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inal Summary Recommendation Cooperating Teacher: Kosiens se: NOT proved aaiyevdence atSrsete he sul et anne ated the i se knowlege and Sispostion reneee al the ace Beben Law C1 Final Summary Rating Signature of Cooperating Teacher. Date University Supervisor: ve and Student nas NOT aovidea sua verse abfmonsirated the skill sets kn sledge and ispostions to meet or «eed al the teacher performance standards + demons mance standards mn ie of University Supervisor. Date LU eka Aliso. rasan _Albertina Hadeeg "V2is Print name of Student Teacher Student is responsible for submitting the ORIGINAL copy of this form to Field Services immediately following the Final Evaluation Meeting with ST, CT and US, Student should make a copy for his/her personal files prior to submitting to Field Services 29

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