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December 10. 2015


Mr. Donald J. Trump

Chairman, President, and CEO
c/o The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10022
Dear Mr. Trump:
Today is International Human Rights Day, celebrated by thousands of people world-wide. I would like to extend
to you an invitation to visit Winnipeg and, specifically, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights opened last year in Winiiipeg with the mandate to enhance the
publics understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others and to encourage reflection and dialogue.
Since its inauguration, the museum has garnered critical praise and visitors from around the world, not only for
its exhibits, but also for its stunning architecture and design. It is truly a spectacular attraction.
My invitation comes today. on International Human Rights Day, in light of the recent traumatic events in Paris
and around Ihe world, and in response to your political and personal reaction to them. As you fight to close
doors on foreign Muslims in the United States, Canada is preparing to welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees. Of
those 25,000 refugees, our province of Manitoba will accept up to 2,000.
Although we have inevitably seen some opposition to this plan, the reaction of Manitobans and Winnipeggers in
general has been overwhelmingly positive.
As a proud Winnipegger, I believe the reason for our tolerance, acceptance and desire to help conies from a deep
understanding of other cultures. We embrace and celebrate our multiculturalism and we understand that in
diversity there is strength.
Mr. Trump. it is my hope that in visiting our city and, in particular, our museum. you might develop a more
profound sense of compassion and tolerance for others. At the very least, it is my hope that you might learn the
Winnipeg way of cultural inclusion.

Brian Bowman

The City of Winnipeg






R3B 1B9

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