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Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis on Childrens Healthcare Insurance

Impact of Childrend Health Insurance Newly Enrolled Children
Children Matter Too
Enola Quijas
University of Texas at El Paso

The Children Matter Too

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

When becoming a parent their biggest priority is now a baby they must find what is the best
for their child for they can be healthy and grow up to be anything they want to become in life but
to do this it all has to start form somewhere and that is giving a child health insurances . Giving a
child the ability to be healthy can be a major impact in the childs life it gives them an
opportunity. Children's Health Insurance is provided by the government may chances are given
to those who look especially to the ones in need . In this article it has a great structure and
elements that helps the reader understand the message . This article expresses Ethos , Logos, &
Pathos to help the audience be informed and help the reader become part of the research that the
authors provide.
The concept of Childrens Health Insurances is the ability to provide children to go to have
free visits to the hospital , get free checkups, get free medications, get consolation up to the age
of 18 . Depending on the parents income many might get all the opportunities listed but only if
the family makes a lower income in the society it guaranteers free opportunities, this program is
called Medicare but research has shown that not a lot of people take the opportunities that is
provided for them. .(Judith Lave ,Christopher Keane Chyongchiou Lin, Edmund Ricci, Gabriele
Amersbach, Charles LaVallee.)(1998) Impact of a Childrend Health Insurance Program on Newly
Enrolled Children, Vol.279 p29. . A total
of 887 families of newly enrolled children were randomly selected to be interviewed only 88.3% agreed
to participate, of these 659 responded to all 3 interviews . After the 3 interviews a letter would come to
the mail and it will accept a family to become a member and give a series of numbers in a card that
represents a code for the children to have free access to anything medical. There is a other program called
CHIP it provides the same materials like in Medicare but the only thing that changes is that instead of
having free medical accounts the families will be charged the minimum of the medical bill.

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

This article presents the rhetorical element of Logos which is expressed in the way that this article is
a formal ,informational kind of article it has straight facts,tables and charts to help the visual readers
understand what the authors were trying to express. The logical analysis gave this article direction and a
simple comprehension of how to do the right steps to apply to the both programs of childrens healthcare.
The appropriate audience that this is address to is newly parents and parents in need of help with their
children. This article is not presented with a lot of logos because it is shown mostly in the tables and
charts ,but the reader can tell that the authors did this on purpose because it is a basic article that revolves
around structured information.

The credibility of this helpful programs are the government and the founder of this organizations to
help people because not all families live the same and have the same situation every family is different
,especially living in some parts of America there is a lot of problems in this world like economical
problems many families aren't as fortunate as others and can not afford professional help or can not afford
to have things the family wants, families sometimes just have what they need. Many families that apply
for childrens health care is because they just manage and its not because the families choose too but its
because thats how the economic system has them . These programs has had made history along
America , even in El Paso community medicare has helped people on the streets get a better life , people
who can barely make it make other expense and not have to worry about medical fees and they can relay
on knowing that if anything happens to their children they are covered. According Lave (1998) In result
in helping out the children with these programs some children lived a more physically active life to
participate in more in playing or alethic games.

Ethos is not presented in this article because it is an informational article not a persuasive article ,the
authors are informing the readers by stating facts using numbers and charts , not expressing feelings or
sharing experiences or personal opinions . The only way that the article is conveying a feeling is the after
feeling in reading the article it makes the reader decided with what he or she read if that is what they will

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

be willing to apply and try to change the way they live but it is an after effect. With ethos not being in this
article it makes this article proper and causes the reader to read and follow directions it might not describe
personal examples but it does show examples of what to do in every step of the way in filling out the
application and also describes the percentages of how many people are in this organization and the
positive feedback for these programs or it might even answer the possible questions the reader might get
but with all useful research the authors provide it answers majority of the basic questions . Even though
ethos is not presented in this article is does show a good purpose .

