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Maria S.

Annotated Bibliography
Binkley, E. (2013). Creative Strategies for Treating Victims of Domestic Violence. Journal Of
Creativity In Mental Health, 8(3), 305-313. doi:10.1080/15401383.2013.821932
Binkleys journal of Creative Strategies for Treating Victims of Domestic Violence
provides the different approaches to helping victims of domestic violence that suffer from
trauma. This article provides a how to on treating those who have been affected by
family abuse. Binkley also discusses the mind of a victim of domestic violence. This
scholarly article will give me a better understanding of the mental abuse that stays within
a victim after suffering from domestic violence.
Demichele Jr., R. A. (2012). Domestic Violence Trials: Winning the Case and Minimizing the
Impact on Children. American Journal of Family Law, 26(3), 147-149.
This article discusses trials in the United States that deal with domestic violence as of
September 2012. Demichele advises those dealing with these cases to follow his tips on
minimizing the impact of domestic violence on the children involved. This article also
discusses preparing clients for trials. This scholarly article will help me gain a better
understanding of the legal aspect of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts. (2015). Retrieved October 17, 2015, from


Safe horizon is a website based in New York, NY that helps victims of domestic
violence. It gives statistics and facts about domestic violence. It also gives information on

the different kinds of abuse found within families. This source will help me formulate an
appropriate solution to the problem of domestic violence in the El Paso community.
Flowers, R. (2000). Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of
Contemporary American Society. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
This book written by Flowers analyzes the beginnings of violence in American homes
and relates it to the contemporary society of America. It discusses violence between
family members, child abuse, and domestic crimes in the United States. This source gives
me a brief understanding of what domestic violence really is. It also provides me with
information on domestic violence in America which is where El Paso is located.
Robert, M. (2015). El Paso Focuses on Domestic Violence. Retrieved October 15, 2015, from
This source retrieved from the El Paso Times relates domestic violence to the El Paso
community. It is an article which gives an opinion on the issue of domestic violence,
explaining that the crime is on the rise. It relates domestic violence to the recent NFL
controversy on the crime that impacted many women who suffer from domestic violence.
This source is relevant to my research because it is directly from a news station located
in my community. The source will allow me to relate the problem of domestic violence to
the El Paso community by discussing credible facts from the El Paso Times.

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