28 i oe ae Sesame Mz = Mo QO Ma @ eM MA. ovo ely gee 2a ME ly ar sr ut Fm nad ci ven Sw ‘oti Ty gee on mde eal Keri fr soe Ro = Mager ™ Ma (al 73 Oo ‘cui ee pasion 103. (Orio-Res lemma, Let 4 te « Nor Pepi Sa felgeerated Aon, (oa fli ort ese of Ma hen OH) 8 a fin er no, WabavedtM My) © aM" Falta SMO Means OM re fence dfs a ded Amol wh a ebe ct oon ore nly generated lace 4*s Nothin). Nowe (00) {PM we obtain wha sual own a he Ai Rt Taking My en Comalry 10.10. Thee eis an integer K ik that Gear a = arr(eunnwe) foralin> kw (nthe other hand, combining (109) _weobtain te realy sigan version with the eenay men (108) Tae ta, erate ocr eh Tecate eal A mote of MT ie oH Co sede agree re sm ety acy me lll 108 communis tamara ehapier we sal aply the ast part (101) concer Reva Se ats bat Sr Se ON A abo ‘erences wil be ved ct tat appenion of 1) we combine With (103) 0 gt ort eee oper of ome: ‘Propo 1012. Let ooM +0 se on exe sequence of tegrated modes oer @ Noten rig 4 ean ae of A then the segue of eae completions Oo M+ Mom 0 Soce we have 4 natural homomorphism A d we ean resard ok an “sas Malt for any amodule M we conform an A-module 4 @, fatten and ow tscompre wth he A-module A, Now the Anode Amtergiom Mf» A defines an A-module homomorphism AeM+A OMA OM = M grow for sbicary A and M, this it iter netve no sete but we dohwe Proposition 10.13. Forony rng A, if M sfiely-generated, A @, M => tame. I, moreover Ai Noctheran then A @), M > Mis on morph ‘Proof, Using (103) or oterwie i i lear that adie completion coms Miter sums, Hensel F x Av wehave 4 @, F= F, Now aswme Taney generated so that we have an exact sequence 04 Nor P+ M0. “This iver is to the commutative diagram Beemer position. Assume now that A is Noetherian, then NV is also finitely generated fe eecteeeeccce or es a, os (012) 08 1013) topeter ase ‘ re the net) of ype nent elvan sent 1g nin Gore te “A a ve Todt fA ts 8 Nocthron ig, on toes ftt” 2 Sea mt cnt vot 069th ing Ain oe ge, Fit om neay ion 105. 148 Noshrn, As ba comp, ey Lgioe Wis comaied tthe Jacobson ra of 4 Soca i Noetherian, «+ Bl-gnete (019) ngs te = ho inage is, isan isomorphism This proves). Now apy os nd edad hat . wy ior Pry 0. Ang (104) we now deduce ‘which i follows by taking quotients. By i) an (105) weet ieample frit topology. Hence for any x68 Qaatelerett carps ind, that 1 — xin unit By (1.9) impi ta &conaied inte acobson radical of 4. ‘Prpnon 10.16, Let Abe Nowhere i, ymin Th th adic completion A of Ais oa ring ih matin BY Ar By 10051 me have Ah A, eee Ah ta nase ie alos aie amir ie AE ‘eithe nique maximal eal. Thos 4 isaocl 6s # aftingrian: quan ofhow msh wel sn om isan ts Thorens |} 10 conpuerioss Ate aot ene ofa er a i ona tise M Ftv, Moe Mt cons of thse 8M anhted by some omens eet Hof ‘Proof, Sice E's the intersection ofall neighborhoods of Oe Mr nef, Ce net ne say sean iy {duced topology on Eoineider wth is topology. Sica ing Myla te i ore alma tae Sac Wisc geeed See erm ericd mde wear eee anta fiom af = Ethat (1 ~ aJE = 0 for tome «ea, The convene yee frgena en cant anh 1) She linet sed (10 be " * bee dan da 04 have the sme kernel. Moreover for any a & Wagtalteres converges in d 40 that every element ofS becomes a unit in 4 By the wine property of SA this means that thre i natural homomoephita $14 =f id 0.17) implies that this Injective. Thus S74 can be ented wih subring of. 2) K,ulls Toren (10.7) may be fab if 4is aot Noetherian. Let Adee ring of all C* functions on