Part 1 Text Triune God Foundational Concepts Topics Two Voices

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I believe that you will find my presentation somewhat unique for many
reasons, one of which is that I will utilize hard science, as well as unique
concepts to support my personal theology. I have often felt that many Biblical
concepts are misunderstood, or accepted by a blind faith alone. Personally, I do
not believe in a blind faith, especially since I believe that God has given us both
a witness of Himself in nature, and a revelation of Himself in the personhood of
Jesus Christ.
Before we begin I must ask, can you give a reason for your personal faith
that will not waver even under severe trials and temptations? Consider the
world of today where there are many who face not only death but also
mutilations and terrors, both to themselves and to their loved ones because of
the faith they profess. Would your faith, whatever your faith may be, withstand
such trials, or is your faith merely based on family tradition, charismatic
personalities or cookie cutter teachings of the organized church?


presentation is my personal statement of faith founded on an intimate

relationship with the Lord, which has come from a habit of daily Bible reading,
prayer, and personal studies in Theology, Church History, Philosophy,
Archeology, Biology and Chemistry. I plan to continue this method of study in
my cover to cover reading of the entire Bible each year until the LORD calls me

home. For to truly know and fully trust God in all things, especially when the
troubles of this life and temptations of the flesh threaten to destroy, one must
have a secure relationship with God.
During this presentation I will be utilizing analogies, when necessary, to
more fully explain my concepts about God. As you may have noted in the cover
page, I have developed a simple format to facilitate your endeavor to read and
study the entire Bible, cover to cover in a daily, systematic method. My goal for
this presentation is to arouse your curiosity regarding the actual contents of the
Bible, and to ignite a fire in your heart to diligently seek the LORD through His
Word. My hope is that by utilizing this format, along with a copy of the
Attribute and Essence lists, you

will be able to formulate a cohesive and

comprehensive theology of your own, founded, not on the words or beliefs of

others, but on the very Word of God based upon an intimate ongoing
relationship with Him. Then, when the trials and temptations of life confront or
distract you, you will be able withstand the worst that life can offer.
Now, before you begin this presentation. I ask that you have a notebook
available to jot down your thoughts, questions and concerns, and please
reserve your judgment about my personal theology until you have listened to
and watched the entire presentation. When you conclude this presentation, you

will find that personally, I am ready to give a defense to everyone who asks
me a reason for the hope that is in me, with meekness and fear. . . 1 Peter 3:15

Before I begin the actual presentation, I must emphasis the first two topics on
the list, the Attributes and the Essence of God,

These two topics are the only

topics which are underlined. These concepts are foundational concepts needed
for your understanding of who God is, as well as essential for you to formulate
your personal belief system.
However, before I go over the list of Attributes and the Essence of God, I
must address an issue that has caused many Theologians as well as
philosophers, and especially atheists, difficulty. This is the concept of Theodicy.
This term is defined as the vindication of Divine goodness, which I will call
God, and the existence of evil in the universe. You, like many others, might ask
what purpose does evil have in our universe. Many people struggle with this
issue which is often used as a reason to reject God. I will use two Old
Testament books, Job and Jonah to help us understand this very crucial issue
at the onset of this presentation. But beware, this is only an appetizer, there is
more information later in this presentation that will more fully develop the

concern of why there is evil in our universe. Additionally, at some point, in the
not too distant future, I plan to have Bible studies, along with the Daily
Reading Bible list on this website, beginning with these two very important Old
Testament books. However, until then, I want you to know that both Job and
Jonah, along with the Attribute and Essence lists can help us understand a
purpose behind suffering.
In the book of Job we learn that Job understood the attributes of God very
well, and he repeatedly referred to these attributes in his debates with his socalled comforters. Yet Job needed to learn first-hand Gods essence, which is
love. Ironically, it was through severe physical and emotional trials that Job
learned of Gods love in a very personal way. Job also learned that God is God,
and we are not! However, in the book of Jonah we have a Jewish prophet of God
who is commanded by God to visit the enemy of the Jews, the Ninievites or
Assyrians, the modern day people of Iraq. These people were known for their
violence and cruelty. I contend that Jonah knew that Gods essence is love, and
it was because of this, that he was reluctant to witness to the Ninevites. Jonah
was either ignoring, or he was unaware of Gods Attributes, since he thought
he could run and hide from God.
Additionally, when you consider these two books you can begin to
understand why the Essence and Attributes lists are so essential for a proper

understanding of God. This is why I ask you to have them readily available for
this presentation as well as later for your daily Bible study. I believe that the
most important concept to retain from this presentation is an understanding of










understanding of who God is, one can fall prey to misinterpretation,

misinformation, as well as become vulnerable to cults and distortions.

The topics we will cover are as listed:


* The ALPHA & OMEGA in relation to creation
* VINIFICATION (wine making)


Now lets consider the attributes of God and how Gods attributes should affect
our relationship with Him. First of all, to develop a relationship with God and
to properly read and understand His Word, we need to learn how to distinguish
between Gods voice and the voice of mankind in the Bible. Yes, there are two
voices in Scripture. The voice that runs contrary to the divinely revealed
attributes and essence of God is the voice of man, even when it is written that
God is speaking. This is very important, because until one can distinguish
between Gods voice and mans voice one cannot properly understand
Scripture. Therefore, to read Scripture one must remember that God will not,
does not, and cannot violate His attributes or essence. This important point is
why we must both learn and remember at all times the attributes and essence
of God when we study His word.
Lets consider the term God, because the term itself implies a being that is
the ultimate of ultimates in all areas. God could hardly be considered to be the
only God if there were any other gods which could surpass our God in any way.
Therefore, I will define God as the Supreme Being over all beings.
What follows is a list of attributes that is technical. It was gleaned from
Gods word by theologians as they studied the Holy Bible. However, this list
also fulfils the logic requirements of both Theistic and atheistic Philosophers.

This list is essential to understand and develop a theology as well as a

relationship with God.

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