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Paul Coady

UWRT 1103
28 October 2015
Double Entry Journal
Innovation in Nuclear Energy Technology. Paris: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development, 2007. Internet resource.
Different types of energy rank according to

Debates as to which forms of energy are best

ecological friendliness, safety and

have been going on for a long time and these

reliability, and economic competitiveness

are the standards which help determine

and a high ranking form energy is nuclear

which types of energy are the best to

energy. (15)


Innovation is supposed to be a better version

The author defines here what exactly

of an idea and help society. (21)

innovation is so that the reader can know

Current nuclear power plants imply that

exactly what the information is referring to.

there is significant potential for innovation

The author expresses how nuclear power

of nuclear technology. (9)

plants have so much room for improvement.

Nuclear energy technology is expensive to

I think that the nuclear technology is worth

invest in, but has a long lifespan and doesnt

the investment given that information.

cost a lot to sustain. (11)

The public would be likely to believe that

nuclear energy is an economically and
environmentally friendly form of energy.

The author clearly wants innovation and

nuclear technology and I think that the
author believes proper communication could
be significant step.

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