the rea line, and let eb te ideal of al fwich x: ish atthe origin (ei maximal since ajo xR). In fact ois penerated byte “dent function x and [esa the st of al fe Ay ll of whose deat vanish a the origin. On the other hand fis aniilated by some clement 1 +» (ee )fand only if vanishes identically in some neighborhood of 0. The vel Known fonction ¢"2", which isnot identically zero near 0, but kas vane derivatives a 0, then shows thatthe Kernels of AeA and A> S74 donot coincide. Thus A is not Noetherian Krull's Theorem has many corollaries: CCoellery 10.18. Let A be a Noetherian domain, « # (1) an tea! of 4 Then (\e" = 0. Proof. 1 + ©coniains no 2eo-visors. Coolary 10.19, Let A be a Noetherian ring, an ideal of A conti Jacobson radical and let M be a fniely-generated A-modsle. TH eiopology of Mts Hausdorff ie. (\a°M = 0. (ates Be syeny dome + cea ey meron tt an 00) See ph, Lt Mckee egy 2 re ed doh Th te ea Msn se mop oA asap! 1 hae ee (102 hy ey te ea Ws jos any ideal consid between m and cane at 8 inary ele AH) es be ae ea th re nay ecient i os clei tr erect Bs ce (48) between b-primary deals nse oetone aie ait aaa (afew m = Ws) we deduce: ry ie hy Ber tad ta Kine venice th ce ee ni tld ‘He ASSOCIATED GRADED RING Let Abea rng and aan ideal ofA, Define GM(~ 64d) = Berio” =o. ‘isin graded ring, in which the multiplications dened ftom: Far enchs, © let denote the image of x in et dae #10 be Fa i the image of x im ")e"*** check that 5,8 de ot deen cee particular representatives chosen, Simla, fH Ts an 4-module and (Mian Satin of M, dine GM) = @ MMos hich sa graded G(4)-module ia a natural way. Let Gs(M) denote Malas Proposition 10.22. Let be a Noetherian ing a eo ofA. Then 4) GAA) is Noetherian; 5) G(A) and Ga(A) are isomorphic as graded ring 1) ia finely-generated A-module ond (M) isabel of Me then G(M) i a fntely-generated graded G(A)-maie. Pra) Sine is Noeteran, i Sniey genet 90 285 A ‘beth image of min aly then GUA) = (AiO 3h SE AE ian, G(A) is Noetherian by the Hilbert basis A far w anjar* by (10.19 ii). i eee Se 12 conmuenos en Be sity Eh Gil) = "Mrs Nosberan sour Or ONE deel modes eee a ed ntact (na Memos) ei) seem ans cum Fee of as capri tthe wii cosa of ec ree cee we con poe fo the Po tea Se ons fn) ee Ben td ea Sepa ooo Fe ra fs a0 be « lonenphio of ftael gr ic ade Band let (8): (A) > GB), $: A B be the induced home Cee ered et coped ergs. Then i) Gi) injective > $ injective: i) () surjective = $ surjective. Frey, Coane comnante Sapa fat ques 0 A dges > Aldav > Alda 28 ‘Thies he eat sequence 0 Ker Gf) > Kee ayas + Ket oy > Coker Gl) -» Coker ones Coker oy 0 From tis we se, by induction on» that Ker ay = 0 (ase) oF Coker a, = 0 (ce) Manor in asi) ao ave Kes > Kern use the inven linitof the homomorphisms, and spying (10.2) the enna Mastek pong 10.) Wecan now form result which a partlconverse of (10.22 i and isthe instep in showing tha dis Noetherian. Proprtion 1024. Let A bearing, «amie of A, M on Aomodle, (M38 fltion of M. Supose that A ts complete tthe e-tpology ond that Heel nits flan topology (that (x M, = 0). Suppore as th! G0 i intel geeraedG{A)medle. Then M is a fntelraeneoel Prof. Vick «Gite set of generators of G(M), and thi L nerators and split them up int the Vamowesetcomponents ay f(t 1 < ») where has degree) mst Ihave ihe mage of ay 246 May. Let be the module 4 wit the ste ee ee Feensr Isle Pics s toners 3 ce groups, 80 6): CUP) GEM) i 4 ls gram 1 is a now the ia how oa aud