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1, JANUARY 2013


Comparison Between Suppressing Approaches

of Very Fast Transients in Gas-Insulated
Substations (GIS)
Ahmad Tavakoli, Ahmad Gholami, Hassan Nouri, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Michael Negnevitsky, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractIn this paper, first transient waves in the gas-insulated substation (GIS) are analyzed and methods for suppression
of very fast transients (VFTs) in GISs are introduced. For suppressing VFTs, four methods are presented, including suppression
by terminal components, capacitance components, adopting a resistor-fitted disconnector, and ferromagnetic rings. Finally, these
approaches are compared with each other. These methods can be
divided into two groups. The first group contains the methods (such
as terminal components and reconfiguration) that can be used after
installation of the GIS and during the operation of the GIS. The
second group contains the methods (such as the resistor-fitted disconnector and ferromagnetic rings) that must be used as an extra
limitation before installation and during the design of the GIS. Advantages of the first group are simplicity and the low cost of implementation along with producing minimal changes in the installed
GIS. The main advantage of the second group is estimation of all
factors during the design of the GIS. Finally, the best approach for
the suppression of VFTs is chosen based on the criteria of the transient waves and feasibility.
Index TermsGas-insulated substation (GIS), suppression of
very fast transient (VFT), switching, VFT.


UE TO rapid advancement in the industrial technologies

and growth in population during recent years, energy demand has increased. Environmental constraints and the reliability of systems are the main reasons for the introduction of the
gas-insulated substation (GIS).
The GIS, which is filled with pressurized SF_6 gas for electrical insulation as well as arc extinction, has been widely used
in electric power systems in recent decades due to its advantages, such as compact size, protection from pollution, reduced
maintenance, and high reliability [1], [2].
Despite these merits, the GIS has its own unique problems.
These problems include an increase of overvoltages caused by
Manuscript received February 22, 2012; revised July 21, 2012; accepted
September 13, 2012. Date of publication November 19, 2012; date of current
version December 19, 2012. Paper no. TPWRD-00183-2012.
A. Tavakoli and A. Gholami are with the Center of Excellence for Power
System Automation and Operation Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran.
H. Nouri is with the Faculty of Engineering, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, U.K.
M. Negnevitsky is with the School of Engineering, University of Tasmania,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2221748

transient waves reflected from different connections, low surge

impedance, and the decreased length of the conductors in these
substations. Considering these issues, the propagation of these
waves along the conductor will increase compared with conventional substations [3], [4].
Very fast transients (VFTs) are generated during switching
operations of circuit breakers (CBs) and disconnectors (DSs)
within GIS. These transients have a very short rise time, in the
range of 4100 ns, and are normally followed by oscillations
having frequencies in the range of 100 kHz to 50 MHz [5], [6].
VFT waves cause stress on the insulators and the external equipment such as power transformers. Very fast transient overvoltages (VFTOs) are generated due to switching operations in GIS
and the associated very fast transient currents (VFTCs) radiate
electromagnetic (EM) fields during their propagation through
the coaxial GIS bus section. The transient EM fields, in turn,
leak out into the external environment through discontinuities
and become coupled to the control equipment or data cables
present in the GIS [7], [8].
In fact, the response behavior of zincoxide (ZnO) surge arresters to such VFTs is not well characterized and the turn-on
time of ZnO surge arresters may be much longer than the rise
times of the VFT. Therefore, the traditional ZnO surge arresters
cannot suppress the wave steepness since surge arresters do not
act rapidly enough to prevent the switching transients with steep
front [9][11].
Few publications have been presented on the suppression of
VFTs in GISs. Ferromagnetic rings can be mounted on the conductors linked to the disconnector from both sides in order to
effectively suppress the steepness and the amplitudes of VFT
[9]. In [12] and [13], suppression of VFTs via ferromagnetic
rings has been explored. However, in these two references, the
simulations and tests have been carried out only on low voltages
(400 V) and only for a busbar of 3.5 m. In [14], VFTs have been
limited by use of a resistor in the disconnectors. A method used
to suppress the stresses created by VFT is via a resistor. This
method has been used on an 1100-kV GIS to provide adequate
space for a resistor to be fitted in the disconnectors.
Also, these methods can be made suitable before installing
the substation and during the substation design period.
This paper presents feasible methods for mitigation of the
overvoltage magnitude of VFT and suppression of the resonant frequencies amplitude at the power transformer via the terminal and capacitance components. For suppression of VFT,
four methods are presented: suppression of VFT by terminal

