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By Cody Ohira, Sean

Oshiro, Kimi Tsuha

A should do B because of C
offer ideas or collaborations
1. Focus on practices
-. Ex. No swearing in class
1. Focus on policies
-. Ex. No gum chewing in class

Characterizing Proposals
1. Call for action/response
-. ethos
1. Focus on future
-. evidence
1. Must center/relate to audience
-. those who can carry out proposal

Developing Proposals
1. Find a problem
2. Propose what is needed to fix it
3. Explain in detail, including other solutions besides your own
Ex. Too many students are attaining college debt. To fix this, a affordable education
act should be put into place...

Defining a Need of Problem

1. Explain the problem elaborately
2. Express how it affects the audience
3. Why it is significant
4. Why your solution is the right one
Ex. 40 million americans have student debt. Chances are you will too and if it doesnt
get fixed your children and your childrens children will have the same problem. An
affordability plan is the most reasonable solution because...

Defining a Need or Problem

Necessary in order to grab audiences attention
Present according to type of audience
Tell of other failed attempts to fix this problem
Address both sides of argument to appeal to all possible audience

Making a Strong and Clear Claim

X and Y should do (reason) in order to (affects)
Claim: Mililani High School should install air conditioner in every classroom.
Reason: It is scientifically proven that people think better when in better
Effects: Students will score higher on school work assignments.

Showing That the Proposal

Addresses the Need of Problem
Must relate claim to problem
Convince audience even without promise
Ex. If we can all agree that Mililani High Schools students deserve air conditioned
classrooms, we will be able to hopefully increase the amount of successful
pupils in our community.

Showing That the Proposal is

Explain realistic way of carrying out proposal
Can include personal experiences, similar cases, data, research, etc.
Funds, etc. must be within reach
Ex. Surveys show I have witnessed
Ex. This will cost an estimate of funded by

Using Personal Experience

Is it relevant, appropriate, and fitting to the situation?

Considering Design and Visuals

Design should add (not distract)
Graphic images- yay or nay?

Key Features of Proposals

1. Describe
2. Claim
3. State
4. Back Up

Flow Map
- Characterizing
- Developing

- Does proposal
address problem?
- Achievable?

- Defining problem
- Showing need for

Back Up
- Personal
- Images
- Design and visuals


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