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Annotated Bibliography

By: Danielle Rivera

UL100 Assignment
Terri Summey
November 20th, 2015

Elder abuse is defined as a term referring to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by
a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult
by the Administration on Aging. Before my research I believed that abuse on the elderly could
only be physical I never took into count the other types of abuse there are and could also be
afflicted on them. I now know about serval of the other types of abuse including neglect,
abandonment, and emotional. Many elderly people spend their last days under poor care;
enduring things that could led to an early death. I read many stories about elderly people being
mistreated though emotional, physical and mental abuse along with many other types of
maltreatment. Things like no providing medication for ailments or not feeding an elder person as
a caretaker are both examples of abuse. During my research I looked for stories and reports on
elder abuse. I also looked for studies along with other research on the subject to get a better
understanding of what other people were looking into on the matter. I looked at old and new
information. This allowed me understand how the problem has progressed. All the sources were
written to inform and be used as a tool to prevent and help victims of elder abuse. I also
researched how programs like meals on wheels help those suffering from abuse. The meals help
those how are able to feed themselves and could also help those who are being neglected and
dont receive meals from care takers. This kind of community program along with many others
helps the elder gain some sort of independence that could lessen the possibility of them being
abused. I used APA formatting for my sources because that is whats commonly used by
psychologist use. My major is psychology so it makes sense to be comfortable with the style of

Age Ageing (2008) 37 (2): 151-160.

doi: 10.1093/ageing/afm194
The article the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect: a systematic review is about a study
that was conducted to understand the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect. The information
shows that many elderly people are either at risk or are already being abused. The research brings
to light how serous this problem is. Even if the study is quit old it shows how bad it was then;
which can only lead to discovering that it had either gotten worse or better.
The information is outdated so the source is only good for the background info it
provides. The study was well conducted. The results are very important to the point I wanted to
get a crossed with my research. Knowing how much of a problem this is allows further education
to begin.

Elder abuse rising along with growing senior

population worldwide. (2013, December 23).
Retrieved November 19, 2015, from
The article titled Elder abuse, including neglect, on the rise as world's population begins
to age took a real life incident and used to solidify why elder abuse was such a problem and why
more people need realize that its a real problem. The information is new and reliable. It written
in a manner that really grabs the readers attention.
I like this article because of the way it presented the information. The writer gives names
to the elders that are being abused. They are no longer just numbers or victims to the readers
anymore there actual people. This information and style of writing invokes emotions that I need
from my readers.

Elder abuse rising along with growing senior

population worldwide. (2013, December 23).
Retrieved November 19, 2015, from
The National Center on Elder Abuse website is full of information about elder abuse.
There are tips on how to stop abuse as well as resources to get help. The information is updated
consistently and is available for anyone to see. This cite is exactly the kind of awareness that a
problem like this needs.

Due to the fact that this is just a website the information is more cut and dry. It is simply
laid out and presented in a manner that anyone could understand. I like this because it makes
gaining information about the subject simple. I would like to inform a reading group who might
not actually be concerned about the issue.

Wallace, R. B., & Bonnie, R. J. (Eds.).

(2003). Elder Mistreatment:: Abuse,
Neglect, and Exploitation in an Aging
America. National Academies Press
The book Elder Mistreatment: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in an Aging America is
written to shine light on an overlooked but growing problem in America. The book points out
that the population is living longer so the number of elderly people is increasing. This also means
the likelihood for elder abuse is increasing as well. Despite knowing thing little is actually
known about elder abuse according to the book.
This book gives great information and also inform the reader about a problem the writer
feels isnt noticed by todays society. The book is a little out dated but the information is still
relevant. While elderly abuse is being recognized more now than before the information the book
provide still educates the reader on the issues which serves the purpose of it being wrote. This
information is valuable for knowledge purposes only.

. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2015, from
The National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse website goes into deep detail about
elder abuse and all the different types that there are. It is publishes by the National Committee
for the Prevention of Elder Abuse which makes it credible. The information is very clear cut.
This website was focused more on prevention than just informing. I choose this site because it
plays to the other reason I wanted to research this topic. Just like this website the organization I
support is aimed at helping and preventing abuse.

The Gerontologist (1988) 28 (1): 43-50.

doi: 10.1093/geront/28.1.43

The book tiled Preventing Elder Abuse : Identification of

High Risk Factors Prior to Placement Decisions; is about
learning what factors that can lead to elder abuse. The
book is about a study that evaluated those who would be
taking care of an elder person as well the elder person to
assess the risks of abuse. It is very hard to prevent elder
abuse because its not noticed till after.
This study had the right idea about learning how to
prevent elder abuse. When an elderly person is going to
be placed into a nursing home but first you find out that
they have a hard time doing most things and are very
confused; you may think twice about putting them in a
home or at least be careful which one.
doi: 10.1370/afm.575
Ann Fam Med September 1, 2006 vol. 4 no. 5 403-409
This article tilted Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse:
Between a Rock and a Hard Place is about a study to find
out why its mandatory for physicians to report elder
abuse yet very little of it is being reported. The purpose is
to find out physicians views on reporting elder abuse.
Physicians were interviewed and it was found that there
should be some kind of training provide the physicians
because many didnt seem to want to report some cause
for the wellbeing of the patient.
The study provide good information and also will help
solve a problem. If physicians arent reporting abuse
because they arent trained on how to assess the problem
then may abuse cases will continue to go unreported but
if they get the training they need to better asses these
problems then its likely that more abuse cases will be

The International Journal of Aging & Human Development,

Vol 28(3), 1989, 207-225.
The article A case-comparison analysis of elder abuse and
neglect is identifying factors that can lead to elder abuse.
Mainly just four of them; the characteristics of the elder
and caregiver, dependency and exchange relationships,
external stress, and social isolation.
Knowing what characteristics can lead to elder abuse can
be used as a great preventive method. The factors that
the study were very good one and are all commonly listed
when looking at the factors that cause elder abuse.

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