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General classroom behavior

come prepared.
be polite to others.
respect one another.
follow directions.
try your hardest.
never give up.

* Classroom procedures are subject to change. Students will assist in making classroom
Teacher super start
Set morning work on desks
Meet at gym for morning assembly. (or designated meeting place)
Greet students at the door.
Collect lunch money, notes, homework, etc.
Submit attendance.
Student Super Start
Put away belongings.
Take out folders.
Turn in notes.
Answer todays questions. (Lunch choice/ how will I get home today)
Begin your morning work.
Procedures for entering the classroom
Upon entering the classroom, the teacher will greet each student with a friendly good morning! The
student will immediately walk to their cubby or lockers, put away their backpack, take out their
folder, and return to their assigned seat! The student will then take out any notes, lunch money,
homework, etc. in which the teacher will come around and collect. After checking their folder for any
notes, the student will turn in their folder into the designated folder bucket. While standing, the
student will go answer todays questions (Lunch choice/ how will I get home). Next, the teacher will
pass out the morning work or it will be written on the smart board for them to copy into their
journals. Students will wait for further instructions from the teacher. A timer will be displayed on
the smart board so that students can keep track of how much time is left. In addition, music will be
playing to kick start the day!
Roll call
roll call will be taken while students are working on bell work.
The teacher will call out students name individually.
The student will respond by saying present.
If there is no response from a student, they will be counted absent.
For students that come in late, the roll call will be edited to show tardy.
In case of an absence, the student will be able to retrieve any information they missed from the
student center. In the student center, there will be a bin labeled ketchup. The trays will be labeled
with the days of the week (Monday-Friday). Each tray will have specific instructions on what we did
that day and extra copies of any work that the student will need to turn in. Missed work will need to
be retrieved before the start of bell work and placed into their folders to take home to complete. The
student will have two class days to complete missed work. Once work is completed, the student will

need to write absent to help the teacher know that it is not late work. The work will be turned into
the completed tray. If a student has missed a test or quiz the student will immediately notify the
teacher and they will work together to find a time to complete it right away. Any further questions or
concerns the student has with the assignments missed; they can follow up with the teacher.
Arriving late to class will almost always interrupt the learning environment. These simple steps
will make it easy for the student and the teacher to get on the same page right away.
The student must walk in with a tardy slip, if not, report to office to get tardy slip.
1. Enter quickly, quietly, and put away all materials.
2.Take out folder and turn into the folder bin.
3.The tardy slip and any notes that need to be turned in to the teacher will be submitted in to the tray
that says tardy/ absent notes located at the student center. Student will silently check the agenda
located on the board.
4. Begin morning work.
Early dismissal
Students that are sent home early or receive an early dismissal will also utilize the student center to
receive all the information they need.
-The student will discretely clean up around their area and put away any materials that were being
-The folder labeled absent will contain any work done throughout the day. The student will take out
any work that they had not yet completed.
-Immediately following, the student will retrieve their backpack and folder. All work will be placed
into folder. The student will double check cubby to ensure everything is taken home (lunch
-The student will raise hand and inform the teacher they are all ready to go.
The teacher will have a timer set to start getting cleaned up 15 minutes before dismissal. The student
-Put away all of the materials and clean up around their area. The Quietest tables will get to grab
their take home (homework) folders first.
-Walk to their mailboxes and collect all items.
-Take Folders to their desk or table and put in to their backpack.
-Check to make sure all materials are gathered from the cubbies.
-Stack chairs in groups of 4 and be put against the wall.
-Quietly return to the carpet and sit in assigned spot. This time will be used to review what students
learned or what was their favorite activity.
- Wait to be dismissed.

Pack & Stack

Put away all materials.
Grab homework folder.
Pick up mail from mailboxes.
Clean up around your desk and floor.
Stack chair on wall.
Find your parking spot on the carpet.
Wait to be dismissed.

