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Blake Greisinger
EDUC: 763: Assessment in ELearning

Course and Student Description

Course: Introduction to Electronics
Context: A blended learning environment
at Bremerton High School (BHS) in
Bremerton, WA.
BHS is a comprehensive 4 year high
BHS is a Title I high school and has a free
and reduced lunch rate of 58% and a
diverse student population
Students: 9-12 grade students taking
Introduction to Electronics as a CTE


Institutional Connections

The Bremerton School District (BSD) is

positioning itself to be a Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) intensive district
BHS is a Washington State STEM lighthouse
Students taking the course may have been
routed through the new West Hills STEM
Students taking the course are already
familiar with Google Classroom.

Learning Objective 1

Students will display their ability to

memorize the order of the resistor color
code on the Wisc-Online website to a
degree of 80%or higher according to the

Activity Description 1

Students will go to the Wisc-Online

website, a collaborative effort of the 16
Technical Colleges from Wisconsin to
create digital learning objects (DLOs).
This particular DLO is in regard to
learning the resistor color code.
The DLO is interactive and includes video
and voice instructions.

Concept Map

This was the mind map that I developed in Module 2. I have gone
back and edited it as Ive secured a more complete vision of where
the course was going. It shows the 4 concepts that I wanted to
develop in to my learning objectives along with some proto ideas
which eventually matured in to the learning objectives and
assessments shown in this project.

Assessment Description 1

Students will work though the DLO as it

guides them through the process of
learning the resistor color code.
The lesson scaffolds and presents
problems of increasing difficulty that the
student must solve.

Assessment Details 1

Students will work through the problems

until they have been correctly completed.
The DLO will not allow students to move
on until the current question is answered
Students will present a screen shot of the
completion slide with their username on
the screen for verification.

Plagiarism and Diversity 1

The online testing nature of this activity is difficult to

Students have to submit the completion screen of
the DLO with their username present in the upper
left hand corner to verify it is them completing the
The nature of resistors in all electronics makes it a
universal application as the resistor color code is
standardized throughout the world across all
cultures and languages.
The only diversity issue that I have encountered with
this activity was a legitimate medical concern
regarding a color blind student.

Learning Objective 2

Students will demonstrate their ability to

use Ohm's law to compute resistance in a
circuit via the online quiz tool with an
accuracy of 90% orgreater.

Activity Description 2

Students will be logged in to Google

Classroom for this activity.
They will be presented a series of
problems on a Google Doc which they
can edit and submit.

Assessment Details 2

Students will be assigned one of three

variations of circuit problems which they
will need to compute answers for.
Students will need to complete the work
and submit (upload) it via Google
The instructor can evaluate and give
feedback and comments on the work
through the Google Classroom

Plagiarism and Diversity 2

Students will be assigned to 1 of 3 problem

sets. This way there is a greater likelihood
of a friend not getting the same problems.
Since this is a blended class students can
and will interact with each other outside of
the classroom environment, which is why
different problem sets are needed.
Diversity issues are addressed through
differentiated instruction and the ability of
students to use calculators and other
assistive devices as required.

Learning Objective 3

Students will demonstrate their ability to

judge when Ohms law is to be used on a
given circuit by producing a written
defense of their thoughts and submitting
them to the drop box with a score of 80%
or higher according to the rubric.

Activity Description 3

Circuit diagram sets will be distributed at

random to students.
In each set their will be circuits in which
Ohms law can and can not be utilized.
Students will have to create and submit a
Google Doc through Google Classroom
which explains the circuit and why or why
not Ohms law is able to be applied.

Assessment Details 3

Submitted work will be available for the

instructor to see on Google Classroom.
From their the instructor can grade, give
feedback and hand back the
assignment to the student.

Plagiarism and Diversity 3

Multiple problem sets will help to decrease the

likelihood of students copying answers. In addition the
instructor will know who was assigned what problem
Since this is a blended class students can and will
interact with each other outside of the classroom
environment, which is why different problem sets are
Diversity issues are addressed through differentiated
instruction and the ability of students to use calculators
and other assistive devices as required. A common
accommodation for IEPs is allowing the student to use
a computer for written work, which is required for the
course anyway.

Learning Objective 4

Students will demonstrate their

knowledge of Ohms law by utilizing it to
design a circuit from the given
parameters from the
123Dcircuits.comwebsite.Students will
upload their design and score 80% or
greater according to the rubric.

Activity Description 4

Students will be given a rubric of available

items their circuit may have.
Students will log in to
which allows them to create and test
virtual circuits before constructing them in
real life. This website has saved me many
burned out components in the classroom!
Students will then build the circuit in real
life after a conference and approval from
the instructor.

Assessment Details 4

Assessment will take place in two parts.

1) Students will upload a description and
diagram of their circuit to Google Classroom.
2) Students will build and demonstrate their
circuit in real life, operating as planned.

Students will have the ability to show

how their circuit meets various rubric
criteria once it has been built.

Plagiarism and Diversity 4

Construction of individual real circuits

makes plagiarism very difficult in this
project. However students could select the
same components for their circuit o
teacher monitoring will be important.
Students will be able to present their
project in different formats to
accommodate for various learning styles.
Some students might prefer to present in
front of class while others might choose to
make a video.

Assessment Rubric for the

Ohms Law Project

Pre-Course Survey

Click on the link below to go to the PreCourse Survey.


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