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Kyle J Thomas
University of Kentucky



In the course of this paper I will discuss how Kobe Bryant a professional
basketball player has influenced my life from a far. Mr. Bryant has proven to the world
his desire to win games, a good and consistent work ethic, and relentless effort to perfect
his craft. Kobe has overcome many adversities throughout his career, which has helped
shape his mentality as the snake Black Mamba.

Keywords: Work ethic, desire, competiveness, consistent


Kobe Bryant is a current 5x NBA champion, 17x all-star, MVP and soon to be
Hall of Famer and he is one of many people I can say have positively influenced my life
from a far. Kobe Bryant is an influential person in my life from a far because of his work
ethic, competiveness to succeed in life, and his relentless effort on his pursuit to be the
best at his craft, despite any adversity he may had to overcome throughout his career.
Kobe is also known as the Black Mamba, after watching Quesntin Taratinos Kill
Bill in which the snake in the movie is known for its agility and aggressiveness; Kobe
then decided gave himself this nickname. I read up on the animal and said, Wow this is
pretty awesome, this is a perfect description of how I would want my game to be.
(Astramskas, D. (2015, March 1). Kobe Bryant's).
Kobe Bryants father played in the NBA in the 1980s and took his career over
seas and played professional basketball in Italy, were Kobe grew up. Shaya and Sharia
(Kobes older sisters) were active in sports at a young age; therefore, Kobe grew up
watching his sisters compete. The Black Mamba played both soccer and basketball and
was a star at both, as Kobe got older he focused on basketball. The Bryant family
returned to the U.S, Kobe led his high school team to four state championships in a row.
Kobe maintained good grades and high SAT scores but chose to enter the NBA draft right
out of high school. The Charlotte Hornets with the 13th overall pick of the 1996 NBA
draft took a chance with the 17 year old. Kobe Bryant is 37 so this season will make his
20th year in the league, being a professional athlete takes a toll on your body physically.
Obviously, being an athlete comes with sacrifices: Less time with your family, not a lot of
personal time, injuries, rules, and even not a lot of privacy.


(2009-2-10 Championship game, Kobe shows his desire to win)

Having a consistent work ethic is a quality that everyone should strive to have.
The Black Mamba has formed a reputation throughout his career that Kobe is relentless
while working. Following Kobe throughout his career Ive gotten the chance to witness
history multiple times. Kobe has won multiple championships, all-star appearances, and
even an Olympic gold medal; all those achievements werent given to Kobe, he earned
them by working hard. Throughout the league, other players love to play with and against
Kobe because he is the player the pushes you as hard as you can go. While on the court
Kobe is all about business, Kobe trains at least 4 times a day, Kobe at the age of 37 is still
on the same diet he was on as a rookie, and till this day Kobe needs to make 400 shots
after every practice (Manfred, T. (2013, August 9). 17 Examples Of Kobe Bryant's Insane
Work Ethic. Retrieved October 12, 2015).
When you are successful as Kobe (in any career), through time you will get
complacent and feel the need to not work as hard as you were before you were


successful; The Black Mamba doesnt believe so. Whenever Kobe has the opportunity to
improve his game, he does so. At a young age, you are not respected until you prove
yourself, Kobe proved himself early in his career; he turned heads and changed the way
basketball is played for the upcoming generations. Just by observation of some of the
younger players that I face now, they wind up having a similar mentality that I had,
((Astramskas, D. (2015, March 1). Kobe Bryant's).) Bryant was asked how he has
changed the sport during his career his response was, Because growing up, they were
obviously watching me when I was 21, 22 years old and just kind of by any means
necessary get things done, not afraid of the big moment and extremely competitive. They
all have these work ethics now and most of them get up at five in the morning to rain like
I do. Its pretty cool ((Astramskas, D. (2015, March 1). Kobe Bryant's).)

Kobe is known around the league for his competitive attitude and desire to win.
One of the worlds most important prominent figures for nearly two decades amid feuds,
scandals, success, and championships still seem unknown on his key to success. I think
the competitive nature is something that frightens a lot of people when you peel back
truly whats inside of a person to compete and be at that high level, Bryant said. It
scares a lot of people that are just comfortable being average. () Throughout his career
Kobes teammates learned to respect Kobe especially during practice because he took
practice as if it was a game. Friends come and go but banners hang forever.
(Astramskas, D. (2015, March 1). Kobe Bryant's)) Kobe loves to work; he maybe in a big
city with a lot of distractions but that doesnt let the Black Mamba get what he wants:


Growing up in a household full of athletes Kobe formed a competitive attitude at
a young age. Jellybean (Kobes father) was a great basketball player and Kobe simply
followed in his footsteps. Shadowing his dad was the best route for Kobe; he went to all

of his practices, games and workouts. As Kobe got older he was able to workout with his
dad, Jellybean pushed Kobe to a limit were Kobe didnt enjoy it. Eventually Kobe
realized he had a special talent; no one could stop him but himself.

(Kobe Bryant showing his competitive attitude during a game)

Kobes relentless effort on his

pursuit to be the best at his craft is almost unheard of, people dont take their job as


serious as Kobe. Last season Kobe suffered from a torn Achilles and was ruled out for the
rest of the season, as Kobe gets older in age his body is only getting older too. Critiques
questioned the whole season and off-season will Kobe return for this upcoming season;
Obviously, The Black Mamba couldnt walk away from the game. Shaq, Isiah Thomas,
and Barkley all retired after tearing their Achilles. Will Kobe be the same? was the
topic this offseason. We all can be masters of our craft, but we have to make a choice
Kobe said (Kobe Bryant's Maniacal Ambition a Challenge to His Aging Body. (2015).
Retrieved October 12, 2015).
As a rookie in the NBA Kobe didnt care that he was 18 years old, he wanted to
show the world he can compete with the best. Facing the Utah Jazz in game 7 his rookie
season Kobe took 3 clutch shots to win the Lakers the game he air-balled them, all.
People questioned why he was even in the game, but Kobe had confidence in himself and
didnt care what anyone thought or said.
In life people always dreamed about the glory and fame but never knew what it
took to get there; Kobe did. When I got to the appropriate age to follow the game of
basketball, I followed The Black Mamba; the way Kobe showed his competitive spirit
and desire to win caught my eye at a young age. I used my resources to look up Kobe and
follow what shaped him to work so hard, and as I got older Kobe motivated me many
ways in life. Having a great work ethic will carry a long way in life, working to achieve
goals you set; while you are working you need to have the attitude were no one can stop
you from achieving the goals and as you are on the journey to success you love and
embrace whatever you are doing to make sure you accomplish the goals you set for



Lakers News: Kobe Bryant Reveals Origin Of Black Mamba Nickname. (2014,
February 1). Retrieved October 12, 2015.
Kobe Bryant's Maniacal Ambition a Challenge to His Aging Body. (2015).

Retrieved October 12, 2015.

Kobe Bryant Biography. (2015, October 5). Retrieved October 12, 2015.

Manfred, T. (2013, August 9). 17 Examples Of Kobe Bryant's Insane Work Ethic.
Retrieved October 12, 2015.

Astramskas, D. (2015, March 1). Kobe Bryant's Muse on Showtime. Retrieved

October 12, 2015.

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