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Middle School Internship Notes/Time Log

November 9, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 Hours Today/8 Hours Total)
Spencer Middle School
Shelved books from the prior week.
Helped with the PRIDE reading group in the library, reading The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas.
Set up the library for the Scholastic book fair.
Decorated the book fair for the monster theme: cobwebs, spiders, rats,
roaches, and monster signs.
November 10, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/16 Hours Total)
Spencer Middle School
Shelved books from yesterday.
Finished coloring and hanging the signs for the book fair decorations
Helped with the PRIDE reading group in the library, reading The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas.
Supervised classes for the book fair preview
Hung students leaves up on the Attitude of Gratitude tree in the school
Discussed performance and the evaluation forms with Emelia Gulk, my
supervising librarian.
Hung and numbered the book fair posters for display.
November 11, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/24 Hours Total)
Spencer Middle School
Continued to hang students leaves up on the Attitude of Gratitude tree
in the school commons as they continued to come in.
Helped with the PRIDE reading group in the library, reading The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas.
Shelved books.
Set up an enormous amount of weeded library books for free will
donations at the book fair.
Supervised classes for the book fair preview
Assisted with book fair shoppers and sales.

November 12, 2015

8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/32 Hours Total)
Spencer Middle School
Helped with the PRIDE reading group in the library, reading The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas.
Supervised classes for the book fair preview
Helped students locate books for checkout.
Assisted with book fair shoppers and sales
November 13, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/40 Hours Total)
Spencer Middle School
Operated the book fair sales during parent-teacher conferences.
helped recommend books to customers
kept displays tidy
helped parents find the teachers wish list books
checked out purchases
monitored the behaviors of book fair guests
Cleaned up, and repacked the completed book fair, preparing the kit to be
shipped back to scholastic.
Reassembled the library to its previous state.
Helped count money and run sales reports.

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