Bathroom breaks
Boys and girls will line up on the restroom wall and enter quickly and quietly. When a stall becomes
available, the first person at the front of each line will enter. The student will:
-use one squirt of soap and thoroughly rinse hands.
-use one napkin to dry hands.
-throw it away in the trash can.
-return to designated square space in the hallway.
-sit quietly until the rest of the students are done.
Leaving to go to the restroom
1.Send the restroom hand signal to the teacher (crossed fingers).
2.the teacher will signal with a nod for yes or head shake for no.
3.Head to the student center and grab Popsicle stick located in the tin bin labeled restroom passes.
4.Leave popsicle stick on table to prevent germs getting on pass and to remind the teacher where the
student is.
5.get one squirt of hand sanitizer located right next to the door.
6.Pick up popsicle stick from desk and turn it in to the used bathroom pass bin located in the student
The number of passes will depend on grade level. Only one boy and one girl will be allowed out of the
classroom at any given time.

If students do not have any passes left, exceptions will be made for absolute emergencies. Students
that continually have passes run out will have a conference with the teacher to construct a plan to
better manage bathroom time.
Returning to the room
Students will stop at the door and wait for the teacher to reach the front of the line. The teacher will
direct the students to their desks or on the carpet. When entering the room, students will stay in
their line order and will discretely find their way to their seats.
Brain breaks
Instead of having students that are unengaged or not focused have students get up and take a brain
break. Brain breaks can be scheduled in to the day or implemented when you sense your students start
to grow restless or tired. Students will walk to the empty space and stand in front of smart board.
The teacher will choose an activity from go noodle. The students will mimic whatever the smart board
is displaying. These activities range from dancing, stretching, breathing exercises, etc.

drills are subject to change depending on school. The basic rules to any type of drill are:
-Stay silent.
-Stay calm.
-Listen to the teacher.
-Walk quickly.
-Follow directions at all times.
-Stay with your teacher.
1. students with lunch boxes will grab their lunch from the shelf nearest to the door. They will
immediately line up first.
2. the quietest tables will then be called to line up next.
3. students will walk quietly to the lunch room.
4. depending on the school policy, the students will stay in line and one at a time find their lunch card.
5. continue to the lunch line and follow any rules the cafeteria has enforced.
6. find a seat in the assigned classroom area.
7. stay in seat at all times. Sit on your bottom.
8. keep all trash on tray.
9. do not play with food.
10. pick up around your area before the teacher dismisses you to put away your tray.
11. walk carefully to put away tray.
12. sit quietly in line and wait for the teachers instructions.

What a line should look like?

Students will have an assigned place in line. This will be called their line order and we will use this
order anytime we are lining up. Student helpers will be the line leader and caboose. The second person
in line will always be the door holder. Once the door holder has finished their duty, they will quickly
and quietly return to their spot in line. The students will have a 4s Line which is explained

Materials and equipment

Dull or broken pencils
Pencils will always be located in the student center. They will be placed in two separate containers,
dull (not sharp) and sharp. Therefore, all of the broken or dull pencils that need sharpening will be
placed in the not sharp container and the ready to use pencils will be in the sharp container. The
classroom helper is in charge of sharpening pencils and will be allowed to sharpen all pencils in the
morning, during breaks, and at the end of the day. If a student breaks their pencil during class they
1. quietly signal teacher the hand signal.
2. walk to the student center, place it in the not sharp container.
3. pick up another from the sharp container.
4. return to seat.
if sharp pencils are ever low, the pencil helper will be in charge of
going in the teachers storage area and grab more pencils to place in
the container (these will already be sharpened by the teacher).

Teachers desk area

The teachers desk area will be off limits. In order to prevent students from touching or grabbing
anything on the desk, there will be tape placed around the teachers desk. A student is not to pass the
taped line. The only time a student will be allowed at the teachers desk is by permission of the teacher.