A= Aton tat fai afer, Sa ty 128, Whe pies of 0025 G0) ee ie Na a ‘= Aen show tha mee a i ts ty st 2 Me en ise en te jes Sante oo oe brace ae sit Mc tranembesine Ci) nA). a en ee etd ty se Mf Heal a 7 ee 9 AF ny et Wecan now deduce the result we ae ater: Theorem 10.26, If A is Noetherian rng, © on lof 4th he anpetin d of A ts Noetherian. Prof. By (1022) we know that GAA) = GAA) is Noetherian. Now apply (1025) to the complete sing dy ting M= 4 (Gre by, and so Hausdorff), Corollary 10.27. If A is a Noetherian rin, th poet sr rg B> Se ea totes Roan ote (afield) ir Noetherian. Pref Alsn. yl is Noetherian by the Hier completion fo the sy. adic topoloey. # is tre and Bi unaises 1 Lata: pt nie the into alan Boe A we eT Ree i tant ett Son ae eats of fy ho eae oe oi of 20, an 8 ae on A Cee yon wnt ees mt oy ah ‘hat padie completion is not right-xact Foster ale — ing coumeions ttn n= 17 Fl cme ne Sow at in ot gh aah compte in A Aen Q,Ker(tr—>ato, tre roe el cna als contsning ‘beat M1 = 0 = sup 009 ¥0) ti ene should hak of MY a the “Taylor expansion” of A anseral Ton ce yt the above rev then shows that AF 1 termined ‘isberood of M6) by i Taylor expansion] 2 Gonspeecy, 4: Let Abe a Noctian ing a0 idea in 4, and the eal completion. Foe ye dst beth age fia Stow that -xnotazeodviorin A = £ ot azero-visor ind ect is ipl tat Ais anneal domsin = 4's an nepal domain? {sly he exces of completion to the sequence 0+ AS A] 4. Lat Ate a Nosthera ng ad et, be ideas in A. ICs any Anode ‘Me MS dente is wade and bac completions respectively. IM i fits zeae, prove that (MS [Take the wade completion othe exact seauense 0M + aroeM 0 tnd apply (101). Then wi the womorpit lim im aera + 00) tim ators + 640) tale nnn + 9H S$ HG ON Lede Nostra 4. Prove at atin eke ada 4 and on toy mil a of cl sie (Nap ina ete ‘ie vata cicts coo Ba _ inoeatoiti) ext conpce) Lt Aes Nene ne teas ant 4 an di nati comin. i fitter dame Sar otc ase oie jane Fintan ASHE oy 4 cv Mtinjctve fr ty pnt 4 sow we 019) 200 EXC 6 ras oe pon ay of he tn Ce a ie ac innate eerste werekenata fogand Cream, rove tat B's dat (Ux Caney tai faecne 7 above} so Sn eg mt rants mmc ano ete tomit 3) ¢ALs] kt lie ence ae se ents fei (2) is monk of depee nad tee nat Sone poms #0 ope (Ami) oes wn ak ey rer tj ke tak cant a fay eros one ta ee am mr wemrae! 060 Atel SE Ce er a caat Tes ora ee ae Hn ind afah Oh x topes C1 =n rege mn Eatin, mer Pk oy emer ta epee See en ot ten tte eres BEA any eb vou) HO) 1. Wit the notation of Exercie 8, dese fom Hens km tat i) fas a simple r00t we Am, then Cx) Bas asl rot we ds a ‘mod {ip Show that 2 is «square inthe eng of 7a, ai) Latex abe Rs, where is a Hl and asune tat 1,7) sy = fa snple root Prove tht here exits «formal power ss 79 = ‘Berea suc that f(s, 909) (nis ges the “analyte brane i the cure f~ O trough te alt 8) 1, Sow thatthe converse of (1026) fae, even if we asm ht Ais an that dea intl generated. Aodule a [Make to be the ing of secs of = fusions of ax = 0a alt Theorem that every power series occurs asthe Taylor expan of function | RAC Ais Noetherian, then Atel nay Bot Ate, EO val asa compostion of fat exesion ut Dimension Theory ‘on te bs nto in lebralegeomety tht of he dinesin a fh ay rl ntin, ad, 88 We Shall show nts ape kt, Ta ty thy of dinesion for grea! Nota pe th erent ule of thee erent dis i of hs elton have a fairy obvious geomet! come inet gvlving be Hilbert enetion is ss conceptual. Ithas, howe, aa rea adanees a he