0885-8977/$31.00 2012 IEEE




Fig. 1. Single-line diagram of a 245-kV GIS.

components, capacitance components, adopting a resistor-fitted

disconnector, and ferromagnetic rings. Finally, these approaches
are compared.
Due to the traveling nature of transients, the modeling of the
GIS utilizes the electrical equivalent circuits composed of distributed parameters. Surge impedances and traveling times have
been used for defining the distributed parameter model. The
inner system, which consists of the high-voltage bus duct and
the inner surface of the encapsulation, has been thoroughly represented by line sections, modeled as the distributed parameter
transmission lines [12]
where and are, respectively, the capacitance and inductance
of the GIS busbar; is the outside diameter of the GIS busbar;
and is the inner diameter of the GIS busbar. Finally,
is the
surge impedance.
VFT problems are of utmost concern for voltage levels above
245 kV where the isolated phase bus is normally used. Hence,
a system with a nominal voltage of 245 kV has been selected to
be studied and simulated. Fig. 1 shows the single-line diagram
of a 245-kV GIS [8].
Table I shows the necessary information for modeling GIS
components. Elbows, spacers, and spherical shields are modeled by a lumped capacitance of 15 pF. Here, the surge arrester is
represented by a capacitance of 200 pF when simulating VFTs,
resulting from DS [8][13]. A different model has been selected
for open and closed states of switches. Open switches are modeled as two transmission lines in series with a capacitance in
between whereas in the closed state, the mentioned capacitance
is replaced by a transmission line with the same parameters. The
most onerous condition in a switching operation occurs during a
voltage collapse of 2 p.u. (1 p.u. on the source side and 1 p.u. on

the load side) [12][14]. This has been simulated in the present
During the closing operation of switches, the sparks are modeled by a fixed resistance in series with an exponentially decreasing resistance [12][14]
is taken as
is 1 ns, and
0.5 .
Computer simulation has been performed using the Alternative Transients Program (ATP), a widely used version of the
Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP). The simulation
of exponentially decreasing resistance has been calculated using
transient analog control systems (TACS) and modeled in ATP/
EMTP. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique is used to
produce the frequency spectra from the time-domain current
waveforms. The simulation time step has been set as 0.1 ns.
Several factors may contribute to transformer failure due to
VFTO, including:
peak magnitude of the overvoltage;
nonlinear voltage distribution along the winding, which
could result in high voltage (HV) between turns;
resonance or partial winding resonance in the HV winding
if these coincide with the excitation frequencies [4], [5].
According to the factors mentioned before, the main purpose of
this paper is the mitigation of VFTO according to the following
decreasing the peak voltage;
decreasing the maximum voltage change;
decreasing the maximum rate of rise of the overvoltage;
decreasing the predominant frequencies amplitude.
The transient electromagnetic fields, in turn, leak out into the
external environment through discontinuities and become coupled to the control equipment or data cables present in the GIS.



