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Maria F.

Be an ideologue was a very interesting assignment. I was able to put all my
ideas about the world in one piece. It was challenging but it helped me learn more
about myself and my political ideas. Pointing out what is wrong with the world from
my perspective made me do a lot of critical thinking and analyze many things that I
usually dont. I thought it was a good opportunity to voice my opinion as well as
reflect the way I feel about government. I also learned a lot throughout this
semester. Although I am working on a Political Science degree, many of the things
learned this semester were new to me. I found everything extremely interesting,
whether I agreed or disagreed with the authors ideas. At the beginning of the
semester I was sure my political ideology was Socialism and although that is still the
case, I know can say I agree with many others especially the liberation ideologies.
My written communications skills I believe improved. It definitely challenged
me but that is exactly what I need in order to progress. I always received helpful
feedback from Professor Gold and I only hope to keep improving. I am aware I still
have a lot of work to do but as they say, practice makes perfect. I am a shy person,
and a lot of the times I hesitate to speak out loud to voice my opinion. That is why I
prefer doing it in writing because I feel like I express myself better that way. This
course allowed to express myself and my opinions through my writing.
This course contributed in my desire to engage in civil society more than
ever. The reason for that was because I met people who had similar opinions as my
own. I met individuals who are passionate about topics that are simply not taught in
any other classes but here. Who also agree that there are many things wrong with
the way governments rule some countries. I also learned about people who made a

difference in our world with their ideologies and influenced masses. Because of this
class I attended a meeting for The Wasatch Coalition for Peace and Justice which
was a highlight this semester. I met a group of men who care about topics that
affects us all, and heard their opinions. I also received a lot of information for other
groups that might have the same ideas as me. Overall this is one of my favorite
classes as challenging as it was. I am taking so much knowledge with me that will
continue to help me not only in my academic endeavors but my personal life as

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