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Palladium [Kr] 4d


By: Cindy Renova

Atomic Number: 46

tomic symbol: Pd

Atomic Mass: 106.42

Protons: 46

Electrons: 46

Neutrons: 60

Valence Electrons:10

Group: 10

Period: 5

Melting Point: 1828.05 K

Boiling Point: 3236 K

Density: 12023 kg/m3

Discovered in 1803 in London, England by William H. Wollaston

Reactions: doesnt combine well with oxygen and will catch fire if ground into powder.
Currently found in Australia, Brazil, Russia, and Ethiopia
Bonding: covalent, ionic and metallic
Palladium is a malleable metal. It is a soft silver-white solid.
5 common uses- Jewelry, Electronics, Dentistry, Polyester, and Oil refining.
Name: Named after Greek goddess of wisdom, Pallas.

Interesting Facts:
-Can absorb up to 900 times its own volume of hydrogen.
-30x rarer than goldThere is only one mine in the USA (Montana)

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