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Group Contract

Group Members Duties:


Lauren : TECH Putting the video together on iMovie

Amanda : SCRIBE Writing out script and voice over
Elizabeth: MUSIC Finding the right music to match the moods we are
trying to convey
Alex: EDITOR Cleaning up or adding final details to iMovie to ensure it is
Andrea: CITATIONS in charge of putting all our resources in the correct

All members must abide to the duties mentioned above to collect the shared
grade of the group. If any member does not hold to their duty, 10 points should be
deducted from their individual grade but not from the grade of the entire group.
Terms and Conditions:
All members must agree to help each other in any way possible. All members are
not limited to their duties and are expected to help others if needed. Members are
expected to attend all group meetings unless there is a valid time conflict. Members are
expected to be actively engaged in discussions and ideas to better our project.

I, ___________________________________________, agree to the conditions of being part of

the group on this day__________________________.

I, ___________________________________________, agree to the conditions of being part of

the group on this day__________________________.

I, ___________________________________________, agree to the conditions of being part of

the group on this day__________________________.

I, ___________________________________________, agree to the conditions of being part of

the group on this day__________________________.

I, ___________________________________________, agree to the conditions of being part of

the group on this day__________________________.
Professor Lopez Signature_____________________________

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