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Welcome to Freeletics!
During the next 5 weeks, we will send you at least one Freeletics workout on every Monday.
Together, these workouts make up the Freeletics basic package. The Freeletics basic package
allows you to train Freeletics and make progress anywhere and anytime.
During the next weeks, you will get a first impression of what it is like to live in a healthy, athletic
and good-looking body of what it is like to live and train Freeletics.

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Freeletics is a sport. You can train it anywhere and anytime. The core of Freeletics is a set of
predefined high-intensity workouts. All workouts are bodyweight only. You always do them as fast
as you can. They only take between 5 and 45min on average. Workout times will be used to
measure performances and progress and to compare to other athletes.


Parks, sports fields, gyms and the like are well suited. However, you can do most workouts at
home as well. For some no equipment is required, for others a pull-up bar, a wall or some sort of
running track. Also, Freeletics can be trained both alone and in a group.

The high intensity leads to impressive results despite significantly reduced workout times. Also,
you only need your bodyweight. That means you can work out efficiently anywhere and anytime.


In the next weeks you will astonish yourself.
Is it going to be exhausting? Definitely.
Are you going to have sore muscles? Most likely.
Are you going to look better? Oh yea.
Are you going to be fitter? Ohhh yea.

We believe in you. In each and every one of you.
But it is way more important that you believe in yourselves. That is why you have to decide
consciously that you want to become a Free Athlete. Maybe, try and as long as I can are
nothing more than different names for failure. And failure is not an option.

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No worries, nobody is alone. Every week, thousands of new athletes are joining. All of you have
the same goal. If you are an iOS users, download the Freeletics training app for free and connect
to other athletes around the world.

Download on the AppStore


You will receive your workouts on every Monday for the next five weeks. Please add the email
address to your contacts to so that we dont end up in your spam folder.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to make sure you dont miss any tips and updates.
Have fun and give it your all!

Freeletics Instructor Team

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-You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic and decided to become truly fit. If you don't want to
pursue that goal anymore, you c an unsubscribe from this list.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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Here it is: Your first Freeletics workout! You will find a workout description and guidelines
regarding range of motions and exercise forms below.

Your first workout is called Aphrodite. It does not require equipment. There are no mandatory
breaks. That means you are supposed to complete the workout without taking breaks - if
possible. It is important to complete it in the exact same order as stated below and to work
through it as fast as possible. Quitting is not an option.

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5 Rounds
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5




















Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Make your chest touch the ground. Get back up (however you want to, not
necessarily a strict push-up) and perform a jump both feet have to leave the ground, knees, hips
and shoulders have to be in a vertical line and the hands have to touch behind the head.
End: When your feet touch the ground again, one repetition is completed.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your core tight.
Modified version: If burpees are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

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Move into the push-up position without touching the ground with your chest.


Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Lower your hips below your knees.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your weight on your heels, your chest up and your back
flat. Push your knees out and keep your torso as vertical as possible.
Modified version: If squats are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Lower your hips as far as you can instead of lowering them below your knees.

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Start: Start from a sitting position. Both of your hands touch the ground in front of your feet.
Movement: Move your torso downwards and touch the ground behind your head with both hands.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your butt may never leave the ground. Make sure too keep your core tight.
Modified version: If situps are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Touch your knees instead of the ground in front of your feet.

In general, we recommend you to train Freeletics at least four times per week. Since this is your
first week, three times is fine as well.
Freeletics is really tough, especially at the beginning. Workout times exceeding an hour are
totally normal. Also, dont be discouraged if you cant make the workload from day one. It is all
part of the process. You will improve much faster than you think.

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Your fastest time is called personal best (PB).

If you complete a workout without a single modified repetition, the workout time receives a star (*).
Star times are always ranked before workout times without a star, even if they are slower.
We recommend you to warm-up before every training session and to stretch afterwards. Jogging,
jumping jacks, arm circles, light stretching and the like are suitable to warm-up.
Please take a picture of your body before you train Freeletics the first time. Take a new one every
ten days. Pictures are important to evaluate physical changes. Since you only change a little
every day, you will not be able to track your progress properly without pictures.
Have fun in your first week as Free Athletes!

Freeletics Instructor Team

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic and decided to become truly fit. If you do not want to
pursue this goal anymore, you c an unsubsc ribe from this list or update subscription preferences.
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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You made it through your first week of Freeletics. Probably also through sore muscles and
dizziness after working out. Congratulations!
Besides the workouts, Freeletics also contains so called MAX:
At MAX, you do as many repetitions of a certain exercise as possible in a given amount of time
(100sec or 300sec). Two MAX are part of the Freeletics basic package.

Push-ups for 100 seconds. No breaks. As many repetitions as possible.
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Start: Start from a lying position. Chest touches the ground. Feet are no more than shoulder width
apart. The angles at your elbows may not exceed 90
Movement: Push up until your arms are completely locked.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your hands have to leave the ground before every repetition. Your body has to
be in a line throughout the upward movement. Particularly, your chest may not leave the ground
before your hips and legs. Keep your abs and butt tight.
Modified Version: If push-ups are or become too difficult, do the modified version:

Perform the exercise from your knees.