It becomes necessary to estimate the magnitude and waveshape

of the VFTC along with its frequency spectrum. Furthermore,
knowledge of the VFTC characteristics would be required in
the theoretical study of EM-field coupling as well as shielding
of the sensitive secondary equipment used in modern GISs.
The parameters that characterize the VFTC are of more relevance for the mitigation of VFTO with criteria such as [7]:
amplitude of VFTC;
dominant frequency components of the VFTC;
attenuation of the amplitude of VFTC with time [7], [8].
A. Suppression of VFT via Terminal Components
The peak magnitude and frequency content of VFTs depends
on the terminal component connected to the GIS. The terminal
components can be a cable or a gas-insulated line (GIL). The attenuation of VFT with time is dependent on the switching configuration and terminal component connected to the GIS [8].
Therefore, the VFT can be mitigated by replacing the appropriate terminal. Simplicity, low-cost implementation, as well
as minimum changes in the installed GIS (which are currently
under operation) are the main advantages of this method. The
detailed procedure of the proposed method can be explained as
simulating the selected substation and obtaining the VFT
result from the nearest switch to the power transformer
extracting the VFT frequency spectrum around the resonant frequency;
selecting high-risk frequencies;
changing the length and type of the terminal to reduce
the high-risk frequencies;
selecting the most appropriate terminal.
This procedure is a generalized method which considers different component characteristics and can be applied for various
substations. For this case study, the GIL and cable terminals
with different lengths (i.e., 3 , 10, and 30 m) are examined. The
attenuation of VFTs at the source side of the switch depends on
both source-side and load-side terminations. This is also true for
the attenuation of VFTs at the load side [8]. This problem will
be explained in detail in the following sections.
Fig. 2 shows the magnitude waveform of the VFTO for different terminals at the power transformer. Fig. 3 represents the
variation of the peak magnitude of the VFTO versus length
for various terminals at the power transformer. Study of this
figure suggests that the reduction in the peak magnitude of the
VFTO for the cable termination with long length is high. The
attenuation amplitude is high if the GIS is terminated with low
impedance components and a long length, such as a 30-m cable.
On the other hand, the attenuation amplitude is low if the GIS
is terminated with high surge impedance elements such as 30-m
If the GIS is terminated with a long length of GIL, the settling
time of the VFTO will be longer. As an example, the longest
settling time belongs to the GIL-30 m which can be seen in
Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 shows the frequency spectra of the VFTO for different
terminals at the power transformer. In the frequency of 915 kHz,

Fig. 2. Magnitude waveform of the VFTO at the power transformer for different source-side terminals.

Fig. 3. Variation of the peak magnitude of the VFTO with the length for a
different source side terminal at the power transformer.

Fig. 4. Frequency spectra of the VFTO at the power transformer for the different source-side terminal.

the voltage amplitude for a 30-m GIL terminal is (53 kV) higher
than the amplitude of a 3-m cable (27 kV). Similarly, for the
frequency of 1.83 MHz, a voltage amplitude of the 30-m GIL
terminal is 50 kV. The VFT magnitude for this type of terminal
is noticeably lower in comparison with a 10-m cable terminal,
which is 80 kV.
Assuming that the resonant frequencies in the power transformers are around 6 MHz [15], the frequency spectra of the
VFTOs from 4.2 to 6.4 MHz for different terminals at the power
transformer have been simulated and displayed in Fig. 5. An inspection of Fig. 5 reveals that the frequency amplitude of 5.1
MHz on the 10-m GIL terminal is minimized and on the 3-m
cable terminal, it is maximized. On the other hand, for a 3-m



Fig. 6. Influence of the high-capacitance component on the VFTO and VFTC.

Fig. 5. Frequency spectra of the VFTO from 4.2 to 6.4 MHz for the different
source-side terminal at the power transformer.

cable, the frequency amplitude of 5.4 MHz is the lowest compared to the other terminal components. The frequency amplitude of 5.7 MHz, on the 30-m cable side, has maximum value
but the 30-m GIL has the minimum value. This suggests that the
resonant frequency amplitude can be mitigated by replacing the
suitable terminal.
It should be noted that changing the terminal component can
decrease the amplitude of a specific frequency and, at the same
time, increase the amplitude of another frequency. Hence, one
can conclude that no specific terminal exists which can definitely decrease the amplitudes of all frequencies. Therefore, the
resonance frequency of GIS power transformers should already
be determined to choose the sufficient terminal component.
Referring to the aforementioned issues, the 30-m cable generates the lowest voltage for both side terminals (load and source
terminals). Also, the 30-m cable terminal has the lowest frequency amplitudes compared with other terminals.
As a conclusion for this case study, among the suggested terminals, the 30-m cable would result in the lowest voltage for
both source- and load-side terminal components. Also, utilizing
this terminal decreases the magnitude of the frequency components to the lowest value among the different terminals. By
using 30-m cable in the load side, the magnitude of the frequency components will be further reduced in comparison with
the source side.
B. Suppression of VFT via Capacitor Components
The extra capacitance components can damp the VFT waveforms front at transformer terminals and improve the VFT distribution along the transformer windings. It is also helpful for
absorbing the sharp spikes of the VFT since surge arresters do
not act quickly enough to prevent steep fronted switching transients. Therefore, installing an additional surge capacitor at the
transformer HV terminal is highly useful to mitigate the effects
of VFTs. However, a surge capacitor paralleled with the surge
arrester may be used as a wave modifier [16].
Fig. 6 describes the influence of high capacitance components
on the VFTO and VFTC. Clearly, by gradually increasing the capacitance, the VFTO, which has been caused by DS restriking,

