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 | How often do you listen to music?
Never ú (nce a month ú (nce a week ú||||(nce a day ú|||| core often ú

2 | How often do you watch music videos?

Never ú (nce a month ú (nce a week ú||||(nce a day ú|||| core often ú

3 | ²hat are your favourite three genres of music?

Rock ú Pop ú Indie ú cetal ú R&B ú House ú Classical ú Blues ú Jazz ú Reggae
ú Soul ú Funk ú Dubstep ú Grime ú Soul ú Hip Hop ú Drum & Bass ú Folk ú
Dance ú Garage ú

4 | How important are music videos to your overall consumption of music?

A lot ú A little ú Not at all ú

5 | ²here do you normally watch music videos?

cusic Channels ú Internet ú

6 | Do you enjoy seeing the band / artist perform in the music video?
Yes ú No ú

7 | Do you enjoy seeing some sort of narrative in the music video?

Yes ú No ú

8 | Do you think the music video should relate to the lyrics?

Yes ú No ú

9 | Do the clothes you see artists / bands wearing in the music video influence your choice of
Yes ú No ú

 |How much do you spend a week on music?

Nothing ú Less than £5 ú Less than £ ú Less than £2 ú core ú

 |How often do you buy CD͛s?

Never ú (nce a month ú (nce a week ú||||(nce a day ú|||| core often ú
2 |If there is the option of a Digipack, how often will you choose to purchase it over a
Always ú (ccasionally ú Never ú

3 |How important do you think the artwork on an album is?

Very ú A bit ú Not at all ú

4 |How important do you think it is for an artist / band to have a recognisable logo or
5 |²here do you usually hear about new albums / songs?
Television ú cagazines ú Internet ú Billboards ú Friends ú

6 |How important do you think it is to be able to recognise an album / single from

seeing an a dvert?
Very ú A bit ú Not at all ú

7 |Are you cale or Female?

cale ú Female ú

8 |²hat age range do you fit into?

 or under ú  ʹ 5 ú 6 ʹ 2 ú 2 ʹ 25 ú 26 ʹ 3 ú
3 ʹ 4 ú 4 ú

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