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Brendan OKeeffe

Period 2
words: 3576
The Hero of Hoefsington
In the land of Hoefsington there was an elf who lived in a tree. He didnt literally
live inside of a tree, but had built his small one room home at the top. In his tree house
was his bed, a bookshelf or two, and plenty of food to last the upcoming winter.
Residing in a tree may seem strange, but many others in the village had done the same
for generations. This particular elf did not stand out all too much from the rest of the
crowd. He was quite youthful, having just turned 22 years of age. He wore the same
green tunic as nearly all of the others in the village and did not cause much trouble as
long as he could help it. Many of his neighbors had felt sympathy for him recently, as
his father had just recently passed away and he was now pressured to carry on the
family name. Lanterno Lurkingson, son of Kosh Lurkingson was possibly the most
eligible bachelor in the land, but he had no time for such things, as it was time he made
a living to support himself. Just as his father before him Lanterno was a farmer. He
went to his nearby fields every day to nourish his potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins. He
grew other crops but these three were very popular among the residents of Hoefsington,
as they were heavily enjoyed during the fall celebrations.
One day as he was tending his fields there was a great disturbance among the
village. A loud BOOM! had startled everyone and woken up those who were too lazy
to begin their daily labor. Little did they know that nearby the great Alicon tree had
become infested with a mysterious and evil force. This meant very little to the residents
of Hoefsington as returned to their daily work.
Hoefsington was a small village located in the outskirts of the Great Woods. It
was small, secluded, and surrounded by many old and large trees. Many who were
born there never left and those were not born there had little reason to visit such a
place. The village was peaceful and everyone was sure to keep it that way.
But the time had come for a hero to arise from the village and save all of the
known land. Many had never seen the Alicon tree and few were aware of its
importance. Located at the center of the Great Woods, it was the century old keeper of
the peace. It has been there as long as the land itself and had never done the
territories wrong, but that was changing rapidly. The spidermen of Terpant had invaded
the tree, making it very sick.

Terpant was a dark vacant land. It was long since abandoned after the Dwarven
War many generations ago. What remained in the area were horrifying hybrids of man
and spider. The spidermen ruled the area and anything that many come into it. But
something had driven them out of their barren land, and not even the Alicon Tree knew
what had caused it.
When Lanterno went to sleep that night he dreamt of positive things, oblivious to
what had happened hours earlier. But when he awoke, he was startled to meet an
intruder unknown to him. A fairy fluttered around in front of his eyes with a near-blinding
Good to see you are up and running!, said the fairy. Now get up, we don't have
much time to waste.
Obediently, Lanterno slowly got out of his mahogany bed and began to stretch.
Who are you? he said, about about curious as one might be in such a situation.
My name is Saltra and I will be your guide on your journey.
W-what journey do you speak of?, he asked just as curious as his last question.
You are to go to the Alicon tree and banish its sickness. she exclaimed boldly.
She then explained to him what had happened. In short, the spidermen were
driven out of their land and invaded the tree for an unknown reason. Lanterno was to
travel to the tree and destroy whatever had caused this sickness. As if on cue she flew
into Lanternos satchel until needed later on. Lanterno was hesitant to embark on such
a mysterious quest but did as he was told, eventually realizing his importance.
He climbed down the ladder and quickly went to the village border. The village
had two exits, one that led to the woods and one that led to a location unknown to him.
Both were often heavily guarded. As he passed the home of the mayor he was greeted
with a familiar voice.
Do ya got a minute?
It was Cruse, a dear friend of Lanterno. Cruse was a humorous and well spirited fellow
but often lacked intelligence. His choices had gotten him into deep trouble when the
mayor of the town caught him stealing seeds from his yard. As a punishment he was
forced to break the large stones in front of the mayors hut.
The mayor of the town was an older elf by the name of Mikom. He was kind, but
strict at the same time and did not allow any criminal behavior of any kind. Very few
referred to him by by name and was often merely called Mayor or Mike by those who
were close friends of him. He was one of the few, if not the only, residents to not live in a
home suspended above the ground. While many had erected their home on the top of
a sturdy tree, Mikes ancestors had simply built a hut on the ground.

