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Julio Jaramillo

Rhetoric & Composition 1301

Session1: At home. Laying down. 4 pm. Wearing shorts and slippers. Mom making food. Sister
practicing piano. A lot of noise in my surroundings. Spotify is on. Facebook tab open. Learning
module tab open. Phone charging.
1-5: searching through music stations on Spotify. Puts headphones on. Open Facebook. Look for
instructions on blackboard learning modules. Reads instructions three times. Get tired of reading
instructions. Text girlfriend. [Ph] [zzz][M] [SM]
5-10 Sister interrupts. Saying out lout ideas. Thinking. Saying sentences. Think of writing styles
I use. Open guiding questions. Re read questions. Ask myself the topic. Open word document.
10-15: Saying my thoughts out loud. Write for 2 minutes nonstop. Quiet. Change radio station.
15-20: Go upstairs. Eat granola bar. Drink water. Check phone. Texts girlfriend.
20-25: Go back and revise. Add words. Re read directions. Organize thoughts.
30-35 Run out of ideas. Ask myself what writing styles are best. Write. Delete after rereading.
Stop and stare at the wall. Change radio station. Delete a whole paragraph because it doesnt
make any sense after reading it. Thinks of new ideas to write a new paragraph.
40-45: Most of my thoughts are put into paper. Revising before doing conclusion. Add words to
introductory paragraphs. Listening to music. Take a break to rest my sight. Get up and stretch. Sit
back down and type a sentence to my introduction.
50-55: begging with conclusion. Mom calls me to throw the trash. I put on a shirt. Go outside.
Had a good idea in mind to end my paper. Come back inside. Forget idea for conclusion.
60-65 Say out loud ideas. Come up with good conclusion. Re read conclusion. After revising I
finished my paper.[RR][T>W]
Session Finished.

Julio Jaramillo
Rhetoric & Composition 1301

When I think of a writing process, revising and proofreading usually come to mind.
However I had the chance of analyzing my writing style and saw what I liked and what I did not.
Once I began annotating and coding my recording I realized the differences between what I
thought my writing process was and what it really is. I had the opportunity to analyze how I deal
with pre writing, revising and finalizing my paper.
I first started analyzing my recording on how I prepared myself organizing my thoughts
for my prewriting. In the video I noticed how I read the topic more than once and said my
thoughts out loud. Once some reasonable thoughts came to mind I wrote them down and began
writing details on my paper. I wrote nonstop for about two minutes then I suddenly went into
space thinking about my ideas. All this lead to general planning of my ideas into organized
thoughts. When prewriting I mostly focused on trying to get ideas related to the topic. I thought
of old methods and strategies that could aid me in describing my writing process. During the
prewriting I mostly focus on how my paper can sound good yet still make my point clear without
going off topic. I did all this by using simple methods such as reading out loud, talking that leads
to writing. When comparing my real writing process I noticed that the methods I use become
more and more repetitive. I realized that only using a method does not allow you to see other
errors or ways to improve your prewriting. I could have improved my prewriting by taking the
time of brainstorming in an organized manner and also creating an outline.
As looking through the video I also had the opportunity to analyze my revising process,
and it was somewhat similar to what I wrote in my first draft. For example I realized how every

Julio Jaramillo
Rhetoric & Composition 1301
time I wanted to write something I had to say out loud before writing it to make sure it sounded
grammatically correct. I literally had to pronounce every single word before writing a sentence.
Revising seem to be the toughest method of my writing style because of amount of interruptions
and distractions it caused. I would write and go back changed words, and continue writing not
fully explaining my thoughts. Another method I would use was writing and deleting words to
make my paper be more understandable. However I felt like this made me get off track having to
google different words online that would fit what I was trying to say. It got to the point where I
struggled with writers block. I would feel like I would lose my train of thought having to go back
and reread my paper to understand what I wanted to say. Revising was similar to what I had
thought my writing process was, however some of these have affected my writing in a negative
Finalizing my paper was a complicated but short process. After analyzing the end of the
video I could see exhaustion on my face. The best thing I did was taking a short break to stretch
and rest my sight. I feel like when writing you must rested and motivated. Sitting down for long
time of period of time is distracting and very tiring. Some of the distractions made me forget
some of the good ideas I had to conclude my paper. It was not until I had to stop and say my
thoughts out loud. This method allowed to fully remember the idea I had in mind minutes before.
Creating sentence I feel that the method that I noticed me using was rereading making sure that
the revision I made were correct. This also helped catch on errors I did not see while revising. It
also helped me fix some of the sentences that did not make any sense.
After analyzing my recording my thoughts were totally different from what I thought my
writing process was. I can compare writing to working out because one must be constant in order
to see results. Just like in writing one must be constant in figuring methods to improve your

Julio Jaramillo
Rhetoric & Composition 1301
writing to see better results. Analyzing my record gave me the opportunity my real writing
process and how differs from my first thoughts.

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