Fig. 7. Frequency spectra of the VFTO for the different capacitances at the
power transformer.

will be further reduced, whereas the peak magnitude of VFTC

will be increased.
Moreover, high-capacitance components can also mitigate
the amplitude of the frequency spectra of the VFTO. This
is illustrated in Fig. 7, which demonstrates the frequency
spectra of the VFTO for the different capacitances at the power
transformer. As an example, in the frequency of 610 kHz, the
amplitude is 22 kV and 50 kV, respectively, for C equal to 0.1
and 5 nF, whereas for the frequency of 915 kHz, the amplitude
is 80 kV for the same values of capacitance.
It should be noted that the frequencies at which the resonant
amplification of the overvoltage occurs within the transformer
can vary significantly, depending on a particular transformer.
Also, for a specific power transformer, resonance can often be
found at numerous other frequencies for different capacitances.
With C-5 nF, the frequency amplitude of 4.57 MHz is the lowest
compared to the other terminal components. In the frequency
amplitude of 5.18 MHz, C-5 nF is minimized and C-0.1 nF
is maximized. Since the resonant frequencies in this specific
power transformer are around 6 MHz [15], the frequency spectra
of the VFTO from 4.2 to 6.4 MHz for the different capacitances
at the power transformer are shown in Fig. 8.
By increasing the capacitance, transients due to DS and CB
restriking will be further reduced. Fig. 7 provides a solution for
choosing the optimum value of capacitance components which
is the meeting point of both curves. In reality, employing this
capacity is difficult in HV. However, the capacitive characteristics of the available equipment in the substation can be used
instead. As an instance, adding an extra surge arrester, which



Fig. 10. Equivalent circuit of the ferromagnetic rings.

Fig. 8. Frequency spectra of the VFTO from 4.2 to 6.4 MHz for the different
capacitances at the power transformer.

Fig. 9. Frequency spectra of the VFTC for the different capacitance.

has the capacitance of around 0.2 nF, can help to achieve the
optimum point for this case study.
Fig. 9 shows the influence of high capacitance components on
the frequency contents of VFTC. As can be seen in this figure,
the increment of the capacitance does not have any influence on
the high-frequency components.
In the studied case, in order to decrease the VFT at the power
transformer, the application of surge capacitors is a feasible alternative due to space limitation and cost, if the suitable capacitance value is selected. Due to the impracticality of adding capacitance in HV systems, the CCVT is utilized instead of PT. As
an alternative solution, an extra surge arrester can be installed
close to the switching terminal.
C. Suppression of VFT by Adopting a Resistor-Fitted
The resistor-fitted disconnector is designed to connect a resistor in series with the circuit in the event of restriking, having
no mechanical contacts to connect the resistor, only a movable
electrode [7]. The resistor-fitted disconnector decreases the amplitude of VFTO and VFTC.
This solution is known to be used in practice for solving the
VFT problem as opposed to some methods that are still at the
experimental stage. However, this solution has problems due to
space limitations and cost. Also, it is not suitable for installed
GISs (which are currently under operation) due to maximum
changes and costs involved in GISs.

Fig. 11. Measurements (the left-hand side graphs: experimental [9]) at the end
of the busbar. (a) Without ferromagnetic rings. (b) With ferromagnetic rings.