If ye help me break these here rocks Ill give ye an emerald or two., exclaimed
Sorry Im in a hurry, catcha later buddy. he said running by.
When he got to the border he was forced to a stop.
Where do you think you are going off to at an early hour?, said a awfully familiar
Guarding the exit was an unhappy elf named Ellison. She was the daughter of
the only other farmer in the village. Kosh Lurkingson was a rather wealthy person and
had worked hard for many years to become a very fine farmer. He had died happy with
a nice plot of land in his name. In such a small village there was no need for multiple
farmers. Every fall Kosh supplied the village with the necessary food and he was very
respected in the village. The only other farmer was Sampson Silkhorn, a lazy elf who
often was found blaming others for his hardships. He owned a very small area of land
with only enough to grow some pumpkins and a few carrots. After the death of Kosh,
Sampson was excited to become the greatest farmer in Hoefsington. He figured he
would simply make a small offer on the Lurkingson acres and that would be it. When he
found out Lanterno intended to follow in his fathers footsteps he was furious. Thus
began a sense of bitterness towards Lanterno.
I need to get through please, Lanterno said in a polite fashion.
Only royalty goes through here, she said. What makes you so special?
I need to get to the Alicon tree as soon as possible!, he said urgently.
Fine, I suppose if it is really that important. Just let me see your sword and
shield and you can go about your business.
Laterno looked at her strangely for a moment or so. Ellison appeared rather amused as
she began to smirk.
Do you mean to tell me you dont have the proper equipment for the potential
dangers ahead?
N-no., he said in a defeated tone.
Alright, well come back when you have both a sword and a shield. Donafel sells
shields at his shop but good luck coming across a sword.
Slightly ashamed but also motivated he headed towards Donafels shop. Donafel
was the owner of the village trading post. He could often be found asleep at his desk.
He had two daughters who often helped out around the place, tidying things and such.
As our hero walked in the shop it was awfully quiet. He walked up to the counter and
cleared his throat, letting Donafel know that he had company.
H-hello! What can I get for you my friend?, he said as soon as he awoke.
I hear you sell shields here.
Ah, yes! He pointed to a shelf to his right. Finest willow shields around!

How much?
Thatll be 40 emeralds my friend!
Forty was a lot for anyone in the land, but Lanterno understood the sacrifices that would
need to be made. He hesitantly dipped his hand into a pocket in his satchel and
managed to come up with the required amount.
Pleasure doin business witcha! Donafel said, handing over the shield.
All that was needed now was a sword, which would be the real problem. He
wandered outside the shop and saw Cruse still breaking rocks, miserable as ever. He
figured he might have an idea or two to help him out.
I need your help, if you dont mind., he said to Cruse.
Startled, the poor elf dropped the rock he was holding right onto his foot.
AUGH!, he yelled, causing everyone nearby to turn and look.
Sorry! I didnt mean to frighten you!, said Lanterno.
Is that so? Well next time try ta be a bit less mysterious mate.
Ill keep that in mind, Laterno said while holding back laughter. Anyway I need
a tip or two.
Sure thing, what wheel et be?, he said.
I need a sword.
What could ye possibly need one ev those for?
Does it matter?
Eh, I suppose not. I think I can help ye out. Ye see that home at the top of the
hill? If there be anyone who can help ye out I guarantee it be them.
At the top of the hill rested a lone tree. A mysterious group of brothers had built
their home at the top, long before many could remember. Not all too much was known
of these elves, but there was a bit that was agreed on by many. Long ago three young
brothers journeyed from an unknown land and ended up settling here. They were
hermits and never seen outside of their old home. Nobody ever ventured to the top of
that hill. Many feared it. All that mattered was that Lanterno needed to seek their aid.
He started up the hill and reached its peak shortly after. At the bottom of the tree was a
bell that looked like it hadnt been rung in ages. Lanterno pulled the chain and the bell
worked perfectly. There was no answer, so he waited, and waited until he could no
longer take it. Slowly but surely he climbed the ladder to the top. Once he was at the
front entrance he gave a hard knock. The door slowly creaked open. . .
Come in, quickly!
He entered the home and was greeted by two nearly identical elves sitting on wood
chairs. A third appeared behind Lanterno who began to speak.