Students desk/ cubby area

the students desk and cubby area should remain clean at all times in order to find materials in a
timely manner. The students desk should only hold their folder, eraser, books, and pencil box. The eraser
will always be located on the right front side of their desk. This will save the student time searching
for their eraser every time it is needed. Personal pencils will also be placed at the front pocket of
their desk for the same reasons. Cubby areas will hold students backpacks, jackets, snacks, work, etc.
students will leave backpack and jacket on cubby hanger. There should not be any jackets or backpacks
on the floor to cause an accident. All other belongings such as snacks, work, etc. will be located right
above backpack. Every cubbyhole will have laminated names placed inside to remind students which
one is their own. at the end of the day the student will:
- check their desk and cubby to make sure everything they need is in their backpack and that it is clean
and ready for the next day.
- depending on the school, if students have tables instead of desks, they will still be responsible of
keeping their table space clean. Materials in this case will all be located in the student center
instead of being held inside their desk.

helpful class procedures

Classroom helpers
Students that contribute to the classroom feel like they are important and are wanted/needed.
Therefore, every single student will have a classroom job. classroom helpers will be changed every 6
weeks. students will have 6 opportunities to get the dream job they want. In addition, When reports
cards go out the teacher will send a survey home for students to number their top three dream jobs.
These jobs will include:
Caboose- last person in line
Line leader- first person in line
Door holder- second person I n line, holds all doors for class
Pencils- passes out pencils and sharpens dull pencils at the end of the day
White board- cleaning or writing on white board
Computers turning on/off, also help me with ipads
Lights- turns on and off all lights
Calendar- changes date in the morning, lists any important events or birthdays
librarian- keeping the library cleaned, organized , and helping with the check out of books
(2) Hall monitors- helpers will walk beside students in line to make sure they are quiet, walking
correctly, and in a straight line. They have a clipboard that they will mark an x if student breaks a
rule. At the end of the week, if they do not have an x, they will be rewarded.

collecting and returning in class assignments

classroom assignments will be collected two different ways:
1. the classroom helper will pick up student work.
(the students will pass their papers to the right side of the room) the student helper will walk to the
right side of room and pick up all papers.
2. the students will individually turn in papers to the completed tray located in the student center.
Students will quietly walk to turn in assignments, they will not show the teacher their work every
time they have completed it.
Students work will be returned in their mailboxes. The mailboxes will be located next to the student
center. Each mailbox will have a students name or number that they will check each day before
Seat work/ independent work
Students that are participating in independent work will whisper or be silent, depending on the
assignment. If the class is silently working, the teacher will have music playing to keep the students
engaged and focused. everyone must stay in their seats unless the student has sent a signal to the
teacher and the teacher has approved. If teacher allows whispering, the students sitting next to each
other will be the only people they will be allowed to talk to. This will prevent noise levels from
rising! The noise level app (located under attention getters) can be displayed on the smart board or a
Teacher- led activities/ class discussion
To ensure that every student is participating, popsicle sticks can be used. Remember to Make sure that
after a popsicle stick is pulled out that it is put back in so that the student understands that they
have to continue to listen. To facilitate conversation, the teacher will use a fun object such as a
squishy dice. The dice will help prevent blurting out answers and encourage students to speak when it
is their turn. During class discussion, the student should:
raise their hand for permission to hold dice;
speak when they are holding the dice;
gently hand or toss the dice to someone;
stay silent when someone else is talking;
look at/ listen to the person that is talking;
be respectful of the comments of others; and
give positive, non verbal praise (head nods, thumbs up, smiles).
test taking
in the case of test taking students will be asked to follow these procedures:
1. clear your desk except for a pencil;
2. put up your office;
3.wait for instructions;

4. eyes on your own paper;

5. stay silent;
6. flip over paper to show the teacher you are done; and
7. remain in seat until further instructions.
student offices will be used to encourage independent thinking.

Assignment headers depending on grade level, students will always place their name on the top left
side of their paper. The date will need to be placed on the top right hand corner. If there are any type of
rotations, students will also place students initial next to the date. This will help the teacher
determine the students homeroom class and aid in returning work.
Group work students will actively participate in group work everyday. During this time, students
will be put into groups depending on the learning structure. These can include table groups, numbering
off, alphabetically, birthdays, mix and freeze, etc. during group time, students are expected to use their
low inside voice. The students will: first listen to all instructions.
Every student will play a role in the group work. Students will either decide on how to distribute
responsibilities or the teacher will have this planned out in advance. Students will split in
designated meeting area. A timer will be located on the smart board so students can be aware of how
much time is left to work. If students need further assistance, they will raise their hand to get
teachers attention.

