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Angela Simmons

Activity director
Phone: 1-800-227-2345
Address: 250 Williams Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30303
Dear Mr. Nunez,
It has come to our attention here at Relay for Life that your student organization,
Ripped Bearcats, is interested in promoting health and well-being within the
community. We at relay for life are also looking to promote the wellness of the
community while also promoting a good cause. Relay for Life is an event hosted by
the American Cancer Association that helps the community come together and
celebrate the lives of those who are battling cancer and also celebrating the lives of
those who have succumbed to the disease.
Relay for Life is an event that typically lasts 24 hours, although the Nodaway County
Relay event lasts just 12 hours (from approximately 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.)
Teams typically consist of 12-15 members and a team captain. The team captain
generally organizes fundraisers and creates the walking schedule for the team. Each
team member walks for about 30-60 minutes at a time and someone from each
team walks at all times.
Relay for life is a great way to get the community involved in healthy activities, as
well as helping those in need. Relay for Life has now turned in to an event present in
5,000 communities in the United States, takes place in 20 other countries, and
includes participation from 3.5 million people in the US. We are always looking to
expand the community, promote healthy living and give back to the community.
In order to enter Relay for Life, there is a $10-$15 entry fee that helps sponsor the
event. Each team member will also receive a shirt and the proceeds towards the
American Cancer Society are tax free, so all of the money will go to help people in
need. If there are any local businesses who would be willing to sponsor your team,
there would be no entry fee for the team members.
The event will take place on September 11, 2014 at Beal Park in Maryville beginning
at 6:00 p.m. and concluding at 6:00 a.m. on September 12. We hope that you will
join us in our effort to fundraise and promote healthy living across the community.
Contact me if you have any questions about the event or how to get involved.
Angela Simmons

Activity director

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