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Azucena Gurrola

HUM 391
Prof. Pessin
Nicky and Nacka
Critical/Creative Analysis
Once upon a time there were two sisters who were very different indeed, Nicky
and Nacka. Living in the woods with their very hardworking father who lived only for
them, day and night he worked only to please her two daughters.
The father knew his daughters had a very opposite character, and asked them to not fight
nor do evil things towards each other.
Nicky the older daughter was as beautiful as gold and Nacka the younger daughter was as
ugly as a chimpanzee. The older daughter was always very evil with her sister and did not
like her presence because she believed that she was just too ugly for her eyes to see.
Nacka was a very humble and good girl; it was her ugliness that made people step back
from her.
Nicky would deceive her father most of the time, but this one time was the limit. It was
Nackas fifteenth birthday, she woke up very early to bake a cake, and to have a nice
dinner for her father and sister to celebrate her coming of age. The aroma of the cake was
just incredible, it smelled like carrots and cinnamon, the turkey was in the oven cooking,
getting a very nice orange-brown crisp. Just if Nicky wasnt so evil, everything would be
Nicky offered herself to do something unusual, she told Nacka that meanwhile the turkey
was ready, she should go bath and groom because it was her special day and she should
look beautiful. Thoughtlessly, Nacka agreed and went inside to take a long bath to relax
before the dinner.
The long bath look effect, indeed, Nacka needed to be relaxed because what came next
was nothing to be happy about. Nicky had purposefully let the turkey burn, the orangebrown crisp was now charcoal. The cake was now decorated very nicely. Nicky
apologized for letting the turkey burn, giving the excuse that her nose was clogged, and
to compensate for her error, she decorated the cake. Since Nacka was very nice she
decided to make fast and easy pasta to replace the dinner, and when their father came
home they had dinner together. Everything was great until it was time to eat the cake. No
wonder Nicky said she was on a diet, and rejected the piece of cake offered by her sister.
The cake icing had salt instead of sugar!
Nacka cried and cried because her birthday was ruined, while Nicky was offering her
apologies to her father so she wouldnt be punished. The father was convinced and asked
Nacka kindly to stop crying and to forgive her sister once more.

Nacka was so kind and had no option but to forgive her sister for ruining her birthday, but
she had an immense resentment towards her sister.
Many more occurrences happened but
One very sunny day a woman knocked on the door, and since Nicky was too lazy and
treated her sister as a servant as well, she demanded for Nacka to open the door, and she
did because she was afraid of the evilness of her sister. The woman offered Nacka beauty
and a mystical surprise present, only in exchange for a strand of Nickys golden hair.
Nacka thought that it would be easy to cut a strand of hair from Nicky since she would
always beauty sleep during the day.
Very decided, in her anxiety to become beautiful and defeat her ugliness, Nacka grabbed
the scissors as soon as Nicky fell asleep.
But suddenly her father entered the door as he came back from work and stopped Nacka
from cutting the strand of hair.
In the next opportunity, it was perfect because Nicky was so tired from doing her makeup which took almost three hours, and fell asleep in her chair, and quietly Nacka
approached her from behind with her scissors attempting to cut the strand of hair, but
Nicky in her dreams remembered that she didnt curl her lashes enough and woke up in a
Oh holly monkeys exclaimed Nacka in her thoughts, but in my third and last try I will
Nacka remembered very well what her sister had told her when she let the turkey burn the
day of her birthday.
This time Nacka became so clever and since Nicky was too lazy, Nacka offered to bath
her and Nicky agreed, but told her I just dont want to see you, so stay behind me and
when you want to come in front of me ask me to close my eyes. This was Nacka s
perfect opportunity to become beautiful for a young man to set eyes on her and marry to
liberate herself from the evilness of her sister.
Nicky thought that Nacka was being too nice lately offering to do so many things for her,
but since she was so lazy she really didnt mind, although something didnt felt just right.
In a few moments Nacka proceeded to bath her, and told Nicky close your eyes, am
going to scrub your feet now, so Nicky closed her eyes so long that she feel asleep in the
bathtub and finally Nacka was able to obtain the strand of hair she needed.
A day later, the woman came back to the house and knocked the door. Nacka rushed and
opened the door to the woman who demanded the strand of hair, because she was getting

older and older as the seconds passed, and needed the strand hair to make a potion for
youth and beauty.
The woman left immediately.
Nacka thought for an instance that she had made a huge error by giving the woman all the
strand of hair. However, after exactly three hours the woman returned and asked Nacka
for two mugs halfway full of coffee, one for herself and one for Nacka. She added exactly
four drops on her cup and three drops on Nackas cup. It all ended well because the
woman compensated her with a golden mirror to admire her new beauty.
Nacka is now more beautiful than her envious sister, and is planning to wed her very
handsome boyfriend.

For my critical or creative analysis I chose to revise my work called, Nicky and Nacka
that I originally produced for Meaty Quiz 2. I uniquely like this story because I wrote it
thinking of my sister and I. I identify myself with the character Nicky, and my sister
being Nacka. We actually dont have rivalries, although if we did that how I would
picture it if we did have such differences.
I have also revised it to include more of Vladimir Propps functions, and to let the reader
know how the plot came to be. Thank You for taking a second look at this!

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