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Voice Studio


Ashley Lugo
Phone: 773-845-3345 (text)


45 min - 60 min sessions

Required Materials:

Three ringed binder, a recording device (for

recording all of your lessons), a pencil, and
and a small notepad for note taking. I will
provide copies for the pieces I assign you in
our lessons.


$1 a minute is how I like to look at it. It is

my personal opinion that 45 minutes is the
perfect amount of time to spend in a vocal
lesson, that would make a 45 minute lesson
$45. You and your family are always
welcome to request more time at that rate.

The human voice is a very unique and sensitive instrument that takes a lifetime to
develop and truly master. Within that lifetime we hope to master other aspects of performance
and musicianship as well. In my lessons I aim to focus on all of these aspects. We will learn
vocal technique focused around the Bel Canto style - the traditional Italian technique, while
learning musicianship skills i.e.: sight-reading, theory, basic piano skills; which we will
ultimately incorporate into performance. While the initial sessions may seem meticulous and
slow if you keep an open mind and have fun the overall outcome will be victorious. This
syllabus is intended to clarify what I expect of you and what you can expect from me as well.
1. What you can expect from me
a. I will always be prepared and on time for the lesson
b. My full attention, personalized to your needs
c. Advice on all things related to and affecting your instrument.
d. Make-ups for cancellations that I make (I cannot promise makeups
for cancellations that you make as that all depends on openings that may arise in
my schedule)
e. I will be as professional as I see fit during the lesson
f. Repertoire
I will assign all pieces for you at the beginning of
the lessons as I see fit for your level.

My aim with the repertoire will be to challenge you
technically as well as mentally, and to hopefully grow musically with each
new piece.
I am willing to negotiate repertoire
1. I understand that sometimes pieces
may not be exciting or move you and I am always open to
suggestions that you may have. As a budding artist I believe in the
importance of not just developing your own musical sound but also
your opinions.
2. If I feel that the piece it too advanced
we will set it aside for a future date; after all...slow and steady wins
the race.
2. What I expect from you
a. Try your best to be on time (if you or your parent are running
behind I would like at least a 5 minute heads up through text message.
b. Your full attention at every lesson
c. To be flexible (we will try new things in our lessons all the time
and sometimes they may be strange...go with it)
d. Practice, practice, practice. In order for the concepts I teach you to
stick you need to practice technique at least 30 minutes each day and
musicianship at least 15 minutes each day.
If you do not feel like you understand how to
practice well, do not worry I will teach you.
e. If you need to cancel your lesson I would appreciate to learn about
it a week in advance (that way if I am able to fit another student in your slot for
that day I can) but at the latest Ill accept 24 hours in advance. After 24 hours I
will still require a full lessons pay next time I see you.
f. That being said, if you are sick do not come in, only in this
situation (confirmed by your parent) will I not charge the stipend for a late
3. Monthly Masterclasses
a. At the end of each month I organize within the studio a masterclass
with a fellow voice or acting teacher (TBA). These are optional because of the
additional cost (20 dollars) but highly recommended.
b. If you opt to partake in these masterclasses you are required to
present to the master 2 pieces of contrasting styles and they Must be

Voice Studio Contract

I ________________ agree that I have read the studio syllabus and agree to what is
expected of me and the policies.

Student Signature: __________________________________

Date: ___________________

I________________ agree that I have read the studio syllabus and agree to what is
expected of me and the policies. As the parent I also agree to assist my child to the best of my
abilities and play an active role in my students musical education I agree to communicate with
the teacher about anything pertaining to the students development and to ask questions whenever
I do not understand what my child is learning.

Parent Signature: _________________________________

Date: ____________________

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