Student movement- students will be encouraged to stay in their seats or assigned meeting place to
prevent any disorder or injuries from happening in the classroom. In order to get out of your seat you
must signal the teacher with fingers (1,2,3,5). The teacher will approve or deny. Student will discretely
push in chair and take care of business. When finished, they will find their way back and continue
working. This also will apply to any group work.
Attention getters
For times that students are being too noisy, there are fun ways to help get the students attention.
[students will stop and listen]

[students will stop and watch]

How does this look?

The teacher will spray the quiet spray around the room(there is nothing in the spray bottle).
The students will stop whatever they are doing and look at the teacher.
The teacher will finish spraying.
[students can even self- regulate their noise level. this can be displayed on smart board. the balls
will bounce around if students are getting too loud or will stay in place if they are quiet. The teacher
will not have to keep announcing to class that they are getting too loud. Great time saver!]

how does this look?

1. The teacher will stand in one place.
2. They will then say, 1,2,3, eyes on me.
3.The student will stop look at the teacher and repeat 1,2,3, eyes on you.
4.The student will stay quiet and wait for teachers instruction.
How to get attention from the teacher?
In order to save time in the classroom or to minimize interruptions during teaching, the student will
use these hand signals to communicate their needs to the teacher.

1 Finger = Pencil.
2 Crossed Fingers: Restroom.
3 Fingers: Kleenex or Water.
5 Fingers: Question.
Thumbs Up: Got it!
Thumb to the Side: Still Working.
The teacher will nod for approval or shake head for denial. The student will carry
out task, return to their desk, and continue working.
Student center
the student center will indeed be the go to place for a students needs. All materials and resources
will be located at this one-stop shop. The student center will include, pencils/pencil sharpener, glue,
erasers, crayons, markers, paper, student folders, completed tray, scissors, tissues, passes, missing
work, incomplete work, absent folders, no name papers, highlighters, Im done now container, etc.
these materials will be organized in different compartments or containers. When a student has
borrowed materials from the student center, it will be their responsibility to return it safely back to
its place. a helper will ensure that supplies get organized and re-stocked if they ever run out.

When a student finishes work early

Im done, now what? Students are always eager to finish early and figure out whats next. This takes
away a great deal of time. Rather than telling them every time what to do, I found a neat idea to do
that lets the student make choices of what to do when finished. The student will;
1. Before making a choice from my Im done now jar, quietly walk to the student center to see if you
have any missing work or incomplete assignments. If you do not, you are free to continue on to making
a choice from the student center.
2. walk to the Im done jar and look through the popsicle sticks and make a choice on what to do.
3. return to your seat and get started.

Missing/incomplete assignments
Assignments that are M.I.A. will be placed in the student center. Students names will be written on
the white board under M.I.A. label. If a students name is under M.I.A label, they will go to the student
center and determine if it is missing or incomplete. Incomplete assignments will be clipped onto a
board. If a student does not have any incomplete assignments on the clipboard, they will then know it
is missing. All missing assignment copies will be located in the binder labeled missing work. The
binder will have protective sheets with the copies placed inside and labeled with dates. Once student
has found their assignments, they will place it in their homework folder. If a student has two or more
assignments that are missing or incomplete, they will spend their recess time finishing the
assignment. All work is due the next class day.

No name assignments
Students forgetting to write names on their paper is inevitable. But, there is a way that a teacher
can limit the number of no name papers. Have a container at the student center filled with
highlighters. The container should have a label that reads, Stop! Is your name on your paper?
Highlight your name with a highlighter then turn it in. students will highlight their name every time
they turn in their paper. This will help students recognize if they did/ did not write their name. if a
student skips this step and forgets to write their name their paper will go to the no name board and
be displayed at the student center for them to claim. The student has 3 days to claim their paper, if they
do not it will go in the trash. All the student has to do to claim their paper is write their name and

turn it in to the completed tray. No other action is necessary. In case of an emergency and a student
deliberately tries to take someones work, the student will receive a failing grade.

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