whole theory becomes more steaine oe ings in stan ey tg Ate desing with dimension we give a bref account of regula as ig, sich corapon! to the notion ofnonsngulaety in algebraic yeomety. We ‘Dats te equates of thre detains of regulary. ily we nate bow, in the case of algebraic varieties over a fl the Joc dines we ave defined coincide with the transcendence dare oh fama el. mugeRr FUNCTIONS Let = Bina As bea Noetherian graded ring. By (1.7) doi &Nocteras fing and isnt (sn Aralgchra) by 39a» which we mn ake 10 be bomipteus of depres.» fy (ll > 0. Let M bea finely generated praded A-module. Then Mis gneraedby2 fae numberof homogeneous cements, say m,(1-< J = 1); ltr ~ 65%, Ens dene’ of My the homogeneous component of M of epee mths eta 3am wh ed bnogecns of degen serif n'< It follows tat Nf fitely generated 8 30 de ‘dee une is pnratd by all), where gs) 4 mono Sie By all fs) where gd) 7 be an adie fnton (with values in) onthe clas of al Sit Fine was Ariodules (Chapter 2). The Poincaré series of M (with resret ©) hg ction of 0) et the pone srs PK) = Sarge eziw. ne Md (ESE). POM 1) rai fe Af fem ree oye eh On 085 the umber of ert t re, 2 c= Slory > Gotan PEt hice Me Ula hy ao A Sa cyanate, ener TE mame ry oe nM a. 0 Ke Me Mast + Lave, 0 ® = Geko, L= Gils: then an bob Rtpgemaet = Nm aod La qulent modes erat ee Tp bance Mey APE Aly %-tP module Apjig Is ae oa dn MK) — MM) + MMos) = Moyea) = 05 Gomer anc ercbtm oe I te pt Rl) a eal Sts na Tena = nie dont rr yee a= ean ra 2 cee. pve my se = dank) #8 Sao = Bi aS Es (atn-bl) oe n> sun = Sa (ET) ate tad the sum onthe righthand side is «polo it# ih id Soe i (a is nite FO Aenea 1) Fra pam) 1b sh at ES eaters is i nary fort ave ie SSBC ayo THEORY van 11.28 lye the HIB Stony, me ode eso» une rep 0 ee cite ata, an = Bo me =m ween show aa) = 40-1 me ne pot pale Ce 1) in the case where Ay is an Artin ring (in part eee ah Ph Rl eee, Bhi eae oe i A ae tomo fi coor tM then ais) = Bete a te un ("")') of t,t nage" We aw cone he iter food rom ein neat ye sigs tm Chap 10. Powe IA Lt 4b Nothin ri, 1 mine Pe erat fucrtomretel hmthte (Mt) «abe = Bion of. Ten D Mai effte gh occ > 0 oc indy rg ts eg a ayn) of dee < + etl Tesla amr of rereserer i heen gwen of x) pnd nly on M ad, oe * of (n) depe Pre et Gd) = Bee", GM) ~ Qa ann G4) = 40 8 8 Ae el gy any) i forte yak GUbmodue (1022) Each O02) = Mens & Nec om sna by gence a Nocbntan Anal. tho tg me Artes ia ve 4, = 10seg = 310, 60, © i) My 25 pnt 9 th ay . 4 the images of the x a lo? generate 4) Algal, ua cach has degre |. Hence by (1.2) we hve al Ma) = Jia)‘, where 0) ix polynomial in m of degree < — 3 forall are” ont) we ba as = a an Yor Te Gi ante sale on oad yee to eats ave ound ese eg te see oh #0 + 0) 2, oe yd He eave ites AOE) = 100 ete Benge tonal (0) COrEPoRSN ote Sk me een (6 dy a $00, ons ta (ptm 6) a aan neemes AG) = NOM) oe atten, car = As we title) for x40) and al tthe hrc se riny ie Techies (14) gee mi ‘Conlry 15. For ll lrze th nth (AIS) i pon Grace < i where ithe es mnber of emo ofa en SO “The poyoomials fn for dierent coe of he iar le ah the bin egen asthe nex proposition shows: : Proposion 11.8, If A. 89 4re a aboe eg at) ~ des of, Weave m2 9 2 fOr some rby (718, bese w 2 2 wan terre ae) fe) le o al Now tn 2, remembering that thes are polynomial in The common degre of the a(n) wl be dnote ty dA ia vw of (112) tis mean ware putting. (A) = 4(Ga(4) whee (Gal) is eae (doc ear asthe pleat ~ 1 of the bert acon of