You must enter the forgotten woods, Lurkingson. There is a small gap behind
the home of the Silkhorns. From there you will fight your way to the chamber of life
where your sword will await you. Do not worry, your fairy will help you when necessary.
Lanterno left the home feeling motivated to finish what he had started. He knew
exactly how to get to the Silkhorn home, the only problem was sneaking behind the tree
unnoticed. He decided to wait till nightfall, and headed home to wait.
Lanterno sat down at his bedside with a cup of freshly brewed tea. He selected a
book from his shelf and turned to chapter one. Before he knew it, the moon had risen
and his kettle was empty. The time had arrived to find the gap that the mysterious
hermits had spoken of. Carefull not to start up a commotion he tiptoed to the home of
Sampson Silkhorn. He slipped behind the tree and found what he was looking for: a
small hole in the hillside just big enough to crawl through. Head first, he crawled into it
and on the other side was nothing, or nothing that he could see at least. Luckily, Saltra
was resting in his bag. He pulled her out and she awoke at once. Her light hovered
over his head, just what he needed. He looked around and saw that he was in a small
room with a cobweb infested trunk in the center of the room. He walked over and tried
to open it. It wouldn't budge. He looked closer and saw that it required some sort of
passcode to unlock it. It had four different symbols on it, they were not letters nor
numbers, but animal-like shapes. A bear, a deer, a horse, and a wolf. Unsure of what
to do, Lanterno looked around at the room. The walls were made from old and
crumbling stone with a creaky wood floor. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed
something interesting. On the wall directly behind the trunk was an identical horse
symbol. He then looked at the wall to his right but could not quite make out the symbol.
Saltra! Shine your light against this wall!
Obediently, she fluttered over and revealed the next three symbols on the walls.
Lanterno walked up to the trunk and entered the combination feeling hopeful. Horse,
deer, wolf, bear. With a silent snapping sound the trunk opened. Inside was a short
silver bladed sword. Just what he had needed. Triumphantly, he crept back through the
gap and climbed back up his ladder into his home.
When he awoke the next morning he turned to look out his homes only window.
He had slept in! He lept out of bed and threw on his boots and cap. He grabbed his
satchel with his newly acquired sword inside and threw his shield over his back. He
hurried down the ladder so quick that he jumped off and hit the ground before even
reaching the last few ladder handles. He rushed by Cruses treehouse, the mayors hut,
and the village trading post before reaching the village border. Ellison was not normally
on shift at his time of day but he found no elf at all. Instead he was greeted by a freshly
posted sign that read: Elven Folk are not permitted to leave these woods. He looked