Squats for 300 seconds. No breaks. As many repetitions as possible.

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Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Lower your hips below your knees.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your weight on your heels, your chest up and your back
flat. Push your knees out and keep your torso as vertical as possible.
Modified version: If squats are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

Lower your hips as far as you can instead of lowering them below your knees.

As we already said, we recommend you to train Freeletics at least four times per week. Use both
of the MAX as well as Aphrodite. If you cant remember Aphrodite, look up the details in our email
from last week.
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Just like with workouts, your best performance of a certain MAX is called PB. You also receive a
*, if you complete a MAX without modified repetitions. If you do a MAX, we recommend you to
choose whether you do it with or without * up front. Then do all repetitions in the according
We recommend you to warm up before every MAX session and to stretch afterwards. Jogging,
jumping jacks, arm circles, light stretching and the like are suitable to warm up.
You know the game by now: Quitting? Not an option.
Have fun!

Freeletics Instructor Team

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic and decided to become truly fit. If you do not want to
pursue this goal anymore, you c an unsubscribe from this list or update subscription preferences.
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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Today, you get two workouts! A cardio workout and a strength workout. Cardio workouts are ideal
to burn fat, strength workouts are ideal to build muscle. In general, Freeletics workouts can be
separated into these two categories cardio and strength. Some workouts, like Aphrodite for
example, belong to both categories.


The cardio workout is called Dione. It doesnt require equipment. There are no mandatory breaks.
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3 Rounds

Rounds 1-3

Jumping Jacks




Leg Levers


Jumping Jacks







Start: Start form a standing position. Your palms touch your thighs.
Movement: Make your feet touch while you make your hands touch behind your head.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your head has to be upright during the whole movement. Your elbows may
not point forward when your hands are touching.


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Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Make your chest touch the ground. Get back up (however you want to, not
necessarily a strict pushup) and perform a jump both feet have to leave the ground, knees, hips
and shoulders have to be in a vertical line and your hands have to touch behind your head.
End: When your feet touch the ground again, one repetition is completed.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your core tight.
Modified version: If burpees are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Move into the push-up position without touching the ground with your chest.


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Start: Start from a lying position. Your heels, legs, butt and shoulders touch the ground.
Movement: Lift your legs until they are vertical.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: During the whole movement, your feet have to be in contact and your legs
have to be straight. Your hands have to lie flat on the ground next to your body. Make sure to
keep your core and back tight and to press your lumbar region to the ground.
Modified version: If leg levers are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

Put your hands under your butt and bend your legs as much as you need to.


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Start: Start from a sitting position. Both of your hands touch the ground in front of your feet.
Movement: Move your torso downwards and touch the ground behind your head with both hands.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your butt may never leave the ground. Make sure too keep your core tight.
Modified version: If situps are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

Touch your knees instead of the ground in front of your feet.


The strength workout is called Zeus. It requires a pullup bar and a wall. There are mandatory
breaks of 2min after every round. They are included in the overall workout time.
4 Rounds

Rounds 1-4

HS Pushups

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Mandatory Break



Start: Start from a handstand leaning on a wall or something comparable. Your arms are
completely locked. Your feet are straight or bent.
Movement: Make your head touch the ground.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: The angles at your elbows may not exceed 90 at the bottom part of the
movement. Make sure to keep your core tight.
Modified version: If hs pushups are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

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Perform the movement from your feet keeping your torso as vertical as possible.


Start: Start from a hanging position. Your arms are completely locked and you dont touch the
ground. You may grip the bar however you want to.
Movement: Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your core tight. It is allowed to kip.
Modified version: If pullups are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

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Jump up to bring your chin above the bar. Then return to starting position in a controlled


Start: Start from a lying position. Your chest touches the ground. Your feet are no more than
shoulder width apart. The angles at your elbows may not exceed 90
Movement: Push up until your arms are completely locked.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your hands have to leave the ground before every repetition. Your body has to
be in a line throughout the upward movement. Particularly, your chest may not leave the ground
before your hips and legs. Keep your abs and butt tight.
Modified Version: If pushups are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

Perform the exercise from your knees.

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Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Lower your hips below your knees.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your weight on your heels, your chest up and your back
flat. Push your knees out and keep your torso as vertical as possible.
Modified version: If squats are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.

Lower your hips as far as you can instead of lowering them below your knees.


