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Who are we?

About Lucasfilm Ltd.

George Working on his latest project:

Indiana Jones and the Lkingdom of the
Crystal Skull

Why did George created

Lucasfilm Ltd.?

We are a company created by

Star Wars author George Lucas.
We invest in every movie he
makes and help him make his
project be in every theater in
your country.


During the shooting of his first

successful movie, American Graffiti,
George had serious problems with
the investment. Georges family
was the one who gave George
money to make his movie be in


Because American Graffiti was

being successful, George decided
he would create his own movie
maker company so he could have
different partners and investors for
his movies.

Owned by George

Est pensando que un

documento tan bien
acabado debe de ser muy
difcil de hacer?
Pues no es as. Hemos preparado
estilos que le permitirn imitar el
formato de este folleto en un solo
clic. En la pestaa Inicio de la cinta
de opciones encontrar la Galera
de estilos.

The secret to film is that

Anakin Skywalker, main character of the last

three movies of Star Wars.

George last movies included:

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of
the Crystal Skull, Star Wars Episode
I, II and III.

it's an illusion George


Is Lucasfilm
Ltd still
forming part of
the new Star
Wars movie?
The answer is yes, but George isnt.
The new Star Wars movie I directed
by J.J Abrams. Lucasfilm, however,
is investing in the movie along with
George decided not to form part of
this movie. He explained that he no
longer had the same ideas he used

Why is Lucasfilm Ltd so

At first Lucasfilm wasnt as
knonw as it is today. But when
the Star Wars movie started
coming Lucasfilm became so
famous for one major reason:
special effects.
Lucasfilms has worked hard to
make Georges wishes come
true. Investment in special
effects are huge and with
Lucasfilm Ltd. Represntatives in
was easy to make all the
lightsaber colors possible and all
the spaceships fly.

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