Gl DIMENSION THEORY OF NOETHERIAN LOCAL RINGS Let Abe a Noetherian loca rng, its axial a TeCs() = lens number of generators ofan evisu uramiien i teprove tat A) = aa) = di 4. West tl roving (4) > a) > dim A > H(A). (15) and (1.8) Ast ink inthis hain Propston 11.7. A) > dA). a Next we sal prove the analogs or al ng (12, Ne tah song version othe ret ea (ot ut it q — opens THY . a bear hore, Let M be afte serrated oe Mand Mi= Mist Then Tira xa 4 ano east < dest - | “3 “Amodaes byWite of he asamp aM then M8 vs on Pe Lt Ten we ae ea ON se = 1H DE foto +80 ~ 0 fear ces at) ad) Bee ae ng Siem © ay he Nork ean, onset Gaye rol Outen « Wea aw per hcl el Pov it, 40) > id ae yd = 0h He eam Bi howe = 9 Nake en Wh he dum saa cis dm 40 tee abc tote mae ofa 4. To Fe Ea i sot, hey G19 we hve a(a'fee)) < a4) = 1. At mail ed ma omomorpiimago A, Merten ler) od eon fs) ace). Gono AAI) < HA) = Ve d= 1, Hes te nacn Iypot nt of any cin f rime en Miami oy 4 os a ie Si, be ried) and commqeny red Ho toh Beetles «< ory HAs Nena gi ini. ® IFA is any rng, » a prime ideal in A, then the height of p is defined to be the + of prime ideals be 1). SPU Myo a iil of Cons¥e i 8 sch way eaten os a) at heht> foreach Sep ce, "Le py (1 (Rene Behe « >The cay pe Sting - asBght > hint in 0 in, tering i het et of mension They 87 loans x ri ‘Consider thes (Si. 2) IE >a bene p= (for ve ea (xyes) 1 mepeimary. ‘harem 1114, (Dineasion thorn.) For ety Nothin eal i he loving thee negers are equ 1 the maximum length of ha of prime en A ithe degre ofthe character plana) = 1A); ithe est mabe of generator of an inary eof Poof (1.7, (110) (1113). Tame Let ete pom in A pti ti T= (ince), Then God) ia paloma ing x intermit fads Poincar acticin (1 — 1) Hence, ig he equals 38 (in (1.19, we deduce that dim dn =» Gray 1118, dia A < diy (n°) Proof, If yen (I< 1 < 3) are such that their images this eto space then the generate bY 83 din by (UL13). ory 11.16, Let A bea Noetherian ri 23 Iliad aly belonging (Sy 5) sR & in mt fom 2 sit ee di" = eA Tha cer = ae eer Bert comer 7 aaa peas" Kesha lanl of ere ih cies 4a sine Proof In Ay the el fone Pati aie Tina he cit off te Pog Get ct peel ns i td fre hr a ners nd is 3m. Theos eee ees oe Arma mina fexa ns MA) < A(Alai,,... tf(F)) because Pe Ker (0 Stale toy iE Fie eg (13), 40) = 4 by te an ‘theorem (11,14). This gives the required com” sion takes inch oem it 4 a Tr eee fd ac He et tla ty ene ee Seed ni vite ml can ric f+ iis nn, hey a meee if Oe. Aly (1.20 10 J and we deduce at pete iat garcons a ng, ese in Smet ebay independent ner gS MMC. Hee seats Se ae a en ee ee ca en ee ‘of the next theorem. “~ Bee ars ta 4c ween oat yy oma Role siici ciceraeyeesapenenasas Baa ee ade poe ence ey om plc, B= Fen ee eee apae Be ccna aoa gat nee! ies omeee eee Lemma 1123, Let A be a ring, © isl of 4 sch the ‘Stpase that G(A) ia negra domain. Then i anneal dai Prof. Let x.y be non-zero elements of A. Then sine Me" = 0 Ua Se ingen 45 O woch that ves e yee yg"! LAT ames inages of xy in GAA), GA) respec. Then #4 0,5 # OO FF 0, heave xy #0. esl thei nb 2) the ero sn of nein ution ig een hi inal singed oO ES inca danain, tens neraly closed. 