D. Suppression of VFT by Ferromagnetic Material

In order to study the damp or suppression effect on VFTO,
an LV simulation test is considered. Fig. 10 shows the circuit of
the simulation test. Two coaxial conductors of 3.5 m are used
to simulate the GIS busbar and its enclosure. The diameter of
the simulated busbar is 14 mm and the internal diameter of the
simulated enclosure is 46 mm. A mercury switch is used as the
disconnector of the GIS. The source voltage is 400 V. When
the mercury switch is switched on, the VFTO will be produced
on the simulated busbar [8], [9]. The chosen ferromagnetic material for the suppression of VFT has high magnetic saturation
characteristics (
470 mT at 25 C) [9]. In the LV simulation test described before (Fig. 10), the parallel equivalent circuit of the ferromagnetic ring has the equivalent resistor
and inductance ( ) of 70 and 0.02 mH, respectively, which
is connected in series with the surge impedance ( ) of the GIS
busbar [9][17].
The measurements at the end of the busbar are represented in
Fig. 11. This figure shows a comparison of the simulation results
with those of the experimental results. Where the ferromagnetic
loop does not exist, the VFTO amplitude is 800 (V) (twice that
of the source voltage). When the ferromagnetic loop is added,
the VFTO is 400 V (near the source voltage).



Fig. 12. Waveform of the VFTO at the power transformer for the different suppressive methods of VFTO.

Fig. 13. Frequency spectra of the VFTO for different suppressive methods of

Fig. 14. Frequency spectra of the VFTO from 4 to 7 MHz for the different
suppressive methods of VFTO.

Fig. 15. Waveform of the VFTO at the power transformer for the different suppressive methods of VFTO.


Referring to Figs. 1216, the following results can be
To compare waveforms of VFTO for different suppressive
methods, criteria such as peak voltage, maximum variations
of voltage, maximum rate of rise of voltage, and predominant
frequencies are investigated individually.
The peak voltage of VFTO in the normal state, ferrite, cable
of 30 m at the source side, cable of 30 m at the load side,
resistor 50 , and a capacitance of 5 nF are decreased,
respectively. (See Fig. 12.)
The maximum variations of VFTO in normal state, ferrite,
cable 30 m at the load side, cable 30 m at the source side,
resistor 50 , and a capacitance of 5 nF are decreased,
respectively. (See Fig. 12.)
The maximum rate of rise of VFTO in the normal state,
cable of 30 m at the load side, 30-m cable at the source side,
50- resistor, ferrite, and 5-nF capacitance are decreased,
respectively. (See Figs. 13 and 14.)
The frequency spectrum of the VFTO depends on the resonance frequencies of the power transformer. However,
when using a 50- resistor and 30-m cable at the source
side, the frequency components amplitudes are lower.
To compare waveforms of VFTO for different suppressive
methods, criteria such as peak amplitude, time-varying peak
attenuation, and frequency components are investigated as

Fig. 16. Frequency spectra of the VFTC for the different suppressive methods
of VFTC.

The peak amplitude of VFTC with 5-nF capacitance, 30-m

cable m at the load side, normal state, 30-m cable at the
source side, ferrite, and 50- resistor are decreased, respectively. (See Fig. 15.)
The attenuation of VFTC in the 30-m cable at the load side,
5-nF capacitance, normal state, 30-m cable at the source
side, ferrite and 50- resistor are decreased, respectively.
(See Fig. 15.)
The frequency components of VFTC when using the 30-m
cable at the load side and 5-nF capacitance are more than
for other cases. (See Fig. 16.)
Finally, it should be noted that in addition to the mentioned suppressive approaches, criteria, such as the possibility of implementation, costs and economical aspects, building technology,
and minimum variations at the substation should be considered.
Therefore, according to the space limitations near the power


transformer (load side), it can be concluded that using a 30-m

cable at the source side is the best method, with respect to simplicity, low cost of implementation, and minimum variations at
the operating substation, which can be a sufficient method for
this specific substation.
Here, the VFT waves in the GIS and the related effective factors are analyzed, and approaches for the suppression of VFTs
in GIS are presented.
For the suppression of VFTs, four methods, such as suppression of VFT by terminal components, capacitance components,
adopting a resistor-fitted disconnector, and ferromagnetic rings
are presented.
The peak voltage, the maximum variations, the frequency
components, and the maximum rate of rise of VFTO in 30-m
cable at the load side, 50- resistor, and 5-nF capacitance are
better than other cases.
The peak amplitude, the attenuation, and the frequency components of VFTC in 30-m cable at the source side, ferrite, and
50- resistor are better than other cases.
Finally, it should be noted that in addition to the mentioned
suppressive approaches, criteria such as the possibility of implementation, costs, and economical aspects, building technology
and minimum variations at the substation should be considered.
Therefore, according to the space limitations near the power
transformer (load side), it can be concluded that use of a 30-m
cable at the source side is the best method, and that respecting
simplicity, low cost of implementation, and minimum variations
at the operating substation can be a sufficient method at this special substation.


