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Nathan Alligood

Summary of Experience
While with the Habersham Central Work-Based Learning program, I have worked with
the video production department at the school, learning numerous valuable lessons during my
time of study. I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the Adobe editing software available
to us. I learned the trials and tribulations of producing, editing, and filming a weekly broadcast
with the rest of my team. Finally, I was able to experience, firsthand, the numerous steps
involved with creating a short film from basic planning, to the final edit.
To start with, this total experience has allowed me to use the Adobe Master collection of
software more than any other time I have been able to use it. For the editing and effects in our
videos, we use combinations of Adobe Premiere Pro, Fireworks, and Photoshop. Work-Based
Learning has allowed me to be able to use these much more often than a regular video student,
and it is evident in the higher quality of work that we are now able to produce. For example, I
have been able to tinker with the audio effects, which we are not taught in the regular class, and
figure out how to use some basic effects, such as DeNoiser, DeClicker, and Equalizer.
More experience was gained by producing and working on the Raider TV Friday Show,
which, I not only edited, but also produced, and did other vital tasks for its success. As a group,
my team and I would start out each week choosing a theme as well as what segments we should
make and air on the show. In order to complete this basic task, we all learned valuable lessons in
teamwork as well as how to effectively communicate and compromise with each other. After
that, we would go about doing the parts we were assigned and could do best. In my case, I began
editing the segments that did not involve any actual film footage, such as the opening sequences
or interactive segments. As footage came in, I would begin to edit that, along with the other
members of the team, and we would slowly begin to assemble the finished show. Once the show
was in its final stages, we would all closely analyze it, checking for mistakes or any sequences
that werent edited correctly. If the show receives a positive review from the entire team, it is
then rendered, exported, and sent to Mr. Johnson to be uploaded.
Some of the most rewarding and skill-building exercises of the course were the contest
videos we were required to create. The first video we entered for a competition was called The
Power Inside, and helped us to acclimatize to creating short films. Our expanded team was able
to create a rudimentary script, as well as throw together a plan for filming in the few days we had
to make it, per the rules set forth by the contest. During this time, we also learned how to deal
with problems that arise during filming, such as having no actors, getting a film crew together,
and using new equipment. Despite the many setbacks we had to deal with, the film was made
and it turned out in a satisfactory way for all who were involved.
After The Power Inside, we were given another assignment, but this time we had a much
larger time limit. So, I was able to create a very detailed and well-written script, as well as plan
out the shooting of the movie. Our team shot it, and within the time-limit, I was able to edit it
using some of the effects I had learned from working on the news. Another impressive skill I
learned from working on this project, was composing an original score for a movie, which was
accomplished using a combination of Garage Band and FL Studio. The Monkeybars is probably

Nathan Alligood
my proudest accomplishment in my time in the WBL Program, and I learned the most skills and
career experience creating it, than any single other project.
In conclusion, during my time with the Work-Based Learning Program, I gained a deeper
understanding of numerous programs and the effects contained within, such as Premiere Pro,
Photoshop, and FL Studio. I learned more about the process of creating a weekly broadcast,
similar to a news station. Finally, I was able to experience the steps it takes to create ones own
short film, which will help me greatly in my career area.

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