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Issues that Mexican Women face in America

Issues that Mexican women face in America

Ericka Gomez
University of Texas at El Paso
Professor Jose Luis Gomez
Rhetorical and Composition 2

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

Issues that Mexican women face in American Culture

Womens have always faced discrimination for the only reason of being women.
In the other hand, being a Mexican or even a Mexican descendant in America has
brought major issues to the culture. Mexican culture is considered a minority in
America, even though living in the border is no exception where most of the women are
Mexican descendant. Social Media has been a witness of all the discrimination that
Mexican womens have gone and suffered almost anytime at any place. The evidence
provided by social media can help raise awareness towards all the injustices that
Mexican womens have gone through. Discrimination is not new to anyone, it has
always existed and will always exist, no matter where the person lives at or who the
person is. This issue is being addressed through two genres that support and show how
women are being discriminated at different scenes. The first genre is a video provided
by YouTube, titled Racist white woman at IHOP. The video demonstrates and
provides a racial comment towards a women that is speaking Spanish at the local
restaurant. The American woman suggest to the Mexican women to speak English
because she is in America. The second is an article from NLC, titled Discrimination
against Hispanics in the workplace by Crystal Lombardo who emphasizes how
Hispanics are discriminated at their work, but also it mentions how struggling work can
be for women. This two genres will be analyzed and discussed throughout the genre

Audience and Purpose

The first genre, Racist white woman at IHOP is a video that went viral in the
social media that showed how an elderly woman is being racist to a Mexican woman.

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

The purpose of this particular video was to inform and demonstrate the ignorance that
the elderly American woman used to attack a Mexican woman. The second genre,
Discrimination against Hispanics in the workplace by Crystal Lombardo made an article
to inform and make conscious about how are Hispanics discriminated in different
aspects such as employment and education.
The intended audience for the video are people from any age, usually intended in
politics and the ones who want to make conscious regarding discrimination, regarding
the ethnicity of the person. People who show interest in the genre are most likely to
show awareness in dealing with acts of racism. For the article, Discrimination against
Hispanics in the workplace, the target audience is any age, especially those who are
Mexican or Mexican descendant who are willing to work in America. In the video,
people need to know why the American woman started yelling the Mexican woman,
what her believes are for living in the United States and what her views are for the
people who are willing to or live in the United States. Unlike, in the article, the video
requires the audience to know the situation because almost every day there are
situations like this everywhere. In the article it shows a little more depth by giving exact
numbers of employment and education percentage level. The purpose will be make the
audience aware of the hard situations that people face every day. Both, the video and the
article are trying to make people understand of the situation that some people of other
ethnicity live through.
Both genres differ in the time it will require to see and analyze the information. The
video will take approximately about three minutes. The second genre will take about
twenty minutes to read thoroughly, plus it contains two videos and a chart. The article
contains interesting information about the discrimination that Hispanics face in their

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

Each genre purpose is to inform the audience about the discrimination that a specific
ethnicity faces, however each part of the information is presented differently. In the
video, the purpose is to inform the audience how are they usually victimized and where,
at the most common restaurants and how people reacted during the verbal attack. The
purpose of the article, is to inform people who are working or will be working in the
United States as well inform readers about statistics regarding discrimination and
education percentages. Each genre has a specific vocabulary. The article has to inform
people therefore the vocabulary is formal, the language is professional; the article uses
simple words in other for people to understand with an easiness. In the video the
language is not very formal, it contains offensive words. It does not have very elevated
language because the purpose is to offend the person, it is targeting womans who do
not speak English. The terminology is associated with acts and statistics towards
Mexican women. Other significant vocabulary used in the article is segregation,
classifying, employment, education and violating. The language features presented in
the video can be interpreted as offensive to the women and racist to everyone who
speaks Spanish. The language feature that is presented in the article are that the text is
very informative, descriptive, persuasive and with a purpose. The font that was used in
the article is big, clean and it contains two videos and a chart. Black and white were
used to make it simple and to the point, with not much of distractions. The titles of the
different sections of the article are in large bold font, there is plenty of information
regarding where a Hispanic can be discriminated and the frequency it could happen.
Rhetorical Issues
Both genres exhibit rhetorical appeals, the manner in which these are implemented
and enforced differ in accordance with the genre.

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

In the video, the woman verbally attacked the Mexican woman, the person who is
recording the video shows disgust against the attacker by asking proving questions. The
video establishes its credibility by presenting it widely by social media so everyone can
see the entire discussion. In the article, the author made the argument that
discrimination is presented everywhere, even at the designated workplace. The
credibility of the article was established by using reliable sources where the information
and data was gathered from, such as the nlatinoaddiction and census.
The recorder of video shows emotional appeal in an exaggerated manner. He
provides the discussion since how it started and the words the other women used to
offend the woman. Later, goes on to not stop the discrimination against her until the
recorder tells her how disrespectful she is. The genre is very effective on making the
point, it shows the true emotions the women had to go thru. The tone used in the video
can change the peoples perspective towards discrimination and how it might respond.
The article does not show the intensity that the video demonstrates because this is read.
The information provided in the article is straight forward and to the point. The article is
trying to make the reader aware and make conscious of the situation that people from
other ethnicity are facing.
The first genre used logos in facts, these facts are not scientifically evidence that can
be tested, but these are the cultural manners that people show to most of the people who
are Spanish speakers. These are actions that people take most of the time to make others

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

feel vulnerable. The article used logos in the terminology and facts. She kept it
professional but also easy to understand. The type of evidence that she demonstrated are
statistics regarding Hispanics and situations on where discrimination occurs.
Structure and Delivery
The way the information was organized and displayed in each genre was different.
In the video, the recorder showed how did the discussion began and where. The tone of
voice from both parts rapidly grasp the attention from the watchers by listening all the
discriminative arguments the elderly woman made. The article offers several
information that at the moment that you see it might see to be a lot of material and
having this in mind it might discourage the reader not to read it. The layout of the article
is completely good because it is presented with videos in order for the reader not to get
bored. The information in both, the article and video, is precise and it gives the perfect
insight about the situation and by having this a pro it gives the readers informed.
Both genres discuss the main topic very well. The first genre is more liberal than the
second, but the second gives a depth about discrimination that makes it easier to
understand the reality of the situation. Each genre gives a clever point to the reader
about the issue and it might raise awareness about discrimination in America.
Discrimination is a serious issue that is faced in America and both of these genres cover
the issue completely.

Issues that Mexican Women face in America

Lombardo, C., Discrimination against Hispanics in the workplace (2014) NLCATP.
Retrieved from
Racist white woman at IHOP (2015) Retrieved from

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