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Brittany Bates
Professor Dorhout
ENGL 1001-028
October 29, 2015
Police Brutality
Baptiste, Nathalie. "Urban policing without brutality: Cincinnati has emerged as a role model of
policing reform--but even the best-in-show has a long way to go." The American
Prospect 26.3 (2015): 62+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
This scholarly article includes facts and personal experiences that have happened to
residents of Cincinnati. The purpose of this article is to point out that the Cincinnati Police
Department are trying to gain trust with the residents of the community. The bias of this article is
of course race. The article talks about how bad the city was years ago, and how there have been
big changes made to stop police brutality and killings of unarmed black citizens. They still have
a long way to go, but the police department is trying. I think the Cincinnati police being involved
with the community and the steps they have taken are great. Soon I think the world will trust
police again and the violence will go down.
Ellis, Larry. "The Jonny Gammage Law: Federal Prosecution of Police Brutality."
Synthesis/Regeneration Fall 2000: 14. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Oct.
This scholarly article talks about the purpose of The Johnny Gammage law and how
killer cops can get prosecuted for the crime they committed. Race seems to play a big part in this
world, and it is a huge bias in most cases. The article is about a young black man who was
brutally beaten and killed by five white officers. He had no prior record and he was unarmed. I
think this is a great article, it shines light on how bad some officers can be and that they can get

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away with murder. After this incident, there is now a law to make sure officers who brutally kill a
citizen can get prosecuted.
Muwakkil, Salim. "Racism Promotes Police Brutality." Police Brutality. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
This scholarly article talks about how racism promotes police brutality. The purpose for
all the fighting and killing of black citizens and police officers is because of racism. Racism is a
bias that has been going on for many years. This article list many deaths of black unarmed
citizens that were brutally killed by officers. I think this is a great article because it explains how
the black citizens were killed at the hands of the police officers. These black men were unarmed
and never posed a threat against the police. I think this article has great information for my
research topic.
Progressive. "Police Brutality Is a Serious Problem." Police Brutality. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San
Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
This scholarly articles describes the purpose of why citizens should feel equal with cops.
No police officer should feel as though they need to abuse their power. The bias is officers of the
law feeling more powerful and abusing their badge. This article talks about all the shootings that
have happened to those of different racial background. I think no matter what color your skin is,
and where you come from should give any official the right to pin point you out. I think this is a
very strong article, it has great facts of incidents that have happened with officers shooting
innocent people of different ethnicity.

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Gross, Bruce. "Prison violence: does brutality come with the badge?" The Forensic Examiner
Winter 2008: 21+. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
The purpose of this scholarly article is to show the brutality that happens to criminals
inside and outside of prison. Brutality seems to be worse inside the confined spaces of prison and
there have been many complaints made. This article sheds some light on the horrible things that
have happened to inmates and the injuries they suffered. They did a study of violence and why
officers feel they need to punish inmates so harshly. I think this is a very strong article, it has
great stories and examples that would make a great argument for my paper.
Von Drehle, David, et al. "The Roots Of A Riot. (Cover Story)." Time 185.17 (2015): 34-39.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
This scholarly article has one purpose, and that is to show the bias of how bad racism can
be in a city. That is the city of Baltimore in Maryland. The murder of one man, Freddie Gary,
caused a riot as big as the one many years before when the murder of Martin Lurther King Jr
happened. This article explains the murder of Freddie Gray and many others that died or received
injuries from the Baltimore police when they were in their custody. I think this article is strong
and great for my research essay because it shows the mystery murder of one man, and the riots
that soon came after. One problem causes all these other problems, and that is police brutality.

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