Choose Dione if you want to increase your cardio or if you want to lose weight. Choose Zeus if
you want to build strength or muscle. As always, try to set up a new PB at every session.
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The following links will lead you to Aphrodite and the MAX.
Since many of you asked us, we will soon offer you training plans adapted to your specific goals
on They will allow for goal oriented training and will hence make you achieve
your goals in terms of looks and performance efficiently. Nevertheless, you will of course still get
the Freeletics basic package for free via email.
Remember: We all have to work hard for good performances and nice physiques. Nobody of us
gets there for free. We all know what it is like if you just want to lay back and enjoy yourself. And
we all know what it is like to have more important things to do. But there is only one way to
success: Moving forward. Keep training until it is your habit. Keep training until there is no other
option than being successful.
Have fun with Zeus and Dione!
Freeletics Instructor Team

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic and decided to become truly fit. If you do not want to
pursue this goal anymore, you c an unsubscribe from this list or update subscription preferences.
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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NOTE: We extended our free offer. Here is an

1) Freeletics basic package: 5 instead of 3 newsletters with all workouts that where part of the
Freeletics pre app kickoff.
2) Free Freeletics training app.
Soon: Goal oriented training plans. Future: Premium app/ app services and personalized training
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Thereby, everybody will get enough free workouts to train Freeletics successfully. At the same
time, we will soon offer goal oriented training plans on like many of you asked
us to.

Its Monday! Its time for a new workout!

The new workout is called Metis. It doesnt require equipment. There are no mandatory breaks.
Metis is a very short workout. That means high speed from the beginning to the end.
3 Rounds
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3









High Jumps





Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Make your chest touch the ground. Get back up (however you want to, not
necessarily a strict pushup) and perform a jump both feet have to leave the ground, knees, hips
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and shoulders have to be in a vertical line and your hands have to touch behind your head.
End: When your feet touch the ground again, one repetition is completed.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your core tight.
Modified version: If burpees are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Move into the pushup position without touching the ground with your chest.


Start: Start from the pushup position.

Movement: Bring one foot level with your hands. Switch feet.
End: Each side counts as one repetition.
Additional remarks: Only your hands and feet may touch the ground. Your hips have to be below
your shoulders at the end of every rep. Make sure to keep your abs and back tight.
Modified version: If climbers are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:
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Bring your feet as close to your hands as you can instead of bringing them level with your hands.


Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Jump up with both feet and make your knees touch your shoulders.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure your knees dont turn in and to land softly on your toes and balls
of your feet.
Modified Version: If high jumps are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

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Pull your knees up as high as you can instead of pulling them all the way to your shoulders.
By now, you know Aphrodite, Zeus, Dione, Metis, Pushup MAX and Squat MAX. Keep pushing
and train at least four times a week. Complete all workouts as fast as you can and set up new
The following links will lead you to the newsletters containing the workouts of the last weeks.
Workout Week#1 Aphrodite
Workout Week#2 Squat and Pushup MAX
Workout Week#3 Zeus and Dione
You have already made your first big performance improvements. It is getting harder to set up
PBs. Step by step, the game is getting serious. Keep on moving forward! Every improvement is
valuable, even if its only a few seconds. If you seem to be stuck or if you have bad performances
from time to time, dont let it get you down! We do all have bad times every now and then. Its all
about getting back up! You will be surprised at how much more you have within you!

Freeletics Instructor Team

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic with <<Email Address>> and decided to become truly
fit. If you don't want to pursue this goal anymore, you can unsubscribe from this list or update subscription preferences
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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NOTE: We extended our free offer. Here is an

1) Freeletics basic package: 5 instead of 3 newsletters with all workouts that where part of the
Freeletics pre app kickoff.
2) Free Freeletics training app.
Soon: Goal oriented training plans. Future: Premium app/ app services and personalized training
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Thereby, everybody will get enough free workouts to train Freeletics successfully. At the same
time, we will soon offer goal oriented training plans on like many of you asked
us to.

By now, you know all workouts that are part of the Freeletics basic package. You might wonder
what is yet to come. Last but not least, a major Freeletics experience: Hell.

Every now and then we choose to go through hell to come out even stronger. Freeletics Hell
Weeks are all about reaching true exhaustion reaching our performance limits several times
within a short period of time and with little rest exceeding our own expectations. Hell weeks
made many of our athletes much stronger both physically and mentally.
Hell Week means a lot of training. 7 days, 7 times Freeletics. All out: 7 days in a row. As always,
try to beat your PBs. This week, however, it is even more important to successfully complete
every single session. No matter if your body and mind get weaker. Remember: This is Freeletics.
Quitting is not an option.
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Dione or Zeus
Squat MAX & Pushup MAX & Metis
Dione or Zeus
Dione or Zeus & Metis & Squat MAX
9 and 10: Rest.
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If you have to do more than one Workout or MAX at the same day, do them in one session.
Choose Dione if you rather want to burn fat or if you dont have the equipment that is required for
Zeus. Choose Zeus if you rather want to build muscle.
Make sure to warm-up properly before every workout. Jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles and the
like are suited.
The following links will lead you to the workout descriptions:
Workout Week#1 Aphrodite
Workout Week#2 Squat and Pushup MAX
Workout Week#3 Zeus and Dione
Workout Week#4 Metis
You think you cant make it?
No worries. You are neither the first, nor the last that will go through a Hell Week. Every single
one of you has what it takes! Yes, its going to be tough. Yes, its going to be painful. But the
feeling you will have once you made it will more than compensate your struggles.
Have fun and be strong!

Freeletics Instructor Team.

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic with <<Email Address>> and decided to become truly
fit. If you don't want to pursue this goal anymore, you can unsubscribe from this list or update subscription preferences
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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