Revised - One Piece

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Notetaker: Ashley
Moodle Poster: Leslie

Surfs Up
*Villager 1
*Lil. Dude
*Big dude 1, 2 & 3
*Old man
Setting: In a bar on the beach

Villager 1: Dude, look at that little dude over there! *group of villagers look.*
Little dude: Aye dude why you looking at me? *flips hair.*
Big dude: Yo lil dudes! Come join us.
Villagers and lil dude: Awesome. Totally. That would be so rad. *walks over to
big dude and his friends.*
Big dude: Whos up for drinks first?!
Group of villagers: *looks at each other.*
Little dude: Ill do it!
Big dude: Awesome! *pours drink.*
Little dude: *sips drink, and makes a sour face.* What is that bro?! Thats so
not cool bruh!
Big dude #2: Thats a beer lil bro.
Big dude #3: Dont be a wuss bro, drink it!!
Little dude: *drinks the rest.* Awesome!!!
Bartender: *lights cigarette.*
Little dude: *coughs from inhaling the smoke.*

Bartender: Stop being like, dramatic dude. Its just a cigarette.

Little dude: *walks away.*
Bartender: Youre such a little bruh!!
Little dude: I am not!! *walks and sits next to an old guy.*
Old guy: Get out of here chump! You dont belong here.
Little dude: *eats some bread.*
*Random girl walks by.* EW! Thats like so gross.
Little dude: *turns to old man.* Girls are so annoying.
Old man: For reals bruh!!

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