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2015 EP
The Eden Prairie Community Foundation turns
donors' contributions into grants to non-profits
and agencies serving people who live and work
in EP. Here's where 2015 grants were directed:


$1, 650 -- To Eden Prairie Recreation, Housing, and Community
Services departments for a local appearance of the "Tracks in
the Snow" exhibit depicting the history of Muslims in

$3,000 -- To Metro South Adult Basic Education for additional
Chromebook laptop computers to teach English as a Second
Language at Hennepin Technical College.
$2,500 -- To the Eden Prairie Crime Prevention Fund for its
CounterAct program, where Eden Prairie fifth-graders learn
decision-making skills.
$2,250 -- To Eden Prairie Community Education for summer
"Eagles Give Back" camps to teach children about philanthropy,
non-profits, and giving back to the community.


$5,000 -- To True Friends to help fund camperships for Eden
Prairie families using Camp Eden Wood, which provides
therapeutic services to disabled youngsters and adults.
$5,000 -- To the Eden Prairie Miracle Field project, which
entails the construction of a baseball diamond designed
specifically for youngsters with disabilities.
$4,000 -- To the Let's Go Fishing organization for its program
to give boat rides and fishing excursions on Riley Lake to senior
citizens, veterans, and youth.
$3,500 -- To the Eden Prairie Heritage Preservation
Commission for interpretive signage for historic buildings at
Riley Lake Park.
$2,500 -- To CHOICE Inc. for fitness-center equipment to serve
its intellectually-disabled clients.

$7,000 (to date) -- To PROP for its after-school activity
scholarships for youngsters in needy families.
$3,000 -- To Cornerstone for parking-lot light replacement at
its facility serving Eden Prairie victims of domestic violence.
$2,285 -- To Chrestomathy, an organization serving disabled
adults, for the purchase of running boards for its transportation
$2,000 -- To Edendale Residence for technology in a new media
center for low-income residents.
$1,250 -- To the PROP Shop for laptop computers and
networking hardware.
$1,000 -- To Fraser for therapy swings at its Eden Prairie clinic
serving children with special needs.

Information based on direct grants from the Eden Prairie Community

Foundation to non-profits and other organizations between January and

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