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Ahmad Tavakoli was born in Esfahan, Iran, in 1985.
He received the M.Eng. degree in power systems
from the University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree in power engineering and computational
intelligence at the University of Tasmania, Hobart,
His research interests include smart grids, power
quality, renewable energy, optimization and modeling, high-frequency modeling, power systems
protection, electrical transients in power systems,
and electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility.

Ahmad Gholami is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran.
His current research interests are power systems,
high-voltage systems, and isolators.

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[3] J. A. Martinez, Statistical assessment of very fast transient overvoltages in gas insulated substations, in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc.
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[4] M. M. Rao et al., Frequency characteristics of very fast transient currents in a 245-kV GIS, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 4, pp.
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[5] A. M. Miri and Z. Stojkovic, Transient electromagnetic phenomena
in the secondary circuits of voltage and current transformers in GIS
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7, p. 68, Jul. 2001.
[6] M. Mohana Rao et al., Electromagnetic field emission from gas-to-air
bushing in a GIS during switching operations, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 313321, May 2007.
[7] D. Xuzhu, S. Rosado, L. Yilu, W. Nien-Chung, E.-L. Line, and G.
Tzong-Yih, Study of abnormal electrical phenomena effects on GSU
transformers, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 835842,
Jul. 2003.
[8] L. Qingmin and W. Minglei, Simulation method for the applications
of ferromagnetic materials in suppressing high-frequency transients
within GIS, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 16281632,
Jul. 2007.
[9] L. Jin et al., Characteristic parameter analysis on the suppressing
VFTO in GIS by ferrite, in , Proc. Int. Symp. Elect. Insul. Mater.,
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[10] Y. Yamagata et al., Suppression of VFT in 1100 kV GIS by adopting
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pp. 872880, Apr. 1996.

Hassan Nouri (SM04) is currently Reader in

Electrical Power and Energy and Head of the Power
Systems, Electronics and Control Research Group,
Department of Engineering Design and Mathematics, University of the West of England (UWE),
Bristol, U.K. He has more than 25 years of involvement in academic life with experience of research,
departmental teaching, and administration in U.K.
universities. He was Chairman of the European
Electromagnetic User Group (20042010) and has
served as an Advisor on numerous electrical power
engineering journals. Applications have been in the traditional power industry,
and renewable power industry. He is the author of many refereed technical
publications and contributor to the Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
EngineeringVolume 3 (Wiley, 1999) and Engineering Superconductivity
(Wiley Inter-Science Press, 2001). He is an Editorial Board member of many
international journals, and has acted as Guest Editor for the international
journal of Modeling, Identification and Control. His extensive research interests have spanned several areas, including power systems analysis, power
system modeling, power electronics, electric arc modeling, fault locations,
power quality, and electrical technology.
Dr. Nouri regularly contributes to international activities through the International Power Engineering conference organization and committee. Over the
years, his research has been funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council, the European Union, the Royal Society, the British Council,
and the power industry. In 2004, he received the IEEE Power Engineering
Society Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in recognition of his service to
power engineering research and to the UKRI Chapter.



Michael Negnevitsky (M95SM07) received the

B.S.E.E. (Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees in power electrical engineering from the Byelorussian University
of Technology, Minsk, Belarus, in 1978 and 1983, respectively.
Currently, he is Chair Professor in Power Engineering and Computational Intelligence and Director
of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Power
Systems, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
From 1984 to 1991, he was a Senior Research
Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Department of

Electrical Engineering, Byelorussian University of Technology. After arriving

in Australia, he was with Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His
interests are power system analysis, power quality, power economics, and
intelligent systems applications in power systems.
Dr. Negnevitsky is a Chartered Professional Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, and Member of CIGRE AP C4 (System Technical
Performance), Member of CIGRE AP C6 (Distribution Systems and Dispersed
Generation), Australian Technical Committee, and Member of CIGRE Working
Group JWG C1/C2/C6.18 (Coping with Limits for Very High Penetrations of
Renewable Energy), International Technical Committee.

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