The Purpose of this article to mostly to inform and discusses general information of the two
organization of Medicare and CHIP how to apply to these programs and how to qualify for each and what
are the requirements , how has it become a huge impact in american and how many families are part of
there organizations and their comments about it. This article shows what website to go to fill out the
application what one might need to fill out the application like the yearly tax stubs , recites, how many
people live in a household ,bills or any kind of records of the people in the household would be useful and
necessary . With this information after providing this in the application it shows pictures of what the next
steps are in completing the application . At the end of the article it shows comments of what this the
reader might still have questions and it might answer most of the basic questions.

In conclusion parents in need should take advantage of what the government can provide for families
and help their children grow to become stronger and healthier and not have to suffer until the last minute
disease or critical illness. Families should have the ability to maintain their families and have a health
children and not have the stress of what if one day one of the children get sick how are they gonna pay for
it ? families should not worry for unnecessary situations that have an easy resolution. This article is part
of an example of the resolution , because it guides the readers on how to get things done the right way and
how to become part of the two different organizations either Medicare or CHIP what every organization a

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

family lands on there are full steps on how to fill out the application. There is always help for those who
look .

Impact of a Childrens Health Insurances Program on Newly Enrolled Children retrieved from:

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

Tips Revising and Editing Essay Questions

1 A. My subject is Childrens Health Care Insurances In the El Paso
community and it does match the assignment because it was to write a 3
page rough draft about the article I choose.
B. My thesis is straightforward and clear for the reader can define what
they will be reading about and the different rhetorical elements my article
C. My title is Children Matter Too; I chose this title because it fits with my
topic because it focuses on children and benefits they can have.
A. In my paper it is mostly a discussion I only used one quote , I did a little
of paraphrasing but not much as I'm suppose to .
B. My own contribution of my paper was since it was in third person I
showed examples and explanation about what my article that I chose to
represent my topic like what it meant for children to have Health Care
Insurance , I didnt use many quotations it was mainly a discussion but it had
some strong points .
C. In my paper I didnt support my ideas well enough as I was supposed to, I
used very little quotations or summarization , my paper was basically major
ideas from my article that I interpreted and put in paragraphs describing the
audience ,Ethos, Pathos,& Logos.
D. Every individual has a different point of view on certain subject , even
though others have commented on my paper I see on what the different
views are and I have to stay open mined ,because it might make my paper
even better .
A. My in text citations and the quote I used are accurate because i got them
straight from my article and I did the proper format to cite my quotes .
B. My Reference is accurate because it is the article I chose to support my
topic and everything in my paper is related to my article.
C. I used the proper format to cite my references in the prude owl .com its
explains and shows exact steps on how to cite.
D. My paper is the correct from my teacher instructed me to write this paper.

Childrens Health Care Insurance Analysis

A. In my introduction my first statement is general but its has to do with my

topic it is not something random, but in my second and third sentence it
gives a more specific idea of what my topic and my issue is gonna be
B. My paragraph has the right amount they may need a little grammar
check and more quotes and details explain more about my topic and the
issue I'm trying to express.
C. In every new paragraph I indented ,and in every new paragraph I made a
sentence just on explaining what this paragraphs gonna be about .
D. I believe that my conclusion might need more work in it and a better way
to end my topic.
A. My grammar needs corrections and changes for my paper to become
more understandable I used words between precise and inaccurate ,but i
can work on it for my final.
B. Every sentence has a main concept that supports the main idea of my
paragraph , It may not all be clear but it is effective in the way it supports
my topic .
C. The structure I used for my sentences were by the length mostly not by
the actual words I did 4-5 sentences in each paragraph.
A. My paper is neat and well organized it has nice structure , its has a little
bit of difficulties understanding the grammar , I did not use the proper
margins in my rough draft but I do have the appropriate page numbers
and running head.
B. I would need to double check on my spelling but having the basic rules on
capitalization , indention and punctuation structure it was clear.
C. Yes in re reading my paper I have some grammatical errors , spelling error
I would need to go back and double check.
D. My direct quotation was direct and doubled spaces and in the correct
format to cite in a text .

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