left, right, and left again to assure his safety. No one had the free time to spend
watching him, so he sprinted past the sign and into the woods.
Shortly after entering, he was greeted by an unhappy sight. Three man-eating
plants were guarding the passage. Lanterno knew what needed to be done. He drew
his sword and shield and lunged at the plants. They lunged at him but he blocked them
with a accurate use of his shield. He counter attacked by swinging his sword aiming
right for their stem. He decapitated it instantly. The remaining two were now
intimidated. He slashed through one while blocking an attack from the other. One was
dead while the other was stunned. With a sharp WHACK he finished off the remaining
After turning the corner he saw it. It was the Alicon tree in all of its glory.
Although it looked rather ill. The tree was plenty old with roots expanding as far as the
eye can see. A large opening was at its base. Upon entering, it was very dim, but he
noticed a crudely made ladder in the distance. Upon further inspection, he climbed up
slowly, making sure he did not slip. He arrived at the top and realized that this tree had
more than just two levels. There was no ladder here, but there were many old vines to
climb up. He ran over but was greeted with a surprise. A gnarly spiderman was waiting
for him! Lanterno drew his sword yet again and swung. An unusual clinking sound was
made when he hit it. Realizing he had hit its nearly impenetrable teeth he aimed again,
this time for the creatures eye. It made an awful hissing sound after being stabbed and
stumbled back, falling of the edge.
Lanterno climbed up the vines and was greeted by two more man eating plants.
He quickly took them both out, slicing their stem. Lanterno then saw another opening,
with a wood constructed staircase beyond it. He climbed the stairs slowly, unaware of
what may lie beyond. He reached the top and entered a large room. He had made it to
the top of the tree. It was nearly dark, but he saw there was some sort of faint light
source coming from somewhere. He looked around the room and looked down at the
wooden floor. He found nothing. Just then, he heard a sound. He glanced upward and
saw eight glowing circles. They slowly came closer and closer until a haunting
realization entered Lanternos mind. He was face to face with Leocla, the queen of the
spidermen. . .
She was just like the others, only more powerful. WIthout a word she
unsheathed six jagged swords, one for each arm. She was silent but deadly as she
swung at Lanternos feet. He jumped just in time to swing back, slicing off one of her
arms. She let out a horrid screech and swung at Lanterno even harder. He blocked it
with his sword and thus began a long and demanding duel. Lanterno had managed to
cut off another two arms shortly after and was slowly gaining the upper hand in this

fateful battle. Leocla swung at Lanterno but he swung too, and the two swords hit each
other sharply. Lanterno stumbled back a bit but regained his balance before Leocla did.
He swung for her arm and cut it clean off. She now only possessed two swords.
They continued to exchange swings and blocks for several minutes. Lanterno
saw an opening to cut off Leoclas arm but as he swung, she swung too and hit his
swords hilt. The sword was separated from its hilt and was of no use. Its blade went
flying at Leocla and stabbed her in the knee. He quickly got up and tried to outrun her.
It was not difficult, but she still had two swords with were constantly chasing after him.
She swung at his legs and jumped over it. Too easy. She swung for his legs just as she
had just done moments earlier, but this time when he jumped he received a swift kick to
the back.
He flew a few feet and landed right by one of Leoclas bloodied arms, sword still
in its hand. She had kicked him with her injured leg and was in pain trying to hobble
over and finish him off. She hissed and moved her swords over her shoulders.
Lanterno rolled to the side before she slammed them down. This proved to be fatal as
her two weapons were lodged in the wooden floor beneath them. She tried to pull them
out but was too weak from the fierce combat. Lanterno then picked up the sword next
to him and stood up quickly. Leocla payed little attention to him as she tried to unlodge
her weapons. He sliced off her leg and she turned to him, alarmed and in agony. With
one final showcase of strength he stabbed her in the eye with her own weapon. She let
out a howl and fell to the ground dead. He had finally ended it.
Just then, Saltra the fairy emerged from his satchel.
You have done it! You destroyed the sickness!, she exclaimed.
I-it has finally ended. I can go back to my daily life now. Lanterno said, feeling
You may go home to your fields now, Lanterno. It was an honor being your
guide on this quest.
But what will become of you?, Lanterno asked.
I have other arrangements to tend to. I hate to leave you so soon but I have no
choice. Goodbye my friend.
And with that being said, she slowly faded away, returning to her own home.
Lanterno crossed through the woods and arrived at his home shortly after. He didn't
know what time it was but fell into his bed, feeling exhausted.
When he awoke he heard his bell ringing loudly. He looked down and saw a
messenger wearing very expensive attire.

Are you the elf who goes by the name of Lanterno Lurkingson?, he asked
Yes. Is there something you need?
I have a letter here for you, I will leave here.
After leaving, Lanterno opened the letter unaware of what it could contain. The letter in
his hands read:
Dear Lanterno son of Kosh,
Your wiping out of the evil queen was very honorable, something that should
not go unnoticed. I have quite the task for you and a great bounty, too. Please come
to San Ton Ranch in the nearby city of Alosington and tell them the shipment is
I look forward to it,
M. M. C.

What was the meaning of this? San Ton Ranch was so far! Whatever the case
was, one thing was for sure. He was going to need a new sword. . .

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