1 fois a4 ATE ‘integrally closed bt there are iategrally cost Hs dom me > Vw arent regu. SS Ul 124 oven THOR ne Let dea Necthrinlocal is, THERA 8 er ang ty A res Se a = GAA) a0 the es allows. ret 0 Its rom what we have wid sore hat iho an neg Remmi steal spesing Wi mens tht (eal) norsinglasty = analytic iveduiility there is only one analytic “branch” or tha ato nosiguar pis, 1) ir dcmein felt muppigiomorpially onto A (he omer ad nt) tps that Ais formal powe sees fing ver Kin di Ses ohare the compltions of local igs of nowsingular points on ‘Siberona vate over are all isomorphic, ample! Le A = Aso %] Oa Bl, x independent indeterminate) Fear ax) Thon tu (he local ing of fie space Aa the origi) Fs reuarlcling for Gy(4 is polynomia ing io variables, [TRANSCENDENTAL DIMENSION ‘esha onclade tis bri treatment of dimension theory by showing how the dim An for all Js 10 prove the oppoie inequality, and for thie purpose the main. pales wader Gn rb I ah News nS of Chap § Fae nig sg atcha of ime in iterscton wit iby ag ies . tine o 2 ® it lain) wc, by Sin Ay > im ey ‘pis proves dim Bx > dim da. Convery sven he {Bish lit this toa chain (1) (oecssry tt: tha We an now proced to Mee ef aie oe yl po Covolry 11.27. For every maximal ideal of A(V) we hse im A(¥) = din A Prof, By definition we have dim A(V) ~ supe din A(P)s Bat by (1129 AIL) have the same dimension. Exencises 1. Let fe... be an ireducile polmonil over ane don feld A post Pon the variety f(a) ~ Os mosignlar = at al ep Aecvaves fox, vanish at Po Let A= Hl.) ad a8 maximal deal of 4 corresponding to the pont P. Prove at Pisoni = de separ lool sng (By LLIB) we have dim dq =~ m ~ 1. Now a 2 Oxy Asa + thd bas dimension m = 1 if and only i/# 31 lo (1121) assume hat 4 is comple Pow at te Denote, Mls tall A aven by tiene 16 ies Maliey-gnerated module over Ain: ll (Use 1020) nt Prete treme 3 oat nai oft dineson (SE) Le paconge sft Seago erence sefcloae tenets, merit tiStaet fron ut St mcanay Csapptra dcr totes cath ice nee nree 2 : sper (Us) in ers ft Goteneck OUP ALA) (Chap 9, re 2. 4 tet ea ring necessary Noetherian). Prove tat 1 dim A dim ts} < 1 6 2 dim A ua fs A-= Al heeding and conse he ber of: Spe (AL) Tey ovine ical po A Tis fier canbe ented with he pect Sr ae Pace terse fd ab (Chapter 3, Exerc ee Sitting = 1 Now we Exerc 7G) of Chapter 41 plat Ate Nontbsan ing. Then i Al) = 1 + din 4, aod nosy noe on in As, "tty rea pie ith min A Ten ere, to» seh ta Wildcat ngs eee = oad By Eoin | Meher pre raon poe el ofa an thoes Sees ana Man Sane pun vs bese tpi) > m_ Hens hie Shah Now ween af ace 3) * aed ont dim Index patie onction, 23 ‘tortor, 105 er, 3 Sememorghisn, 2 tito eal, 8,19 ‘nla, mole, 7 ‘i 6 te Res Hein, 107 olan rn. 1 ‘hain condions, 74 ‘Gan of bods, 76 ‘Clea 19 ‘Coma, 105 ‘Completion, 102 Compeion series, 76 onstrate topology. 48 Conactin, 8 Dedekind domain, 95 Dinesion, 90 Dire valuation rng, 94 Domai, integral, 2 ‘nial eal, $ act sequence, 22 xeon ofa isl, 9 Fld, 2 re, 4,43 ‘Baton, 108 Fie, Aas, 20 30 Fe a na, fia, 29 Fractions, ring of, 36 Gergana, 29 feck ou, i 10 Heaton, ibe sea ‘ier freon, 18 Pte Neon. toe, 2 Secompole, 3 ect product of, 7 Festina 96 ener by 5 Inveseion of 6 invert, 98 ‘masial3 reins 0 rine 3 pros of 6 ‘uote, ima 6 ase, 2 Tote, lesa ‘las, ene 39 neal soe doin, Kernel 2,18 Length 76 mit ie 32 nvr 108 eal ine 4 ocala, 3 a” Ring, Mboluely Aa, oolean, 11 ert lation, 94 faded, 106 Fomomerphism, 2 affections, 36 semilocs 4 su, 2 “alation, 65 Saturated, 44 Sela, extension of, 27 restriction of, 7 Spectr, msi rime 12 Support 46 Symbolic power. 86 “Tensor produ, of letra, 3 “ot modules, 24 “Torsion, element, 4S "stmodsle Unt,2 Valuation ring, 65 ait, fie ales 1S

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