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Breann Forge

7th hour
Mrs. Mick

Haunted House
The murders of the old victorian house on the corner would forever be known by
this whole town. The stories in the newspaper say that the husband killed his wife and
his two kids but when he was questioned he said Officer, I have no recall of killing them,
why would I; I love them , but the officers couldnt believe a man that killed his family
who said he couldnt remember. They let him have one last night at his house and
during that night the husband killed himself because of something evil that lived in that
house all along. A few years passed and a couple moved in with a baby on the way, and
all things in the house stayed quiet until two weeks later, they started seeing shadows
and hearing things fall and loud bangs throughout the house; during the night they would
hear footsteps on the same floor as them as well as down stairs walking around and
addition to that theyd hear talking coming from outside the door at night. As months
passed the dark energy progressed and got worse, they knew something was wrong and
something was affecting her husband so she started looking up the murders that
occurred in the house and immediately she knew they had to get out of the house. She
knew that something was changing in her husband and she was becoming afraid and
had a sense that it had to do it with the house and the bad history it has, her husband
never leaves the house anymore and people were beginning to worry about him and her.
When she came back one spring day, her husband was waiting for her and she knew it
wasnt him and that it was something else; she tried to back out of the door to go outside
but he was there and slammed the door shut and she asked Sweetie, what is wrong
with you? This isnt you, so she hurried as fast as she could since she was pregnant to
protect her and the baby to the kitchen where at least she could have knives to protect
her. He came into the kitchen just as she pulled a knife out and pointed it towards him
not knowing who her husband was anymore, his eyes were almost all black and void of
any emotion. He had an axe in his hand and she knew what he intended to do with it, he
started coming at her and hit her head with the butt of the axe and so she fell to the
ground making sure to protect the baby inside her; she felt the blood running down the
side of her head and knew unconsciousness was coming soon, she took advantage of
the few seconds he was distracted by hearing a car door slam outside the house and

took the knife and cut the back of his leg making him fall to the ground, she got up and
finished what she wanted even though it pained her to do it she knew there was no other
way. She stood up with knowing she would never have the person she married back in
her life, the police she had called while walking up to the house were now inside and
right as the unconsciousness consumed her the cops entered the kitchen and caught
her before she hit the ground and at that moment she felt the dark energy leave and she
finally felt peace after everything that happened.

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