The Beep Baseball Project Hard Copy 1

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The Beep

REC 316
By: Matthew Wilson

Table of content
Page 1 Rules/guide lines,
Equipment, Event Planning,
Mission Statement,
Page 2- Marketing, Sponsors,
Risk Management

Rules/guide lines
A game is four innings unless more are needed to break a tie. A team
has three (3) outs per inning, and umpires have the right to eject unruly
players or spectators. However, there are some differences from regular
baseball. There is no second base. First and third bases, four foot padded
cylinders with speakers, are placed one-hundred (100) feet down their
respective lines and ten (10) feet off the foul line. This is to prevent a runner
from colliding with a defensive fielder. The bases contain sounding units that
give off a buzzing sound when activated. The batter does not know which
one will be turned on. When the ball is hit, the base operator activates one of
the bases. The runner must identify the correct buzzing base and run to it
before the ball is fielded by a defensive player. If the runner is safe, a run is
scored. In other words, there is no running from one base to another. A
player does one of three things when batting -- hit the ball and make an out
by being retired by the defense; hit the ball and earn a safe call scoring on a
run; or striking out. A batter is allowed four (4) rather than the traditional
three (3) strikes and only one (1) pass ball. The fourth swing must be a clean
New Beep Balls purchased by check, money order or Purchase Order,
$34.00 per ball
Repaired* Beep Baseballs: $21 each

Single Ball Chargers**: $9.00

Multi-ball Chargers*: $45.00
Full set of Bases with electronics - $300.00 .Blind folds: $ 82 for a dozen. You
can use people standing at the normal bases to help by using a whistle. This
can save a lot of money.
Event Planning
Beep baseball project will be held in the spring time at Shepherd
University on the baseball field. The project will start at 11:00 a.m. Saturday
May 12th.
Mission Statement
Mission of this project is to raise money the NBBA organization. The
NBBA National beep baseball association was founded in late 1975.The
shepherds baseball team will help set up and teach the younger baseball
players how to play. We will have t-shirts and bags for the participants. Any
kids can participate. This means kids that are visually impaired or physically
I will have flyers up around campus. I will have teachers tell their
students. Send a E-mails to fellow classmates. Also, send a picture of my
flyer to shepherd and ask them to put the flyer on their twitter, Instagram
and Facebook. Biggest thing will be word of mouth.
My sponsors will be Dominos, Shepherd Athletics, Bettys, Altos, Nutters.
Risk Management
The biggest thing would be having someone get hit with a bat or the ball.
We will make sure we have a trainer on duty.

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