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Terrestrial Animals

A terrestrial animal is an animal that lives on land such as dog, cat,

an ant or an emu. It can also be used for some species ofamphibians that
only go back to the water to lay their eggs. It is usually a term to describe
the difference between animals that live in water, (such
as lobsters and fish), from animals that live on land.
Some animals are obviously terrestrial. It isn't often you see a swimming
chicken or flying pig. Most mammals, including humans, horses, dogs,
cats, and bears, among many others, are terrestrial. All can go into
aquatic environments temporarily, for various reasons such as feeding or
recreation, but their primary and most desired habitats are found on land.
Thinking smaller, creatures like earthworms, crickets, ants, and beetles
are all terrestrial animals. For every terrestrial ecosystem you can think of,
from the African Savanna to the tundra, there are countless animals living
in them that would be considered terrestrial. And with the exception of
fish and frogs, almost every 'pet' that humans keep are terrestrial animals.
Below there is a list of the most common terrestrial animals.

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