Mquiroz Community Problem Report Final Draft

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Community Problem Report: Domestic Violence in El Paso

Maria Quiroz
The University of Texas at El Paso



This paper explores five sources discussing domestic violence as an issue throughout the world.
The articles and books focus on the basic facts, causes, and effects of domestic violence. Within
the included research, solutions to the crime are discussed. Professionals Demichele, Flowers,
and Binkley present research on the victims of domestic violence itself and analyzes the crime as
a growing issue.

Keywords: domestic violence, family violence, neglect, partner abuse, marital violence


Community Problem Report:
Domestic Violence in El Paso

Domestic Violence has been a problem within families around the world. The crime is
known for affecting members of a family in both mental and physical ways. More specifically,
crime rates have been increasing in the community of El Paso, Texas. With a growing number of
families being destroyed due to domestic violence, acknowledging the crime is more important
than ever. This report will cover facts about domestic violence, the origins of domestic violence
in the United States, and the effect abuse has on individuals.
Facts about Domestic Violence
Domestic violence can be defined as the repeated behavior of partners or family members
used to establish power and control through fear and intimidation (2015). Rape, assault,
battering, and physical abuse are common behaviors that can be considered domestic violence.
According to Flowers, family abuse can take the forms of spouse abuse, child abuse, neglect,
child sexual abuse, elderly abuse, and sibling violence (Flowers, 2000, p.7). Any person,
regardless of sex, can be a victim of family or domestic violence. However, statistics show that
1 in 4 women will suffer from domestic violence in some shape or form (2015). Research
shows that domestic abuse is most likely to occur in homes during nighttime. Females between
the ages [of] 18 through 34 are at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence
(2015). In more than half female homicide cases partners or family members are found to be
the killer (2015). Domestic violence is found everywhere in the world. In El Paso, Texas, the
crime rate of domestic violence has been increasing heavily since 2012.


Origins of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence grows in prevalence each year (Binkley, 2013). Family violence can
be traced through history and has been established in the bible when Cain murdered his brother
Abel because of sibling rivalry (Flowers, 2000, p.7). Likewise, episodes of fratricide,
parricide, filicide, and multiple suicides have existed within Greek mythology (Flowers, 2000,
p.7). According to Flowers, wife abuse and marital rape were once acceptable in society and
tradition. From the middle ages, to colonial times, laws that permitted battery and physical abuse
towards wives were set into place by men. Also, child abuse and neglect have been acceptable
since children have been viewed unequal to adults in society (Flowers, 2000, p.11). Since the
beginnings of humanity domestic violence has been present. This violence arises in human
nature and will continue to be a problem for centuries to come (Flowers, 2000). As time
proceeds, family violence has become more violent [involving] guns and other killing weapons
(Flowers, 2000, p.29). The true origins of domestic violence are still unknown; however, marital
status, ethnicity, class size, and income are all common roots of abuse between partners
(Flowers, 2000). The facts and statistics prove that all forms of domestic violence are present in
society today (Robert, 2015).
Effects of Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is an issue worldwide which, in many cases, leads to death (Flowers,
2000). In the United States, homelessness is the leading effect of family abuse (2015). Physical
changes occur in individuals who suffer from violence in family life. Bruises are the most
detectable of these physical changes (2015). Although physical evidence of violent relationships


is the most evident, victims of domestic violence suffer mostly of mental health. Professional
psychologist, Binkley, analyzes different strategies for treating victims of domestic violence
(Binkley, 2013). Binkley states that it is crucial to understand the unique characteristics of
these victims (Binkley, 2013). Many victims struggle with trusting individuals. For this reason,
Binkley suggests that counselors should create a safe zone with their clients (Binkley, 2013).
Richard Demichele discusses the impact of family violence on the children involved (Demichele,
2012). This professional in family law strives for winning his cases on domestic violence while
minimizing the impact on children (Demichele, 2012). Demichele provides a set of guidelines
to follow while preparing for trial to minimize the impact on the family members and abused
victims (Demichele, 2012).
While domestic violence continues growing as an issue throughout the world, awareness
of the issue becomes crucial. Becoming familiar with the facts, the origins, and the effects of
domestic violence is the first step in recognizing the worldly issue. In the community of El Paso,
the crime continues to grow. Showing awareness will help professionals dealing with victims of
domestic crimes perfect their craft by providing the necessary steps to conquer and heal these
victims and their families.



Binkley, E. (2013). Creative Strategies for Treating Victims of Domestic Violence. Journal Of
Creativity In Mental Health, 8(3), 305-313. doi:10.1080/15401383.2013.821932
Demichele Jr., R. A. (2012). Domestic Violence Trials: Winning the Case and Minimizing the
Impact on Children. American Journal of Family Law, 26(3), 147-149.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts. (2015). Retrieved October 17, 2015, from


Flowers, R. (2000). Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of
Contemporary American Society. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Robert, M. (2015). El Paso Focuses on Domestic Violence. Retrieved October 15, 2015, from

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