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Elementary Internship Notes/Time Log

August 18, 2015

12:00 AM-4:00 PM
(4 Hours Today/4 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
The custodians have finished painting and carpeting the library and the
shelves are in place, so I spent the afternoon sorting out the boxes of stored
It took the whole afternoon to cart the books into the library from the gym,
sort out the easy, fiction, and nonfiction.
I also unpacked my office area and hooked up the circulation computer
and my classroom computer.
August 19, 2015
12:00 AM-4:00 PM
(4 hours Today/8 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Today I unpacked the fiction book boxes and verified that they are all
shelved in alphabetical order.
Then I shelved about half of the nonfiction section and verified that they
were shelved correctly in numerical order. When I got to the boxes that were
misplaced on the shelves from the previous librarian, I stopped for the day with
I moved on to hook up the five library computers and get the digital card
catalog up and running for the students.
August 20, 2015
12:00 AM-4:00 PM
(4 hours Today/12 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
With more energy, I tackled the remainder of the nonfiction shelving,
fixing the placement of the biography section and moving the reference section in
the room to make them more accessible to the students.
I then shelved the easy section and verified that they books are in
alphabetical order. It was easy to unpack the library considering the extent of the
work moving the entire library is.
I ran out of steam and had to save the last three boxes of books that could
not be shelved the previous year because they were turned in after the rest of the
books were packed or they had cataloging issues that needed to be dealt with.
August 25, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM

(3 hours Today/15 Hours Total)

Sacred Heart Elementary School
First day of school came on a Tuesday, so I had to plan for all the Monday
and Tuesday classes to come to the library in one day.
First, I had to change the settings in the circulation system for the new
year, such as inputting holidays, setting the final due dates, and putting new
students into the system/taking old students out.
5th grade library class: We read the informational storybook Library
Pages and discussed its message of how to treat the library and the library
books...went over basic expectations. Then the class had time to check out books.
Began shelving the boxes of unshelved books from the previous year.
4th grade make-up class from no school Monday. We read the
informational storybook Library Pages and discussed its message of how to treat
the library and the library books...went over basic expectations. Then the class
had time to check out books.
3rd grade make-up class from no school on Monday. We read the
informational storybook Library Pages and discussed its message of how to treat
the library and the library books...went over basic expectations. Then the class
had time to check out books.
Finished shelving the boxes of unshelved books from the previous year.
August 26, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/18 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library. We read the informational storybook Library Pages
and discussed its message of how to treat the library and the library books...went
over basic expectations, including how to use the shelf markers to look at books
and return them to their proper place. Then the class had time to check out
Began dealing with the box of books that had cataloging issues that were
not dealt with the year before due to the upheaval of the library.
Preschool library. We read the informational storybook Library Pages
and discussed its message of how to treat the library and the library books...went
over basic expectations. Then the class had time to check out books. For this
class, it is too premature to have the little guys pull their books from the shelves
so I set out a large collection of high interest easy reads for them to select from.
This is a large class as well, 33 students, so micromanaging is important right
now. In addition to my circulation checkout on the computer, the preschool
teachers keep a log of each students book selection for their information in
communicating with parents for returns.

August 27, 2015

11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/21 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Helped the 4th grade teacher with technology problems with her
Started researching iPad apps that can be used for read-to-me books in
the second grade.
Spoke with the Scholastic Book Fair representative to confirm the
upcoming fair.
2nd grade library. We read the informational storybook Library Pages
and discussed its message of how to treat the library and the library books...went
over basic expectations. Then the class had time to check out books.
August 28, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/29 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Supervision of 6th and 3rd graders at Mass including basic behaviors to
keep them focused and on-task, quiet, and generally in line with regard to
Organized the library storage closet.
1st grade library. We read the informational storybook Library Pages and
discussed its message of how to treat the library and the library books...went over
basic expectations, including a review on how to use the shelf markers to look at
books and return them to their proper place. Then the class had time to check
out books.
Spent the remainder of the afternoon putting contact paper on books in
the new middle section of the library designed for only the 5th and 6th grades
because the content is appropriate, but a little more edgy.
August 31, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/32 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then I began reading Harrison Bergeron to the class. We
only got through the first three of six pages. We took a vote last week as to what
they preferred to read in library and they choose short stories.
Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Thief as a class.

Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a class.
Shelved books the remainder of library time.
September 1, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/35 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
Shelved books much of the remaining library time.
Fixed issues with the student computers and the Library World card
September 2, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/38 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library class - Reminded student how to use the cards to
mark book placement on the shelves. Students checked out books for 15 minutes
and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.
PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes. When the preschoolers check out
books, their teachers also record the books that each student selects so that they
can remind student what books need to be returned next week and communicate
accurately with parents if the books are not returned.
Shelved books
September 3, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/41 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Met with Shirley Selzer, my internship supervisor to discuss how things
are going so far.
September 4, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM

(8 hours Today/49 Hours Total)

Sacred Heart Elementary School
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Shelved books.
Began weeding the nonfiction section of the library.
September 8, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/52 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Make up day for the 6th grade library class due to no school on Monday
for Labor Day. Students checked out books for the first 15 minutes of library,
then I finished reading Harrison Bergeron to the class. We then discussed the
theme of equality and the dangers of conformity as it applied in the story and
how they can connect it to their lives at school and socially.
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
Shelved books much of the remaining library time.
September 9, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/55 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library class - Reminded student how to use the cards to
mark book placement on the shelves. Students checked out books for 15 minutes
and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.
PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes. When the preschoolers check out
books, their teachers also record the books that each student selects so that they
can remind student what books need to be returned next week and communicate
accurately with parents if the books are not returned.
Shelved books
September 10, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/58 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School

Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Shelved books.
Continued weeding the nonfiction section.
September 11, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00PM
(8 hours Today/66 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Shelved books.
Continued weeding the nonfiction section.
September 14, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/69 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then I began reading The Rough-faced Girl by Rafe Martin
and David Shannon to the class.
Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Percy Jackson and the
Lightning Thief as a class.
Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a class.
Shelved books the remainder of library time.
September 15, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/72 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
Shelved books much of the remaining library time.
September 16, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School

Kindergarten library class - Students checked out books for 15 minutes

and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.
PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes.
Shelved books
September 17, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
3:30 PM-6:00 PM
(5.5 hours Today/80.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
First grade library class (make-up time for no school on the coming
Friday) - Students checked out library books for 15 minutes and then I read two
story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes of their library class time.
Shelved books.
Finished weeding the nonfiction section.
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Began setting up for next weeks book fair. Brought in the display cases
and placed boxes where they will be unpacked for display.
September 19, 2015
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
(2 hours Today/82.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Finished the setup of the book fair on a Saturday with the help of my
Removed chairs from the library and put them in the closet.
Set up books for the displays and configured placement of the portable
September 21, 2015
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
(4.5 hours Today/87 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Book fair is opened for the first half hour before school and is crazy busy.

Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then students were given 15 minutes to look over and shop the
book fair.
Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes, then students were given 15 minutes to look over and shop the book fair.
Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes, then students were given 15 minutes to look over and shop the book fair.
Shelved books and tidied up the book fair displays the remainder of library
Book fair open from 4-5 PM.
September 22, 2015
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
(4.5 hours Today/91.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Book fair is opened for the first half hour before school and is even more
busy than the previous day. Fortunately, this morning, I had the help of the third
grade teacher!!
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes, and then students were given 15 minutes to look over and shop the book
Shelved books much of the remaining library time and tidied up the book
fair displays for the remainder of library time.
Book fair open from 3:30-4:30 PM. Very busy with both students and
parents. Sales good.
September 23, 2015
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
(4.5 hours Today/96 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Book fair is opened for the first half hour before school and is even more
busy than the previous day. Fortunately, this morning, I had the help of the third
grade teacher!!
Kindergarten library class - Students checked out books for 15 minutes,
looked over the book fair and shopped a little, and then I read two children's
books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.

PreK library class - Due to the book fair in the library and the age of the
preschoolers, I held library time in the preschool room. I read two children's
books to the class and then students checked out books for 15 minutes from the
collection of high interest books that I brought to their classroom.
Shelved books much of the remaining library time and tidied up the book
fair displays for the remainder of library time.
Book fair open from 5-6 PM to accommodate for working parents. Very
busy with both students and parents. Sales good.
September 24, 2015
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
(4.5 hours Today/100.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Book fair is opened for the first half hour before school and is even more
busy than the previous day. Fortunately, this morning, I had the help of the third
grade teacher again!! So busy!
Shelved books and tidied up the book fair displays.
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then students were allowed to look over the bookfair and shop.
Book fair open from 3:30-4:30 PM. Very busy with both students and
parents. Sales good.
September 25, 2015 ??
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
(9 hours Today/109.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Book fair is opened for the first half hour before school and is still
surprisingly busy. Fortunately, this morning, I had the help of the third grade
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then allowed to look over and shop the book fair.
Met with Shirley Selzer, my internship supervisor to discuss how things
are going so far.
Helped two teachers shop the book fair with the money they were allotted
for guided reading leveled books.
Shelved books and tidied up the book fair displays.
Book fair is open for the final half hour from 3:30-4:00 PM. Still busy.
We had a great turnout. We sold approximately $3,400 in books, so we were able
to gain $1,700 in books from Scholastic. I spent time pulling books from the
book fair for the library after the book fair closed.

September 26, 2015

2:00 PM-5:00 PM
(3 hours Today/112.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
In again on a Saturday. Packed up the Scholastic Book Fair and prepared
the kit for return. Closed the book fair financials online.
September 27, 2015
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
(5 hours Today/117.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Finished packing up the Scholastic Book Fair and prepared the kit for
Moved all the mobile shelves and boxes back into the gym for a Monday
Worked on lesson plans for the week I will be gone for the high school
library internship.
October 6, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/120.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
Shelved books much of the remaining library time.
Closed book fair with the Scholastic representative
Went to the bank to cash in book fair change and minimize the number of
Closed the Scholastic book fair with the school financial secretary.
October 8, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/123.5 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Shelved books.
Started to catalog and prepare new books for student checkout.

Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
October 9, 2015
8:00 AM-4:15 PM
(8.25 hours Today/131.75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Shelved books.
Continued cataloging and preparing new books for student checkout.
Began the process of labeling the library fiction books for guided reading
levels. Finished six shelves and some of the new books thanks to a Scholastic
October 12, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/139.75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Inservice on student writing. All teachers discussed an action plan to
implement with the students on an every-other-week basis.
Each staff member was assigned to write a lesson plan for writing
instruction in their classroom. I wrote mine on a research writing assignment
that focuses on information literacy.
In the afternoon, all teachers were assigned to design a reading
comprehension lesson. I wrote mine on using text features.
With the time remaining, I shelved the returned books, laminated a few
book dust covers, and printed labels for the shelves to identify each section. The
labels will be put into recycled VCR clear cases and placed on the shelves at the
beginning of each section.
October 13, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(3 hours Today/142.75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Sixth grade make-up library class - Students checked out books for the
first 15 minutes of library, then I read The Tell-Tale Heart to the class.
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.

Fourth grade make-up library class - Students checked out books for the
first 15 minutes and then we started reading the book Percy Jackson and the
Lightning Thief as a class.
Third grade make-up library class - Students checked out books for the
first 15 minutes and then we started reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a
Shelved the returned books.
October 14, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/145.75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library class - Students checked out books for 15 minutes
and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.
PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes.
Pulled easy books for the Kindergarten writing project to be used as
Shelved returned library books.
October 15, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/148.75 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Researched and downloaded apps for second grade read-to-me activities.
Put the shelf labels inside the clear VCR boxes and placed them on the
shelves as section markers.
Put in a book order to
Put in an order to Demco for general library supplies
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
October 16, 2015
8:00 AM-4:15 PM
(8.25 hours Today/157 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Supervised 6th grade students during the morning religion activities.
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.

Taught writing lesson to the 4th grade class.

Took pictures of the student council National School Lunch Week
luncheon for the school Facebook page and posted online.
Taught a stem lesson on robotics to a small group of 5th graders.
Taught a stem lesson on robotics to a small group of 4th graders.
Taught a writing lesson to the third grade class.
October 19, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/160 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Shelved returned library books.
Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then I read The Lottery to the class.
Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Thief as a class.
Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a class.
Shelved returned library books.
Put magazine collection into plastic covers, labeled covers, and assigned a
barcode to each monthly issue so that they can be circulated year-to-year and
checked out by students.
October 20, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/163 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
Shelved returned books.
Received the final book order from the Scholastic Book Fair points.
Cataloged the books, put on barcodes and spine labels. Laminated the dust
covers of the books with dust covers.
October 21, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/166 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library class - Students checked out books for 15 minutes
and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.

PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes.
Shelved returned books.
Spent the rest of the day looking up guided reading levels and labeling
books with the levels in the fiction section. Completed three shelves.
October 22, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/169 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Small group instruction for first graders on using the card catalog and
shelving system in the library. Students have demonstrated a clear readiness for
this independence. Spelling is a major issue.
Looked up guided reading levels and labeled the new books from
Continued looking up guided reading levels and labeling books with the
levels in the fiction section.
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
October 23, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/177 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Supervised 6th grade students during the morning religion activities.
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
Read and judged 3rd and 4th grade entries in the American Legion essay
contests. Third grade wrote the theme I love America because and fourth
grade wrote the theme What the United States flag means to me
Taught a stem lesson on robotics to a small group of 5th graders.
Taught a stem lesson on robotics to a small group of 4th graders.
Continued looking up guided reading levels and labeling books with the
levels in the fiction section. Completed 5 shelves.
October 26, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/180 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then I read An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge to the class.

Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Thief as a class.
Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a class.
October 27, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/183 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Fifth grade library class - Student checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we continued reading the book Tuck Everlasting as a class.
October 28, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/186 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Kindergarten library class - Students checked out books for 15 minutes
and then I read two children's books to the class.
Pulled 35 easy books of high interest for the preschool class and laid them
out on the tables for students to select from.
PreK library class - Read two children's books to the class and then
students checked out books for 15 minutes.
October 29, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM
(3 hours Today/189 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
Second grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
October 30, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
(8 hours Today/197 Hours Total)
Sacred Heart Elementary School
First grade library class - Students checked out library books for 15
minutes and then I read two story books to the class in the remaining 15 minutes
of their library class time.
November 2, 2015
11:45 AM-2:45 PM

(3 hours Today/200 Hours Total)

Sacred Heart Elementary School
Sixth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes of library, then I began reading The Most Dangerous Game to the
Fourth grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Thief as a class.
Third grade library class - Students checked out books for the first 15
minutes and then we started reading the book Bridge to Terabithia as a class.
Shelved books the remainder of library time.

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