Vocational Skills Checklist

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Vocational Skills Checklist Date. llowing chacklist to assist in determining Work Readiness for the student. OD School Parsonnet Work Habits SINo Has good attendance patterns (95%) DNo Follows corect procedure for lstenesslabsence GNo Has appropriate grooming and hyg'ene QNo Dresses appropriately for employment GNo Is punctual DNo Starts work independently QNo Can follow established work routine No Requ! ip appropriately when help is needed QNo Continues work regardless of distractions GNo Works in absence of supervision DINo Follows prescribed safety procedure GINo Leaves work site only with permission Q.No Produces work consistently until wark is completed DNo Can discriminate between work and break time No Independently monitors break start and end time QNo Coma DNo s time wisely SIN Looks for and st Student Yes ONo 3k after initial completions Byes ONo ignment requested Dyes No Cooperates with co-workers QYes QNo Responds to supervision Dyes No ism and praise DYes No Ss appropriate interaction with co-workai QyYes ONo 25 needs and wants appropriately Dyes Ono ty for tools, machines and equiment QYes QNo Cleans up work site wen needed Dyes QNo eadily to new work situation Dyes No Is interested in turner job training

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